From [email protected] Mon Nov 13 15:02:27 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Simon Lyall)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: RFD: moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 13 Nov 1995 20:02:24 -0000
Organization: .
Lines: 141
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7856 news.groups:173806

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
                moderated group

Summary:        Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone.
Proponents:     Simon Lyall 
                Jay D. Dyson 

This is a formal request for discussion on the creation of an
moderated newsgroup,

This is not a call for votes.  Please don't vote now.

RATIONALE: was created in June of 1994 with the primary
objective of providing a newsgroup in which people could post their
experiences with loneliness, read about other people's experiences,
and share advice and comfort during their difficult times.

Unfortunately for much of 1995 the group has been pretty much
dominated by a small fringe political group. These people have been
abusive towards the often vulnerable posters in the group and have
recently attracted opposing political factions to the newsgroup to
attack them. Requests for these people to move to another (more
appropriate) newsgroup have been ignored and requests to their
providers to restrict their access have also been unsuccessful.

Unfortunately, this newsgroup has been largely overrun by a fringe
political group whose members have been abusive toward the
often-vulnerable posters of  More recently,
these people have attracted opposing political factions to the
newsgroup, thus further disrupting the group's primary objective.

Requests for the people to move their political discussions to more
appropriate forums have been ignored.  Notices to their providers,
which more than cited the number and severity of disruptive actions,
have gone unheeded.

While killfiles are an option for regular readers of the newsgroup,
many new posters are either discouraged, hurt or offended when their
first post draws vicious flames and ad hominem attacks from these
disruptive individuals. Many first-time posters do not return to the
group again.

A moderated loneliness group in the* hierarchy would
ensure better distribution that an alt.* group. It would also enable
abusive and off charter posts to be filtered out, thus ensuring the
group's primary objective would not be compromised.


Loneliness is defined as "solitary, isolated, unfrequented,
companionless."  Loneliness is that feeling experienced when a person
believes no-one is interested in them (for various reasons), and as a
result, that person lacks confidence in her/himself.  Quite often,
loneliness is most keenly perceived when "everyone else seems to be
having fun / friends / relationships" with the exception of one's
self. is intended to provide a safe area in which
people may post about their experiences with loneliness, read about
other people's experiences, offer advice, and comfort one another.

Relevant Informational postings and FAQs may also be posted.

Flames, offensive or off-topic postings, advertisements, abusive or ad
hominem attacks may not be posted to  There
are many other newsgroups where such posts are welcomed.  Users who
wish to post messages of such content will be directed to those

Neither commercial advertisements or "personal ads" are not welcome on

Moderation Policy:

The duty of the designated moderators is to ensure that all posts to fall within the accepted parameters for
discussion as defined by the newsgroup's charter.  An automated script
will be used to share postings among the newsgroup's moderators.
Posts which are rejected will be returned to the poster with a reason
for the rejection.  Posts may be edited to remove excessive
attribution and/or poor formatting.  The moderator is required to make
note when this is done. User's signatures may also be trimmed, but the
moderator is not required to note when this is done.

Anonymous posts are welcome in

If the number of moderators fall below three, volunteers will be
solicited by the current moderators in consultation with the newsgroup
participants. An automatic script will be used to share postings among
the moderators.

Moderators are expected to process articles within 24 to 48 hours of
receipt.  Moderators who will be temporarily unavailable for longer
than one week should notify the newsgroup and the other moderators so
that their names may be removed from the list of active moderators for
the duration.

New moderators must have both the majority approval of
loneliness participants and unanimous approval of all existing
moderators.  A moderator may be relieved of her/his position by
majority approval of the newsgroup participants and/or unanimous
approval of the other moderators.  Upon removal, the newsgroup will be
solicited for a replacement moderator.

In the event of an unresolvable controversy amongst the moderators,
all moderators will submit to binding arbitration by moderators-advice



Moderator: Jay Dyson 
Moderator: Simon Lyall 
Moderator: Logan 



After a discussion period of 30 days, if there are no overwhelming
objections to the formation of the group, a CFV will be posted to the
same groups as this RFD.  The voting period will be as outlined in the
guidelines (21-31 days).  If the vote passes by a majority of 2/3, and
there are 100 more yes votes than no votes, then the group will be


This RFD has been posted in accordance with the Guidelines for
Newsgroup Creation. This RFD is being posted to the following relevant

   news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,

The RFD and/or CFV may be posted to related mailing lists.
Discussion will take place in news.groups only.   Please post
follow-ups to news.groups only.

From [email protected] Thu Dec 14 13:04:30 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Steve Bonine 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: CFV: moderated
Followup-To: poster
Date: 14 Dec 1995 18:04:25 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 154
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 5 Jan 1996 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Steve Bonine 
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8015 news.groups:179058

                     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                moderated group

Newsgroups line:	Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 4 Jan 1996.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Simon Lyall 
Proponent: Jay D. Dyson 
Votetaker: Steve Bonine 

RATIONALE: was created in June of 1994 with the primary
objective of providing a newsgroup in which people could post their
experiences with loneliness, read about other people's experiences, and
share advice and comfort during their difficult times.

Unfortunately, this newsgroup has been largely overrun by a fringe
political group whose members have been abusive toward the often-vulnerable
posters of  More recently, these people have
attracted opposing political factions to the newsgroup, thus further
disrupting the group's primary objective.

Requests for the people to move their political discussions to more
appropriate forums have been ignored.  Notices to their providers, which
more than cited the number and severity of disruptive actions, have gone

While killfiles are an option for regular readers of the newsgroup, many
new posters are either discouraged, hurt or offended when their first post
draws vicious flames and ad hominem attacks from these disruptive
individuals. Many first-time posters do not return to the group again.

A moderated loneliness group in the* hierarchy would ensure
better distribution that an alt.* group. It would also enable abusive and
off charter posts to be filtered out, thus ensuring the group's primary
objective would not be compromised.


Loneliness is defined as "solitary, isolated, unfrequented,
companionless."  Loneliness is that feeling experienced when a person
believes no-one is interested in them (for various reasons), and as a result,
that person lacks confidence in her/himself.  Quite often, loneliness is
most keenly perceived when "everyone else seems to be having fun / friends /
relationships" with the exception of one's self. is intended to provide a safe area in which people
may post about their experiences with loneliness, read about other people's
experiences, offer advice, and comfort one another.

Relevant Informational postings and FAQs may also be posted.

Flames, offensive or off-topic postings, advertisements, personal ads,
abusive or ad hominem attacks may not be posted to
There are many other newsgroups where such posts are welcomed.  Users who
wish to post messages of such content will be directed to those forums.


The duty of the designated moderators is to ensure that all posts to fall within the accepted parameters for discussion
as defined by the newsgroup's charter.  An automated script will be used
to share postings among the newsgroup's moderators.  Posts which are
rejected will be returned to the poster with a reason for the rejection.
Posts may be edited to remove excessive attribution and/or poor formatting.
The moderator is required to make note when this is done. User's
signatures may also be trimmed, but the moderator is not required to note
when this is done.

Anonymous posts are welcome in

If the number of moderators fall below three, volunteers will be
solicited by the current moderators in consultation with the newsgroup
participants. An automatic script will be used to share postings among
the moderators.

Moderators are expected to process articles within 24 to 48 hours of
receipt.  Moderators who will be temporarily unavailable for longer than
one week should notify the newsgroup and the other moderators so that their
names may be removed from the list of active moderators for the duration.

New moderators must have both the majority approval of participants and unanimous approval of all
existing moderators. A moderator may be relieved of her/his position by
majority approval of the newsgroup participants and/or unanimous approval
of the other moderators. Upon removal, the newsgroup will be solicited
for a replacement moderator.

In the event of an unresolvable controversy amongst the moderators,
all moderators will submit to binding arbitration by moderators-advice



Moderator: Jay Dyson 
Moderator: Simon Lyall 
Moderator: Logan 
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]



Send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are not votes) to:

      [email protected]

Replying to this article should work, but check the address before you mail
your vote.  Your mail message must contain one and only one of the following
vote statements for each group:

      I vote YES on moderated
      I vote NO on moderated

Names are required for this vote.  The counting software will extract your name
from the mail message if your mailer is properly configured; if your mail
software does not indicate your name, you must include the following statement:

     Voter name:  Your name here

You can also vote ABSTAIN or CANCEL.  These votes are not counted in the
results, and CANCEL removes your name from the vote listing in the result.

Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that
your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of
your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem.  IT'S YOUR

If you wish to change your vote, simply vote again from the same account;
duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent vote.

THIS IS NOT A SECRET VOTE.  Names, addresses, and votes will be published in
a RESULTS article in the same newsgroups in which this CFV appears.

The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine if there is sufficient interest in
the Usenet community to create a new newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from
disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV;
direct people to the CFV in news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked
or edited copies of this CFV is prohibited, and votes from such sources will be
removed from the final vote total.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be
mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy
votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by WWW servers are considered to be
anonymous votes.

From [email protected] Tue Dec 26 09:01:36 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Steve Bonine 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: 2nd CFV: moderated
Supersedes: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 26 Dec 1995 14:01:31 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 154
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 5 Jan 1996 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Steve Bonine 
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8046 news.groups:181113

                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                moderated group

Newsgroups line:	Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 4 Jan 1996.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Simon Lyall 
Proponent: Jay D. Dyson 
Votetaker: Steve Bonine 

RATIONALE: was created in June of 1994 with the primary
objective of providing a newsgroup in which people could post their
experiences with loneliness, read about other people's experiences, and
share advice and comfort during their difficult times.

Unfortunately, this newsgroup has been largely overrun by a fringe
political group whose members have been abusive toward the often-vulnerable
posters of  More recently, these people have
attracted opposing political factions to the newsgroup, thus further
disrupting the group's primary objective.

Requests for the people to move their political discussions to more
appropriate forums have been ignored.  Notices to their providers, which
more than cited the number and severity of disruptive actions, have gone

While killfiles are an option for regular readers of the newsgroup, many
new posters are either discouraged, hurt or offended when their first post
draws vicious flames and ad hominem attacks from these disruptive
individuals. Many first-time posters do not return to the group again.

A moderated loneliness group in the* hierarchy would ensure
better distribution that an alt.* group. It would also enable abusive and
off charter posts to be filtered out, thus ensuring the group's primary
objective would not be compromised.


Loneliness is defined as "solitary, isolated, unfrequented,
companionless."  Loneliness is that feeling experienced when a person
believes no-one is interested in them (for various reasons), and as a result,
that person lacks confidence in her/himself.  Quite often, loneliness is
most keenly perceived when "everyone else seems to be having fun / friends /
relationships" with the exception of one's self. is intended to provide a safe area in which people
may post about their experiences with loneliness, read about other people's
experiences, offer advice, and comfort one another.

Relevant Informational postings and FAQs may also be posted.

Flames, offensive or off-topic postings, advertisements, personal ads,
abusive or ad hominem attacks may not be posted to
There are many other newsgroups where such posts are welcomed.  Users who
wish to post messages of such content will be directed to those forums.


The duty of the designated moderators is to ensure that all posts to fall within the accepted parameters for discussion
as defined by the newsgroup's charter.  An automated script will be used
to share postings among the newsgroup's moderators.  Posts which are
rejected will be returned to the poster with a reason for the rejection.
Posts may be edited to remove excessive attribution and/or poor formatting.
The moderator is required to make note when this is done. User's
signatures may also be trimmed, but the moderator is not required to note
when this is done.

Anonymous posts are welcome in

If the number of moderators fall below three, volunteers will be
solicited by the current moderators in consultation with the newsgroup
participants. An automatic script will be used to share postings among
the moderators.

Moderators are expected to process articles within 24 to 48 hours of
receipt.  Moderators who will be temporarily unavailable for longer than
one week should notify the newsgroup and the other moderators so that their
names may be removed from the list of active moderators for the duration.

New moderators must have both the majority approval of participants and unanimous approval of all
existing moderators. A moderator may be relieved of her/his position by
majority approval of the newsgroup participants and/or unanimous approval
of the other moderators. Upon removal, the newsgroup will be solicited
for a replacement moderator.

In the event of an unresolvable controversy amongst the moderators,
all moderators will submit to binding arbitration by moderators-advice



Moderator: Jay Dyson 
Moderator: Simon Lyall 
Moderator: Logan 
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]



Send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are not votes) to:

      [email protected]

Replying to this article should work, but check the address before you mail
your vote.  Your mail message must contain one and only one of the following
vote statements for each group:

      I vote YES on moderated
      I vote NO on moderated

Names are required for this vote.  The counting software will extract your name
from the mail message if your mailer is properly configured; if your mail
software does not indicate your name, you must include the following statement:

     Voter name:  Your name here

You can also vote ABSTAIN or CANCEL.  These votes are not counted in the
results, and CANCEL removes your name from the vote listing in the result.

Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that
your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of
your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem.  IT'S YOUR

If you wish to change your vote, simply vote again from the same account;
duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent vote.

THIS IS NOT A SECRET VOTE.  Names, addresses, and votes will be published in
a RESULTS article in the same newsgroups in which this CFV appears.

The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine if there is sufficient interest in
the Usenet community to create a new newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from
disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV;
direct people to the CFV in news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked
or edited copies of this CFV is prohibited, and votes from such sources will be
removed from the final vote total.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be
mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy
votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by WWW servers are considered to be
anonymous votes.

From [email protected] Thu Jan  4 23:24:04 1996
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Steve Bonine 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: RESULT: moderated passes 137:30
Supersedes: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 4 Jan 1996 23:23:58 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 316
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8081 news.groups:182001

         moderated group passes 137:30

There were 137 YES votes and 30 NO votes, for a total of 167 valid votes.
There were 9 invalid ballots.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line:	Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. (Moderated)

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 4 Jan 1996.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Simon Lyall 
Proponent: Jay D. Dyson 
Votetaker: Steve Bonine 

RATIONALE: was created in June of 1994 with the primary
objective of providing a newsgroup in which people could post their
experiences with loneliness, read about other people's experiences, and
share advice and comfort during their difficult times.

Unfortunately, this newsgroup has been largely overrun by a fringe
political group whose members have been abusive toward the often-vulnerable
posters of  More recently, these people have
attracted opposing political factions to the newsgroup, thus further
disrupting the group's primary objective.

Requests for the people to move their political discussions to more
appropriate forums have been ignored.  Notices to their providers, which
more than cited the number and severity of disruptive actions, have gone

While killfiles are an option for regular readers of the newsgroup, many
new posters are either discouraged, hurt or offended when their first post
draws vicious flames and ad hominem attacks from these disruptive
individuals. Many first-time posters do not return to the group again.

A moderated loneliness group in the* hierarchy would ensure
better distribution that an alt.* group. It would also enable abusive and
off charter posts to be filtered out, thus ensuring the group's primary
objective would not be compromised.


Loneliness is defined as "solitary, isolated, unfrequented,
companionless."  Loneliness is that feeling experienced when a person
believes no-one is interested in them (for various reasons), and as a result,
that person lacks confidence in her/himself.  Quite often, loneliness is
most keenly perceived when "everyone else seems to be having fun / friends /
relationships" with the exception of one's self. is intended to provide a safe area in which people
may post about their experiences with loneliness, read about other people's
experiences, offer advice, and comfort one another.

Relevant Informational postings and FAQs may also be posted.

Flames, offensive or off-topic postings, advertisements, personal ads,
abusive or ad hominem attacks may not be posted to
There are many other newsgroups where such posts are welcomed.  Users who
wish to post messages of such content will be directed to those forums.


The duty of the designated moderators is to ensure that all posts to fall within the accepted parameters for discussion
as defined by the newsgroup's charter.  An automated script will be used
to share postings among the newsgroup's moderators.  Posts which are
rejected will be returned to the poster with a reason for the rejection.
Posts may be edited to remove excessive attribution and/or poor formatting.
The moderator is required to make note when this is done. User's
signatures may also be trimmed, but the moderator is not required to note
when this is done.

Anonymous posts are welcome in

If the number of moderators fall below three, volunteers will be
solicited by the current moderators in consultation with the newsgroup
participants. An automatic script will be used to share postings among
the moderators.

Moderators are expected to process articles within 24 to 48 hours of
receipt.  Moderators who will be temporarily unavailable for longer than
one week should notify the newsgroup and the other moderators so that their
names may be removed from the list of active moderators for the duration.

New moderators must have both the majority approval of participants and unanimous approval of all
existing moderators. A moderator may be relieved of her/his position by
majority approval of the newsgroup participants and/or unanimous approval
of the other moderators. Upon removal, the newsgroup will be solicited
for a replacement moderator.

In the event of an unresolvable controversy amongst the moderators,
all moderators will submit to binding arbitration by moderators-advice



Moderator: Jay Dyson 
Moderator: Simon Lyall 
Moderator: Logan 
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]


Voted Yes
[email protected]                                          SUZANNE FORTIN
[email protected]                                                           Aahz
[email protected]                                                  Art Douglas
[email protected]                                              Ambrose Li
[email protected]                                   Jonathan E. Adair
[email protected]                                          Nigel Allen
[email protected]                                                   Adam Glass
[email protected]                                                 Tina M. Wood
[email protected]                                              Alan King
[email protected]                                             Ananda M. Kar
[email protected]                                         Stephanie da Silva
[email protected]                                          Ron Bauerle
[email protected]                                                   Shag
[email protected]                                             Bradley M. Kuhn
[email protected]                                        Purodha B Blissenbach
[email protected]                                     Benjamin D Lukoff
[email protected]                                              Mark Kupferman
[email protected]                                          Christian Bull
[email protected]                                        Chris Carlson
[email protected]                                          Cassie Kuhlhorst
[email protected]                                          Chris Salter
[email protected]                                              David Christopher
[email protected]                                      Soren Dayton
[email protected]                                  Christopher S. Hinds
[email protected]                                             David Coons
[email protected]                                            Daniel Youngquist
[email protected]                                                      G De Vries
[email protected]                                                Ben de Lisle
[email protected]                                 George Derek Middleton
[email protected]                                          Don A. Berkowitz
[email protected]                                            Doug McNaught
[email protected]                                               David Shaw
[email protected]                                                  Dave Sparks
[email protected]                                         Duane T. Williams
[email protected]                                     Dave Zingg 
[email protected]                                                Edward Reid
[email protected]                                             Ed Moore
[email protected]                                          Elena S.
[email protected]                                   Elizabeth Osborne-Auger
[email protected]                                                Enrique Rivero
[email protected]                                                       Samu Mielonen
[email protected]                                           Frank Kotch
[email protected]                                           Floyd Johnson
[email protected]                                   Craig Wyllie
[email protected]                                  George Walker
[email protected]                                                Gerd Koslowski
[email protected]                                    Gregory G. Woodbury
[email protected]                                                Jim Delton
[email protected]                                                Jonathan Grobe
[email protected]                                          John M. Grohol Psy.D.
[email protected]                                               Harris Barnes
[email protected]                                           Jan G. Hogle
[email protected]                                                  Murray C Park
[email protected]                                Samuli K=E4rkk=E4inen
[email protected]                                       Brian and Kevin Igoe
[email protected]                                                    Jamie Eimermann
[email protected]                                                    John M Ford
[email protected]                                        Jay and Kathleen
[email protected]                                                  Joe Clark
[email protected]                                         Susan Johnson
[email protected]                                           Josef Oldenburg
[email protected]                                             Jon Abbott
[email protected]                                          The Jones'
[email protected]                                       J. Porter Clark
[email protected]                                      Juergen Schroth
[email protected]                                    b a h   h u m b u g
[email protected]                                                  Keith Trussell
[email protected]                              Wolfgang Keller
[email protected]                                     Kevin Charman
[email protected]                                                        Kien
[email protected]                                     Konrad Swanepoel
[email protected]                                            Mark H. Linford
[email protected]                                            Antonio Paes
[email protected]                                               Leo Possajennikov
[email protected]                                  Martin Schr"oder
[email protected]                                                  Paladin
[email protected]                                            Laurence T. Maloney
[email protected]                                       Henrik Gelius
[email protected]                                                Mark Fitzgerald
[email protected]                     Michael Allred [email protected]
[email protected]                                                      M. J. Dolan
[email protected]                                              s.merchant
[email protected]                                        Matthew Jackson
[email protected]                                                  Goodman
[email protected]                                     Matthew T. Kinney
[email protected]                                           Michael W. Daniels
[email protected]                                                  Patrick Rigney
[email protected]                                      Orjan Johansen
[email protected]                                             Olav Nieuwejaar
[email protected]                                        Paul Greenhow
[email protected]                                              Trevor Tymchuk
[email protected]                                             William Bullock
[email protected]                              Andreas Polzer
[email protected]                                       Per Viggen 
[email protected]                                       Patrick Oblander
[email protected]                                               W. Paul Zola
[email protected]                                         Richard Nielsen
[email protected]                                    Rick Ellison
[email protected]                                                          Rflady
[email protected]                                             Richard Perry
[email protected]                                             Rod Grant
[email protected]                                                Andrew Rogers
[email protected]                                            J. Rufinus
[email protected]                                                      Russ Herman
[email protected]                                                Sam Wales
[email protected]                                                Dominick Galang
[email protected]                                              David McFarling
[email protected]                                            Steve Arlow
[email protected]                                            Shawn Larsen
[email protected]                                         Simon Lavell
[email protected]                                              Simon Lyall
[email protected]                                           Richard Sperling
[email protected]                                                 Stephen Turner
[email protected]                                                Sten Solberg
[email protected]                                                     steph edgar
[email protected]                                                Steven Matthews
[email protected]                                                      Frode Stokseth
[email protected]                                           Stuart Park
[email protected]                              Stuart Andrew Yeates
[email protected]                                        R. Edward Stuart
[email protected]                                                     StukaFox
[email protected]                                               Dick Summerfield
[email protected]                                                   Stephen
[email protected]                                         Tony Brown
[email protected]                                     Tyrone Nicholas
[email protected]                                     thang duc nguyen
[email protected]                                               Thomas Rodney
[email protected]                                        Tim Pierce
[email protected]                                     Brad Littlejohn
[email protected]                                      A. Bramford CMP UG
[email protected]                                        Ville Hakulinen
[email protected]                                         Werner Uhrig
[email protected]                                            Will Day
[email protected]                                        Wolfgang Schelongowski
[email protected]                                          Kent Paul Dolan
[email protected]                                       Zephyr S. G. Williams
[email protected]                                         Paul O Svelmoe

Voted No
[email protected]                                         Andrew Fabbro
[email protected]                                                 Arshad Hussain
[email protected]                                               Brian Bresnahan
[email protected]                                           Jeffrey David Cohen
[email protected]                                               Michiel Wijers
[email protected]                                             Don Ballard
[email protected]                                                 Minister of Truth
[email protected]                                        Olivier Devuns @pulsar
[email protected]                                             Don Kiely
[email protected]                                                             ed
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                              Kim DeVaughn
[email protected]                                              Kevin Mitchell
[email protected]                                   Lance K. Chun
[email protected]                                          Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS
[email protected]                                               Ken Nelson
[email protected]                                          Nick Ingegneri
[email protected]                                           Patrick J. LoPresti
[email protected]                                                Pete Bastien
[email protected]                                           Matthew Schnierle
[email protected]                                     Glen Patrick Ryan
[email protected]                                         Smarasderagd
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                                    J. Stick
[email protected]                                                   Tony Basoglu
[email protected]                                               Tom Griffin
[email protected]                                  TJASKIEW.US.ORACLE.COM
[email protected]                             Todd C. Lawson
[email protected]                                       Vincent Archer
[email protected]                                         Risto Widenius

Votes in error
[email protected]
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                         Nurs4u
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                 leon simons
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                       Louise Kelley
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]
   ! No name given
[email protected]
   ! No name given
[email protected]
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                               bill boyer
   ! No vote statement in message
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