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From [email protected] Thu Feb 18 23:09:04 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Thomas A Fine) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.infosystems Subject: RFD: comp.infosystems.www Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 Feb 1993 19:03:15 -0500 Organization: Ohio State University Computer and Information Science Lines: 26 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3238 news.groups:66720 comp.infosystems:1095  This is a Request for Discussion for the creation of the newsgroup  comp.infosystems.www  This group will be unmoderated.  The purpose of this group will be to exchange information and ideas regarding the use, design and development of the World Wide Web, and the information in the Web.  World Wide Web is an information system which is hypertext based.  It will currently interface with both WAIS and gopher systems.  Future plans include a move toward the use of MIME documents.  There are a number of applications already in place for using this information system.  The discussion period will last until March 15, 1993.  The discussion takes place in news.groups, which is where follow-ups to this article will go.  The purpose of the discussion is to agree on the charter of the group, its name, and other exciting details.  Please do not send votes; if the discussion so indicates, a separate call for votes will be issued. --  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thomas A. Fine    | [email protected]   | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall      | | CIS Staff         | (614) 292-7325            | Columbus, Ohio 43210       | | The Ohio State University - Department of Computer and Information Science |  From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:36:23 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Thomas A Fine) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.infosystems Subject: CFV: comp.infosystems.www Followup-To: poster Date: 26 Mar 1993 10:51:49 -0500 Organization: Ohio State University Computer and Information Science Lines: 35 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3370 news.groups:68527 comp.infosystems:1249  This is a formal Call for Votes on the creation of a new unmoderated newsgroup called comp.infosystems.www, following a favorable discussion of this newsgroup.  GROUP DETAILS Name: comp.infosystems.www Not moderated Charter: In general, the discussion of all things related to the world wide web, including design of software, development of new software, and development and organization of documentation within the Web.  VOTING  Do NOT send votes to me!!! Do NOT post your vote!!!  To vote Yes: send mail to "[email protected]" To vote No:  send mail to "[email protected]"  In addition, the wording of the message must be in agreement with the address, and should not include anything the least bit ambiguous.  Voting will end on April 20, 1993.  Any votes received after this date will be ignored.  In order for the newsgroup to be created, the yes votes must account for 2/3 of the total number of votes, and must outnumber the no votes by a margin of at least 100 votes.         tom --  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thomas A. Fine    | [email protected]   | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall      | | CIS Staff         | (614) 292-7325            | Columbus, Ohio 43210       | | The Ohio State University - Department of Computer and Information Science |  From [email protected] Thu May  6 15:09:43 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Thomas A Fine) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.infosystems Subject: RESULT: comp.infosystems.www passes 375:10 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 4 May 1993 20:00:13 -0400 Organization: Ohio State University Computer and Information Science Lines: 396 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3549 news.groups:71416 comp.infosystems:1371  The vote to create comp.infosystems.www passed by both the required 2/3 minimum and by the required 100 votes difference.  Yes votes:  375 No votes:    10  The following is a list of people who voted NO:    10  04/02 [email protected]      2  03/26 [email protected]      4  03/26 [email protected]      9  04/02 [email protected]      3  03/26 [email protected]      6+ 03/26 [email protected]      8  03/30 [email protected]      1  03/26 [email protected]      7  03/28 [email protected]      5  03/26 [email protected]    The following is a list of people who voted YES:   294  04/02 "0000-Admin(0000)" <[email protected]>   124  03/29 "Dave Hastings, OUCS" <[email protected]>   230  03/30 "David E. Martin" <[email protected]>    88  03/28 "Ed Costello" <[email protected]>   227  03/30 "Ferran Jorba (UAB)" <[email protected]>   371  04/13 "H&kon W Lie [email protected]" <[email protected]>    78  03/28 "John Ladwig" <[email protected]>   193  03/29 "Johnson, [email protected]/" <[email protected]>   269  03/31 "Lubos Pavlicek" <[email protected]>   160  03/29 "Mark H. Wood" <[email protected]>   120  03/29 "Michael Mehl" <[email protected]>    35  03/26 "Michael O'Henly" <[email protected]>   169  03/29 "Patrick W. Matlock (DCS)" <[email protected]>   344  04/07 "Peter Lister, Cranfield Computer Centre" <[email protected]  350  04/07 "Peter Marshall CCS UWO" <[email protected]>   318  04/03 "Robbin R. Hough" <[email protected]>   197  03/30 "Roland Yeo" <[email protected]>   187  03/29 "Sam C. Nicholson !!" <[email protected]>    99  03/28 "Stephen E. Bacher" <[email protected]>   204  03/30 "Timo Harmo - SocSci U of Helsinki" <[email protected]>   339  04/06 "Tony Johnson (415) 926 2278" <[email protected]>   200  03/29 "Wije Wathugala, Asst. Professor, Civil Eng., LSU" <[email protected]  346  04/07 "William C. Green" <[email protected]>    58  03/27 "William M. Perry" <[email protected]>   379  04/19 <[email protected]>   154  03/29 Adrian Howard <[email protected]>   365  04/09 Alan P Barrett <[email protected]>   135  03/29 [email protected]   203  03/29 [email protected] (Albert Lunde)    60  03/27 Aleksandar Totic <[email protected]>   351  04/08 Alexis Rosen <[email protected]>   108  03/29 Anthony Baxter <[email protected]>   360  04/08 Anthony David Smith <[email protected]>   185  03/29 Anthony Tomasic <[email protected]>   167  03/29 Ari Lemmke <[email protected]>   381  04/20 Arthur Secret <[email protected]>   372  04/13 Bebo White <[email protected]>   337  04/06 Ben Whitaker <[email protected]>   145  03/29 Benedikt Homann <[email protected]>    61  03/27 Betsy Coles (2) <[email protected]>    54  03/27 Bill Dueber <[email protected]>   117  03/29 Bill Wohler <[email protected]>   266  03/31 Bob Bagwill <[email protected]>   149  03/29 Bob Jackson <[email protected]>   306  04/02 Bob Sutterfield <[email protected]>   226  03/30 Brian Harrington <[email protected]>    62  03/27 Bryan Cardoza <[email protected]>   270  03/31 [email protected]    93  03/28 Chip Canty <[email protected]>   121  03/29 Chris Adie <[email protected]>   374  04/13 Christopher McRae <[email protected]>   155  03/29 Cricket Liu <[email protected]>   126  03/29 [email protected]   173  03/29 Dave Garver <[email protected]>   250  03/31 Dave_Raggett <[email protected]>   246  03/30 David Datta <[email protected]>   166  03/29 David Lowe <[email protected]>    51  03/27 David Muir Sharnoff <[email protected]>   190  03/29 Dirk Herr-Hoyman <[email protected]>   199  03/29 Donald Acton <[email protected]>   205  03/30 Dudu Rashty +972-2-584848 <[email protected]>     6  03/26 Ed Wilts 389-3430 <[email protected]>   211  03/30 Eelco van Asperen <[email protected]>    85  03/28 Eric Prestemon <[email protected]>   223  01/01 Esko Rahiala <[email protected]>   247  03/30 [email protected]    19  03/26 FTP-Email Gateway <[email protected]>   111  03/29 George Phillips <[email protected]>   334  04/06 Gerald Fowler <[email protected]>     7  03/26 Glyn Simpson <[email protected]>   116  03/29 Grant Denkinson <[email protected]>   175  03/29 Greg Isett <[email protected]>   159  03/29 [email protected]   228  03/30 Guy Cardwell <[email protected]>   342  04/08 Harald Tveit Alvestrand <[email protected]>   312  04/02 Harri K Salminen <[email protected]>   213  03/30 Hiroaki Ikeda <[email protected]>   101  03/28 James Powell <[email protected]>   170  03/29 Jamie Blustein <[email protected]>    29  03/26 Jeff Hayward <[email protected]>   225  03/30 Jeff Zucker <[email protected]>   315  04/02 Jeffrey E. Dooley <[email protected]>   373  04/13 Jim Ault <[email protected]>    55  03/27 Jim Davis <[email protected]>    75  03/28 Joerg MESSER <[email protected]>   164  03/29 John Price-Wilkin <[email protected]>     5  03/26 John Vollbrecht <[email protected]>    71  03/28 Jon Knight <[email protected]>    90  03/28 Jon William Dunn <[email protected]>   375  04/14 Jonathan Kochmer {NWNet} <[email protected]>   327  04/06 Juergen Christoffel <[email protected]>   292  04/01 Julio Perez <[email protected]>   112  03/29 Jyrki Kuoppala <[email protected]>    11  03/26 Kari Sutela <[email protected]>   308  04/02 Karl Fox <[email protected]>    23  03/26 Keith Porterfield <[email protected]>   333  04/06 Ken Rossen <[email protected]>   182  03/29 Ken Schroder <[email protected]>   367  04/11 Kim Toms <[email protected]>    80  03/28 L L Campbell <[email protected]>   244  03/30 Larry Masinter <[email protected]>   241  03/31 Lars H}kedal <[email protected]>    77  03/28 Lars-Gunnar Olsson <[email protected]>   194  03/30 [email protected]   218  03/30 Luc Ottavj <[email protected]>   210  03/30 M Cuthbertson <[email protected]>    52  03/27 M S Bennet <[email protected]>   129  03/29 [email protected]    50  03/27 Marc VanHeyningen <[email protected]>   216  03/30 Marcus Roberts <[email protected]>   243  03/30 Mark Alexander Davis-Craig <[email protected]>   268  03/31 Mark Courtenay <[email protected]>   131  03/29 Mark Krause <[email protected]>   245  03/31 Mark Prior <[email protected]>    10  03/26 Markus Stumpf <[email protected]>   114  03/29 Martijn Koster <[email protected]>    74  03/28 Martin Hamilton <[email protected]>   332  04/06 Matt Crawford <[email protected]>   271  03/31 Matt Heffron <[email protected]>    64+ 03/27 Matt Rollefson <[email protected]>   303  04/02 Matthew Lewis <[email protected]>   314  04/02 Michael Clarkson<[email protected]>   198  03/30 Michael Francis Ledwidge <[email protected]>   290  04/01 Michael Quinn <[email protected]>   275  03/31 Michele Evard <[email protected]>   279  04/01 Mike Brudenell <[email protected]>   125  03/29 Mike Stok <[email protected]>    92  03/28 Morris Balamut <[email protected]>   355  04/05 N F Drakos <[email protected]>    86  03/28 Natalie Glance <[email protected]>    32  03/27 Nathan Torkington <[email protected]>   115  03/29 Nick Williams <[email protected]>   224  03/30 Ove Hansen <[email protected]>   188  03/29 [email protected] (Patrick Sagaser)    43  03/26 Paul Jones <[email protected]>   287  04/01 Paul Zhu <[email protected]>   325  04/06 [email protected]   171  03/29 Penny Bertrang <[email protected]>   286  04/01 Perry Sze-Din Cheng <[email protected]>   215  03/30 Peter Orbaek <[email protected]>   163  03/29 Petri Ojala <[email protected]>   137  03/29 Phil Jensen <[email protected]>   331  04/06 Phil Julian <[email protected]>   153  03/29 R J Williams <[email protected]>   369  04/12 [email protected]    94  03/28 [email protected] (Richard W Wiggins)   100  03/28 Ran Atkinson <[email protected]>   338  04/06 Richard Hintz <[email protected]>   353  04/04 Rik Fleuren <[email protected]>   195  03/30 Rik Harris <[email protected]>    31  03/26 Rob Lanphier <[email protected]>    98  03/28 Rob Raisch <[email protected]>   238  03/31 Roland Schuetzner <[email protected]>   295  04/01 Ron Tapia <[email protected]>   363  04/08 Rose Marie Holt <[email protected]>   146  03/29 Rosemary Walsh <[email protected]>   234  03/30 Sascha Wildner <[email protected]>   354  04/05 Schneider Christian <[email protected]>   254  03/31 Sean Sebastian Batt <[email protected]>    15  03/26 Sheryl Erez <[email protected]>   298  04/02 [email protected] (Roald Sieberath)    41  03/26 Simon Spero <[email protected]>   300  04/02 [email protected] (Francis Somers)   212  03/30 Steen Linden <[email protected]>   258  03/31 Stella O'Brien <[email protected]>   272  03/31 Stephen Hebditch <[email protected]>   307  04/02 Steve Neruda <[email protected]>   232  03/30 Steve Peltz <[email protected]>    39  03/26 Steve Putz <[email protected]>   107  03/28 Steve Romig <[email protected]>   347  04/07 Steve Sullivan <[email protected]>    69  03/28 [email protected]   179  03/29 Terry Coatta <[email protected]>   221  03/30 Terry Tautz <[email protected]>   143  03/29 Terry West <[email protected]>   278  04/01 Thierry Dautcourt <[email protected]>   139  03/29 Thomas A. Fine <[email protected]>    97  03/28 Tom Zillner <[email protected]>    67  03/28 Tony Catone <[email protected]>   283  04/01 Torre Wenaus <[email protected]>   207  03/30 Ulrich Pfeifer <[email protected]>   361  04/08 Una Smith <[email protected]>   322  04/05 [email protected] (Wayne C. Gramlich)   343  04/07 [email protected] (Martin Adams)   103  03/29 adrian vanzyl <[email protected]>   359  04/08 [email protected]   288  04/01 [email protected] (Arthur J Thomas)    26  03/26 [email protected] (Andre Lehovich)    89  03/28 [email protected] (Jeff Aldrich)    56  03/27 [email protected] (Andrew Finkenstadt)   330  04/06 [email protected] (Jules P. Aronson)   123  03/29 [email protected] (Charles Ashley)   168  03/29 [email protected] (Brett L Bendickson )   133  03/29 [email protected]   206  03/29 [email protected]    96  03/28 [email protected] (Booker C. Bense)   297  04/02 [email protected] (Ronald Bernhardt)   305  04/02 [email protected] (Arnold Bloemer)   326  04/06 [email protected] (Torsten Blume)   324  04/05 [email protected] (Bob Friesenhahn)   296  04/02 [email protected] (Johanna Bolle)   189  03/29 [email protected]    47  03/26 [email protected] (Brian Smithson)   152  03/29 [email protected] (Briand T. Sanderson)    49  03/26 [email protected] (Bill Carson)   158  03/29 [email protected] (Jonathan Abbey)   362  04/08 [email protected] (Dave Carr)   147  03/29 [email protected]   132  03/29 [email protected]   256  03/31 [email protected] (Chris Flecher)   313  04/02 [email protected] (Cliff Joslyn)   109  03/29 [email protected] (Clare Johnstone)    79  03/28 [email protected] (Joe Rosenfeld)   184  03/29 [email protected] (Christopher Yoong-Meng Wong)   259  03/30 [email protected] (dack)   127  03/29 [email protected] (David E. Damouth)    44  03/26 [email protected] (Daniel Len Schales)   299  04/02 [email protected] (David Graham)    33  03/26 [email protected] (David Cornejo)   162  03/29 [email protected] (David M. M. de Matos)   368  04/12 [email protected] (R. David Murray)   138  03/29 [email protected] (Doug Bigwood)   276  04/01 [email protected] (Oliver Dehning)    27  03/26 [email protected] (Arjan de Vet)   144  03/29 [email protected] (David M. Jones)   281  04/01 [email protected] (David Mosher)   222  03/30 [email protected] (Drew Burton)     8  03/26 [email protected]   202  03/29 [email protected] (Daniel Weber)   349  04/07 [email protected] (Diane Weiss)    68  03/28 [email protected] (Don Wells)   352  04/03 [email protected] (Dadong Wan)   267  03/31 [email protected]    30  03/26 [email protected] (John E. Mendenhall)   289  04/01 [email protected] (R. Stewart Ellis)    59  03/27 [email protected] (Erik C. Ostrom)   192  03/29 eric johnson <[email protected]>   257  03/31 [email protected] (Lutz Falkenhagen)   358  04/08 [email protected] (felix KOOP)   130  03/29 [email protected] (Francis Heylighen)   102  03/28 [email protected] (Carwil James)   113  03/29 [email protected] (Frank Siebenlist)   106  03/28 [email protected] (Fred Bremmer)   366  04/11 [email protected] (Manuel Friedrich)    38  03/26 [email protected] (Frank Peters)   263  03/31 [email protected]   317  04/02 [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)    22  03/26 [email protected] (Matthias Georg Imhof)   134  03/29 [email protected] (Giulio Prisco - WMA)   261  03/31 [email protected] (Oliver Grau)    48  03/27 [email protected] (Sean Case)    65  03/28 [email protected] (Sheaffer Gad)    16  03/26 [email protected]    63  03/27 [email protected] (Joseph Hardin)   236  03/30 [email protected] (John Hasley)   301  04/02 [email protected] (Hubert Broze)    91  03/28 heifetz!utacfd!awful!akf (Andrew Fullford)    14  03/26 [email protected] (Heiko Schlichting)   328  04/06 [email protected] (Andreas Heinbokel)   178  03/29 [email protected] (Edward J. Huff)   242  03/31 [email protected] (Hugues Lafarge)    81  03/28 [email protected] (hutchins)   309  04/02 [email protected]    72  03/28 [email protected] (Joe Germuska)   336  04/06 [email protected] (Jason Coombs)    53  03/27 [email protected] (Jurgen Botz)    40  03/26 [email protected] (Zep fanatic)   321  04/05 [email protected] (Joe Buck)   345  04/07 [email protected] (John Douglas)   340  04/06 [email protected] (Jim Knowles)   253  03/31 [email protected] (Marty Tenenbaum)    17  03/26 [email protected]   323  04/06 [email protected] (Jaroslaw Strzalkowski)   140  03/29 [email protected] (Juha Stalnacke)   364  04/08 [email protected] (Jeff Suttor)   378  04/19 [email protected] (Joseph Z. Provo)   161  03/29 [email protected] (Karl Lehenbauer)   377  04/16 [email protected] (Kyle Barger)    12  03/26 [email protected] (Kenneth Chang)   180  03/29 [email protected] (Daniel Miles Kehoe)   176  03/29 [email protected] (Kevin Dunn)   150  03/29 [email protected] (Kevin Altis)   219  03/30 [email protected] (Aaron L Dickey)   128  03/29 [email protected] (Kermit Tensmeyer)   273  03/31 [email protected] (Reinhard Koch)   148  03/29 [email protected] (Werner Koellner, LBL)    28  03/26 [email protected] (Steven Grimm)   214  03/30 [email protected] (Klaus-Peter Kossakowski  280  04/01 [email protected] (Aleksandra Kozarev)   382  04/19 [email protected] (Milos Kravcik)    45  03/26 [email protected] (Gregory LeBaron)   316  04/02 [email protected] (Lee Lepore)   110  03/29 [email protected] (GianlucaLoReto)   252  03/31 [email protected] (Luigi Filippini)     9  03/26 [email protected] (Larry W. Virden, x2487)   249  03/31 [email protected] (Malcolm Caldwell)    36  03/26 [email protected] (Marc Andreessen)   357  04/05 [email protected] (Andrea Mariani)   310  04/02 [email protected] (Geovanni Martinez)   181  03/29 [email protected] (Mark Atwood)   191  03/29 [email protected] (Michael C. Berch)   376  04/15 [email protected]   370  04/12 [email protected] (Mitchell N Charity)   311  04/02 [email protected] (Ralf Meyer)   105  03/28 [email protected]   320  04/05 [email protected] (Michael Helm)   172  03/29 [email protected] (Mitch Gass)    42  03/26 [email protected] (Mitra)   156  03/29 [email protected] (Lou Montulli)   380  04/19 [email protected] (Matt Morrisey)   183  03/29 [email protected] (Greg Morrison)   255  03/31 [email protected]   264  03/31 [email protected] (Heiko Muenkel)   233  03/30 [email protected]    83  03/28 [email protected]    46  03/26 [email protected] (Nathan Doss)   201  03/29 [email protected]   302  04/02 [email protected] (Neal Holtz)   118  03/29 [email protected]   329  04/06 [email protected] (David Oliver)    25  03/26 [email protected] (Bill Owens)   122  03/29 paolo petta <[email protected]>   260  03/31 [email protected] (Ulrike Pestel)    21  03/26 [email protected] (Bob Peterson)   220  03/30 [email protected] (Paul Kramer)   142  03/29 [email protected] (Brandon Plewe)   231  03/30 [email protected]   282  04/01 [email protected]    82  03/28 [email protected] (Randy Bush)   136  03/29 [email protected]   341  04/06 [email protected] (Ray Smith)    37  03/26 [email protected]   251  03/31 [email protected] (Reinier Post)   151  03/29 [email protected] (Henry Melton)   248  03/30 [email protected] (Richard Pitt)    34  03/26 [email protected] (Prentiss Riddle)   335  04/06 [email protected] (Rob Peglar)   304  04/02 [email protected] (Richard Rodgers)   285  04/01 [email protected] (Frederick G.M. Roeber 01-Apr-1993 1753)   240  03/30 [email protected] (Roger Harmston)    73  03/28 [email protected] (Anthony Rossini)    13  03/26 [email protected] (Rich Kulawiec)   319  04/04 [email protected]    95  03/28 [email protected] (Steven Byrnes)   265  03/31 [email protected] (Thorsten Schnier)    24  03/26 [email protected] (Suzanne Chambliss Neil)   209  03/30 [email protected] (Mike Sendall)   119  03/29 [email protected] (Sharon Peleg)   186  03/29 [email protected] (Chris Shenton)   157  03/29 sp Campbell <[email protected]>    84  03/28 [email protected]   235  03/30 [email protected]    70  03/28 [email protected] (Sridhar Venkataraman)   262  03/31 [email protected] (Juergen Stauder)   291  04/02 [email protected] (Dirk Steinmeyer)   274  03/31 [email protected] (Terry Suitor)   141  03/29 [email protected] (Tim Pointing)    20  03/26 [email protected] (Tim F O'Donoghue)   229  03/30 [email protected] (Terrence M. McLaren)   237  03/30 toast <[email protected]>    57  03/27 tom loos <[email protected]>   284  04/01 [email protected] (Thomas R. Bruce)    87  03/28 [email protected]   208  03/30 [email protected]   217  03/30 [email protected]   177  03/29 [email protected] (Griff Wigley)   196  03/29 [email protected] (Shawn V. Hernan)   356  04/05 [email protected] (Joerg Vorpahl)   165  03/29 [email protected] (Jay C. Weber)   239  03/30 [email protected] (Pei Y. Wei)   104  03/28 [email protected] (Bill Middleton)    76  03/28 [email protected]    66  03/28 [email protected] (Youichi Watanabe)    18  03/26 [email protected] (Mike Peeler)   174  03/29 [email protected] (Jack Lund)   From [email protected] (RonDippold) Mon May 16 22:58:38 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.infosystems.www Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.infosystems.www.{misc,providers,users} Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 16 May 1994 21:47:25 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 109 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 31 May 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5103 news.groups:103915 comp.infosystems.www:16737                            LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) unmoderated group comp.infosystems.www.misc (replaces comp.infosystems.www)            unmoderated group comp.infosystems.www.providers              unmoderated group comp.infosystems.www.users  Newsgroups line: comp.infosystems.www.misc       Miscellaneous World Wide Web discussion. comp.infosystems.www.providers  WWW provider issues (info providers). comp.infosystems.www.users      WWW user issues (Mosaic, Lynx, etc).  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 30 May 1994.  After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups, the proponent will submit it to the Mosaic What's New page  , maintainer address <[email protected]>.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Thomas Boutell <[email protected]>.   CHARTERS  comp.infosystems.www.misc (unmoderated) will provide a forum for general discussion of WWW (World Wide Web)- related topics that are NOT covered by the other newsgroups in the hierarchy. This will likely include discussions of the Web's future, politicking regarding changes in the structure and protocols of the web that affect both clients and servers, et cetera. If this group passes, the group comp.infosystems.www will  be removed after three months, giving traffic time to move to the new group.  comp.infosystems.www.providers (unmoderated) will provide a forum for the discussion of WWW server software and the use of said software to present information to users. General server design, setup questions, server bug reports, security issues, HTML page design and other concerns  of information providers are among the likely topics for this group.  comp.infosystems.www.users (unmoderated) will provide a forum for the discussion of WWW client software and its use in contacting various Internet information sources. New user questions, client setup questions, client bug reports, resource-discovery questions on how to locate information on the web that can't be found by the means detailed in the FAQ and comparison between various client packages are among the acceptable topics for this group.   BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE:  Since the creation of comp.infosystems.www, traffic has steadily increased to the point where many users now voice the complaint that it is no longer possible to keep up with the volume, which can exceed a hundred messages per day. Splitting the group has been a popular topic of discussion of late.  In addition, there is a clear means of subdividing the group, since nearly all concerns of WWW posters can be divided into user issues (Mosaic, Lynx, other clients, connectivity questions) and  provider issues (issues of interest to information providers, such as web servers and HTML page design). There is a clear division between these two categories in the messages posted to comp.infosystems.www. comp.infosystems.www.misc catches the rest, including, but not limited to, "futures" discussion.  Each group will be voted upon separately; see below.   HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group names.  Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- comp.infosystems.www reorg Ballot   (Don't remove this marker)  Give your real name here:  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ]  comp.infosystems.www.misc (replaces comp.infosystems.www) [         ]  comp.infosystems.www.providers [         ]  comp.infosystems.www.users -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-   Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.    comp.infosystems.www reorg Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                      Bill Haase [email protected]                                         Thorsten Kitz  
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