X-Last-Updated: 1997/07/24
From: [email protected] (Chris Sharpe)
Newsgroups:, alt.collecting.pez, rec.collecting,
Subject: PEZ FAQ v4.0
Summary: Information about PEZ candy and PEZ dispensers
Date: 07 Jul 2000 09:23:25 GMT

Archive-name: food/pez-faq
Posting-Frequency: monthly (11th)
Version: 4.0

                        PEZPEZPEZ   PEZPEZPEZ  PEZPEZPEZ  (R)
                        PEZPEZPEZ   PEZPEZPEZ  PEZPEZPEZ
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                        PEZPEZPEZ   PEZPEZ        PEZ
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                        PEZ         PEZPEZPEZ  PEZPEZPEZ

                         PEZ Frequently Asked Questions

                                   Version 4.0

                         Last modified:  July 23, 1997

                                   Compiled by
                                   Chris Sharpe
                              ([email protected])


This FAQ is an attempt to provide general information and answer some of
the more frequently asked questions about PEZ Candy and PEZ Candy Dispensers.

The information contained in this FAQ came from PEZ CANDY, INC., and
fellow PEZ enthusiasts around the world.  The facts are true to the best
of my knowledge.

Sections marked with an asterisk (*) contain changes since the last revision.

Questions, comments, suggestions, and corrections should be mailed to
[email protected].  Please try to include the source of your information.
See question [8-8] for ways to obtain the latest version of this FAQ.

Thanks and enjoy!
Chris Sharpe

This list is not supported, distributed, or sanctioned by PEZ Candy, Inc.
Even though some of this information came from PEZ Candy, Inc., they are
in no way responsible for the truth or falsehood of any of this information.
In fact, some of the information obtained from PEZ Candy was found to be

I make no claims or guarantees that the information contained in this
document is the definitive truth.  The information has been obtained from
various sources and is true to the best of my knowledge.

PEZ is a registered trademark of PEZ Candy, Inc.


[1]  General Information
     [1-1]  What does PEZ stand for?
     [1-2]  Who invented PEZ?
     [1-3]  How long has PEZ been around?
     [1-4]  Tell me more about the history of PEZ.
     [1-5]  What is a "Pezhead"?
     [1-6]  What do MIB, MOC, MOMC, and NF mean?
     *[1-7]*  In what countries are PEZ available?

[2]  The Company - PEZ Candy, Inc.
     *[2-1]*  Can I buy products directly from the PEZ factory?
     [2-2]  Can I have a tour of the PEZ Candy factory?
     [2-3]  Who owns PEZ Candy, Inc.?
     [2-4]  Can I buy stock in PEZ?
     [2-5]  Where is the company located?
     [2-6]  Tell more about the history of the company.
     [2-7]  Is PEZ Candy, Inc. on the Internet?

[3]  PEZ Candy
     [3-1]  Where can I buy Cherry flavor PEZ?
     *[3-2]*  What new flavors are coming out next?
     [3-3]  What's in PEZ Candy?
     [3-4]  Is PEZ Candy good for you?
     *[3-5]*  What flavors are available?
     [3-6]  Are there any sugar-free flavors?
     [3-7]  Where is PEZ Candy made?
     *[3-8]*  What flavors have been discontinued?
     [3-9]  What are Kosher PEZ?

[4]  PEZ Dispensers
     *[4-1]*  Where can I find PEZ dispensers and Candy refills?
     [4-2]  I saw an Elvis Presley PEZ dispenser in the movie "The Client".
            Where can I buy one?  How about Pee Wee Herman, Spock, Michael
            Jackson, Hitler, Barbie, and the Sta-Puff marshmallow man?
     *[4-3]*  Where can I buy a "Bride" and "Groom" dispenser?
     *[4-4]*  What new dispensers are coming out next?
     [4-5]  How many PEZ dispensers are currently available?
     *[4-6]*  Is there a canonical list of PEZ dispensers?
     *[4-7]*  Where are PEZ Candy dispensers made?
     [4-8]  Can anybody explain Titus, Brutus, and the Pez-a-Saurs?
     [4-9]  What are the different trucks?
     *[4-10]*  Where can I buy old PEZ dispensers?
     [4-11]  Should I open the packages or leave them in the bag and
               on the card?
     [4-12]  How can I compare my PEZ collection to others?
     [4-13]  Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is which?
     *[4-14]*  What is the highest price ever paid for a single PEZ dispenser?
     *[4-15]*  What is a Power PEZ Dispenser?
     [4-16]  How will I ever collect all these variations?
     [4-17]  How old is a particular dispenser?
     [4-18]  What does it mean for a dispenser to be "with feet" or "without
     [4-19]  Is my black Batman worth $75-125 as listed in Geary's book?
     [4-20]  What is the most popular dispenser?
     [4-21]  What does the "DBP" mark mean on some dispensers?
     [4-22]  My dispenser says "Made in Jugoslavia".  Is that a misprint?
     [4-23]  Which one's Tom and which one's Tuffy?
     *[4-24]*  I have a defective dispenser (from the factory).  Is it worth
     [4-25]  What is the best way to clean my PEZ dispensers?
     *[4-26]*  How should I display my dispensers?
     *[4-27]*  How many different Coach Whistles are there?
     *[4-28]*  Where can I buy feet to help my older dispensers stand up better?
     [4-29]  How can I get a BubbleMan dispenser?
     *[4-30]*  What is the tallest dispenser?  widest?
     [4-31]  What does "Club Med Face" mean?
     [4-32]  What does it mean to say "with plastic/metal spring"?
     [4-33]  What does it mean to say "with plastic/metal hinge pin"?
     [4-34]  What does it mean to say "without pin"?
     [4-35]  I'd like a PEZ dispenser of xxxxx.  Where can I get one made?
     [4-36]  I've noticed some of my dispensers have this tab protruding
               from the back of the neck.  What is it?
     *[4-37]*  What does it mean to say a dispenser is "die-cut"?
     *[4-38]*  What are all the color combinations of xxxxx?
     *[4-39]*  What does the digit on the side of the dispenser mean?
               What are IMC's?

*[5]*  PEZ in the Media

[6]  Other PEZ Collectibles
     [6-1]  Are there any other PEZ items that I can buy?
     [6-2]  Where can I find the PEZ collectibles mentioned in question [6-1]?
     *[6-3]*  I've heard of a Teddy Bear that dispenses PEZ.  Does it exist?
     *[6-4]*  What are the PEZ Body Parts?
     *[6-5]*  Aren't there some other PEZ trucks?  A bank?
     [6-6]  What are "Sea World PEZ" or "Shamu PEZ" items?
     *[6-7]*  What are the different inserts available?

[7]  Miscellaneous
     *[7-1]*  How do I make a PEZ gun?
     *[7-2]*  Personalized Heart Dispensers
     *[7-3]*  PEZ Wallpaper for your computer
     *[7-4]*  Shipping Overseas
     *[7-5]*  How can I remove PEZ from the card without damaging the card?
     *[7-6]*  PEZ Collectors Database
     *[7-7]*  PEZ Icons

[8]  PEZ References and Resources
     [8-1]  Can I write to the company?  What will they send me?
     *[8-2]*  How can I contact other collectors?  Are there any
              PEZ conventions?
     *[8-3]*  Are there any books on PEZ?
     *[8-4]*  Where can I find these books?
     *[8-5]*  What's in these books anyway?
     *[8-6]*  Are there any WWW sites for PEZ?
     *[8-7]*  Is there a newsgroup or mailing list for PEZ?
     *[8-8]*  How can I get the latest copy of this FAQ?
     [8-9]  Has there been any newspaper or magazine articles about PEZ?
     [8-10]  Where can I find these newsletters I've heard about?

*[9]*  Acknowledgments


[1]  General Information
[1-1]  What does PEZ stand for?
PEZ comes from the first, middle, and last letters of the German word for
peppermint, pfefferminz.
            P    E    Z

[1-2]  Who invented PEZ?
PEZ was invented by Eduard Haas III.

[1-3]  How long has PEZ been around?
PEZ candy was created in 1927 in Vienna, Austria.  The PEZ dispenser was
invented in 1948.  PEZ candies and dispensers have been marketed in America
since 1952.

[1-4]  Tell me more about the history of PEZ.
PEZ was first marketed as a compressed peppermint breath mint in Austria.  It
was initially targeted for adult smokers, and the first dispenser was 
designed to look like a cigarette lighter (no character heads).  After
being introduced in America in 1952, market research with children led to the
introduction of fruit flavors and character heads featuring top licensed
characters.  Today PEZ is available around the world in more than 60 countries.

[1-5]  What is a "Pezhead"?
A "Pezhead" is someone who collects PEZ dispensers.

[1-6]  What do MIB, MOC, MOMC, and NF mean?
These are standard abbreviations used to refer to the condition of a
collectible:   MIB = Mint in Bag
               MOC = Mint on Card
               MOMC = Mint on Mint Card
               NF = No Feet (see question [4-18])
Note that MOC does not mean that the card isn't bent, torn, and discolored,
but just that the dispenser is still on the card (unopened).

*[1-7]*  In what countries are PEZ available?
PEZ Candy, Inc. states that PEZ are available in over 60 countries.  Here's a
partial - but growing - list of confirmed countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Mexico,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand,

[2]  The Company - PEZ Candy, Inc.
*[2-1]*  Can I buy products directly from the PEZ factory?
Late in 1996, PEZ Candy began selling dispensers direct to the consumer or
collector.  Mail-order inserts are beginning to appear packaged with the
current dispensers.  If you wish, you can request an order form from PEZ Candy
by sending a message to:

        PEZ Candy, Inc.
        35 Prindle Hill Rd.
        Orange, CT  06477

You can then mail the completed order form to:

        PEZ Candy, Inc.
        P.O. Box 3009
        Wallingford, CT  06494

They will not take orders by phone.  The dispensers are sold in groups of 8
and they are packaged "in bulk"; there is no special packaging.  Prices are
$11.95 per group of 8 dispensers plus $3.95 shipping and handling.  PEZ candy
is also available through this mail-in offer.

If you wish to find out the name of the PEZ distributor in your area, call
PEZ Candy, Inc. at (203)-795-0531.  You may be able to purchase PEZ in bulk
from your local distributor.  This may require a resale tax number or other
qualifications, depending on local laws.

[2-2]  Can I have a tour of the PEZ Candy factory?
The company's response is that since they are an FDA regulated food plant, they
are not permitted to give tours.  However, it has been pointed out that
wineries are also regulated by the FDA, but they often give tours.  Regardless
of the reason, PEZ Candy does not give tours.

[2-3]  Who owns PEZ Candy, Inc.?
Scott McWhinnie is the president and chief executive officer of PEZ Candy, Inc.

[2-4]  Can I buy stock in PEZ?
PEZ Candy is a privately held company.  No stock is sold.

[2-5]  Where is the company located?
The first U.S. PEZ factory was located in New York and imported the candy from
Europe.  The United States division of PEZ Candy moved to Orange, Connecticut
in 1972.

[2-6]  Tell more about the history of the company.
PEZ Candy, Inc. was originally Haas Food Mfg. Corp.  This didn't change until
the 1970's.  Their motto used to be "A Treat to Eat in a Puppet That's Neat!"

[2-7]  Is PEZ Candy, Inc. on the Internet?
Currently, no.  However, PEZ Candy, Inc. has reserved the rights to several
PEZ-related domain names and say they do plan to have a presence on the
Internet in the future.  You can get information about the domain names from
the InterNIC Registration Services Center (telnet:// by
using the WHOIS service.

[3]  PEZ Candy
[3-1]  Where can I buy Cherry flavor PEZ?
Cherry flavor PEZ was discontinued in the US several years ago and was replaced
by Grape flavor PEZ.  However, Cherry PEZ is readily available in Canada and
Europe.  It was discontinued in the US because PEZ Candy thought that children
would not want a candy that tasted much like cough medicine.

*[3-2]*  What new flavors are coming out next?
It is not the policy of PEZ Candy to discuss current or future marketing plans.
The newest flavor is actually the oldest flavor.  The company is reissuing
the Peppermint flavor packaged with the new Regulars.  I'm not sure if this
is the exact same Peppermint that was originally used or if it's a different

[3-3]  What's in PEZ Candy?
As listed on the wrapper the ingredients are:
        Sugar, Corn Syrup, Adipic Acid, Hydrogenated Palm Kernel & Palm Oils
        And Soybean Oil Mono & Diglycerides, Natural & Artificial Flavors,
        Artificial Colors (including FD&C Red 3, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 2
        - depending on which flavor).

The sugar-free candy has the following ingredients:
        Sorbitol, Coated Citric Acid, Magnesium Stearate, Natural & Artificial
        Flavors, Ascorbic Acid, Artificial Colors (including FD&C Red 40 Lake,
        Yellow 5 Lake, Yellow 6 Lake - depending on which flavor).

[3-4]  Is PEZ Candy good for you?
The nutritional info is:
        Serving size: 1 roll (9 g)
        Calories: 35
        % Daily Values per Serving (based on a 2,000 calorie diet):
                Total Fat (0 g): 0%
                Sodium (0 mg): 0%
                Total Carbohydrates (9 g): 3%
                        Sugars 9 g
                Protein: 0 g

The sugar-free candy has the following nutritional info:
        Serving size: 1 roll (8 g)
        Calories: 30
        % Daily Values per Serving (based on a 2,000 calorie diet):
                Total Fat (0 g): 0%
                Sodium (0 mg): 0%
                Total Carbohydrates (9 g): 3%
                        Sugars 0 g
                        Sorbitol 8 g
                Protein (0 g): 0%
                Vitamin C: 35%

*[3-5]*  What flavors are available?
Assorted Fruit, Grape, Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, and Peppermint.  Cherry
and Coco/Chocolate have been discontinued in the US, but are still available
in other countries.

[3-6]  Are there any sugar-free flavors?
Yes, PEZ Candy makes sugarfree Orange, Lemon, and Strawberry flavors.

[3-7]  Where is PEZ Candy made?
Both sugarfree and regular candy are made in Orange, Connecticut where
the candy is also packaged with the dispensers.

*[3-8]*  What flavors have been discontinued?
There have been many flavors over the years.  Many of these were never
available in the United States:
        Anise (tastes like black licorice)
        Flower Flavor
        Hot Cinnamon
        IZO (vitamins)
        Wild Cherry

[3-9]  What are Kosher PEZ?
Some common dispensers have cards marked "Kosher".  It signifies that the
candy inside the package was prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws.
They are always the assorted flavor packs.  The Kosher carded PEZ are made by
PEZ Candy, Inc. especially for Paskesz Candy Company and are difficult to find.

[4]  PEZ Dispensers
*[4-1]*  Where can I find PEZ dispensers and Candy refills?
PEZ Candy products (both dispensers and refills) are sold nationally by
K-Mart, Walmart, Walgreens, Target Stores, Eckerd Drug, Family Dollar Stores,
and Dollar General Stores.  Also try your local supermarket, drugstore, and
gift and novelty stores.  Popular places to find PEZ in Canada include
The Bay, Sears, Eatons, Zellers, Walmart, K-Mart, Toys R Us, major drug
stores and supermarkets.

[4-2]  I saw an Elvis Presley PEZ dispenser in the movie "The Client".
       Where can I buy one?  How about Pee Wee Herman, Spock, Michael
       Jackson, Hitler, Barbie, and the Sta-Puff marshmallow man?
The Elvis dispenser was a model used for the movie, not an actual dispenser.
PEZ Candy does not manufacture an Elvis dispenser, nor do they have any
plans to do so in the future.  The other dispensers mentioned above are all
fakes as well.  Many people have created their own PEZ by using the heads
from small dolls and mounting them on an ordinary dispenser base.  These are
all commonly referred to as "Fantasy PEZ".  Chris Orlando made many famous
"Fantasy PEZ" complete with professional-looking packaging.  If you'd like
a PEZ likeness of your favorite character, see question [4-35].

*[4-3]*  Where can I buy a "Bride" and "Groom" dispenser?
These dispensers have been discontinued and there are no plans in the
near future to reintroduce them.  The Bride and Groom dispensers may be
rented for special occassions from Jack "PEZ Diego" (email him for info at
[email protected]).  See question [4-6] for a list of which dispensers have
been discontinued and which are currently available.  Also see question [4-10]
for sources of discontinued dispensers.

*[4-4]*  What new dispensers are coming out next?
It is not the policy of PEZ Candy to discuss their current or future marketing
plans.  However, several rumors of things to come are circulating.  There have
been so many developments in the past year that the FAQ just can't keep up
with them.  The best way to find out about things to come is to subscribe
to the newsletters (question [8-10]) and/or the Internet mailing list
(question [8-7]).

[4-5]  How many PEZ dispensers are currently available?
The number varies at different times of the year.  Holiday collections are
only available at certain times, and different dispensers are available in
the US and Canada and in Europe.  See question [4-6] for a list of dispensers
currently being offered.

*[4-6]*  Is there a canonical list of PEZ dispensers?
Yes, there is - or at least an attempt at it:

The Canonical PEZ Dispenser List

An asterisk '*' indicates dispenser is currently available in the USA.
Double asterisks '**' indicate dispensers that are not available in the US,
but are available in Canada or in Europe.  Of course, holiday collections
are only available at certain times.  Dispensers without asterisks are
out of production but may be available until the current supply is depleted.

There are many variations that are not listed.  Dispensers vary in many ways:
color, with or without feet, soft heads, slight facial differences, etc.
Get one or more of the books listed in section [8-3] for more dispenser

[ If you know of any I've left off, please email me at [email protected]  ]
[ If you spot mistakes, have more to add, or want to know more, mail me.     ]
[ Thanks,                                                                      ]
[    Chris Sharpe ([email protected])                                     ]

        Betsy Ross
        Daniel Boone
        Indian Brave
        Indian Chief
        Indian Maiden/Squaw
        Uncle Sam
        Wounded Soldier

        Santa (full-body)
        Santa (no hat)
        Santa (with hat, no eyes)
        *Santa (with hat and eyes)

        Clown with Collar
        Big Top Elephant (flat hat)
        Big Top Elephant (pointed hat)
        Big Top Elephant (with hair)
        Lil Lion
        Long Face Clown

Crazy Fruits

D.C. Comics
        Bat Girl (with rubber head)
        Batman (blue mask)
        Batman (black mask)
        *Batman (revised - dark blue mask, larger head)
        Batman (blue with attached cape)
        Batman (black with attached cape)
        Batman (with rubber head)
        Joker (with rubber head)
        Penguin (with rubber head)
        *Wonder Woman
        Wonder Woman (with rubber head)

        *Bunny (white)
        *Chick with Hat (in hard shell green or red egg)
        Chick with Hat (in soft shell egg; various colors)
        Chick without Hat
        Duck with Flower
        Easter Bunny (die-cut)
        Fat Ear Easter Bunny

Eerie Specters
        Air Spirit (with rubber head)
        Diabolic (with rubber head)
        Scarewolf (with rubber head)
        Spook (with rubber head)
        Vamp (with rubber head)
        Zombie (with rubber head)

The Flintstones
        *Barney Rubble
        *Fred Flintstone

        *Arlene (pink cat)
        *Garfield (with lazy look, half closed eyes)
        *Garfield (with visor)
        *Garfield (with teeth)
        **Garfield (with aviator hat)
        **Garfield (with chef's hat)
        **Garfield (with sleeping cap)
        **Garfield (with smile, no teeth)
        *Nermal (gray cat)

        50's Space Gun
        Candy Shooter
        80's Space Gun

        *Dr. Skull
        Mr. Ugly
        One-Piece Witch
        *Three-Piece Witch

Kooky Zoo
        Cat with Derby
        Mimic the Monkey
        Monkey Sailor
        Panda (red face)
        Panda (yellow face)
        Panda (white face)
        *Panda (white face - revised)
        Roar the Lion
        Yappy Dog

Marvel Comics
        Captain America
        *Incredible Hulk (light green body)
        Incredible Hulk (dark green body)

Merry Music Makers
        Camel Whistle
        Clown Whistle
        Dog Whistle
        Donkey Whistle
        Duck Whistle
        Frog Whistle
        Indian Whistle
        Koala Whistle
        Lamb Whistle
        Monkey Whistle
        Owl Whistle
        Panda Whistle
        Parrot Whistle
        Penguin Whistle
        Pig Whistle
        Rhino Whistle
        Rooster Whistle
        Tiger Whistle

        Barney Bear
        **Droopy Dog
        **Icee Bear

        Baseball Glove
        Baseball Glove (with home plate base and bat)
        *BubbleMan (only avail. direct from PEZ Candy, Inc.)
        *Coach Whistle
        Cocoa Marsh
        Donkey Kong Jr. ("J" on monkey's hat)
        Football Player
        Green Hornet
        Heart (Valentine's Day dispenser; pink)
        Heart (Valentine's Day dispenser; red)
        Lion's Club Lion
        Olive Oyl
        *Peter PEZ Clown
        Psychedelic Eye
        Psychedelic Flower
        Space Trooper (full-body)
        Stand By Me (PEZ Boy in bag with movie poster)

        Creature from the Black Lagoon
        One-Eye Monster

        *Fozzie Bear
        *Kermit the Frog
        *Miss Piggy

        Alpine Man (1972 Olympics)
        Olympic Snowman (1976 Olympics)
        Vucko Wolf (with hat) (1984 Olympics)
        Vucko Wolf (with helmet) (1984 Olympics)
        Vucko Wolf (without hat) (1984 Olympics)

Pez-a-Saurs (see question [4-8] for Canadian names and descriptions)

PEZ Pals
        **Alpine Boy
        *Boy (primarily marketed at Valentine's Day)
        Boy (with cap)
        Engineer (as in "train engineer")
        *Girl (primarily marketed at Valentine's Day) (blond braided hair)
        Mexican Boy
        **Pilot Boy
        **Shell Boy
Regulars (these did not have character heads,
          but looked like cigarette lighters)
        Advertising Regulars (several)
        Arithmetic Regular
        Golden Glow
        Personalized Regulars
        PEZ BOX
        Regulars (various colors)
        *Regulars (reissue - 6 colors)
        Silver Glow
        US Zone
        Witch Regular

        Papa Smurf
        Smurf (white hat)
        Smurf (red hat)

Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang
        **Charlie Brown (smile with slanted eyes)
        **Charlie Brown (smiling with tongue)
        **Charlie Brown (slight frown)
        *Charlie Brown (slight smile)
        **Woodstock (with feathers)
        *Woodstock (without feathers)

Star Wars
        *Darth Vader
        *Storm Trooper

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
        *Donatello (happy)
        *Donatello (angry)
        *Leonardo (happy)
        *Leonardo (angry)
        *Michaelangelo (happy)
        *Michaelangelo (angry)
        *Raphael (happy)
        *Raphael (angry)

Trucks (numbers are found on the side)
        Truck Series A (cab #1)
        Truck Series A (cab #4)
        Truck Series A (cab #16)
        Truck Series B (cab #8)
        Truck Series B (cab #9)
        Truck Series B (cab #13)
        Truck Series C (cab #1)
        Truck Series C (cab #2)
        Truck Series C (cab #3)
        Truck Series C (cab #4)
        Truck Series C (cab #5)
        Truck Series C (cab #16)
        Truck Series C (cab #R1)
        Truck Series C (cab #R2)
        Truck Series C (cab #R3)
        Truck Series C (cab #R4)
        *Truck Series D (cab #R1)
        *Truck Series D (cab #R2)
        *Truck Series D (cab #R3)
        *Truck Series D (cab #R4)

Walt Disney Cartoons
        **Bouncer Beagle
        Captain Hook
        **Daisy Duck
        Dalmatian Pup
        **Dewey (blue cap)
        Donald Duck
        *Donald Duck (revised)
        *Goofy (revised)
        **Gyro Gearloose
        **Huey (red cap)
        Jiminy Cricket
        King Louie
        Li'l Bad Wolf
        **Louie (green cap) (big eyes)
        Louie (green cap) (small eyes)
        Mary Poppins
        Mickey Mouse
        Mickey Mouse (die-cut)
        *Mickey Mouse (revised)
        **Minnie Mouse
        Peter Pan
        *Pluto (revised)
        Practical Pig
        **Scrooge McDuck
        Snow White
        Winnie the Pooh

Warner Bros. Cartoons (Looney Tunes)
        Bugs Bunny
        *Bugs Bunny (revised - inside of ears painted pink)
        Cool Cat
        Daffy Duck
        *Daffy Duck (revised - orange beak with painted tongue)
        Foghorn Leghorn
        Henry Hawk
        Merlin Mouse
        Petunia Pig
        **Road Runner
        Speedy Gonzales
        *Speedy Gonzales (revised - with bandana)
        **Sylvester (with whiskers)
        *Sylvester (without whiskers)
        *Sylvester (without whiskers and no hair between ears)
        *Tazmanian Devil
        *Tweety Bird
        Wile E. Coyote
        **Yosemite Sam (short whiskers - Canadian/European version)
        *Yosemite Sam (long whiskers - US version)

*[4-7]*  Where are PEZ Candy dispensers made?
The dispensers are manufactured and imported from Austria, Czech Republic,
China, and Hungary.  For US distribution, the dispensers are packaged with
the candy in Orange, Connecticut.  The Slovenia packaging plant closed in
the fall of 1996.

[4-8]  Can anybody explain Titus, Brutus, and the Pez-a-Saurs?
Pez-a-Saurs were marketed as dinosaurs in Canada.  They are often referred
to by different names than their American counterparts.

        American Names  Description                     Canadian Names
        Fly-Saur        purple and red face             Brutus (son)
        He-Saur         purple with yellow mouth        Chaos (baby)
        I-Saur          red and yellow face             Titus (dad)
        She-Saur        light blue face                 Venezia (mom)

[4-9]  What are the different trucks?
Twenty different trucks have been made.  There are four series - A, B, C, and
D.  The A and B series have three trucks each, the C series has ten trucks, and
the D series has four trucks.  The A series trucks have four wheels.  The B
series trucks have 6 wheels, the rear fenders dip between the wheels, and the
wheels turn.  The C series trucks have six wheels, the rear fenders are
straight, and the wheels turn.  The D series trucks are currently in
production.  They have six wheels, the rear fenders are straight, and the
wheels do not turn.  There are also different truck cab styles.  The D series
trucks are marked with either R1, R2, R3, or R4 on the cab.  They can also be
differentiated by the length of the cab roof.  In order of shortest cab roof to
longest cab roof, they are R1, R2, R3, and R4.  For the D series, there are
36 different trucks if you are collecting color combinations.  Four cabs,
three stem colors (red, green, blue), and four cab colors (red, green, blue,
and yellow).  They never put the same color cab and stem together on the D
series trucks.

*[4-10]*  Where can I buy old PEZ dispensers?
There are several collectors and antique/collectible dealers who sell PEZ
dispensers that are out of production.  Some of the older models sell for
hundreds - even thousands -  of dollars.  Call or write for price lists.

        David Welch
        PO Box 714
        Murphysboro, IL 62966
        Phone: (618) 687-2282
        FAX: (618) 684-2243
        [email protected]

        Steve Glew
        5611 Lehman Road
        DeWitt, MI  48820
        (517) 669-5931

        John Laspina
        PO Box 435
        Middletown, NJ  07748
        (908) 671-8575

        Linda Kochenburger
        265 Beverly Hills Road
        Fort Lee, NJ  07024
        (201) 947-6613
        [email protected]

        Michele Lorenz
        5367 E. Hidden Lake Drive
        East Lansing, MI  48823
        Phone: (517) 332-3534
        Fax: (517) 347-1522

        Johann Patek
        Hutteldorferstr 197/42, A-1140
        Viena, Austria

        Small Town Coins & Collectibles
        7498 E. Davison Rd.
        Davison, MI. 48423
        (810) 658-1992

        Cookie Jars, Etc.
        110 West 25th St.
        New York, NY  10001
        (212) 633-1923

        Ron Jones
        10778 Cleveland Rd.
        Garner, NC  27529
        (919) 553-1386
        [email protected]

Several dispensers are sold on the Internet at Computer Spectrum's
Burlingame On-Line PEZ Exhibit.  Point your WWW browser to the URL in
question [8-6] and look for the PEZ Store.

Many fellow Pezheads also have extras to sell or trade.  Browse through
the WWW pages mentioned in question [8-6].

If you are looking for a particular dispenser, you can also subscribe to
the mailing list on the Internet (see section [8-7]) and ask if anyone has
one they are willing to sell or trade.

[4-11]  Should I open the packages or leave them in the bag and on the card?
This answer is the same as from any collector.  Whether you open them or not
is completely up to you.  If you want to retain the highest resale value, then
don't open them (but also keep them locked away in a humidity controlled
environment away from UV radiation...).  If you collect them just for fun
then it's up to you.  I like the cards, so I keep them unopened.  It's
difficult to display them in the bag, so I open them.  Only keep them in the
bag if you're going to resale them.  There are a few exceptions (older
dispensers like the Stand By Me special that *must* be in the bag).  The cards
are favored over the bags, but I'm not sure they're really worth more (except
that you get one more pack of candy).

[4-12] How can I compare my PEZ collection to others?
Kelley Philipovich ([email protected]) maintains a "Pezhead Profile List"
which includes a bit of information about members of the Pezheads mailing list
(see question [8-7]).  To get a copy of this list or to have your information
added to the list, email her at the address given above.  This great service
was started by PEZ Boy ([email protected]).

If you have access to the World-Wide Web, see question [8-6].

There is also a PEZ exhibit sponsored by Computer Spectrum.  It is viewable
on the World-Wide-Web (see question [8-6]), but you can also visit in person.
Burlingame is in the San Francisco Bay area, and admission is free.

        PEZ Exhibit
        214 California Drive
        Burlingame, California 94010 USA

[4-13] Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is which?
The turtles can be distinguished by the color of their bandana.  There are
two versions of each of the four turtles.  One has an angry face and the
other has a happy face.

          TMNT               bandana color
        Donatello               purple
        Leonardo                teal
        Michaelangelo           orange
        Raphael                 red

*[4-14]*  What is the highest price ever paid for a single PEZ dispenser?
David Welch sold a one-of-a-kind Advertising Regular from Portugal for $4375
in March of 1997.  Many other dispensers have been sold for over $1000.

*[4-15]*  What is a Power PEZ Dispenser?
The Power PEZ Dispenser is made by Cap Toys.  It is a circular dispenser that
is 4 inches in diameter and motorized.  The candies are loaded singularly
and then dispensed by pressing a button which causes the PEZ to rotate toward
a gate where they are ejected.  There are three different colors available:
orange, green, and purple.  If you want your local Toys 'R Us to order them,
the TRU part number is #380377.  A variation was later released which has
a belt clip on the back of the dispenser.  These were released in 1996.

[4-16]  How will I ever collect all these variations?
How many PEZ to collect is completely up to the individual.  Trying to collect
all the variations of every dispenser is quite a task.  For example there are
56 US release TMNT!! (4 Turtles x 2 faces each {smile or grimace} x 7 body
colors {yellow, orange, black, purple, green, red, and teal blue}).  For this
reason, many collectors only collect dispensers that vary from the neck up.  A
different color base is not generally considered a "variation", but a Smurf
with a different color hat or a Charlie Brown with a different mouth is a
variation.  Again, it's up to you how many to collect, but the "from the neck
up" rule is generally accepted.

[4-17]  How old is a particular dispenser?
You can get a vague idea of the age of a dispenser by looking at the patent
     Patent 2.620.061   1st series   issued in 1952
     Patent 3.410.455   2nd series   issued in 1968
     Patent 3.845.882   3rd series   issued in 1974
     Patent 3.942.683   4th series   issued in 1976
     Patent 4.966.305   5th series   issued in 1990
Patent numbers are commonly referred to by only the first two digits, so a
4.9 dispenser is one from the 5th series.

Dispensers changed from "footless" to "footed" in 1987, but the recent
re-release of the "Regulars" are without feet.  In general, if you have a
3.9 dispenser with feet, it was made after 1987.  If a 3.9 dispenser is without
feet, it was made before 1987.  (Of course some of these were made *during*
1987, but that's difficult to determine.)

[4-18]  What does it mean for a dispenser to be "with feet" or "without feet"?
Most post-1987 dispensers have "feet" on the bottom of the stem.  There is a
small plastic lip around the bottom of the stem that has two "feet" in the
front.  These were added to aid the dispensers in standing up.  Dispensers
without feet are generally older than the versions with feet.  A word of
caution:  Some recent releases (most notably the reissued Regulars) do not
have feet, so do not use this to judge the age of a dispenser.  Switching
stems on a dispenser is quite easy to do.

[4-19]  Is my black Batman worth $75-125 as listed in Geary's book?
At the time of Geary's first book, the black Batman was not in production and
were thus highly prized.  The blue Batman has remained in production. Then in
1995, PEZ began making the black Batman dispenser again.  Older black Batman
dispensers are still worth more than the 1995 issues.  To determine if your
black Batman is an older version, check the patent numbers.  The older version
has a 3.9 patent number (see question [4-17]) and came on yellow, black, or
blue stems.  The new one has a 4.9 patent number and was issued on a black
stem only.  Both the blue and black issues have recently been discontinued
and replaced by a revised dark blue batman with a larger head.

[4-20]  What is the most popular dispenser?
Santa and Mickey Mouse are the two biggest sellers of all time.

[4-21]  What does the "DBP" mark mean on some dispensers?
DBP stands for Deutsche Bundes Patent (German Council Patent, in English),
which is the German equivalent of the American Patent number.  This mark is
found on some of the German/Austrian dispensers and usually comes with the
patent number 818.829.

[4-22]  My dispenser says "Made in Jugoslavia".  Is that a misprint?
No.  Jugoslavia is just an alternate spelling for Yugoslavia.

[4-23]  Which one's Tom and which one's Tuffy?
Jerry has a brown face (the mouse from Tom & Jerry).  Tuffy has a grey face.
Both Jerry and Tuffy come in a painted face version and a multiple-piece
version.  The painted face version has a solid head with the features painted
on, while the multiple-piece face has the facial features as separate pieces.

*[4-24]*  I have a defective dispenser (from the factory). Is it worth anything?
Maybe.  It depends on the defect and who you're trying to sell it to.  Many
people have found packaging defects (missing face pieces, missing candy,
dispensers without the painted faces, even two dispensers in one cellophane
bag) but they are not really "worth" more because they are most likely unique
and NOT the result of a production run flaw.  Dispensers turned around
backwards on are not defects.  This sometimes happens during shipping.  Some
people are interested in collecting defects and might pay more, others might
not even want it in their collection.  Factory defects that are inherent to
a run of PEZ are a different matter.  So if you like it, keep it.

[4-25]  What is the best way to clean my PEZ dispensers?
[ WARNING: Try these methods at your own risk.  They have been recommended
  by fellow Pezheads, but be careful with those collection treasures! -CS ]
A toothbrush and warm water with a mild dish washing detergent works well.
Others have also used toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, and WD-40 on unpainted
areas.  To get rid of sticky residue, try vegetable oil and a paper towel then
use soap and water to get rid of the oil residue.  Cotton q-tips are good for
scrubbing small areas.  If you plan to take the dispenser apart, be sure to
practice on a common dispenser until you can disassemble and reassemble a
dispenser without breakage.  Also be sure to dry the dispenser completely
after cleaning to prevent the spring and pin from rusting.

*[4-26]*  How should I display my dispensers?
Be creative.  Some people make nice display racks from hardwood or acrylic,
others make bleachers that fit in a cardboard PEZ counter display box.  People
have also acquired toothbrush and watch displays from drugstores that work
nicely.  You can use pegboard and hooks for carded dispensers or just use push
pins on a wall.  Many like the idea of nailing straight pins into the wall
and placing opened dispensers on them so the pin goes through the back of the
neck.  The pin is nearly invisible and the dispenser appears to be floating
in air.

        Collector's Display Case Co. of Omaha
        2706 N. 55th St.
        Omaha, NE  68104-4208
        (402) 556-0516

        John Thompson's Acrylic Display Racks
        4122 Irving Ave. N.
        Minneapolis, MN  55412
        (612) 588-0406
        [email protected]

        Sulu Graphics/DISPLAYZ
        18211 Carmel Dr.
        Castro Valley, CA  94546
        [email protected]

        Gene Schenberg's PEZ & Silly Putty et al.

*[4-27]*  How many different Coach Whistles are there?
There are currently eight varieties of the Coach Whistle:

        Stem Color      Whistle Colors (loop half/non-loop half)
        Blue            Red Loop/White
        Blue            White Loop/Red
        Green           Yellow Loop/Red
        Green           Red Loop/Yellow
        Lavender        Yellow Loop/Orange
        Lavender        Orange Loop/Yellow
        Red             Yellow Loop/Green
        Red             Green Loop/Yellow

When discussing the various color combinations of the whistles, "loop color"
refers to the color of the loop at the top of the whistle.  The other color
is for the non-loop half.  This is much easier than trying to use "red/white"
and describe which is the "right" and "left" color.

For other color combination questions, refer to question [4-38].

*[4-28]*  Where can I buy feet to help my older dispensers stand up better?
Several dealers sell plastic feet that attach to the bottom of non-footed
dispensers to help them stand up better.  Some of these look like shoes and
some look like actual feet.  Various colors are available.

        Plastic Things (the feet are called "GEEZ feet")
        409 Pacific Coast Hwy. #403
        Redondo Beach, CA 90277
        (310) 543-3097

Some of the PEZ dealers mentioned in [4-10] also sell feet.

[4-29]  How can I get a BubbleMan dispenser?
The BubbleMan dispenser is only available via direct mail-order from PEZ Candy,
Inc.  See section [2-1] for more information on ordering from PEZ Candy.

*[4-30]*  What is the tallest dispenser?  widest?
Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam, Uncle Sam, Knight (with plume) and the latest Goofy
are probably the tallest ones at about 4 7/8 to 5 inches.  They're very close
and individual dispensers vary slightly.  Thor is the widest at about 2 3/8
inches.  [ Some have surmised that Make-A-Face may be the tallest dispenser,
but I'll make a _special_ display rack when I get mine. ;-) -CS ]

[4-31]  What does "Club Med Face" mean?
This term is used often when describing variations of a particular dispenser.
It means that the face is darker or "tanner" than the original.  This is quite
noticable when looking at them side by side.

[4-32]  What does it mean to say "with plastic/metal spring"?
The spring that is being referred to is the spring in the head not the one in
the stem.  This spring returns the head to the upright position after it has
been tilted to remove a PEZ candy.  Older dispensers used metal springs, but
the newer ones have plastic head springs.

[4-33]  What does it mean to say "with plastic/metal hinge pin"?
This refers to the pin that attaches the head to the stem.  Older dispensers
used a metal hinge pin, but newer ones use platic hinge pins or two plastic
nubs to keep the head attached.

[4-34]  What does it mean to say "without pin"?
This refers to the pin that attaches the head to the stem.  Sometimes "with
pin" is used to indicate that the hinge pin is visible from the outside.
Similarly, "without pin" indicates that the hinge pin is not visible from the
outside (but it's still there).

[4-35]  I'd like a PEZ dispenser of xxxxx.  Where can I get one made?
Kelley Philipovich makes "Custom Creations".  These are not PEZ dispensers
(they don't dispense candy), but it's a great way to have your favorite
character to display with PEZ.  You pick the character and the base color and
she sculpts the head out of clay using a different color for each feature
(no painting or glazing).  The clay is then fired and a base is attached.
Cartoon characters usually work better than people and prices typically
range from $20-$40.  For more information email her at [email protected].

[4-36]  I've noticed some of my dispensers have this tab protruding from
          the back of the neck.  What is it?
These tabs are often called "thumb tabs" on the Pezheads mailing list because
they were first thought to be a place for the thumb to assist in opening tall
or oddly shaped heads.  Actually, the factory added this tab to newer molds
so the dispenser will lie down on its "back" without rolling over on its
side when travelling on conveyor belts.  The feet at the bottom and this new
tab on the head keep the dispenser from rolling over on its side.

*[4-37]*  What does it mean to say a dispenser is "die-cut"?
Die-cut dispensers have a design cut in the side(s) of the stem instead of the
usual raised PEZ logo.  The cut-out section reveals the inner sleeve which is
typically a different color than the stem.  Dispensers are also referred
to as having a die-cut face if the die-cutting process was used to create the
holes in the dispenser head (ex. for the eyes or the mouth of a Snow White
or Mickey Mouse).

*[4-38]*  What are all the color combinations of xxxxx?
There is an excellent "Pez Color Combination MiniFAQ" available.  This is
authored by Tom Walsh ([email protected]) and is available at

*[4-39]*  What does the digit on the side of the dispenser mean? What
          are IMC's?
These are IMC's (injection mold codes).  The numbers correspond to a particular
country.  Multiple contries per code are listed in chronological order.

        1  Austria/Hungary
        2  Austria/Hong Kong
        3  Austria/Hungary
        4  Austria
        5  Yugoslavia/Slovenia
        6  Hong Kong/China
        7  Hong Kong/Austria
        8  Austria
        9  Vermont, Connecticut USA
        V  Yugoslavia

*[5]*  PEZ in the Media

NOTE: There have been so many PEZ references in the media that
      I've had a difficult time keeping this section up to date.
      This section used to be several pages in length.  I've now
      made it a separate document.  I'm looking for volunteers
      to maintain and update this document.  Email me if you're
      interested.  -CS

[6]  Other PEZ Collectibles
[6-1]  Are there any other PEZ items that I can buy?
Yes indeed.  Some of these are still available:
        FAO Schwartz limited edition "PEZ To Go" Briefcase ($29.99)
                includes PEZ watch, clip-on, necklace, key ring, and bracelet
        PEZ Balloons
        PEZ Bracelet ($2.99)
        PEZ Change Dish (depicts Peter PEZ holding a Speedy Gonzales)
        PEZ Candy Shooter Target
        PEZ Clickers
        PEZ Clip-on ($2.99)
        PEZ Clock (by Heartland Apparel, available at Simen Sez)
        PEZ Coin Holder
        PEZ Costumes (fit over the dispenser)
        PEZ Delivery Truck (steel Die-Cast scale model; a bank)
        PEZ Glasses
        PEZ Greeting Cards (Ambassador brand, Nostalgia Line, #175L0S950L)
        PEZ Hat
        PEZ Holiday Dish
        PEZ Key Chain ($2.99)
        PEZ Masks
        PEZ Mousepad (shows part of PEZ patent 2.620.061)
        PEZ Mugs (only available at the PEZ kiosk in the Mall of America?)
        PEZ Necklace ($2.99)
        PEZ Pentagon Stand (displays 6 dispensers)
        PEZ Pirate T-shirt
        PEZ Puzzle (by Hallmark)
        PEZ Santa Ornament (from Hallmark, 1995)
        PEZ Secret Code Flasher
        PEZ Shopping Bag (picture of PEZ Stewardess on sides)
        PEZ Snowman Ornament (from Hallmark, 1996)
        PEZ Space Poster
        PEZ Stickers
        PEZ Sweatshirt
        PEZ T-shirts (many varieties)
        PEZ Tattoos
        PEZ Visor
        PEZ Watch ($4.99)
        PEZ Yo-Yo

[6-2]  Where can I find the PEZ collectibles mentioned in question [6-1]?
For T-shirts and sweatshirts:

        Amy Forsyth
        [email protected]

        Viewers Edge Magazine
        T-shirt: Item #86239  $14.95 plus S&H
        Phone: 1-800-947-3928

        Heartland Apparel
        520 Washington Avenue
        Minneapolis, MN  55401
        Phone: 1-800-333-4669 ask for Trish Jette

        Newbury Comics
        Boston, Massachusetts
        (look under "P" for PEZ)

        Spencers and JC Pennys stores.

For watch, key chain, and jewelry:
        Malibu Fun Stuffed
        21700 Oxnard Street, Suite 1610
        Woodland Hills, CA  91367
        Phone: (818) 593-6777

For model delivery truck (Model# FIR 29-1714) (It's $40.75 plus $4.75 shipping
and handling and was released in early 1996.  This is bank #2.  It is a yellow
and blue truck about 8 inches long and 5-6 inches tall with the candy wrapper
design on the side and the PEZ logo on the back.  Limited edition of about 1260
were made.):
        Asheville DieCast
        1412 Brevard Road
        Asheville, NC  28806-9560
        Email: [email protected]
        Phone: (800) 343-4685; (704) 667-9690
        Fax: (704) 667-1110
        Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5:30; Sat 9-5

PEZ Truck Bank #1's may still be available (priced ~$100) from:
        Linda Kockenburger 
        Phone: (217) 947-6613

For puzzle and ornaments:
        Hallmark, Osco Drug, Walgreens, and J.C. Penny.

For greeting cards:
        Hallmark, Osco Drug, Walgreens, J.C. Penny, Walmart, K-Mart, Shopko,
        Caldor, Venture, Bradlees, A & P, Kroger, Ralph's, Vons, Publix,
        Randalls, Grand, Safeway, Smiths, and others.

For PEZ Briefcase:
        FAO Schwartz
        (You can possibly find these at some FAO Schwartz stores, but you 
        may also try ordering one via phone from the Stanford, Connecticut
        store below.)
        Stanford, Connecticut
        Phone: (203) 324-1643

The PEZ bracelet, watch, and clip-on have also been spotted at Toys-R-Us, but
are certainly in short supply and may be discontinued.

For PEZ watches:
        The Gift Box
        19379 Willamette Drive
        West Linn, OR  97068
        (503) 635-4991

For PEZ Mousepad:
        Burlingame Museum of PEZ Memorabilia
        214 California Drive
        Burlingame, CA  94010
        (415) 347-2301
*[6-3]*  I've heard of a Teddy Bear that dispenses PEZ.  Does it exist?
This product is pictured on the back of some blister packs.  The picture shows
a stuffed teddy bear from Dream Castle that actually dispenses PEZ.

Here's the story: Dream Castle changed their name and were then
acquired by another company.  During the transition, production of the PEZ
jewelry was stopped, but may resume.  The teddy bear was never formally
produced due to a technical problem.  There is still a chance the bears will
be produced, but they don't exist today.  Once the merger is complete, we'll
just have to wait and see how things are sorted out.  They may make the
jewelry and the bear, either one, or neither.

Malibu Fun Stuffed, a division of Janex Corporation, is in the process of
making 3 "Candy Pals" for Christman 1996.  The PEZ bear has been scrapped, but
the Candy Pals will be stuffed 12" versions of a snowman, santa and panda.
The toys will be holding a dispenser identical to itself.

UPDATE: These "Candy Pals" didn't make it out for Christmas and the latest
is that the idea has been scrapped entirely.

*[6-4]*  What are the PEZ Body Parts?
Right from the package, "Body Parts are amusing attachable parts, with which
you can dress up your PEZ dispensers."  These plastic pieces snap around the
base of the dispenser.  The arms move up and down and the hands are made to
hold certain items.  PEZ Body Parts are currently available in Canada and
Europe.  It is not known if they well be sold in the United States.  There are
several different sets of Body Parts: the "old" set, the "new" set, plus
Easter and Christmas sets.  There are also plans for Back to School, Airport,
and Gas Station Body Part Playsets for European release.  In addition,
there are "two-pack" or "side-by-side" body parts.  These have a dispenser
and a separate body part on one (larger) card.

The "old" set was released in 1995 and consists of eight different costumes
(All packs include 2 packs of candy):

        Tarzan - light flesh-colored with painted hairy chest; orange
                and black spotted loin cloth; knife; human feet
        Robin Hood - bow and arrow; light green shoes; light green tunic
                with dark green stitching
        Woman - red dress; blue purse; blue shoes; red necklace
        Maid - purple outfit with painted white lace; blue pitcher;
                purple shoes
        Nurse - white outfit; white shoes; blue first aid bag; Red Cross
                badge painted on outfit
        Hockey Player - red outfit with white and blue trim; red shoes;
                brown hockey stick
        Knight - silver armor; large sword 
        Grim Reaper - skeleton with sickle

The "new" set was released in 1996 in Europe only and consists of six costumes
(All packs on European-style cards with 2 packs of candy):

        Robot/Spaceman - silver body; box wrench hands; 3-color space gun
        Convict - gray body with black stripes; ball and chain
        Caveman - flesh-colored body; painted on loin cloth; club
        Roman Gladiator - green body with plate armor; shield and spear
        Cavalry Officer - blue body with uniform markings; boots; bugle
        Cowgirl - red body with western markings; rope

The Christmas set includes the current Santa dispenser, Santa body, boots,
six packs of candy, and a fold-out Christmas display.

The Easter set includes the revised Bugs Bunny on a red base, white feet, a
gray body with a white painter's smock with blue and yellow splotches, white
arms, a painter's palette, brush, six packs of candy, and a fold-out Easter

*[6-5]*  Aren't there some other PEZ trucks?  A bank?
There are two PEZ trucks that are NOT dispensers.   The first one was produced
by Scale Models, a division of ERTL.  The truck is white and has decals on the
side depicting a "fountain" of PEZ.  This truck also functions as a bank.  The
second one is made by First Gear.  It is yellow with lithographed PEZ wrappers
on the sides.  This was a limited edition run of 1260.  The second truck does
have what appears to be a coin slot in the bottom, but its arguable whether
or not it is a bank.

[6-6]  What are "Sea World PEZ" or "Shamu PEZ" items?
Sea World PEZ were specially packaged for distribution at Sea World.  The card
is printed with the Sea World logo and a photo of the item.  They are made by
Malibu Fun Stuffed.  Many of them have Shamu's picture on them.  There is a
watch, keychain, bracelet, and clip-on.  Not all Sea Worlds carry these items.

*[6-7]*  What are the different inserts available?
There have been several inserts available over the years.  The ones listed
below are the "Here's something for you to do" type that were white on one
side and yellow on the other.  [ This list may not be complete yet.  -CS ]

        3 different mazes
        2 different space creatures
        1 princess
        1 drummer boy
        1 girl pulling a cart

[7]  Miscellaneous
*[7-1]*  How do I make a PEZ gun?
Matt Shook initially described this PEZ gun.  The description has been
greatly enhanced with the help of several Pezheads.

The materials you need to make a PEZ gun are:
        A PEZ dispenser
        A spring from a ball-point pen
        Double sided tape
        A pair of needle-nosed pliers (or wire cutters)
        A package of PEZ (ammo)

Choose a dispenser that doesn't have a low neck (eg. a collar, Gonzo's bowtie,
etc.) that might interfere with the projectile.  Optionally, the double-sided
tape can be wrapped around the small plastic piece that normally pushes the
PEZ out of the dispenser.  The tape serves to keep the spring around this
plastic "pusher" piece, but may not be necessary depending on how well the
spring fits.

The trick is to cut the spring to the correct length.  The idea is that the
spring is long enough to fit over the pusher piece and extend past the bottom
of it so that when the head is tilted back it catches on the plastic of the
inner sleave.  As the head is tilted back more, the spring bunches up and
finally slips off the plastic of the inner sleave, striking the end of the
PEZ.  Instead of the PEZ being pushed out by the plastic pusher, it is
ejected by the spring on the pusher.  The spring mush be short enough so
the mechanism will reset itself when the head is returned to the normal

*[7-2]*  Personalized Heart Dispensers
You can modify the Valentine's Day Heart dispensers to make them personalized.
First you need to remove the "Happy Valentine's Day" message.  The two best
ways to do this are to scrape them off with a razor blade or Exacto knife or
sand them off with very fine steel wool (or a synthetic substitute).  Be
careful to minimize discoloration on the dispenser.  This does take time
if you're doing many dispensers.  Others have had good results using a
cleaner called "Barkeeper's Friend."  Then create your own message on a clear
adhesive label and apply it to the dispenser.  Of course, if you choose to
print your message on a white or colored label then there's no need to remove
the existing message.  These make great wedding gifts or favors!

*[7-3]*  PEZ Wallpaper for your computer
You can find contributed PEZ Wallpaper for Windows and Macs at

*[7-4]*  Shipping Overseas
With widespread use of the Internet to communicate with fellow Pezheads
around the world, you may begin trading with those overseas.  There are
several ways to ship PEZ overseas.  Go to your local post office and request
publication 51, "International Postal Rates and Fees."  This publication
should answer many of your questions.  Of course, shipping rates vary with
the destination and the desired speed of delivery.  Also compare rates
from other shipping services such as UPS and Federal Express.

*[7-5]*  How can I remove PEZ from the card without damaging the card?
Use a razor blade or Exacto knife to remove the plastic bubble from the card.
Cut away as much as possible without damaging the card.  Remove the candy and
dispenser.  Place the card with the remaining glued plastic in the microwave.
Turn the microwave on high for 1 to 2 minutes (you'll have to experiment with
your microwave to determine what time works best).  Make sure the plastic is
very loose before you attempt to remove it.  It won't fall off by itself,
but shouldn't require pulling.  Be sure to remove the plastic before the glue
cools and begins to set.

*[7-6]*  PEZ Collectors Database
Griff Akins has created a Microsoft Access based database you can use to
keep track of your collection.  It's freeware and is available at

*[7-7]*  PEZ Icons
Mike Smochko has made several PEZ Icons for Microsoft Windows available at

[8]  PEZ References and Resources
[8-1]  Can I write to the company?  What will they send me?
Yes, you can write to the company at:

        PEZ Candy, Inc.
        35 Prindle Hill Road
        Orange, CT  06477
        Phone: (203) 795-0531

They do not personally respond to your questions.  However, within a couple
of weeks you should receive a packet including their FAQ (which is incorporated
into this document), a PEZ dispenser list (which erroneously lists a Robin
Super Friends dispenser with rubber head that was never made), a color
brochure which shows displays of PEZ dispensers and candy, and a mail order

*[8-2]*  How can I contact other collectors?  Are there any PEZ conventions?
There are several PEZ conventions held annually.  The contacts are listed below:

        West Coast PEZ Convention
        Usually in March
        Sunnyvale, California

        National PEZ Convention
        Usually in June
        St. Louis, Missouri
        For registration form and more info contact:  John Devlin
                                                      5541 Oakville Center
                                                      Suite 119
                                                      St. Louis, MO  63129-3554
                                                      (314) 487-0544

        PEZ-A-MANIA Collector's Convention
        Usually in July
        Cleveland, Ohio
        For information send a LARGE SASE to:   Jill Cohen
                                                PO Box 18139
                                                Cleveland Heights, OH  44118
                                                [email protected]

        Minnesota PEZ Convention
        Usually in October
        Minneapolis, Minnesota
        For information send mail to:   Karen Cooper
                                        [email protected]

                                        Andrew Thomas
                                        2042 Dayton Ave.
                                        St. Paul, MN  55104
                                        [email protected]

        East Coast PEZFEST
        Usually in August
        Raleigh, North Carolina
        For information send mail to:   Ron Jones
                                        [email protected]

Try the Internet.  There are lots of PEZ collectors out there.  Refer to
questions [8-6] and [8-7] for mailing lists, newsgroups and WWW sites.

*[8-3]*  Are there any books on PEZ?
There are several:
        "More PEZ for Collectors" by Richard Geary ($14.95, Schiffer Publishing
                Limited, 1995, ISBN 0-88740-849-4)
        "A Pictorial Guide to Plastic Candy Dispensers, Featuring PEZ"
                by David Welch ($19.95, Bubba Scrubba Publications, 1991)
        "Collecting PEZ" by David Welch ($39.95, Bubba Scrubba Publications,
        "PEZ Collectibles" by Richard Geary ($19.95, Schiffer, 1994; also
                a 1997 updated edition)
        "The Collector's Price Guide to Plastic Candy Dispensers"
                by Mike Edelman and John Laspina ($10, self-published)
        "PEZ Handbook" by Steve Glew (see [4-10] for ordering info)

Also see question [8-9] for a list of newspaper and magazine articles about PEZ.

*[8-4]*  Where can I find these books?
If you can't find them in bookstores...
The books by David Welch are available direct from him:

        David Welch
        PO Box 714
        Murphysboro, IL 62966
        Phone: (618) 687-2282
        FAX: (618) 684-2243

And the Geary books can be obtained from
        Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
        77 Lower Valley Road
        Atglen, PA  19310
        They'll send you a catalog if you include $2.95 for postage.

The Edelman/Laspina price guide is available for $12 (incl. ship) from

        Mike Edelman
        P.O. Box 5494
        Buffalo Grove, IL  60089-5494
        (708) 431-6955

Also look for other Web sources.  Amazon Books at has been
recommended by many.

*[8-5]*  What's in these books anyway?
"More PEZ for Collectors" by Richard Geary ($14.95, Schiffer, 1995)
   This book is much like Geary's earlier book "PEZ Collectibles".  There
   are lots of pictures and very little text other than short captions for
   the pictures.  This book focuses more on the packaging of PEZ than on
   the dispensers themselves.  It also includes pictures of PEZ paraphenelia
   created for the PEZ Conventions.

"A Pictorial Guide to Plastic Candy Dispensers, Featuring PEZ"
        by David Welch ($19.95, Bubba Scrubba Publications, 1991)
   This is a 50 page pictorial which covers PEZ dispensers up to 1991.  All
   photos are full color.  A rarity guide is also included.  The book can
   be ordered from David Welch for $22.95 (including shipping).

"Collecting PEZ" by David Welch ($39.95, Bubba Scrubba Publications, 1995)
   This book is 350 pages, with about 275 photos.  There are no duplicate
   photos from his previous book.  The book also includes, history, about 30
   interviews, a price guide, common collector questions and answers, and a
   checklist.  The book can be ordered from David Welch for $43.95 (including
   shipping).  This book just came out in March of 1995.

"PEZ Collectibles" by Richard Geary ($19.95, Schiffer, 1994; revised 1997)
   The book is 112 pages and contains full color photos of dispensers,
   displays, and other PEZ collectibles.  The introduction contains a short
   history of PEZ, but this book is mostly a pictorial guide.  The captions
   give the name of the dispenser and it's estimated value.  The revised
   1997 edition contains updated prices and a few additional pictures.

"The Collector's Price Guide to Plastic PEZ Dispensers"
        by Mike Edelman and John Laspina ($10, self-published)
   Good identification guide, but no pictures.  It includes a price estimate
   for each dispenser listed.  This one may not be as complete as Welch's
   book, but it is the most current and accurate price guide available.

"PEZ Handbook" by Steve Glew
   This is a guide put out by a dealer (Steve Glew) that has industry
   information for PEZ and Flix.  It also contains his price list.

*[8-6]*  Are there any WWW sites for PEZ?
In January of 1995, I think there was one mention of PEZ on the Internet:
Alan Braverman's "How to load a PEZ Dispenser".  Today there are dozens!
Many provide listings or pictures of their own collections, many exhibit
PEZ dispensers and collectibles for sale, and others provide useful information
of their own.  Make sure you check out Paul Telford's "The Original PEZ Page"
(URL given below).

        Paul Telford's Original PEZ Page
        Flip Me Some PEZ

        Anonymous PEZ Collection
        The Art of the PEZ Car
        Bob the Blob's PEZ Page and Collection
        Burlingame Museum of PEZ Memorabilia
        Chris Gorski's PEZ Page
        Collector's Display Case Co. of Omaha
        Cookie Jars, Etc.
        Criff & Sherri's PEZ Collection
        Dale Pike's World O' PEZ
        David Mocko's PEZ Page
        Davie-Online PEZ Page
        Diane Leigh Davison's Indispensible PEZ
        Dino - Honolulu's PEZ Dispenser
        Drew's Rumpus Room
        Fast Food Fi[e]nds: PEZ
        Frank's PEZ Page
        Gene Schenberg's PEZ & Silly Putty et al.
        Goad's PEZ Page
        Hector's PEZ Page
        How To Fill A PEZ Dispenser
        Joe Da-PEZ-Hunter's PEZ Page
        Johann Patek's PEZ Page
        Jordo's Page O'PEZ
        Karen's PEZ Art
        Kurt Boutin's PEZ Page
        Landers Toys
        Larry's World of PEZ
        Less Than Jake PEZ Page
        Michael S. Jackson's PEZ Land
        Michele Lorenz's PEZ Store
        MoonRat's House of PEZ
        Newbury Comics Interactive: PEZ T-shirts
        PEZ Breakout Page
        PEZ by Chris
        PEZ Collector's News
        PEZ COOP
        PEZ Haiku
        PEZ Web-Ring
        PEZamania from Japan
        Pezdude's PEZ Page
        PEZimaniac's Strand of the Web
        PEZJester's World
        Pip's PEZ Page
        Planet PEZ II
        Prozac-PEZ Museum
        Seinfeld Episode "The PEZ Dispenser"
        Simen Sez
        S.J. Glew PEZ Dispensers
        This + That: PEZ
        Treasures of the PezQueen
*[8-7]*  Is there a newsgroup or mailing list for PEZ?
Yes, both a newsgroup and a mailing list exist for Pezheads.  The mailing list
is very active, and the newsgroup is slowly propagating across the Internet.

The newsgroup is and was started by Paul Telford.  If your
ISP (Internet Service Provider) does not carry this newsgroup, send them mail
asking that it be added.  It may not have propagated to your site yet.  Groups
in the alt.* heirarchy take some time to become widespread.  Others have also
reported an alt.collecting.pez newsgroup.

The Pezhead Email List is now a private list.  If you are interested in
joining the list send email to [email protected] and include
a name and telephone number for verification.  Cliff Lee will verify your
information and you'll be added to the mailing list.  A digested form of
this mailing list is also available.

For history buffs, three other mailing lists used to exist.  The first one was
created by Alisa McClain and Jason Specland on August 8, 1995 and owned
and maintained by Chris Sharpe.  It was [email protected] but is now dead
(actually it moved to  The second one was created and
maintained by Cliff Lee at [email protected].  This list is also
dormant.  The third list was [email protected] and was created by Eric
Conrad on November 19, 1995.  That list was replaced by the current list
([email protected]) on May 29, 1996.

*[8-8]*  How can I get the latest copy of this FAQ?

Automated Listserver:   Send mail to [email protected]
                        with the following message body:

                                send pez.faq

                        If you need to receive the FAQ in small parts
                        (ex. AOL or Juno users), use the following
                        message body:

                                send pez-1.faq
                                send pez-2.faq
                                send pez-3.faq

                HTML: (The Original PEZ Page)
               (FAQ Archive)


          Newsgroups:   Monthly posting to news.answers, alt.answers,
                        rec.answers, rec.collecting,,
               Email:   [email protected] (use as last resort)

[8-9]  Has there been any newspaper or magazine articles about PEZ?
Sure there has.  Look up the following (also see question [5-1]):
        "PEZ de Resistance", People, 1991.
        "PEZ lives on", Lisa J. Adams (AP), "LA Daily News", October 20, 1993,
                Business Section, p. 1.
        "Remember" Magazine, June/July, 1995, Vol. 2, No. 3, P.M. Publications,
                6 Prowitt Street, Norwalk, CT  06855-1220.
        "Eat Me - Notes Towards a Pezology", Denmark, on the Internet at
      [email protected]
        Something announcing the reissue of the Regulars, Brandweek,
                September 25, 1995, p. 10.
        "What's the Buzz about PEZ", Richard Geary, Baby Boomer Collectibles,
                Vol. 3, No. 2, November 1995.
        "PEZ, Candy Dispenser Turned Collectible", Sue Sternfield, Baby Boomer
                Collectibles, Vol. 1, No. 4, January 1994.
        "PEZ Connection", S.J. Glew, Collectible Toys & Values, Volume 1 #39,
                October 1995, p. 80.  This column was an irregular feature.
        "Collecting PEZ", Sharon Korbeck, Toy Collector and Price Guide,
                Vol. 7, No. 1, February 1996.
        "Fun with the Hot Collectibles Now", Terry and Ralph Kovel, Bottom
                Line Personal, September 15, 1995. p. 7-9.
        "Candy dispensers tops at PEZ Museum", Diana Marszalek, Antelope Valley
                Press, February 15, 1996, Section C, p. 1.
        "Unlikely Treasures, Edward C. Baig, US News and World Report,
                November 2, 1992, p. 85.
        "neat stuff!", The Learning Channel, when, 1995.
        "PEZ hope: Make mint off adults", Joseph Menn of Bloomberg Business
                News, Columbus Dispatch, April 22, 1996.
        "Big Bidness", Allison Moir, Forbes, May 10, 1993, p. S174.
        "The PEZ Predicament", E-zine, May 21, 1996.
        "The Candy That Rots Your Soul", Wired, August 1996, p. 174.
        "?", Entertainment Weekly, July 26, 1996, #337, p. 10.
        "A whole new spin on PEZ", USA Today, August 15, 1996,
                Life Section, p. 1.
        "?", Chicago Tribune, September 5, 1996.
        "?", Dallas Morning News, September 9, 1996, Today Section, p. 1.
[ What are the others? -CS ]

[8-10]  Where can I find these newsletters I've heard about?
There is a newsletter called "PEZ Collectors News" which began
in September 1995.  For a one year subscription, send a check or money-order
for $19 US ($20 for Canadian subscription and $26 for air-mail to Europe) to:

        Richard Belyski
        P.O. Box 124
        Sea Cliff, NY 11579-0124
        Fax: (516) 676-1183
        [email protected]

There is also a PEZ club, "The Fliptop PEZervation Society."  Members get
an official certificate of membership, an official membership card, and 6
issues (1 year subscription) of the Official Club Newsletter.  The first issue
was in September 1995.  Membership is $18 US ($20 for Canada and $25 for
Europe) per year.  For more information, or to join contact:

        Dennis Martin
        2328 Farley Place
        Birmingham, AL 35226
        (205) 822-8745
        [email protected]

There used to be a newsletter "The Optimistic Pezzimist" published by
Mike Robertson of Dripping Springs, Texas.  There was also another newsletter
published by Larry Lafoe.

Many antique price guides and collectible toy price guide include listings
of discontinued PEZ dispensers and their current market values.

*[9]*  Acknowledgments
Thanks to Laura Thompson in Public Relations at PEZ Candy, Inc. for the
information packet.

Special thanks to David Welch for his input.

Thanks also to the following Pezheads for their valued input:
        Paul Telford ([email protected])
        Marissa Bernstein ([email protected])
        Jim Wartski ([email protected])
        Amy Forsyth ([email protected])
        Sylvia Marienthal ([email protected])
        Chris Bray ([email protected])
        Philip Michaels ([email protected])
        Randall Bultman ([email protected])
        Donald Reed ([email protected])
        MagicPEZ ([email protected])
        Matt Shook
        Hector ([email protected])
        Michael Janssen
        Melissa Sharpe ([email protected])
        Tom Walsh ([email protected])
        Jackie Button ([email protected])
        Greg ([email protected])
        David Rowell ([email protected])
        Mary Thronson ([email protected])
        Brian Gochal ([email protected])
        Kurt Byfield ([email protected])
        David Mackey ([email protected])
        Michael S. Jackson ([email protected])
        Dale Pike ([email protected])
        [email protected]
        M.S.C. McAlpin ([email protected])
        Scott Gordon ([email protected])
        Scott Luther ([email protected])
        Adam Brown ([email protected])
        Brad Kollus ([email protected])
        Gene Schenberg ([email protected])
        Eric Conrad ([email protected])
        Mary Jo Slusher ([email protected])
        Gary Doss ([email protected])
        Kim ([email protected])
        Tim Priebe ([email protected])
        TAD ([email protected])
        Jamie Kowinsky ([email protected])
        Sue Toupal ([email protected])
        Diane Leigh Davison ([email protected])
        Becky Hilburn ([email protected])
        Chris Lanni ([email protected])
        Cheri Goldner ([email protected])
        Jim Presnal ([email protected])
        Karen Cooper ([email protected])
        John Thompson ([email protected])
        Matt Hall ([email protected])
        Charles Ulrich ([email protected])
        Byron Boyd ([email protected])
        Rick Roberts ([email protected])
        Elyse Schwimer Davis ([email protected])
        DiAnne Adams ([email protected])
        Charles Primack ([email protected])
        Ben Mohr ([email protected])
        David Hendrickson ([email protected])
        Jill Cohen ([email protected])
        Mary Ward ([email protected])
        Ryan Blum ([email protected])
        Kurt Boutin ([email protected])
        Karen Bennett ([email protected])
        Dan Cordova ([email protected])
        Kelley Philipovich ([email protected])
        Cliff Lee ([email protected])
        Nate Godin ([email protected])
        Sam Valdez ([email protected])
        [email protected]
        Louis Apoldo ([email protected])
        Gary Sharp ([email protected])
        Ryan Manchee ([email protected])
        Erich Schreiber ([email protected])
        Lisa ([email protected])
        Larry Ashton ([email protected])
        Andrew Thomas ([email protected])
        Leslie Astell ([email protected])
        Geri Sullivan ([email protected])
        David ([email protected])
        Jack "Pez Diego" ([email protected])
        Shar ([email protected])
        Jason Oesterly ([email protected])
        Peter Linski
        Richard Belyski ([email protected])
        Dennis Martin ([email protected])
        Anne Base ([email protected])

This document is Copyright (c) 1997 by Chris Sharpe.
It may be freely distributed as long as no fee is charged and provided
the author's name and all notices and disclaimers remain intact.

| Chris Sharpe                   Author of "The Unofficial PEZ FAQ"    |
| [email protected]     "PEZ - A treat to eat in a toy that's neat" |
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