From [email protected] Tue Jun  6 00:07:53 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Hollasch)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 5 Jun 1995 18:47:53 -0400
Organization: None
Lines: 45
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6958 news.groups:152398

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
             unmoderated group

Description:  Object-Oriented 3D Graphics in Inventor


    Current discussion of Inventor pops up in several newsgroups, with no
    single obvious forum for those who wish to discuss it.  Inventor
    continues to gain popularity for a number of reasons, including its
    recent association with VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language),
    currently under development.


    The newsgroup is intended for discussion
    of both Open Inventor and Iris Inventor.  Topics may include scene
    graphs (e.g. nodes, paths, fields, groups, properties), cameras &
    lights, primitives, the Inventor file format, toolkit extensions,
    manipulators, event-handling, sensors, engines and so on.  Readers
    & posters are encouraged to make use of newsgroups tailored to
    OpenGL, SGI hardware, file-formats and so on for topics not directly
    related to Inventor.


    For those unfamiliar with the process of newsgroup proposal, this is the
    first RFD (Request For Discussion) for this newsgroup.  After the
    proponents of this group achieve consensus on the name, location and
    charter of this group, and when 21 days have passed from the date of
    the first RFD, it may go on to CFV (Call For Votes), which will last
    for another three weeks or so.  The newsgroup will be created if there
    are at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of the votes are

    At this stage in the process we're looking for flaws in the proposal
    and are trying to get concensus about what the final ballot will be.
    If you have any reservations at all, or any chages to suggest, now is
    the time to voice your opinion.

    Follow-ups to this article should go to news.groups, and email should
    go to [email protected].


From [email protected] Tue Jun  6 00:07:53 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Hollasch)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 5 Jun 1995 18:47:53 -0400
Organization: None
Lines: 45
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6958 news.groups:152398

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
             unmoderated group

Description:  Object-Oriented 3D Graphics in Inventor


    Current discussion of Inventor pops up in several newsgroups, with no
    single obvious forum for those who wish to discuss it.  Inventor
    continues to gain popularity for a number of reasons, including its
    recent association with VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language),
    currently under development.


    The newsgroup is intended for discussion
    of both Open Inventor and Iris Inventor.  Topics may include scene
    graphs (e.g. nodes, paths, fields, groups, properties), cameras &
    lights, primitives, the Inventor file format, toolkit extensions,
    manipulators, event-handling, sensors, engines and so on.  Readers
    & posters are encouraged to make use of newsgroups tailored to
    OpenGL, SGI hardware, file-formats and so on for topics not directly
    related to Inventor.


    For those unfamiliar with the process of newsgroup proposal, this is the
    first RFD (Request For Discussion) for this newsgroup.  After the
    proponents of this group achieve consensus on the name, location and
    charter of this group, and when 21 days have passed from the date of
    the first RFD, it may go on to CFV (Call For Votes), which will last
    for another three weeks or so.  The newsgroup will be created if there
    are at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of the votes are

    At this stage in the process we're looking for flaws in the proposal
    and are trying to get concensus about what the final ballot will be.
    If you have any reservations at all, or any chages to suggest, now is
    the time to voice your opinion.

    Follow-ups to this article should go to news.groups, and email should
    go to [email protected].


From [email protected] Thu Jul 13 13:39:38 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark James)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,,comp.sys.sgi.misc,comp.sys.sgi.apps
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 12 Jul 1995 23:21:55 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 96
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 3 Aug 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7130 news.groups:159106 comp.sys.sgi.misc:20200 comp.sys.sgi.apps:8893

                      1st CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
             unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:	Object-oriented 3D graphics in Inventor.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 2 Aug 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only, contact Mark James .  For
questions about the proposed group, contact Steve Hollasch

After being posted in news.announce.newgroups, this CFV will also be sent
to the following mailing lists:

	[email protected]	([email protected])
	[email protected]	([email protected])


The newsgroup is intended for discussion of
both OpenInventor and Iris Inventor.  Topics may include scene graphs
(e.g.  nodes, paths, fields, groups, properties), cameras & lights,
primitives, the Inventor file format, toolkit extensions, manipulators,
event-handling, sensors, engines and so on.  Readers & posters are
encouraged to make use of newsgroups tailored to OpenGL, SGI hardware,
file-formats and so on for topics not directly related to Inventor.


Current discussion of Inventor pops up in several newsgroups, with no
single obvious forum for those who wish to discuss it.  Inventor
continues to gain popularity for a number of reasons, including its
recent association with the Virtual Reality Markup Language, currently
under development.


You should send E-MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to:

      [email protected]

Just replying by E-MAIL to this message should work, assuming you are
reading this using standard newsreader software.  Your mail message
should contain one and only one of the following statements:

      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on
      I ABSTAIN on
      I CANCEL my vote on

You may add a comment, or use other wording, but only a definite,
unconditional, unambiguous statement for or against the creation of will count as a vote.

Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve
only to cancel any previous vote.  Abstentions are noted in the final
vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely.
(This is the only difference between the two.)

If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid
vote will count.

All votes will be acknowledged by E-mail.  If you don't receive an
acknowledgment within a few days of your vote, vote again.  It is your
responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person,
no more than one vote per account.  If you attempt multiple votes or
other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.


The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including
how each person voted.  Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret

There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote
list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed.  The
requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes,
and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.

Mark James  
Dialogic Corporation                     | "We must believe in free will.
+1 201 993 4787+ ext 1438                 |  We have no choice."
[[ Opinions, errors etc. are my own ]]   |      -- Isaac Bashevis Singer

From [email protected] Tue Jul 25 10:49:48 1995
Path: uunet!!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark James)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,,comp.sys.sgi.misc,comp.sys.sgi.apps
Subject: 2nd CFV:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 24 Jul 1995 19:34:07 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 102
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 3 Aug 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7204 news.groups:160947 comp.sys.sgi.misc:20502 comp.sys.sgi.apps:9031

                      2nd CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
             unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:	Object-oriented 3D graphics in Inventor.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 2 Aug 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only, contact Mark James .  For
questions about the proposed group, contact Steve Hollasch

After being posted in news.announce.newgroups, this CFV will also be sent
to the following mailing lists:

	[email protected]	([email protected])
	[email protected]	([email protected])


The newsgroup is intended for discussion of
both OpenInventor and Iris Inventor.  Topics may include scene graphs
(e.g.  nodes, paths, fields, groups, properties), cameras & lights,
primitives, the Inventor file format, toolkit extensions, manipulators,
event-handling, sensors, engines and so on.  Readers & posters are
encouraged to make use of newsgroups tailored to OpenGL, SGI hardware,
file-formats and so on for topics not directly related to Inventor.


Current discussion of Inventor pops up in several newsgroups, with no
single obvious forum for those who wish to discuss it.  Inventor
continues to gain popularity for a number of reasons, including its
recent association with the Virtual Reality Markup Language, currently
under development.


You should send E-MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to:

      [email protected]

Just replying by E-MAIL to this message should work, assuming you are
reading this using standard newsreader software.  Your mail message
should contain one and only one of the following statements:

      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on
      I ABSTAIN on
      I CANCEL my vote on

You may add a comment, or use other wording, but only a definite,
unconditional, unambiguous statement for or against the creation of will count as a vote.

Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve
only to cancel any previous vote.  Abstentions are noted in the final
vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely.
(This is the only difference between the two.)

If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid
vote will count.

All votes will be acknowledged by E-mail.  If you don't receive an
acknowledgment within a few days of your vote, vote again.  It is your
responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person,
no more than one vote per account.  If you attempt multiple votes or
other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.


The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including
how each person voted.  Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret

There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote
list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed.  The
requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes,
and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.


No vote acknowledgment messages have bounced.

Mark James  
Dialogic Corporation                     | "We must believe in free will.
+1 201 993 4787+ ext 1438                 |  We have no choice."
[[ Opinions, errors etc. are my own ]]   |      -- Isaac Bashevis Singer

From [email protected] Fri Aug  4 17:33:55 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark James)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,comp.sys.sgi.misc,comp.sys.sgi.apps
Subject: RESULT: passes 259:15
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 4 Aug 1995 21:33:50 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 345
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7280 news.groups:162834 comp.sys.sgi.misc:20826 comp.sys.sgi.apps:9198

       unmoderated group passes 259:15

*     This article is copyright 1995 by Mark James.  All rights reserved.
*     Reuse for any purpose other than vote verification is prohibited.

Voting closed on 2 August 1995 at 23:59:59 GMT.  The results are:

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 259   15 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :

There were four abstentions.

This margin is adequate for newgroup creation.  There will now be a
five-day period during which corrections to the vote count may be
made.  Barring serious controversy about the vote, the group will
be created shortly thereafter.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.

Vote-taker: 		Mark James 
Group proponent: 	Steve Hollasch 

Newsgroups line:	Object-oriented 3D graphics in Inventor.

CHARTER (as printed in the Call for Votes)

The newsgroup is intended for discussion of
both OpenInventor and Iris Inventor.  Topics may include scene graphs
(e.g.  nodes, paths, fields, groups, properties), cameras & lights,
primitives, the Inventor file format, toolkit extensions, manipulators,
event-handling, sensors, engines and so on.  Readers & posters are
encouraged to make use of newsgroups tailored to OpenGL, SGI hardware,
file-formats and so on for topics not directly related to Inventor.


These lists are sorted in alphabetical order by login name, as taken
from the "From:" line.  Note that certain UUCP addresses are mangled
somewhat in order to sort nicely.

YES votes were received from the following people:

[email protected]
[email protected] (Ade The Shade)
[email protected] (Andy Johnson)
[email protected] (Ajay Sreekanth)
[email protected] (Allen Akin)
[email protected] (Alain Dumesny)
[email protected] (Alex P. Madarasz, Jr.)
[email protected] (Alf Andersen)
[email protected] (Ian Ameline)
[email protected] (Chris L. Anderson)
[email protected] (Andreas G. Schilling)
[email protected] (Andres Callegari)
[email protected] (Loring Holden)
[email protected] (Allan Schaffer)
[email protected] (Satya P. R. Atmakuri)
[email protected] (Jim Ault)
[email protected] (Arthur Wong)
[email protected] (Patrick BARTHELEMY)
[email protected] (Jean-Francis Balaguer)
[email protected] (Cagatay Basdogan)
[email protected] (Jim Begley)
[email protected] (Ben Ross)
[email protected] (Ben Halley)
[email protected] (Daria Bergen)
[email protected] (Henrik Bernth)
[email protected] (Michael Berriman)
[email protected] (Binh Nguyen)
[email protected] (Brent L. Bates)
[email protected] (Bryan Mau)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian Murray)
[email protected] (bruce blumberg)
[email protected] (Don Brutzman)
[email protected] (Christian F. Goetze)
[email protected] (Chuck Wiley)
[email protected] (John Baumann)
[email protected] (Chris Goad)
[email protected] (C. F. Ebbert)
[email protected] (Chris Hall)
[email protected] (Pascal Cleve)
[email protected] (Chris Stamper)
[email protected] (Chris Marrin)
[email protected] (cocteau)
[email protected] (Craig Latta)
[email protected] (Craig Robinson)
[email protected] (Curtis Beeson)
[email protected] (Christina Vasilakis)
[email protected] (Aaron DUNCAN 9104735)
[email protected] (Dan Ambrosi)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Daryll Strauss)
[email protected] (Jacques David)
[email protected] (Dave Kerlick)
[email protected] (Brook Conner)
[email protected] (Debbie Carlson)
[email protected] (Debbie Herrington)
[email protected] (Delle Maxwell)
[email protected] (Derek Jewhurst)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Gordon)
[email protected] (David Immel)
[email protected] (David Mak)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dan Schikore)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dwight Meglan)
[email protected] (David Wyles)
[email protected] (Eliot Feibush X2420)
[email protected] (Matthias Eichel)
[email protected] (Elias Fayyad)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erwin Zierler)
[email protected] (Elizabeth Fais)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Daar Fisher)
[email protected] (Christopher Fouts)
[email protected] (Arne K. Frick)
[email protected] (Gavin Bell)
[email protected] (Joe Geigel)
[email protected] (Dirk VanGelder)
[email protected] (George Dulchinos)
[email protected] (Gerry Higgins)
[email protected] (Geoff Leach)
[email protected] (Jon Goldman EECS)
[email protected] (George Patikis)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Hans Holten-Lund)
[email protected] (Douglas F. Harsch)
[email protected] (Holger Biber)
[email protected] (Antoine Hebert)
[email protected] (Heiner Grill)
[email protected] (Ralf Helbing)
[email protected] (Helga Thorvaldsdottir)
[email protected] (Jens Herder)
[email protected] (Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble)
[email protected] (David E. Hinkle)
[email protected] (Jack Hodges)
[email protected] (Steve Hollasch)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Hugo Voerman)
[email protected] (Iain Pybus)
[email protected] (Jai Natarajan)
[email protected] (James C. Hu)
[email protected] (Dick Jay)
[email protected] (YON - Jan C. Hardenbergh)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Clark Jefcoat)
[email protected] (Jennine Townsend)
[email protected] (G.J.Jense)
[email protected] (Jesper Peterson)
[email protected] (Jerry Howard)
[email protected] (Jim Kent)
[email protected] (James Korotney)
[email protected] (Jason Leigh)
[email protected] (Peter Loan)
[email protected] (Joe Lohmar)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Derek Jobien)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jonboy)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jeff White)
[email protected] (Jeffrey T Kowalczyk)
[email protected] (Jonathan the Pussycat)
[email protected] (Kenneth B Russell)
[email protected] (Michael Kelley)
[email protected] (Kelvin Thompson)
[email protected] (Kenny Huang)
[email protected] (Kevin Goldsmith)
[email protected] (Kenneth Longacre)
[email protected] (Kelly Michels)
[email protected] (Michael Kraizman)
[email protected] (Oleg Krivosheev, FNAL)
[email protected] (George Kyriazis)
[email protected] (Alex Lam)
[email protected] (Maria Lantin)
[email protected] (Jon Leech)
[email protected] (Len Zaifman)
[email protected] (Jiandong Liang)
[email protected] (Robert Lipman)
[email protected] (Michael A. Logan)
[email protected] (Nathan Loofbourrow)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ian CR Mapleson)
[email protected] (Markush, J. Peter)
[email protected] (John Marshall)
[email protected] (Paul Martz)
[email protected] (Marvin Landis)
[email protected] (Masayuki Matsumoto)
[email protected] (Max Stevens-Guille)
[email protected] (Mark Benzel)
[email protected] (Dan McLachlan)
[email protected] (Lo Man Chiu)
[email protected] (Christopher Unger)
[email protected] (Mark Ball)
[email protected] (Michael Shilman)
[email protected] (Mike J. McNeill)
[email protected] (Mike Roberts)
[email protected] (Miriam Alcala--26-Jan-1989)
[email protected] (Mark Kilgard)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mike Heck)
[email protected] (Michael Noth)
[email protected] (David Mott)
[email protected] (Carla Mott)
[email protected] (Michael Philip)
[email protected] (Michael Pichler)
[email protected] (Martin Schroder)
[email protected] (Martin Serrano)
[email protected] (Matthew Szymanski)
[email protected] (John Myers)
[email protected] (Niels Hilbrink)
[email protected] (Alan Norton)
[email protected] (Ollivier Robert)
[email protected] (pari)
[email protected] (Pat Lowenhaupt--17-Oct-1990)
[email protected] (Paul Isaacs)
[email protected] (Pavel Rozalski)
[email protected] (Peter Rohleder)
[email protected] (Peter Broadwell)
[email protected] (Philippe F. Bertrand)
[email protected] (Steve Piazza)
[email protected] (Philip Ray Peterson)
[email protected] (Paul S. Strauss)
[email protected] (Klaus-Juergen Quast)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ravi Narasimhan Raj)
[email protected] (Richard Brath)
[email protected] (Reiners Dirk (S. Mueller))
[email protected] (Bob Crispen)
[email protected] (Robert A Schmitt)
[email protected] (Richard Hammersley)
[email protected] (Richar Pitre)
[email protected] (Rick Berger--23-Jul-1993)
[email protected] (Rick Huyett)
[email protected] (Rikk Carey)
[email protected] (Roger Hahn)
[email protected] (Robert O. Morris)
[email protected] (Rob Myers)
[email protected] (Robert Weideman)
[email protected] (Timothy F. Rohaly)
[email protected] (Randi J. Rost)
[email protected] (Rajesh Sharma)
[email protected] (Rob Stevenson-EECS student)
[email protected] (Masaki Hasegawa)
[email protected] (Saeed Khan)
[email protected] (Sam Chen)
[email protected] (Sascha Becker)
[email protected] (Aaron Schuman)
[email protected] (Stefan_Didak)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Scott Senften)
[email protected] (Shankar Swamy)
[email protected] (Greg Shirah)
[email protected] (Dave Shreiner)
[email protected] (Simon Powers)
[email protected] (Simon Leinen)
[email protected] (Fredrik Skoglund)
[email protected] (Christian Smith)
[email protected] (Howard Smith)
[email protected] (Stephane Morvan)
[email protected] (Rob Speranza)
[email protected] (Srikanth Subramaniam)
[email protected] (Steve Stuckey--10-Aug-1993)
[email protected] (David Story)
[email protected] (Christoph Stratmann)
[email protected] (Christoph Streit)
[email protected] (Suleyman Guleyupoglu)
[email protected] (Ted Schuh)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Thorsten Fox)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tim Wiegand)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Thomas Meyer)
[email protected] (Tom Mander)
[email protected] (Thomas E. Whittaker)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jack Maynard)
[email protected] (John Usher)
[email protected] (Vassilis Bourdakis)
[email protected] (videoweb)
[email protected] (Andrew Walton)
[email protected] (Michael B. Johnson)
weathers@lizard (Mark Weathers)
[email protected] (Wei Lin-Tong)
[email protected] (Andreas Werner)
[email protected] (Wayne Ingalls)
[email protected] (Wim Lamotte)
[email protected] (Daniel J. Woods)
[email protected] (Rengang Yang)
[email protected] (Jeff Yee--3-Apr-1990)
[email protected] (rakesh raju)

NO votes were received from the following people:

[email protected] (Charles L. Perkins)
[email protected] (Michiel Wijers)
[email protected] (Greg Schechter)
[email protected] (HELGE HAUGLAND)
[email protected] (HiTech)
[email protected] (John R. MacWilliamson)
[email protected] (Lance K. Chun)
[email protected] (Marcus Breiing)
[email protected] (Patrick J. LoPresti)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Robert L. Edwards)
[email protected] (Smarasderagd)
[email protected] (Dwight Brown)
[email protected] (Thomas G. McWilliams)
[email protected] (Risto Widenius)

Abstentions were received from the following people:

[email protected] (Jonathan Adair)
[email protected] (Kenneth P Crouch)
[email protected] (M Mike Taksar KC6ZPS)
[email protected] (Nick Porcino)

Mark James  
Dialogic Corporation                     | "We must believe in free will.
+1 201 993 4787+ ext 1438                 |  We have no choice."
[[ Opinions, errors etc. are my own ]]   |      -- Isaac Bashevis Singer
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