From [email protected] Fri Sep 13 14:37:58 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David Chapin) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.genealogy.jewish,soc.genealogy.computing,soc.genealogy.methods,soc.culture.jewish,soc.culture.israel Subject: RFD: soc.genealogy.jewish reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 13 Sep 1996 18:37:49 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 333 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: soc.genealogy.jewish-reorg Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:9144 news.groups:230547 soc.genealogy.jewish:27040 soc.genealogy.computing:18427 soc.genealogy.methods:8297 soc.culture.jewish:278034 soc.culture.israel:69956 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group soc.genealogy.jewish.misc (renames soc.genealogy.jewish) moderated group soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Newsgroup lines: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Jewish genealogical methods and resources. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.jewish.misc Jewish genealogy general discussion. (Moderated) This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the reorganization of Usenet newsgroup soc.genealogy.jewish. This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Discussion about this proposal should take place in the newsgroup: news.groups. Other procedural details are below. RATIONALE: all groups The present forum for Jewish genealogy discussion, soc.genealogy.jewish, has become a phenomenal success and has grown considerably in volume since its creation two years ago. Due to increased readership, the general area of Jewish genealogical methodology -- which was once the major focus of the discussion -- has been diluted by the now overwhelming quantity of name, town, and other personal queries. Methodology discussion typically includes how-to, give-and-take, case studies, scholarly discussions, research sources, etc. Jewish genealogy is often quite different from other types of genealogy. This is because Jewish records were often segregated and located in different archives scattered throughout the world. In many cases, the records may exist in unusual places and in a variety of languages. Primary records are often rare, requiring the researcher to use novel approaches to infer family lines. When Jewish genealogists make use of primary records, they are often limited to 20th century records within the country of immigration. These types of records tend to be underutilized by other types of genealogists. Most Jewish surnames are a relatively new phenomenon (typically more recent then 1790), making records research that much more difficult. The purpose of this reorganization is to create the opportunity for discussions about Jewish genealogy methodology to flourish in their own separate worldwide newsgroup. It is hoped that this new group will encourage Jewish genealogy scholars and experts to share their knowledge with those just starting out. This reorganization is designed to allow for future Usenet newsgroup expansion and to allow for enhancement of the ever-increasing discussions about Jewish genealogy. This reorganization is meant to enhance the overall quality Jewish genealogical discussions taking place on the Internet and to augment the present discussion taking place in soc.genealogy.jewish (and it's twin mailing list [email protected]). Because the new soc.genealogy.jewish.methods group necessitates a new level in the Usenet hierarchy, standard Usenet practices dictate that the upper level group name, soc.genealogy.jewish, be relocated at the new lower level. Renaming soc.genealogy.jewish to soc.genealogy.jewish.misc follows the precedents set in other Usenet reorganizations. For further information about these practices, please refer to David Wright's "Guidelines for Usenet Newsgroup Names" FAQ, posted periodically in the newsgroups news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, and news.answers. The change in name is the only change being proposed for the current group soc.genealogy.jewish. The charter adopted in Nov. 1994 will remain in effect and is reiterated below. Moderation and gatewayed mailing lists will be unchanged. Those receiving their messages through that mailing list should see no change. Other than the Usenet Newsgroup name change, no other changes are being proposed for this group. END RATIONALE. CHARTER: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods This is a worldwide news group for discussion of Jewish genealogical methods, case studies, tips, techniques, and resources. Appropriate types of articles would include discussions of research sources, research results of a general nature, FAQs, book lists, personal insight essays, announcements of new publications and research, analyses of historical patterns (such as naming patterns, migration routes, language styles, cultural influences, etc.), how-to techniques and tips, analysis of research problems, and reviews of current research. Examples of topics include: * Records and other resources, primary and secondary, public or private: anything related to locating, accessing, evaluating, interpreting, and/or preserving them from a Jewish genealogical perspective; * Evidence: proof; evaluation of conflicting sources; * Patterns and conditions of Jewish life in the past: laws, trades, migration routes, culture, economic conditions, etc. which can help interpret the evidence we find as well as provide an ancestral context; * Jewish naming patterns; * Interdisciplinary discussions: (demographics, genetics, medicine, stylistic analysis, law etc.). Queries relating to the above are encouraged. Two-way discussions of a scholarly nature are welcome and encouraged. Beginners as well as experts are encouraged to share in the give-and-take. Short, one-time commercial announcements of books, seminars, etc. may also be acceptable at the discretion of the moderators. The test for accepting these commercial announcements will be whether they are of general interest to the subscribers. Moderation Policy ----------------- We believe that moderation is not censorship and should never be allowed to become the same. However, we also believe that a newsgroup should be free of irrelevant postings and wasted bandwidth. The philosophy of moderation is to be light-handed and to offer extra help behind the scenes for new participants, who may be experiencing problems with e-mail addresses or net customs or the like. This assistance will be offered privately, in response to posts which, judging from past experience, are likely to be objected to by at least some other participants (e.g.personal attacks, questions fully covered in a FAQ file, items which were intended to be personal e-mail; incomplete questions; etc). Rejected messages will always be returned to the sender with an explanation from the moderator. Likewise, the moderators will not alter any message, with the possible exception that long 'tag lines' may be eliminated. The following shall be off-topic for soc.genealogy.jewish.methods: 1) Posts not related to the purposes of soc.genealogy.jewish.methods. 2) Crossposts to other newsgroups, other than judicious and limited crossposts to other relevant discussion groups. 3) Posts that may flagrantly violate copyright laws, or the rules imposed by the mailing list provider. 4) "Me too" posts; posts that contain an unreasonable amount of quoted text; posts that do not contribute any new discussion to an ongoing thread; intensely repetitive posts; polemics. 5) Specific name queries, which typically involve individuals who are searching for specific relations in their family lines. However, name discussion IS appropriate, if it is of general interest and the specific family line is incidental to the discussion. Examples of acceptable general interest name discussion include research about certain long-established and famous Jewish families (such as Rapaport, Rothschild, Katzenellenbogen), or research about historical naming patterns. The criteria used to determine whether a name query is is acceptable is whether it is of general interest and has a wider audience beyond just the family members. 6) Specific town or location queries, which typically involve individuals either searching for a location or searching for people who may have lived in the same town. Geography queries and discussion ARE appropriate, if they are of general interest or involve more global issues, such as migration patterns, how-to type queries, resources, etc. 7) Specific queries that are narrow-focused soley upon an individual's singular genealogy. Examples: "Am I Jewish? My grandfather did thus-and- such..." or "Can someone look up records for me in thus-and-such archive..." 8) Overtly religious content of which genealogy is a only secondary topic. The discussion group focuses on the genealogical aspects of Jewish culture, which is intended to be non-denominational, non-evangelical, and inclusive of non-Jews. 9) Commercial advertisements or personal advertisements that have nothing to do with Jewish genealogy; "spam" articles; and robogenerated articles. 10) Excessively polemical postings. The moderators shall interpret this rule loosely -- newsgroups are not academic journals -- but excessively opinionated debate with a lack of solid facts, will result in a termination of the discussion thread. 11) Posts containing profanity or excessive rudeness; posts that lack appropriate civility. While well-placed heckles are acceptable, flamewars are not. Any post full of personal abuse, slander or libel, or unauthorized reference to private e-mail addresses or mailing lists shall also be rejected. 12) Propagation of national, religious, racial, sexual, or ethnic hostility or animosity. 13) Binary files, even if they are related to Jewish genealogy. Jewish genealogical-related binaries should be posted to the appropriate group with a pointer in soc.genealogy.jewish.methods indicating where the binary in question may be found. Moderators will neither screen postings for intellectual content nor for accuracy beyond that contained in the charter of s.g.jewish.methods. Moderators reserve the right to terminate any thread which degenerates into unacceptable namecalling, rudeness, vulgarity, or which they feel has reached its end or flash point. Such threads shall be terminated by at least 2/3 supermajority of the current moderators. Individuals who believe a particular moderator has unfairly rejected a submission can appeal to the entire panel of moderators. The panel will reevaluate the submission and make a majority decision as to whether it will be posted. In the event that the moderation panel is evenly split over whether a submission ought to be posted, the submission shall be posted. We anticipate that more moderators will be needed as the discussion group grows. Anyone may volunteer to join the moderation panel with the consent of a two-thirds supermajority of the current moderators. Moderators also may be removed by a 2/3 supermajority of the moderation panel. Of course, moderators may resign of their own volition at any time. END CHARTER. CHARTER: soc.genealogy.jewish.misc (Note: this is identical to the current charter of soc.genealogy.jewish) 1. Providing all researchers of Jewish lines a means of networking with others on areas of particular interest to Jewish researchers to include: A) Geographical locations; B) Queries based on SURNAME and Locale, Tiny Tafels; C) Yizkor Books and Landmanshaften from the old country; D) Research sources and location of materials; E) Identifying relatives lost in the Holocaust; F) Finding relatives misplaced during the Holocaust; 2. Providing researchers of Jewish lines access to research materials both in the USA and abroad as they become available. 3. Providing an outlet for Holocaust survivors (the last generation) a means of identifying their families and preserving the historical information that has been lost or forgotten because of the horror and fear that these people have suffered. 4. Providing a means of encouraging Jewish researchers to use this medium to open up research opportunities that heretofore have not been available. 5. Providing a link between genealogy and the history of the of the Jewish people. 6. Providing a link between the Jewish Genealogical Societies throughout the world. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Moderator: David ChapinModerator: Bruce Kahn END MODERATOR INFO. MODERATOR INFO: soc.genealogy.jewish.misc (Note: this is identical to the current arrangement with soc.genealogy.jewish) Moderator: Susan King END MODERATOR INFO. GATEWAYED MAILING LISTS: It is planned that the new soc.genealogy.jewish.methods newsgroup will be gatewayed to a mailing list, similar to the way that the present soc.genealogy.jewish /[email protected] twin works. An exact mailing list site has not yet been determined. It is anticipated that no change will take place to the general operation of the soc.genealogy.jewish.misc mailing list gateway. END GATEWAYED MAILING LISTS. PROCEDURE: This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed news group should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process. END PROCEDURE. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups soc.genealogy.jewish news.groups soc.genealogy.computing soc.culture.jewish alt.genealogy soc.culture.israel soc.genealogy.misc This RFD has been posted to the following mailing lists: [email protected] [email protected] jewishnt@[email protected] [email protected] Pointer messages have been posted to the following newsgroups: soc.genealogy.methods soc.genealogy.nordic soc.genealogy.benelux soc.genealogy.french soc.genealogy.african soc.genealogy.german soc.genealogy.west-indies soc.genealogy.australia+nz soc.genealogy.hispanic soc.genealogy.slavic Pointer messages have been posted to the following mailing lists: [email protected] [email protected] Proponent: David Chapin Proponent: Bruce Kahn Group Mentor: John Pimentel From [email protected] Wed Oct 30 13:06:26 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David Bostwick) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.genealogy,soc.culture.jewish,soc.culture.israel,soc.genealogy.computing,soc.genealogy.jewish,soc.genealogy.methods,soc.genealogy.misc Subject: CFV: soc.genealogy.jewish reorganization Followup-To: poster Date: 30 Oct 1996 18:06:19 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 371 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 21 Nov 1996 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: soc.genealogy.jewish-reorg Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:9305 news.groups:236883 alt.genealogy:85357 soc.culture.jewish:291911 soc.culture.israel:77780 soc.genealogy.computing:20261 soc.genealogy.jewish:28675 soc.genealogy.methods:8888 soc.genealogy.misc:36879 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group soc.genealogy.jewish.methods moderated group soc.genealogy.jewish.misc (renames soc.genealogy.jewish) Newsgroups line: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Jewish genealogical methods and resources. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.jewish.misc Jewish genealogy general discussion. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 20 Nov 1996. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to one of the proponents. Proponent: David Chapin Proponent: Bruce Kahn Mentor: John Pimentel Votetaker: David Bostwick RATIONALE: all groups The present forum for Jewish genealogy discussion, soc.genealogy.jewish, has become a phenomenal success and has grown considerably in volume since its creation two years ago. Due to increased readership and diverse interests, the general area of Jewish genealogical methodology -- at one time a major portion of the discussion group -- now represents only about 10-14% of all the posts. Today, the majority of the posts deal with names, towns, and other personal queries which are not usually answered publicly in any extended, general-interest discussion. Today, only about 25% of all messages in the current discussion group generate any public reply. Everyone agrees that methodology posts are valuable, and of interest to most readers. These types of posts teach people about new resources and techniques that they can use in their research. The current trend indicates that the relative amount of methodology posts are steadily disappearing. As this trend continues, the value of the Internet for Jewish genealogy suffers. Methodology discussions typically includes how-to, give-and-take, case studies, scholarly discussions, collaborating of research sources, etc. In order to thrive again, these types of posts need to move to an environment where there is room for multi-person, extended public discussions; a place where these discussions are encouraged to regain their critical mass. The purpose of creating this additional newgroup devoted to Jewish genealogy is to provide such an opportunity so that discussions about Jewish genealogy methodology may flourish again in their own separate worldwide newsgroup. It will result in a better categorization of the messages, as well as allowing these types of messages to gain wider exposure. Jewish genealogy is often quite different from other types of genealogy. This is because Jewish records were often segregated and located in different archives scattered throughout the world. In many cases, the records may exist in unusual places and in a variety of languages. Primary records are often rare, requiring the researcher to use novel approaches to infer family lines. When Jewish genealogists make use of primary records, they are often limited to 20th century records within the country of immigration. These types of records tend to be underutilized by other types of genealogists. Most Jewish surnames are a relatively new phenomenon (typically more recent then 1790), making records research that much more difficult. This proposal for an additional Jewish genealogy newsgroup is designed to allow for future Usenet newsgroup expansion and to allow for nurturing and development of the ever-increasing discussions about Jewish genealogy. This addition is meant to enhance the overall quality Jewish genealogical discussions taking place on the Internet and to augment the present discussion now taking place in soc.genealogy.jewish (and its twin mailing list [email protected]). Standard Usenet practices dictate that when a new hierarchy is created, the originating group be moved to the new level with the name _.misc. (For further information about these practices, please refer to David Wright's "Guidelines for Usenet Newsgroup Names" FAQ, posted periodically in the newsgroups news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, and news.answers.) Because the new soc.genealogy.jewish.methods group necessitates a new level in the Usenet hierarchy, we are compelled by Usenet guidelines to rename soc.genealogy.jewish to soc.genealogy.jewish.misc. This follows precedents set in other Usenet reorganizations. The change in name is the only change being proposed for the current group soc.genealogy.jewish. The charter adopted in Nov. 1994 will remain in effect. Moderation and gatewayed mailing lists will be unchanged. Those receiving their messages through that mailing list should see no change. The new soc.genealogy.jewish.methods group will also have a gatewayed mailing list and subscribers will receive their messages in a similar way as they do with the current group. CHARTER: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods This is a worldwide news group for discussion of Jewish genealogical methods, case studies, tips, techniques, and resources. Appropriate types of articles would include discussions of research sources, research results of a general nature, FAQs, book lists, personal insight essays, announcements of new publications and research, analyses of historical patterns (such as naming patterns, migration routes, language styles, cultural influences, etc.), how-to techniques and tips, analysis of research problems, and reviews of current research. Examples of topics include: * Records and other resources, primary and secondary, public or private: anything related to locating, accessing, evaluating, interpreting, and/or preserving them from a Jewish genealogical perspective; * Evidence: proof; evaluation of conflicting sources; * Patterns and conditions of Jewish life in the past: laws, trades, migration routes, culture, economic conditions, etc. which can help interpret the evidence we find as well as provide an ancestral context; * Jewish naming patterns; * Interdisciplinary discussions: (demographics, genetics, medicine, stylistic analysis, law etc.). Queries relating to the above are encouraged. Two-way discussions of a scholarly nature are welcome and encouraged. Beginners as well as experts are encouraged to share in the give-and-take. Short, one-time commercial announcements of books, seminars, etc. may also be acceptable at the discretion of the moderators. The test for accepting these commercial announcements will be whether they are of general interest to the subscribers. Moderation Policy ----------------- We believe that moderation is not censorship and should never be allowed to become the same. However, we also believe that a newsgroup should be free of irrelevant postings and wasted bandwidth. The philosophy of moderation is to be light-handed and to offer extra help behind the scenes for new participants, who may be experiencing problems with e-mail addresses or net customs or the like. This assistance will be offered privately, in response to posts which, judging from past experience, are likely to be objected to by at least some other participants (e.g.personal attacks, questions fully covered in a FAQ file, items which were intended to be personal e-mail; incomplete questions; etc). Rejected messages will always be returned to the sender with an explanation from the moderator. Likewise, the moderators will not alter any message, with the possible exception that long 'tag lines' may be eliminated. The following shall be off-topic for soc.genealogy.jewish.methods: 1) Posts not related to the purposes of soc.genealogy.jewish.methods. 2) Crossposts to other newsgroups, other than judicious and limited crossposts to other relevant discussion groups. 3) Posts that may flagrantly violate copyright laws, or the rules imposed by the mailing list provider. 4) "Me too" posts; posts that contain an unreasonable amount of quoted text; posts that do not contribute any new discussion to an ongoing thread; intensely repetitive posts; polemics. 5) Specific name queries, which typically involve individuals who are searching for specific relations in their family lines. However, name discussion IS appropriate, if it is of general interest and the specific family line is incidental to the discussion. Examples of acceptable general interest name discussion include research about certain long-established and famous Jewish families (such as Rapaport, Rothschild, Katzenellenbogen), or research about historical naming patterns. The criteria used to determine whether a name query is is acceptable is whether it is of general interest and has a wider audience beyond just the family members. 6) Specific town or location queries, which typically involve individuals either searching for a location or searching for people who may have lived in the same town. Geography queries and discussion ARE appropriate, if they are of general interest or involve more global issues, such as migration patterns, how-to type queries, resources, etc. 7) Specific queries that are narrow-focused soley upon an individual's singular genealogy. Examples: "Am I Jewish? My grandfather did thus-and- such..." or "Can someone look up records for me in thus-and-such archive..." 8) Overtly religious content of which genealogy is a only secondary topic. The discussion group focuses on the genealogical aspects of Jewish culture, which is intended to be non-denominational, non-evangelical, and inclusive of non-Jews. 9) Commercial advertisements or personal advertisements that have nothing to do with Jewish genealogy; "spam" articles; and robogenerated articles. 10) Excessively polemical postings. The moderators shall interpret this rule loosely -- newsgroups are not academic journals -- but excessively opinionated debate with a lack of solid facts, will result in a termination of the discussion thread. 11) Posts containing profanity or excessive rudeness; posts that lack appropriate civility. While well-placed heckles are acceptable, flamewars are not. Any post full of personal abuse, slander or libel, or unauthorized reference to private e-mail addresses or mailing lists shall also be rejected. 12) Propagation of national, religious, racial, sexual, or ethnic hostility or animosity. 13) Binary files, even if they are related to Jewish genealogy. Jewish genealogical-related binaries should be posted to the appropriate group with a pointer in soc.genealogy.jewish.methods indicating where the binary in question may be found. Moderators will neither screen postings for intellectual content nor for accuracy beyond that contained in the charter of s.g.jewish.methods. Moderators reserve the right to terminate any thread which degenerates into unacceptable namecalling, rudeness, vulgarity, or which they feel has reached its end or flash point. Such threads shall be terminated by at least 2/3 supermajority of the current moderators. Individuals who believe a particular moderator has unfairly rejected a submission can appeal to the entire panel of moderators. The panel will reevaluate the submission and make a majority decision as to whether it will be posted. In the event that the moderation panel is evenly split over whether a submission ought to be posted, the submission shall be posted. We anticipate that more moderators will be needed as the discussion group grows. Anyone may volunteer to join the moderation panel with the consent of a two-thirds supermajority of the current moderators. Moderators also may be removed by a 2/3 supermajority of the moderation panel. Of course, moderators may resign of their own volition at any time. END CHARTER. CHARTER: soc.genealogy.jewish.misc 1. Providing all researchers of Jewish lines a means of networking with others on areas of particular interest to Jewish researchers to include: A) Geographical locations; B) Queries based on SURNAME and Locale, Tiny Tafels; C) Yizkor Books and Landmanshaften from the old country; D) Research sources and location of materials; E) Identifying relatives lost in the Holocaust; F) Finding relatives misplaced during the Holocaust; 2. Providing researchers of Jewish lines access to research materials both in the USA and abroad as they become available. 3. Providing an outlet for Holocaust survivors (the last generation) a means of identifying their families and preserving the historical information that has been lost or forgotten because of the horror and fear that these people have suffered. 4. Providing a means of encouraging Jewish researchers to use this medium to open up research opportunities that heretofore have not been available. 5. Providing a link between genealogy and the history of the of the Jewish people. 6. Providing a link between the Jewish Genealogical Societies throughout the world. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Moderator: David Chapin Moderator: Bruce Kahn Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. MODERATOR INFO: soc.genealogy.jewish.misc Moderator: Susan King Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. DISTRIBUTION: This CFV has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups alt.genealogy soc.culture.jewish soc.culture.israel soc.genealogy.computing soc.genealogy.jewish soc.genealogy.methods soc.genealogy.misc It has also been sent to the following mailing lists: [email protected] Genealogy Obituaries [email protected] Jewish General Discussion [email protected] Assoc. for Jewish Genealogical Societies [email protected] Jewish Genealogy (gatewayed to newsgroup soc.genealogy.jewish) Pointers to the CFV have been placed in the following newsgroups: soc.genealogy.nordic soc.genealogy.benelux soc.genealogy.french soc.genealogy.african soc.genealogy.german soc.genealogy.west-indies soc.genealogy.australia+nz soc.genealogy.hispanic soc.genealogy.slavic HOW TO VOTE - READ THIS BEFORE VOTING Delete everything above the top "-=-=-" line and delete everything below the bottom -=-=-" line. Do not change anything between these lines, except to add your name and vote. Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, put your vote in the brackets next to the group name. Valid entries are ABSTAIN, CANCEL, NO, and YES. Anything else may generate an invalid vote. Don't worry about changes in spacing or any quote characters (">") that your reply may insert. Mail the ballot to . Just replying to this should work, but check the "To:" line. Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker. CFVs and ballots are to be distributed only by the votetaker. Any other distribution of CFVs or ballots is a violation of the guidelines, and will result in the disqualification of those ballots. Only one vote is allowed per person or per account. Votes will be acknowleged by e-mail, and if you have not received an acknowledgement within a few days, contact the votetaker. It is your responsibility to be certain your vote has been recorded correctly. If you want to change your vote, you may vote again, but only the latest vote will be counted. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final vote ack. The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of people who would read a proposed newsgroup. Soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Please do not distribute this CFV. If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted in news.groups. When in doubt, ask the votetaker. -=-=- BEGINNING OF BALLOT: DELETE EVERYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE =-=-=-=-=-=-= This ballot is available only from | FIRST CALL FOR VOTES | postings in news.groups or by e-mail | SOC.GENEALOGY.JEWISH REORG | from the votetaker. It is distributed | | blank. Votes are counted by computer, ================================== and failure to use this ballot increases the possibility that the software will be unable to process your vote properly. Do not edit this ballot except to add your name and indicate your vote. These are examples of how to mark the ballot. Do not vote here. [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] [ CANCEL ] The placement of the word within the brackets is not important, but use the complete word, not just one letter. Enter your name and indicate your vote in the spaces below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Give your real name here: If you do not give your real name, your vote may be rejected. Vote Group (Place your vote below in the brackets next to the group) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] soc.genealogy.jewish.methods [ ] soc.genealogy.jewish.misc (renames soc.genealogy.jewish) -=-=-=-= END OF BALLOT: DELETE EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE =-=-=-=-=-=-= From [email protected] Fri Nov 8 23:33:33 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David Bostwick) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.genealogy,soc.culture.jewish,soc.culture.israel,soc.genealogy.computing,soc.genealogy.jewish,soc.genealogy.methods,soc.genealogy.misc Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.genealogy.jewish reorganization Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 9 Nov 1996 04:32:01 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 376 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 21 Nov 1996 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: David Bostwick NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: soc.genealogy.jewish-reorg Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:9324 news.groups:238084 alt.genealogy:86369 soc.culture.jewish:294352 soc.culture.israel:79362 soc.genealogy.computing:20616 soc.genealogy.jewish:29049 soc.genealogy.methods:8974 soc.genealogy.misc:37338 LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group soc.genealogy.jewish.methods moderated group soc.genealogy.jewish.misc (renames soc.genealogy.jewish) Newsgroups line: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Jewish genealogical methods and resources. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.jewish.misc Jewish genealogy general discussion. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 20 Nov 1996. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to one of the proponents. Proponent: David Chapin Proponent: Bruce Kahn Mentor: John Pimentel Votetaker: David Bostwick RATIONALE: all groups The present forum for Jewish genealogy discussion, soc.genealogy.jewish, has become a phenomenal success and has grown considerably in volume since its creation two years ago. Due to increased readership and diverse interests, the general area of Jewish genealogical methodology -- at one time a major portion of the discussion group -- now represents only about 10-14% of all the posts. Today, the majority of the posts deal with names, towns, and other personal queries which are not usually answered publicly in any extended, general-interest discussion. Today, only about 25% of all messages in the current discussion group generate any public reply. Everyone agrees that methodology posts are valuable, and of interest to most readers. These types of posts teach people about new resources and techniques that they can use in their research. The current trend indicates that the relative amount of methodology posts are steadily disappearing. As this trend continues, the value of the Internet for Jewish genealogy suffers. Methodology discussions typically includes how-to, give-and-take, case studies, scholarly discussions, collaborating of research sources, etc. In order to thrive again, these types of posts need to move to an environment where there is room for multi-person, extended public discussions; a place where these discussions are encouraged to regain their critical mass. The purpose of creating this additional newgroup devoted to Jewish genealogy is to provide such an opportunity so that discussions about Jewish genealogy methodology may flourish again in their own separate worldwide newsgroup. It will result in a better categorization of the messages, as well as allowing these types of messages to gain wider exposure. Jewish genealogy is often quite different from other types of genealogy. This is because Jewish records were often segregated and located in different archives scattered throughout the world. In many cases, the records may exist in unusual places and in a variety of languages. Primary records are often rare, requiring the researcher to use novel approaches to infer family lines. When Jewish genealogists make use of primary records, they are often limited to 20th century records within the country of immigration. These types of records tend to be underutilized by other types of genealogists. Most Jewish surnames are a relatively new phenomenon (typically more recent then 1790), making records research that much more difficult. This proposal for an additional Jewish genealogy newsgroup is designed to allow for future Usenet newsgroup expansion and to allow for nurturing and development of the ever-increasing discussions about Jewish genealogy. This addition is meant to enhance the overall quality Jewish genealogical discussions taking place on the Internet and to augment the present discussion now taking place in soc.genealogy.jewish (and its twin mailing list [email protected]). Standard Usenet practices dictate that when a new hierarchy is created, the originating group be moved to the new level with the name _.misc. (For further information about these practices, please refer to David Wright's "Guidelines for Usenet Newsgroup Names" FAQ, posted periodically in the newsgroups news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, and news.answers.) Because the new soc.genealogy.jewish.methods group necessitates a new level in the Usenet hierarchy, we are compelled by Usenet guidelines to rename soc.genealogy.jewish to soc.genealogy.jewish.misc. This follows precedents set in other Usenet reorganizations. The change in name is the only change being proposed for the current group soc.genealogy.jewish. The charter adopted in Nov. 1994 will remain in effect. Moderation and gatewayed mailing lists will be unchanged. Those receiving their messages through that mailing list should see no change. The new soc.genealogy.jewish.methods group will also have a gatewayed mailing list and subscribers will receive their messages in a similar way as they do with the current group. CHARTER: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods This is a worldwide news group for discussion of Jewish genealogical methods, case studies, tips, techniques, and resources. Appropriate types of articles would include discussions of research sources, research results of a general nature, FAQs, book lists, personal insight essays, announcements of new publications and research, analyses of historical patterns (such as naming patterns, migration routes, language styles, cultural influences, etc.), how-to techniques and tips, analysis of research problems, and reviews of current research. Examples of topics include: * Records and other resources, primary and secondary, public or private: anything related to locating, accessing, evaluating, interpreting, and/or preserving them from a Jewish genealogical perspective; * Evidence: proof; evaluation of conflicting sources; * Patterns and conditions of Jewish life in the past: laws, trades, migration routes, culture, economic conditions, etc. which can help interpret the evidence we find as well as provide an ancestral context; * Jewish naming patterns; * Interdisciplinary discussions: (demographics, genetics, medicine, stylistic analysis, law etc.). Queries relating to the above are encouraged. Two-way discussions of a scholarly nature are welcome and encouraged. Beginners as well as experts are encouraged to share in the give-and-take. Short, one-time commercial announcements of books, seminars, etc. may also be acceptable at the discretion of the moderators. The test for accepting these commercial announcements will be whether they are of general interest to the subscribers. Moderation Policy ----------------- We believe that moderation is not censorship and should never be allowed to become the same. However, we also believe that a newsgroup should be free of irrelevant postings and wasted bandwidth. The philosophy of moderation is to be light-handed and to offer extra help behind the scenes for new participants, who may be experiencing problems with e-mail addresses or net customs or the like. This assistance will be offered privately, in response to posts which, judging from past experience, are likely to be objected to by at least some other participants (e.g.personal attacks, questions fully covered in a FAQ file, items which were intended to be personal e-mail; incomplete questions; etc). Rejected messages will always be returned to the sender with an explanation from the moderator. Likewise, the moderators will not alter any message, with the possible exception that long 'tag lines' may be eliminated. The following shall be off-topic for soc.genealogy.jewish.methods: 1) Posts not related to the purposes of soc.genealogy.jewish.methods. 2) Crossposts to other newsgroups, other than judicious and limited crossposts to other relevant discussion groups. 3) Posts that may flagrantly violate copyright laws, or the rules imposed by the mailing list provider. 4) "Me too" posts; posts that contain an unreasonable amount of quoted text; posts that do not contribute any new discussion to an ongoing thread; intensely repetitive posts; polemics. 5) Specific name queries, which typically involve individuals who are searching for specific relations in their family lines. However, name discussion IS appropriate, if it is of general interest and the specific family line is incidental to the discussion. Examples of acceptable general interest name discussion include research about certain long-established and famous Jewish families (such as Rapaport, Rothschild, Katzenellenbogen), or research about historical naming patterns. The criteria used to determine whether a name query is is acceptable is whether it is of general interest and has a wider audience beyond just the family members. 6) Specific town or location queries, which typically involve individuals either searching for a location or searching for people who may have lived in the same town. Geography queries and discussion ARE appropriate, if they are of general interest or involve more global issues, such as migration patterns, how-to type queries, resources, etc. 7) Specific queries that are narrow-focused soley upon an individual's singular genealogy. Examples: "Am I Jewish? My grandfather did thus-and- such..." or "Can someone look up records for me in thus-and-such archive..." 8) Overtly religious content of which genealogy is a only secondary topic. The discussion group focuses on the genealogical aspects of Jewish culture, which is intended to be non-denominational, non-evangelical, and inclusive of non-Jews. 9) Commercial advertisements or personal advertisements that have nothing to do with Jewish genealogy; "spam" articles; and robogenerated articles. 10) Excessively polemical postings. The moderators shall interpret this rule loosely -- newsgroups are not academic journals -- but excessively opinionated debate with a lack of solid facts, will result in a termination of the discussion thread. 11) Posts containing profanity or excessive rudeness; posts that lack appropriate civility. While well-placed heckles are acceptable, flamewars are not. Any post full of personal abuse, slander or libel, or unauthorized reference to private e-mail addresses or mailing lists shall also be rejected. 12) Propagation of national, religious, racial, sexual, or ethnic hostility or animosity. 13) Binary files, even if they are related to Jewish genealogy. Jewish genealogical-related binaries should be posted to the appropriate group with a pointer in soc.genealogy.jewish.methods indicating where the binary in question may be found. Moderators will neither screen postings for intellectual content nor for accuracy beyond that contained in the charter of s.g.jewish.methods. Moderators reserve the right to terminate any thread which degenerates into unacceptable namecalling, rudeness, vulgarity, or which they feel has reached its end or flash point. Such threads shall be terminated by at least 2/3 supermajority of the current moderators. Individuals who believe a particular moderator has unfairly rejected a submission can appeal to the entire panel of moderators. The panel will reevaluate the submission and make a majority decision as to whether it will be posted. In the event that the moderation panel is evenly split over whether a submission ought to be posted, the submission shall be posted. We anticipate that more moderators will be needed as the discussion group grows. Anyone may volunteer to join the moderation panel with the consent of a two-thirds supermajority of the current moderators. Moderators also may be removed by a 2/3 supermajority of the moderation panel. Of course, moderators may resign of their own volition at any time. END CHARTER. CHARTER: soc.genealogy.jewish.misc 1. Providing all researchers of Jewish lines a means of networking with others on areas of particular interest to Jewish researchers to include: A) Geographical locations; B) Queries based on SURNAME and Locale, Tiny Tafels; C) Yizkor Books and Landmanshaften from the old country; D) Research sources and location of materials; E) Identifying relatives lost in the Holocaust; F) Finding relatives misplaced during the Holocaust; 2. Providing researchers of Jewish lines access to research materials both in the USA and abroad as they become available. 3. Providing an outlet for Holocaust survivors (the last generation) a means of identifying their families and preserving the historical information that has been lost or forgotten because of the horror and fear that these people have suffered. 4. Providing a means of encouraging Jewish researchers to use this medium to open up research opportunities that heretofore have not been available. 5. Providing a link between genealogy and the history of the of the Jewish people. 6. Providing a link between the Jewish Genealogical Societies throughout the world. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Moderator: David Chapin Moderator: Bruce Kahn Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. MODERATOR INFO: soc.genealogy.jewish.misc Moderator: Susan King Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. DISTRIBUTION: This CFV has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups alt.genealogy soc.culture.jewish soc.culture.israel soc.genealogy.computing soc.genealogy.jewish soc.genealogy.methods soc.genealogy.misc It has also been sent to the following mailing lists: [email protected] Genealogy Obituaries [email protected] Jewish General Discussion [email protected] Assoc. for Jewish Genealogical Societies [email protected] Jewish Genealogy (gatewayed to newsgroup soc.genealogy.jewish) Pointers to the CFV have been placed in the following newsgroups: soc.genealogy.nordic soc.genealogy.benelux soc.genealogy.french soc.genealogy.african soc.genealogy.german soc.genealogy.west-indies soc.genealogy.australia+nz soc.genealogy.hispanic soc.genealogy.slavic HOW TO VOTE - READ THIS BEFORE VOTING Delete everything above the top "-=-=-" line and delete everything below the bottom -=-=-" line. Do not change anything between these lines, except to add your name and vote. Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, put your vote in the brackets next to the group name. Valid entries are ABSTAIN, CANCEL, NO, and YES. Anything else may generate an invalid vote. Don't worry about changes in spacing or any quote characters (">") that your reply may insert. Mail the ballot to . Just replying to this should work, but check the "To:" line. Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker. CFVs and ballots are to be distributed only by the votetaker. Any other distribution of CFVs or ballots is a violation of the guidelines, and will result in the disqualification of those ballots. Only one vote is allowed per person or per account. Votes will be acknowleged by e-mail, and if you have not received an acknowledgement within a few days, contact the votetaker. It is your responsibility to be certain your vote has been recorded correctly. If you want to change your vote, you may vote again, but only the latest vote will be counted. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final vote ack. The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of people who would read a proposed newsgroup. Soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Please do not distribute this CFV. If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted in news.groups. When in doubt, ask the votetaker. -=-=- BEGINNING OF BALLOT: DELETE EVERYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE =-=-=-=-=-=-= This ballot is available only from | LAST CALL FOR VOTES | postings in news.groups or by e-mail | SOC.GENEALOGY.JEWISH REORG | from the votetaker. It is distributed | | blank. Votes are counted by computer, ================================== and failure to use this ballot increases the possibility that the software will be unable to process your vote properly. Do not edit this ballot except to add your name and indicate your vote. These are examples of how to mark the ballot. Do not vote here. [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] [ CANCEL ] The placement of the word within the brackets is not important, but use the complete word, not just one letter. Enter your name and indicate your vote in the spaces below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Give your real name here: If you do not give your real name, your vote may be rejected. Vote Group (Place your vote below in the brackets next to the group) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] soc.genealogy.jewish.methods [ ] soc.genealogy.jewish.misc (renames soc.genealogy.jewish) -=-=-=-= END OF BALLOT: DELETE EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE =-=-=-=-=-=-= soc.genealogy.jewish reorg Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected] Glenda Rubin [email protected] Martha LEV-ZION From [email protected] Sun Nov 24 14:26:55 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David Bostwick) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.genealogy,soc.culture.jewish,soc.culture.israel,soc.genealogy.computing,soc.genealogy.jewish,soc.genealogy.methods,soc.genealogy.misc Subject: RESULT: soc.genealogy.jewish reorganization all groups fail Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 24 Nov 1996 14:26:41 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 794 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: David Bostwick NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: soc.genealogy.jewish-reorg Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:9381 news.groups:240317 alt.genealogy:88022 soc.culture.jewish:298696 soc.culture.israel:81579 soc.genealogy.computing:21100 soc.genealogy.jewish:29708 soc.genealogy.methods:9127 soc.genealogy.misc:38126 RESULT moderated group soc.genealogy.jewish.methods fails 166:275 moderated group soc.genealogy.jewish.misc (renames soc.genealogy.jewish) fails 156:286 soc.genealogy.jewish reorganization results - 450 valid votes Yes No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : ------------------------------------------- 166 275 : No No : No : soc.genealogy.jewish.methods 156 286 : No No : No : soc.genealogy.jewish.misc 5 invalid votes For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes. There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted. Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group may not be voted on again for six months. Newsgroups line: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Jewish genealogical methods and resources. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.jewish.misc Jewish genealogy general discussion. (Moderated) The voting period ended at 23:59:59 UTC, 20 Nov 1996. This vote wasconducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to one of the proponents. Proponent: David Chapin Proponent: Bruce Kahn Mentor: John Pimentel Votetaker: David Bostwick RATIONALE: all groups The present forum for Jewish genealogy discussion, soc.genealogy.jewish, has become a phenomenal success and has grown considerably in volume since its creation two years ago. Due to increased readership and diverse interests, the general area of Jewish genealogical methodology -- at one time a major portion of the discussion group -- now represents only about 10-14% of all the posts. Today, the majority of the posts deal with names, towns, and other personal queries which are not usually answered publicly in any extended, general-interest discussion. Today, only about 25% of all messages in the current discussion group generate any public reply. Everyone agrees that methodology posts are valuable, and of interest to most readers. These types of posts teach people about new resources and techniques that they can use in their research. The current trend indicates that the relative amount of methodology posts are steadily disappearing. As this trend continues, the value of the Internet for Jewish genealogy suffers. Methodology discussions typically includes how-to, give-and-take, case studies, scholarly discussions, collaborating of research sources, etc. In order to thrive again, these types of posts need to move to an environment where there is room for multi-person, extended public discussions; a place where these discussions are encouraged to regain their critical mass. The purpose of creating this additional newgroup devoted to Jewish genealogy is to provide such an opportunity so that discussions about Jewish genealogy methodology may flourish again in their own separate worldwide newsgroup. It will result in a better categorization of the messages, as well as allowing these types of messages to gain wider exposure. Jewish genealogy is often quite different from other types of genealogy. This is because Jewish records were often segregated and located in different archives scattered throughout the world. In many cases, the records may exist in unusual places and in a variety of languages. Primary records are often rare, requiring the researcher to use novel approaches to infer family lines. When Jewish genealogists make use of primary records, they are often limited to 20th century records within the country of immigration. These types of records tend to be underutilized by other types of genealogists. Most Jewish surnames are a relatively new phenomenon (typically more recent then 1790), making records research that much more difficult. This proposal for an additional Jewish genealogy newsgroup is designed to allow for future Usenet newsgroup expansion and to allow for nurturing and development of the ever-increasing discussions about Jewish genealogy. This addition is meant to enhance the overall quality Jewish genealogical discussions taking place on the Internet and to augment the present discussion now taking place in soc.genealogy.jewish (and its twin mailing list [email protected]). Standard Usenet practices dictate that when a new hierarchy is created, the originating group be moved to the new level with the name _.misc. (For further information about these practices, please refer to David Wright's "Guidelines for Usenet Newsgroup Names" FAQ, posted periodically in the newsgroups news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, and news.answers.) Because the new soc.genealogy.jewish.methods group necessitates a new level in the Usenet hierarchy, we are compelled by Usenet guidelines to rename soc.genealogy.jewish to soc.genealogy.jewish.misc. This follows precedents set in other Usenet reorganizations. The change in name is the only change being proposed for the current group soc.genealogy.jewish. The charter adopted in Nov. 1994 will remain in effect. Moderation and gatewayed mailing lists will be unchanged. Those receiving their messages through that mailing list should see no change. The new soc.genealogy.jewish.methods group will also have a gatewayed mailing list and subscribers will receive their messages in a similar way as they do with the current group. CHARTER: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods This is a worldwide news group for discussion of Jewish genealogical methods, case studies, tips, techniques, and resources. Appropriate types of articles would include discussions of research sources, research results of a general nature, FAQs, book lists, personal insight essays, announcements of new publications and research, analyses of historical patterns (such as naming patterns, migration routes, language styles, cultural influences, etc.), how-to techniques and tips, analysis of research problems, and reviews of current research. Examples of topics include: * Records and other resources, primary and secondary, public or private: anything related to locating, accessing, evaluating, interpreting, and/or preserving them from a Jewish genealogical perspective; * Evidence: proof; evaluation of conflicting sources; * Patterns and conditions of Jewish life in the past: laws, trades, migration routes, culture, economic conditions, etc. which can help interpret the evidence we find as well as provide an ancestral context; * Jewish naming patterns; * Interdisciplinary discussions: (demographics, genetics, medicine, stylistic analysis, law etc.). Queries relating to the above are encouraged. Two-way discussions of a scholarly nature are welcome and encouraged. Beginners as well as experts are encouraged to share in the give-and-take. Short, one-time commercial announcements of books, seminars, etc. may also be acceptable at the discretion of the moderators. The test for accepting these commercial announcements will be whether they are of general interest to the subscribers. Moderation Policy ----------------- We believe that moderation is not censorship and should never be allowed to become the same. However, we also believe that a newsgroup should be free of irrelevant postings and wasted bandwidth. The philosophy of moderation is to be light-handed and to offer extra help behind the scenes for new participants, who may be experiencing problems with e-mail addresses or net customs or the like. This assistance will be offered privately, in response to posts which, judging from past experience, are likely to be objected to by at least some other participants (e.g.personal attacks, questions fully covered in a FAQ file, items which were intended to be personal e-mail; incomplete questions; etc). Rejected messages will always be returned to the sender with an explanation from the moderator. Likewise, the moderators will not alter any message, with the possible exception that long 'tag lines' may be eliminated. The following shall be off-topic for soc.genealogy.jewish.methods: 1) Posts not related to the purposes of soc.genealogy.jewish.methods. 2) Crossposts to other newsgroups, other than judicious and limited crossposts to other relevant discussion groups. 3) Posts that may flagrantly violate copyright laws, or the rules imposed by the mailing list provider. 4) "Me too" posts; posts that contain an unreasonable amount of quoted text; posts that do not contribute any new discussion to an ongoing thread; intensely repetitive posts; polemics. 5) Specific name queries, which typically involve individuals who are searching for specific relations in their family lines. However, name discussion IS appropriate, if it is of general interest and the specific family line is incidental to the discussion. Examples of acceptable general interest name discussion include research about certain long-established and famous Jewish families (such as Rapaport, Rothschild, Katzenellenbogen), or research about historical naming patterns. The criteria used to determine whether a name query is is acceptable is whether it is of general interest and has a wider audience beyond just the family members. 6) Specific town or location queries, which typically involve individuals either searching for a location or searching for people who may have lived in the same town. Geography queries and discussion ARE appropriate, if they are of general interest or involve more global issues, such as migration patterns, how-to type queries, resources, etc. 7) Specific queries that are narrow-focused soley upon an individual's singular genealogy. Examples: "Am I Jewish? My grandfather did thus-and- such..." or "Can someone look up records for me in thus-and-such archive..." 8) Overtly religious content of which genealogy is a only secondary topic. The discussion group focuses on the genealogical aspects of Jewish culture, which is intended to be non-denominational, non-evangelical, and inclusive of non-Jews. 9) Commercial advertisements or personal advertisements that have nothing to do with Jewish genealogy; "spam" articles; and robogenerated articles. 10) Excessively polemical postings. The moderators shall interpret this rule loosely -- newsgroups are not academic journals -- but excessively opinionated debate with a lack of solid facts, will result in a termination of the discussion thread. 11) Posts containing profanity or excessive rudeness; posts that lack appropriate civility. While well-placed heckles are acceptable, flamewars are not. Any post full of personal abuse, slander or libel, or unauthorized reference to private e-mail addresses or mailing lists shall also be rejected. 12) Propagation of national, religious, racial, sexual, or ethnic hostility or animosity. 13) Binary files, even if they are related to Jewish genealogy. Jewish genealogical-related binaries should be posted to the appropriate group with a pointer in soc.genealogy.jewish.methods indicating where the binary in question may be found. Moderators will neither screen postings for intellectual content nor for accuracy beyond that contained in the charter of s.g.jewish.methods. Moderators reserve the right to terminate any thread which degenerates into unacceptable namecalling, rudeness, vulgarity, or which they feel has reached its end or flash point. Such threads shall be terminated by at least 2/3 supermajority of the current moderators. Individuals who believe a particular moderator has unfairly rejected a submission can appeal to the entire panel of moderators. The panel will reevaluate the submission and make a majority decision as to whether it will be posted. In the event that the moderation panel is evenly split over whether a submission ought to be posted, the submission shall be posted. We anticipate that more moderators will be needed as the discussion group grows. Anyone may volunteer to join the moderation panel with the consent of a two-thirds supermajority of the current moderators. Moderators also may be removed by a 2/3 supermajority of the moderation panel. Of course, moderators may resign of their own volition at any time. END CHARTER. CHARTER: soc.genealogy.jewish.misc 1. Providing all researchers of Jewish lines a means of networking with others on areas of particular interest to Jewish researchers to include: A) Geographical locations; B) Queries based on SURNAME and Locale, Tiny Tafels; C) Yizkor Books and Landmanshaften from the old country; D) Research sources and location of materials; E) Identifying relatives lost in the Holocaust; F) Finding relatives misplaced during the Holocaust; 2. Providing researchers of Jewish lines access to research materials both in the USA and abroad as they become available. 3. Providing an outlet for Holocaust survivors (the last generation) a means of identifying their families and preserving the historical information that has been lost or forgotten because of the horror and fear that these people have suffered. 4. Providing a means of encouraging Jewish researchers to use this medium to open up research opportunities that heretofore have not been available. 5. Providing a link between genealogy and the history of the of the Jewish people. 6. Providing a link between the Jewish Genealogical Societies throughout the world. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: soc.genealogy.jewish.methods Moderator: David Chapin Moderator: Bruce Kahn Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. MODERATOR INFO: soc.genealogy.jewish.misc Moderator: Susan King Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. DISTRIBUTION: The CFV for this group was posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups alt.genealogy soc.culture.jewish soc.culture.israel soc.genealogy.computing soc.genealogy.jewish soc.genealogy.methods soc.genealogy.misc It was also sent to the following mailing lists: [email protected] Genealogy Obituaries [email protected] Jewish General Discussion [email protected] Assoc. for Jewish Genealogical Societies [email protected] Jewish Genealogy (gatewayed to newsgroup soc.genealogy.jewish) Pointers to the CFV were placed in the following newsgroups: soc.genealogy.nordic soc.genealogy.benelux soc.genealogy.french soc.genealogy.african soc.genealogy.german soc.genealogy.west-indies soc.genealogy.australia+nz soc.genealogy.hispanic soc.genealogy.slavic soc.genealogy.jewish reorg Final Vote Ack soc.genealogy.jewish.misc ----+ soc.genealogy.jewish.methods ---+| || [email protected] Abraham S Goldberg YY [email protected] Andre RET NY [email protected] Alan Yaffe YY [email protected] Ann L Hairfield NN [email protected] Jonathan Parker NN [email protected] Iris Folkson NN [email protected] Judith Wolkovitch YY [email protected] Leonard R. Robbins NN [email protected] Paul S. Wolf NN [email protected] Andy Lehrer YY [email protected] Bill Firestone NN [email protected] Harry B. Haymes NN [email protected] MAX BUNDMAN YY [email protected] Ronald Gabriel YY [email protected] Joan Oshlag Sanders NN [email protected] David G. Kanter NN [email protected] Joan Baronberg NN [email protected] Helen F. Wolf YY [email protected] Aahz -N [email protected] Blacher NN [email protected] Arthur S. Abramson NN [email protected] BRIAN WINTER NN [email protected] ANN SHEARER YY [email protected] Ann E. Cohen YY [email protected] Ann Drown NN [email protected] Aron Eisenpress YY [email protected] Til A. Symonies YY [email protected] ALLAN F.M. SYMONIES YY [email protected] A. Lebowitz NN [email protected] Michael L. Levine NN [email protected] M. Brownstein YN [email protected] ALAN STEINFELD NN [email protected] Alan Brian Simmonds. -Y [email protected] Alan K'necht NN [email protected] Alan Greenberg NN [email protected] Alan M. Klein NN [email protected] Sandy Shapiro NN [email protected] Aviva M. Neeman Y- [email protected] Annette Berch NN [email protected] Anthony R. Lewis NN [email protected] AMY LEVINSON NN [email protected] Arlene Parnes YY [email protected] PAUL ARMONY NN [email protected] Arnold Burkhoff YY [email protected] Al Rosenfield NN [email protected] ARTHUR NITIKMAN YN [email protected] Adam Marder NN [email protected] Audrey Henkin NN [email protected] Avrum Lapin NN [email protected] Alan S. Weiner NN [email protected] Babette Bloch NN [email protected] Barbara Brown NN [email protected] BARNEY RUBIN NN [email protected] Barbara M. Olsen NN [email protected] Clive M. Baumgarten NN [email protected] Sonny Putter NN [email protected] Bea Cohen YY [email protected] Brian Edmonds -Y [email protected] Judith D.Bennett YY [email protected] Bernard Spector YY [email protected] Bert Oppenheim YN [email protected] Becky Gallops NN [email protected] Ruth Miller Gove NN [email protected] William Mills YY [email protected] Bruce Kahn YY [email protected] Donna Dinberg YN [email protected] Brian Mavrogeorge NN [email protected] Bruce Bertram NN [email protected] Martin H. Booda NN [email protected] Sheila Kohn YY [email protected] Carol J. Bova YY [email protected] Paul Brenner NN [email protected] Burt Schreiber -Y [email protected] Gary M. Gans NN [email protected] Brenda Wymore NN [email protected] EVA FRIED NN [email protected] C. L. Preston NN [email protected] Gideon Carmi NN [email protected] Carol Isaak YY [email protected] Carol Shkolnik NN [email protected] Christina Golini YY [email protected] Chad F. Gottschlich NN [email protected] Charles Simpkinson YY [email protected] Edward I. Cherniss NN [email protected] Sheryl Harawitz NN [email protected] Michael Jesse Chonoles NN [email protected] Carmen M. Michael YY [email protected] Carol Monahan NN [email protected] Chuck Weinstein NN [email protected] CHARLES B. NAM NN [email protected] Susan Cohen YY [email protected] Bud Weidman YY [email protected] C. R. Newport YY [email protected] Cy Fellerman NN [email protected] Debra Hirsh NN [email protected] Roberta Berman NN [email protected] Daniel Rybowski YY [email protected] Daniel Vulkan NN [email protected] Daniel Raymon NN [email protected] Schelly Dardashti NN [email protected] David Dror NN [email protected] David Stern NN [email protected] DAVID LEWIN NN [email protected] Donald Brichta NN [email protected] Debi C. Cohen YY [email protected] David Alan Chapin YY [email protected] Moshe Denburg NN [email protected] Marshall Lev Dermer NN [email protected] David H. Fessler YY [email protected] DAVID PETER HANTMAN NN [email protected] Dick Grune YY [email protected] Dick Plotz NN [email protected] Ken Dubin NN [email protected] David J. Sencer NN [email protected] Dana L. Kurtz NN [email protected] Denis McKeon YY [email protected] David M. Fox NN [email protected] Dan Morris YY [email protected] DON SOLOMON YY "[email protected]" Deborah Smith YY [email protected] Davida Noyek Handler NN [email protected] Doris Frank NN [email protected] Donald A. Seligman YY [email protected] Douglas First NN [email protected] Daniel Pilnik NN [email protected] David M. Putzolu NN [email protected] I. Michael Bornstein YN [email protected] DAVID SHAPIRO NN [email protected] Eve M. Behr YN [email protected] Les Berman YY [email protected] Allen Eckers NN [email protected] Ethan Starr NN [email protected] Edward Ehrlich NN [email protected] Jerry Letwin NN [email protected] Eduardo M Fraifeld, M.D. NN [email protected] Eschel Hamel YY [email protected] Robert Eidschun YY [email protected] Rodney Eisfelder NN [email protected] Eleanore Vollweiler YY [email protected] Elias Savada YY [email protected] Ethan Miller YY [email protected] Sam Eneman NN [email protected] Enzo Falco NN [email protected] Ariana E. Lobo YY [email protected] Eric W. Bates NN [email protected] Edward S. Mann YY [email protected] Arthur Evans Jr YY [email protected] Fae Rosen Y- [email protected] Gary Luke NN [email protected] Florence Marmor NN [email protected] Felix Rabinovich NN [email protected] Fred Berlack YY [email protected] Fred Half NN [email protected] H. George Friedman, Jr. NN [email protected] Jan Engel YY [email protected] Ed Gaillard NN [email protected] Gail Bank Y- [email protected] Charles Millman YN [email protected] Gedaliah Friedenberg YY [email protected] GENE STARN YY [email protected] Andy Finkenstadt YY [email protected] Gerson Schaffel NN [email protected] Ginger S. Kenney YY [email protected] Gladys Rothman NN [email protected] Ielca Torok NN [email protected] Glenda Rubin NN [email protected] Gay Lynne Kegan NN [email protected] Carol Deckelbaum YY [email protected] Milt Baitman YY [email protected] Zvi Griliches NN [email protected] Gary R. Platt YY [email protected] Herbert Gursky YY [email protected] Herb Trace YY [email protected] Mark S. Halperin YY [email protected] Martin Hannigan NN [email protected] Harry A. Katzman YY [email protected] Vera Finberg NN [email protected] Hubert E. Dubb NN [email protected] HENRY WELLISCH NN [email protected] Markam Hersh NN [email protected] mahogohney kavanaugh NN [email protected] Herman Lewis NN [email protected] Howard Kerner YY [email protected] Marc D. Hodies YY [email protected] Jay Lenefsky NN [email protected] Howard Gershen NN [email protected] Howard F Cooper NN [email protected] Harry Prince Allen YY [email protected] HAROLD RHODE NN [email protected] Howard Rosen NN [email protected] Harvey S. Cohen YY [email protected] Hannah Brenner NN [email protected] Iosif Vaisman YY [email protected] Robert Friedman YN [email protected] Iris B. Sitkin NN [email protected] Irving L Levine NN [email protected] Jack Katz, JGS Buffalo YY [email protected] James W. Anderson YY [email protected] JEFF BOCK NN [email protected] Jeff Bloom NN [email protected] Jeno Kohn NN [email protected] Jennifer Kay YY [email protected] Jennifer Paquette YY [email protected] Joyce Field NN [email protected] Lois Sernoff NN [email protected] Jack Hoadley NN [email protected] Naomi Cream YY [email protected] Joshua Kramer Y- [email protected] Joe Fishbein YY [email protected] Joseph H. Miller NN [email protected] joel achtenberg NN [email protected] Jon Glazer NN [email protected] Ralph Jones YY [email protected] David Miller YY [email protected] Jon Gaines YY [email protected] Joe Patterson NN [email protected] John Pimentel -- [email protected] JUDY BASTON NN [email protected] Judith P. Rudolph NN [email protected] Michael Craft NN [email protected] Joshua Simon YY [email protected] Joel Shedlofsky NN [email protected] Judith Shulamith Langer Caplan NN [email protected] Juliane Luescher-Firzlaff NN [email protected] Joan Berger YY [email protected] Dave Kalin YY [email protected] Alan Karbritz NN [email protected] Karen Isaacson NN [email protected] Kenneth Fischer YY [email protected] Hadassah Lipsius NN [email protected] David Kessler Y- [email protected] Hasnain Khan NN [email protected] Sheila Kieval NN [email protected] Kim DeVaughn NN [email protected] Steven Kitnick YY [email protected] Kenneth Michael Kuller YY [email protected] Lorraine Bertelsen NN [email protected] Jerry Kliot YY [email protected] Bernard Kouchel NN [email protected] Karin Stoll NN [email protected] Kenneth S. Weiner NN [email protected] Andreas Kueppers YY [email protected] Stephen Kymlicka YY [email protected] Lance Greenberg NN [email protected] Charles B. Lapkoff NN [email protected] James H. Gross NN [email protected] Herbert I. Lazerow NN [email protected] Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis NN [email protected] Dan Leeson NN [email protected] LEILA AVRIN NY [email protected] Les Ungerleider YY [email protected] Martin H. Levin NN [email protected] Len Farber NN [email protected] Jac Herberg NN [email protected] Leonard Kamlet NN [email protected] Linda Cantor NN [email protected] Eugene Aronowitz YY [email protected] Arlyn Kerr YY [email protected] Leonard Lapatnick NN [email protected] Lynn Mandel Hall YY [email protected] Len Pincus NN [email protected] LOUIS RUBLIN YY [email protected] lisa sokol NN [email protected] Lawrence Tapper YY [email protected] Steve Lubetkin NN [email protected] Mark Lustik YY [email protected] Lynn van Dokkum NN [email protected] Marion Schiphorst NN [email protected] Alberto Guido Chester NN [email protected] Andrew G. Malis YY [email protected] Jeffrey S. Malka NN [email protected] MANNING BOOKSTAFF NY [email protected] Marcelo y Liliana Benveniste NN [email protected] Marc Dashevsky YY [email protected] Jonathan B. Marder NN [email protected] Marla Westberg NN [email protected] Martha LEV-ZION NN [email protected] Maurice Moll NN [email protected] Mike Fessler YY [email protected] Mel Oshins NN [email protected] Mervyn Doobov YY [email protected] Michael J. Meshenberg NN [email protected] Shmuel Meyer YY [email protected] Miguel Freixa NN [email protected] Edward J. Flax NN [email protected] Martin Hadis NN [email protected] MICHAEL LEWIN NN [email protected] Mike Fisher YY [email protected] Milton E Botwinick YY [email protected] Michael J Levine NN [email protected] Margaret Olson YY [email protected] Edithe Silver YY [email protected] Melody Katz -N [email protected] Martin Kessel NN [email protected] Mila M. Begun NN [email protected] Kathryn M. Lobo YY [email protected] Menno Nykerk NN [email protected] Mary J. Ryan NN [email protected] Martin Sachs YY [email protected] Monica Talmor NN [email protected] Michael Tobin YY [email protected] Sylvia Tulkoff NN [email protected] Christian Weisgerber YY [email protected] Edith Shulman NN [email protected] NETANYA LUBAN NN [email protected] Nancy Felson Brant YY [email protected] NIALL FOLEY NN [email protected] Nicholas Fiekowsky YY [email protected] Nick Waterman NN [email protected] Nikki Roth-Skiles NN [email protected] James L. Skydell, M.D. (NJRR71A@prodigy. NN [email protected] NORMAN BROTMAN NN [email protected] Norman Gillis Y- [email protected] Norman L. KAUFMAN NN [email protected] Nicki Russler NN [email protected] Oguocha Ike YY [email protected] Roy Ogus NN [email protected] Olav Nieuwejaar NN [email protected] Israel Pickholtz NN [email protected] Robert Craig Harman NN [email protected] Patrick J. LoPresti NN [email protected] Pam Austin YY [email protected] Trevor Tymchuk YY [email protected] Harvey Schwartz YY [email protected] Peter Cullman NN [email protected] Peter F. Adland NN [email protected] Paul Gordon NN [email protected] Phil Rose -N [email protected] David L. Mishkin YY [email protected] Ellen Sadove Renck NN [email protected] Phyllis Kramer NN [email protected] Phyllis Kangas NN [email protected] Perry Margel YY [email protected] Philip Mulivor YY [email protected] Jan Rosenberg Potts NN [email protected] ANN RABINOWITZ NN [email protected] Leonard Markowitz NN [email protected] Peg Rosenfield NN [email protected] Paul Evenson Skydell NN [email protected] Paul I. Wolf YY [email protected] Peter Zavon YN [email protected] Peter Zilahy Ingerman, PhD YY [email protected] Alan H. Rosen NN [email protected] Hillel Raymon NN [email protected] Ronald Ravikoff NN [email protected] Rebecca Bull YY [email protected] Richard Stark NN [email protected] Ronni Chapin Udoff YY [email protected] Bonnie Choi YY [email protected] Yigal Rechtman Y- [email protected] Reid Heller YY [email protected] Rebekah Hasman-Judd NN [email protected] Stephanie H. Goldberg YY [email protected] Richard Spitz YY [email protected] Richard Miller NN [email protected] Ron L. Kathren NN [email protected] Reeva Kimble NN [email protected] Ralph Lewis YN [email protected] Robert Murray YY [email protected] Robert Heyman NN [email protected] Robert Wascou NN [email protected] Robinn F. Magid NN [email protected] Robert L. Alpert NN [email protected] Roger Friedmann YY [email protected] David Ronn NN [email protected] Ronnie Kon YY [email protected] Raja Rosenbluth NN [email protected] Roy G. Paston YY [email protected] Rhona Schreck YY [email protected] Roberta Solit NN [email protected] Renee Steinig NN [email protected] RoseAnna Tendler Worth NN [email protected] Maryon W. Ruchelman YY [email protected] Rachel Unkefer NN [email protected] Robert Weiss NN [email protected] Arline Sachs NN [email protected] Ed Salier YY [email protected] Samuel N. Elpern YY [email protected] Michael A. Posnick NN [email protected] SANDRA A . GREENBERG NN [email protected] Saul Issroff YY [email protected] Solomon Braunstein YY [email protected] Susan Burstein NN [email protected] Steven Chernoff YY [email protected] Walter S. Arnold NN [email protected] SELMA NEUBAUER NN [email protected] Samuel Ellis Skydell NN [email protected] Seth D. Alford NN [email protected] Sam Girson NN [email protected] Stewart Gottlieb NN [email protected] FJ Shor NN [email protected] Shrisha Rao NN [email protected] Sidney Goldstein YY [email protected] Sita Likuski NN [email protected] Carol W. Skydell NN [email protected] Stanley M Krieger YY [email protected] Stanley M. Diamond NN [email protected] Steve Bonine -Y [email protected] Hymie Reichstein NN [email protected] Myrna Siegel YY [email protected] Suzanne Silk Klein YN [email protected] Stephen L. Snyder NN [email protected] suzanne s. waxman NN [email protected] Dwight Brown NN [email protected] Stanley H. Judd NN [email protected] Stanley BLUM NN [email protected] Stephen Eisenstein NN [email protected] STEVE BERCH NN [email protected] Stephen G. Esrati NN [email protected] Rob Strom YY [email protected] stuart yeates YY [email protected] Susan Fifer NN [email protected] Arthur Sugerman NN [email protected] Susan E. King NN [email protected] Stephen Wasser NN [email protected] Yehuda Witenoff NN [email protected] Terry Brown YY [email protected] Todd A. Farmerie NN [email protected] Richard Tasgal NN [email protected] Timothy Burch NN [email protected] Ted Gostin NN [email protected] John Kenneth Fisher YY [email protected] Howard Cherney NN [email protected] Tom Jaskiewicz -Y [email protected] Terrie Kaufman NN [email protected] Todd C. Lawson NN [email protected] Thomas Krakauer NN [email protected] MARK BERELOWITZ YY [email protected] HECTOR MONDRIK NN [email protected] Tom Phillips YY [email protected] David Turanski YY [email protected] Shelley Parish Nord NN [email protected] Kathleen Craine NN [email protected] E. Robert Wilson YY [email protected] Troy Varange NN [email protected] Vitaly Charny YY [email protected] Gary Mokotoff NN [email protected] Vivian Kahn NN [email protected] Warren Blatt NN [email protected] Stephen Warshall YY [email protected] Marion Werle NN [email protected] WERNER S. HIRSCH NN [email protected] Rusty Wilson NN [email protected] Patrick J. Winters YY [email protected] William Koch YY [email protected] Yael Raymon NN [email protected] Gloria Berkenstat Freund NN [email protected] Julian Yudelson YY [email protected] Robin Goret NN [email protected] M. Edward Borasky YY Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected] Barbara W. Levin YES ! No vote statement in message [email protected] ! No ballot [email protected] Brian Seth Hurst ! No ballot [email protected] Paul Susan Mike Greg---Probably Greg possibly Def ! No ballot [email protected] Jules Rosenthal ! No ballot