From [email protected] Fri Nov  6 10:18:21 1992
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1758 news.groups:37642 comp.sys.mac.apps:13773 comp.sys.mac.misc:22477 comp.databases:13324
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.databases
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hades)
Subject: RESULT:  comp.sys.mac.databases passes 167: 23
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Date: 21 Jan 92 15:17:48 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 225

    The newsgroup comp.sys.mac.databases passes with 167 Yes votes
and 23 No votes. The charter is included below for the group along
with the final ACK of Yes votes and No votes.


Group: Comp.sys.mac.databases
Status: Unmoderated
    The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for the discusson of
database systems that are produced for the Macintosh line of computers.
Currently these questions are posted almost exclusively to
comp.sys.mac.apps but in actuality database systems are not truly
applications they are development environments similar in scope to
Hypercard which has its own group. This group is for all database systems
for the Mac, from the simplest flat-file manager to the most complex
relational/multi-user system.


"Kenton A. Hoover" 
Arne Henrik Juul 
Bob Funchess 
Dan Fain 
Edward John Sabol 
Harald Nordgard-Hansen 
John G Dobnick 
[email protected]
canrem!krzysztof.adamski (Krzysztof Adamski)
[email protected] (Carl Rigney)
[email protected] (Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Christopher Ward)
[email protected] (Daryl Erwin)
[email protected] (Ed Maldonado)
[email protected] (Paul Eggert)
[email protected] (Quincey Koziol)
[email protected] (Memphis_TN)
[email protected] (Sigurd Meldal)
[email protected] (Jeff Anton)
[email protected] (Alan Denney)
[email protected] (William Moxley)
[email protected] (Tim Kuehn)


"Anand Rao, Dept. Animal & Food Science" 
"Bonnie J. Black" 
"Brian Excarnate" 
"Jim Golden" 
"Lawrence Reed Miller" 
"Phil Shapiro" 
"Robert (Bob) Ruf" 
"Tim Streater (415) 926-2743" 
"Virgil W. Smaltz" 
"Zach Kessin" 
"eric john weidl" 
"peter maitland bell" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
A. Lani Teshima  
Alan Coopersmith 
Allan Udy 
Andreas Magnusson 
Andrew Dent 
Bengt Larsson 
Bill Innanen 
Charles Sederholm 
Christopher Davis 
Christopher Landers 
Dana E. Keil 
Daniel Arkin 
EHPittman <6063382%[email protected]>
Ellen Brewer 
Garance A Drosehn 
[email protected] (Geoffrey Maugham)
Hans Peder Jepsen 
JAYMS%[email protected]
Jaakko S Wallenius 
Jaakko Siuko 
Jack Slingerland 
[email protected] (Jeff Wasilko)
Jim Gaynor 
Jo Lejeune 
John Fairbairn 
Juergen Schroth 
L L Campbell 
[email protected]
Linda Cornell 
Linda Schlipper 
[email protected]
Matthias Butt 
Maurice Weitman 
Michael Vogt 
Mika Thynell 
PACER%AM%[email protected]
[email protected]
Peter J Gergely 
Po Shan Cheah 
Povl Hessellund Pedersen 
Ragnar Normann 
Robert Park 
[email protected]
Sami Hero 
[email protected] (Shawn Connelly)
Stu Galley 
Tom Dubinski 
Zahir Parpia 
[email protected] (Michael Sapienza)
[email protected] (Samuel Alcoff)
[email protected] (Alexis Rosen)
[email protected] (Peter Rauch)
[email protected] (Happy Hacker )
[email protected] (Eric Aubourg)
[email protected] (John Jamison)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David A. Kearney)
[email protected] (Kirby)
[email protected] (Frank Buntschuh)
[email protected] (Curt Canada)
[email protected] (charles allen)
[email protected] (Andrew M. Cohill)
[email protected]
[email protected] (daniel quoidbach)
[email protected] (Cy Shuster)
[email protected] (Doug Tucker)
[email protected] (David Rowe)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Claytor)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Mittman)
[email protected] (Dean R Gallant)
[email protected] (Edward Reid)
[email protected] (Clifford D. Morrison)
[email protected] (N is for Neville who died of ennui)
[email protected] (Eric W. Douglas)
[email protected] (Fabio Vitali)
[email protected] (Chris Janton)
[email protected] (Craig Flowers)
[email protected] (Florent Pillet)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (George B. Smith)
[email protected] (Geoff Bronner)
[email protected] (Georg Rehfeld)
[email protected] (Dr Sheila Greibach)
[email protected] (Eddy J. Gurney)
[email protected] (H. Schipper)
[email protected] (Carl W. Haynes III)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Irwin)
[email protected] (Steven List)
[email protected] ( Jan Grav )
[email protected] (Larry Jewell)
[email protected] (Jeff Pamplin)
[email protected] (Jaime Lopez Hartmann)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kurt Richards)
[email protected] (Daniel Y. Louie)
[email protected] (Bruce D. Magnuson)
[email protected] (Marcus Jager)
[email protected] (M.A. Weissman)
[email protected] (Margaret Bullock)
[email protected] (Matt Elliott)
[email protected] (Michael L Barrow)
[email protected] (Martha L. Wilson)
[email protected] (Michael S. Muegel)
[email protected] (Michael Ward)
newave!john (John A. Weeks III)
[email protected] (P. Hawthorne)
[email protected] (Paul Raulerson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Penelope A. Jones)
[email protected] (Peter Dodd)
[email protected] (Brooks Peters)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ralph Brandi)
[email protected] (Rick Brink)
[email protected] (Mike Leavitt)
[email protected] (devin n richards)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Paul Robichaux)
[email protected] (Mr. Robin R. Reid)
[email protected] (Russell S. Finn)
[email protected] (ruman)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
[email protected] (Craig Steele)
[email protected] (Steve Lushing)
[email protected] (David G Taylor)
[email protected] (Dave Slotter)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tom Locke)
[email protected] (Nick B Triantos)
[email protected] (Paul S. Sawyer)
[email protected] (Jon R. Vermilye)
[email protected] (Wayne Amisano)
[email protected] (Bill Brown)
[email protected] (homo obsolescensis)

-Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "So, Al, is she a moaner or a screamer?"
 [email protected]   | "BUCK, you're talking about the Femthux I love!"
 Mac Database Developer     | "Ok, is she a buzzer or a whistler?"
 Dartmouth Medical School   | "Well, if you're going to get personal..."

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 22:14:21 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1589 news.groups:35688 comp.sys.mac.apps:11927 comp.sys.mac.misc:20547 comp.databases:12277
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.databases
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hades)
Subject: RFD:  comp.sys.mac.databases
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Date: 25 Nov 91 16:32:16 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 46
Status: RO

    This is the formal call for discussion for the group
Comp.Sys.Mac.Databases. All follow up discussion will take place in
news.groups, please make sure that your posts go only to that group, and
that you keep comp.sys.mac.databases in the subject line to help those with
kill files...


Group Name:	comp.sys.mac.databases

Group Status:	Unmoderated

Group Charter:	For discussion of all database design software that is
based on the Macintosh. The main participants being 4th Dimension, File
Force, FileMaker Pro, Double Helix, and Omnis (5 and 7). It might also be
possible for this group to act as a gateway for the 4th Dimension mailing
list, but not act as a replacement.


    Database design for the Mac, specifically those systems that are not
based on SQL or DBase, and do not currently exist on other systems because
they are designed for the Macintosh interface, has been looking for a place
to live and breathe within the UseNet community. To this end, discussion
can be found in comp.databases, comp.sys.mac.apps, and comp.sys.mac.misc,
but these systems are usually quite different from those talked about in
comp.databases, and they are not technically applications that would
normally be discussed in c.s.m.apps. A database is a design environment,
and is also a growing area in the Mac world. For these reasons we are
proposing comp.sys.mac.databases.

    The discussion period will last at least 3 weeks from the time that
this post arrives in news.announce.newgroups, and at that time if it is
generally considerd that the discuddion period has concluded, then the
official CFV will be posted.

    The current possibilites for vote takers are:
		Brian V. Hughes(me) - [email protected]
		David C. Spiegelman - [email protected]

-Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes,
 Mac Database Administrator |  cramped quarters for a good punch-up. And
 Cancer & Leukemia Group B  |  they say Iest has no night life!" - Cerebus
 Dartmouth Medical School   | -Internet: [email protected]

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 22:15:39 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1671 news.groups:36418 comp.sys.mac.apps:12676 comp.sys.mac.misc:21315 comp.databases:12713
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.databases
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hades)
Subject: CFV:  comp.sys.mac.databases
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Date: 17 Dec 91 13:48:09 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 40
Status: RO

    This is the official Call for Votes for the news group
comp.sys.mac.databases. Voting will contine through 23:59 January, 15th

    To vote please send a mail message to [email protected] (or just
reply to this posting). 

    If the the vote is a yes vote then please have "YES-VOTE" in the
subject line. 

    If the vote is a no vote then please have "NO-VOTE" in the subject

    This is to make my life a lot easier so that my mail program can
properly process the votes. All I am asking for is that the subject lines
follow this pattern. 
    There will be a 2nd CFV and a mass Ack posted on December 27th, please
don't expect individual acknowlegements of your votes as I do not have the
time or the shell scripts to do so.

    PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR VOTES TO THE NET. Any votes done in this manner
will not be counted. Only the last vote of a voter will be counted.

Group: Comp.sys.mac.databases
Status: Unmoderated
    The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for the discusson of
database systems that are produced for the Macintosh line of computers.
Currently these questions are posted almost exclusively to
comp.sys.mac.apps but in actuality database systems are not truly
applications they are development environments similar in scope to
Hypercard which has its own group. This group is for all database systems
for the Mac, from the simplest flat-file manager to the most complex
relational/multi-user system.
-Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes,
 Mac Database Administrator |  cramped quarters for a good punch-up. And
 Cancer & Leukemia Group B  |  they say Iest has no night life!" - Cerebus
 Dartmouth Medical School   | -Internet: [email protected]

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 22:16:21 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1697 news.groups:36759 comp.sys.mac.apps:12974 comp.sys.mac.misc:21642 comp.databases:12927
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.databases
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Brian V. Hughes)
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:  comp.sys.mac.databases
Followoup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Date: 31 Dec 91 23:05:23 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 186
Status: O

    This is the 2nd CFV for the new group comp.sys.mac.databases; below is
the charter from the original CFV along with instructions for mailing in a
vote. Also contained below is the current ACK of votes already received.
They are in alphabetical order and all duplicates have been removed.


    This is the official Call for Votes for the news group
comp.sys.mac.databases. Voting will contine through Midnight January, 15th

    To vote please send a mail message to [email protected] (or just
reply to this posting). 

    If the the vote is a yes vote then please have "YES-VOTE" in the
subject line. 

    If the vote is a no vote then please have "NO-VOTE" in the subject

    This is to make my life a lot easier so that my mail program can
properly process the votes. All I am asking for is that the subject lines
follow this pattern. 
    There will be a 2nd CFV and a mass Ack posted on December 27th, please
don't expect individual acknowlegements of your votes as I do not have the
time or the shell scripts to do so.

    PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR VOTES TO THE NET. Any votes done in this manner
will not be counted. Only the last vote of a voter will be counted.

Group: Comp.sys.mac.databases
Status: Unmoderated
    The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for the discusson of
database systems that are produced for the Macintosh line of computers.
Currently these questions are posted almost exclusively to
comp.sys.mac.apps but in actuality database systems are not truly
applications they are development environments similar in scope to
Hypercard which has its own group. This group is for all database systems
for the Mac, from the simplest flat-file manager to the most complex
relational/multi-user system.

"Anand Rao, Dept. Animal & Food Science" 
"Bonnie J. Black" 
"Brian Excarnate" 
"JOHN, (714)896-1393,A95/17-4A48"
"Jim Golden" 
"Lawrence Reed Miller" 
"Robert (Bob) Ruf" 
"Zach Kessin" 
"eric john weidl" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
A. Lani Teshima  
Alan Coopersmith 
Allan Udy 
Andreas Magnusson 
Andrew Dent 
Arne Henrik Juul 
Bengt Larsson 
Christopher Davis 
Daniel Arkin 
EHPittman <6063382%[email protected]>
Ellen Brewer 
Garance A Drosehn 
[email protected] (Geoffrey Maugham)
Hans Peder Jepsen 
Harald Nordgard-Hansen 
JAYMS%[email protected]
Jaakko S Wallenius 
Jaakko Siuko 
[email protected] (Jeff Wasilko)
Jim Gaynor 
John G Dobnick 
Juergen Schroth 
L L Campbell 
[email protected]
Linda Schlipper 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Matthias Butt 
Michael Vogt 
[email protected]
Peter J Gergely 
Po Shan Cheah 
Povl Hessellund Pedersen 
Robert Park 
[email protected]
Sami Hero 
[email protected] (Shawn Connelly)
Tom Dubinski 
Zahir Parpia 
[email protected] (Samuel Alcoff)
[email protected] (Alexis Rosen)
[email protected] (Peter Rauch)
[email protected] (Happy Hacker )
[email protected] (Eric Aubourg)
[email protected] (David A. Kearney)
[email protected] (Kirby)
[email protected] (Curt Canada)
canrem!krzysztof.adamski (Krzysztof Adamski)
[email protected] (charles allen)
[email protected] (Carl Rigney)
[email protected] (Andrew M. Cohill)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Christopher Ward)
[email protected]
[email protected] (daniel quoidbach)
[email protected] (Cy Shuster)
[email protected] (Daryl Erwin)
[email protected] (Doug Tucker)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Claytor)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ed Maldonado)
[email protected] (Clifford D. Morrison)
[email protected] (N is for Neville who died of ennui)
[email protected] (Eric W. Douglas)
[email protected] (Chris Janton)
[email protected] (Craig Flowers)
[email protected] (Florent Pillet)
[email protected]
[email protected] (George B. Smith)
[email protected] (Geoff Bronner)
[email protected] (Georg Rehfeld)
[email protected] (Dr Sheila Greibach)
[email protected] (H. Schipper)
[email protected] (Carl W. Haynes III)
[email protected] (Mark Irwin)
[email protected] (Steven List)
[email protected] (Larry Jewell)
[email protected] (Jeff Pamplin)
[email protected] (Jaime Lopez Hartmann)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Quincey Koziol)
[email protected] (Kurt Richards)
[email protected] (Daniel Y. Louie)
[email protected] (Bruce D. Magnuson)
[email protected] (Marcus Jager)
[email protected] (M.A. Weissman)
[email protected] (Matt Elliott)
[email protected] (Memphis_TN)
[email protected] (Michael L Barrow)
[email protected] (Martha L. Wilson)
[email protected] (Michael S. Muegel)
[email protected] (Michael Ward)
newave!john (John A. Weeks III)
[email protected] (P. Hawthorne)
[email protected] (Paul Raulerson)
[email protected] (Penelope A. Jones)
[email protected] (Peter Dodd)
[email protected] (Brooks Peters)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ralph Brandi)
[email protected] (Rick Brink)
[email protected] (devin n richards)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Paul Robichaux)
[email protected] (Mr. Robin R. Reid)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sigurd Meldal)
[email protected] (Craig Steele)
[email protected] (Steve Lushing)
[email protected] (Jeff Anton)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nick B Triantos)
[email protected] (Alan Denney)
[email protected] (Tim Kuehn)
[email protected] (Wayne Amisano)
[email protected] (Bill Brown)
[email protected] (homo obsolescensis)
-Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "One less mouth to feed is one less mouth
 Mac Database Administrator |  to feed." -- Pope Cerebus
 Cancer & Leukemia Group B  |  
 Dartmouth Medical School   | -Internet: [email protected]

From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:43:18 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1758 news.groups:37642 comp.sys.mac.apps:13773 comp.sys.mac.misc:22477 comp.databases:13324
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.databases
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hades)
Subject: RESULT:  comp.sys.mac.databases passes 167: 23
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Date: 21 Jan 92 15:17:48 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 225
Status: RO

    The newsgroup comp.sys.mac.databases passes with 167 Yes votes
and 23 No votes. The charter is included below for the group along
with the final ACK of Yes votes and No votes.


Group: Comp.sys.mac.databases
Status: Unmoderated
    The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for the discusson of
database systems that are produced for the Macintosh line of computers.
Currently these questions are posted almost exclusively to
comp.sys.mac.apps but in actuality database systems are not truly
applications they are development environments similar in scope to
Hypercard which has its own group. This group is for all database systems
for the Mac, from the simplest flat-file manager to the most complex
relational/multi-user system.


"Kenton A. Hoover" 
Arne Henrik Juul 
Bob Funchess 
Dan Fain 
Edward John Sabol 
Harald Nordgard-Hansen 
John G Dobnick 
[email protected]
canrem!krzysztof.adamski (Krzysztof Adamski)
[email protected] (Carl Rigney)
[email protected] (Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Christopher Ward)
[email protected] (Daryl Erwin)
[email protected] (Ed Maldonado)
[email protected] (Paul Eggert)
[email protected] (Quincey Koziol)
[email protected] (Memphis_TN)
[email protected] (Sigurd Meldal)
[email protected] (Jeff Anton)
[email protected] (Alan Denney)
[email protected] (William Moxley)
[email protected] (Tim Kuehn)


"Anand Rao, Dept. Animal & Food Science" 
"Bonnie J. Black" 
"Brian Excarnate" 
"Jim Golden" 
"Lawrence Reed Miller" 
"Phil Shapiro" 
"Robert (Bob) Ruf" 
"Tim Streater (415) 926-2743" 
"Virgil W. Smaltz" 
"Zach Kessin" 
"eric john weidl" 
"peter maitland bell" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
A. Lani Teshima  
Alan Coopersmith 
Allan Udy 
Andreas Magnusson 
Andrew Dent 
Bengt Larsson 
Bill Innanen 
Charles Sederholm 
Christopher Davis 
Christopher Landers 
Dana E. Keil 
Daniel Arkin 
EHPittman <6063382%[email protected]>
Ellen Brewer 
Garance A Drosehn 
[email protected] (Geoffrey Maugham)
Hans Peder Jepsen 
JAYMS%[email protected]
Jaakko S Wallenius 
Jaakko Siuko 
Jack Slingerland 
[email protected] (Jeff Wasilko)
Jim Gaynor 
Jo Lejeune 
John Fairbairn 
Juergen Schroth 
L L Campbell 
[email protected]
Linda Cornell 
Linda Schlipper 
[email protected]
Matthias Butt 
Maurice Weitman 
Michael Vogt 
Mika Thynell 
PACER%AM%[email protected]
[email protected]
Peter J Gergely 
Po Shan Cheah 
Povl Hessellund Pedersen 
Ragnar Normann 
Robert Park 
[email protected]
Sami Hero 
[email protected] (Shawn Connelly)
Stu Galley 
Tom Dubinski 
Zahir Parpia 
[email protected] (Michael Sapienza)
[email protected] (Samuel Alcoff)
[email protected] (Alexis Rosen)
[email protected] (Peter Rauch)
[email protected] (Happy Hacker )
[email protected] (Eric Aubourg)
[email protected] (John Jamison)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David A. Kearney)
[email protected] (Kirby)
[email protected] (Frank Buntschuh)
[email protected] (Curt Canada)
[email protected] (charles allen)
[email protected] (Andrew M. Cohill)
[email protected]
[email protected] (daniel quoidbach)
[email protected] (Cy Shuster)
[email protected] (Doug Tucker)
[email protected] (David Rowe)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Claytor)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Mittman)
[email protected] (Dean R Gallant)
[email protected] (Edward Reid)
[email protected] (Clifford D. Morrison)
[email protected] (N is for Neville who died of ennui)
[email protected] (Eric W. Douglas)
[email protected] (Fabio Vitali)
[email protected] (Chris Janton)
[email protected] (Craig Flowers)
[email protected] (Florent Pillet)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (George B. Smith)
[email protected] (Geoff Bronner)
[email protected] (Georg Rehfeld)
[email protected] (Dr Sheila Greibach)
[email protected] (Eddy J. Gurney)
[email protected] (H. Schipper)
[email protected] (Carl W. Haynes III)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Irwin)
[email protected] (Steven List)
[email protected] ( Jan Grav )
[email protected] (Larry Jewell)
[email protected] (Jeff Pamplin)
[email protected] (Jaime Lopez Hartmann)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kurt Richards)
[email protected] (Daniel Y. Louie)
[email protected] (Bruce D. Magnuson)
[email protected] (Marcus Jager)
[email protected] (M.A. Weissman)
[email protected] (Margaret Bullock)
[email protected] (Matt Elliott)
[email protected] (Michael L Barrow)
[email protected] (Martha L. Wilson)
[email protected] (Michael S. Muegel)
[email protected] (Michael Ward)
newave!john (John A. Weeks III)
[email protected] (P. Hawthorne)
[email protected] (Paul Raulerson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Penelope A. Jones)
[email protected] (Peter Dodd)
[email protected] (Brooks Peters)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ralph Brandi)
[email protected] (Rick Brink)
[email protected] (Mike Leavitt)
[email protected] (devin n richards)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Paul Robichaux)
[email protected] (Mr. Robin R. Reid)
[email protected] (Russell S. Finn)
[email protected] (ruman)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
[email protected] (Craig Steele)
[email protected] (Steve Lushing)
[email protected] (David G Taylor)
[email protected] (Dave Slotter)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tom Locke)
[email protected] (Nick B Triantos)
[email protected] (Paul S. Sawyer)
[email protected] (Jon R. Vermilye)
[email protected] (Wayne Amisano)
[email protected] (Bill Brown)
[email protected] (homo obsolescensis)

-Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "So, Al, is she a moaner or a screamer?"
 [email protected]   | "BUCK, you're talking about the Femthux I love!"
 Mac Database Developer     | "Ok, is she a buzzer or a whistler?"
 Dartmouth Medical School   | "Well, if you're going to get personal..."

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