From [email protected] Wed Apr  7 11:44:11 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mau Napoleon)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,,,
Subject: RFD: comp.databases.access
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 6 Apr 1993 12:31:14 -0400
Organization: UUNET Communications
Lines: 25
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3429 news.groups:69259 comp.databases:24178

This is an official RFD for the creation of a new newsgroup for the
general discussion of the Microsoft Access RDMS.


MODERATION: UNMODERATED. At this time, no need for a moderator has been
assertained. Future evaluation will determine if one is needed.

Access is a new RDBMS for the Windows Operating System. It includes WYSIWYG
design tools for easy creation of tables, reports, forms and queries and a
database programming language called Access Basic.
THe purpose of the group will be to provide help to people who use Access's 
WYSIWYG design tools to create simple databases as well as to people who use 
Access Basic to create complex databases.

Eventhough Access is a new RDBMS, it is very popular because of its Graphical
Development enviroment and its initial low price.
Been a version 1.0 product means that all Access users are Novices.
For that reason a newsgroup is needed where Access users can discuss 
their experiences with the product and answer each other's questions.
[email protected]

From [email protected] Fri Apr 16 10:39:27 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mau Napoleon)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,,,,
Subject: 2nd RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 15 Apr 1993 18:07:05 -0400
Lines: 31
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3466 news.groups:69901 comp.databases:24468

This is the 2nd Reguest for Discussion ( RFD ) for the creation of 

The discussion period started on April 6 and it will last until April 28,
( 22 days ).

This is an official RFD for the creation of a new newsgroup for the
general discussion of the Microsoft Access RDMS.


MODERATION: UNMODERATED. At this time, no need for a moderator has been
assertained. Future evaluation will determine if one is needed.

Access is a new RDBMS for the Windows Operating System. It includes WYSIWYG
design tools for easy creation of tables, reports, forms and queries and a
database programming language called Access Basic.
THe purpose of the group will be to provide help to people who use Access's 
WYSIWYG design tools to create simple databases as well as to people who use 
Access Basic to create complex databases.

Eventhough Access is a new RDBMS, it is very popular because of its Graphical
Development enviroment and its initial low price.
Been a version 1.0 product means that all Access users are Novices.
For that reason a newsgroup is needed where Access users can discuss 
their experiences with the product and answer each other's questions.
[email protected]

From [email protected] Thu May  6 15:01:18 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mau Napoleon)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,,,,
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 4 May 1993 19:46:41 -0400
Lines: 75
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3545 news.groups:71412 comp.databases:25016

This is an official Call for Vote CFV for the creation of a new newsgroup 
for the general discussion of the Microsoft Access RDMS.


MODERATION: UNMODERATED. At this time, no need for a moderator has been
assertained. Future evaluation will determine if one is needed.

Access is a new RDBMS for the Windows Operating System. It includes WYSIWYG
design tools for easy creation of tables, reports, forms and queries and a
database programming language called Access Basic.
THe purpose of the group will be to provide help to people who use Access's 
WYSIWYG design tools to create simple databases as well as to people who use 
Access Basic to create complex databases.



The voting period will begin when this CFV is posted. It will end
on June 4th, 1993 at 23:59 EDT. According to the USENET rules, in
order for the group to be created, at least 2/3 of the votes cast
must be YES votes, and there must be at least 100 more YES votes
than NO votes.
To vote please mail to the following address
         [email protected]

The SUBJECT LINE of the message should be.



whichever is appropriate.

The BODY of the message should contain either the line

       "I vote for as proposed"

      "I vote against as proposed"

Email messages sent to the above address must constitute unambiguous
and unconditional votes for/against newsgroup creation as proposed.
Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Votes emailed to the above
address will be counted.  The wording does not have to be exact, but
it helps make the tallying easier.

In the event that more than one vote is placed by an individual, 
only the most recent vote will be counted.  

Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this for you.

Additional CFV's will be posted during the course of the
vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date.
No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until
the final acknowledgment is made at the end, at which time the
full vote will be made public.


This CFV was issued on May 3rd, and the voting period will end on
June 4th, 1993 at 23:59 EDT.

Thank you for your participation.
[email protected]

From [email protected] Wed May 26 17:08:18 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mau Napoleon)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,,,,
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 20 May 1993 11:42:17 -0400
Lines: 303
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3616 news.groups:72339 comp.databases:25593

This is an official Call for Vote CFV for the creation of a new newsgroup 
for the general discussion of the Microsoft Access RDMS.

It is also a mass acknowledgement of votes received. At the end of the message
you will find a list of all people who voted until May 19th at 12:00 US Central
Time.  If your name or account are not included in that list please vote again.


MODERATION: UNMODERATED. At this time, no need for a moderator has been
assertained. Future evaluation will determine if one is needed.

Access is a new RDBMS for the Windows Operating System. It includes WYSIWYG
design tools for easy creation of tables, reports, forms and queries and a
database programming language called Access Basic.
THe purpose of the group will be to provide help to people who use Access's 
WYSIWYG design tools to create simple databases as well as to people who use 
Access Basic to create complex databases.



The voting period will begin when this CFV is posted. It will end
on June 4th, 1993 at 23:59 EDT. According to the USENET rules, in
order for the group to be created, at least 2/3 of the votes cast
must be YES votes, and there must be at least 100 more YES votes
than NO votes.
To vote please mail to the following address
         [email protected]

The SUBJECT LINE of the message should be.



whichever is appropriate.

The BODY of the message should contain either the line

       "I vote for as proposed"

      "I vote against as proposed"

Email messages sent to the above address must constitute unambiguous
and unconditional votes for/against newsgroup creation as proposed.
Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Votes emailed to the above
address will be counted.  The wording does not have to be exact, but
it helps make the tallying easier.

In the event that more than one vote is placed by an individual, 
only the most recent vote will be counted.  

Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this for you.

Additional CFV's will be posted during the course of the
vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date.
No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until
the final acknowledgment is made at the end, at which time the
full vote will be made public.


This CFV was issued on May 3rd, and the voting period will end on
June 4th, 1993 at 23:59 EDT.

Thank you for your participation.
[email protected]

The following are the votes received until May 19th 12:00 US Central Time,
I think it is 17:00 UTC. I have not removed multiple votes.
If you do not see your name or address in this list please resubmitt your vote.

Another mass ack will be posted at about June 1st.

                               [email protected]
Va-On Tam                      [email protected]
Va-On Tam                      [email protected]
John DeRose                    [email protected]
Ed Grether                     [email protected]
Apostolos Karmirantzos         [email protected]
Mean Green Dancing Machine     [email protected]
Paul Craven                    [email protected]
Larry Weeks                    [email protected]
Howard Hunnicutt               [email protected]
Stephen Owen Mast              [email protected]
George Sladic                  [email protected]
Syed Kamal                     [email protected]
Chris Marble                   [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Jay W. Noh                     [email protected]
Axel Dunkel                    [email protected]
Brian Hurley                   [email protected]
Michael L. Kaufman             [email protected]
Bruce McKibben                 [email protected]
                               [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Daniel L. Jones                [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Gregory C Franklin             [email protected]
David Mitchell                 [email protected]
Richard Spitz                  [email protected]
Glyn Simpson                   [email protected]
Tim Glauert                    [email protected]
Dag Espolin Johnson            [email protected]
Adi Dax                        [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Heinz Morandell                [email protected]
ANDY GARDNER                   [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Paul S. Kedrosky               [email protected]
Athula Herath                  [email protected]
Ardie Mack                     [email protected]
A. Herath                      [email protected]
David Doan                     [email protected]
L. Hunter Kevil                [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Julian C. Lander               [email protected]
Jim Littlefield                [email protected]
Gunnar Sylthe                  [email protected]
Bill Owens                     [email protected]
Leonard J. Peirce              [email protected]
John Sims                      [email protected]
Johan van Staden               [email protected]
Kenneth X Waterman             [email protected]
Sean Dowd                      [email protected]
Richard H. Miller              [email protected]
David Robertson                [email protected]
Tom Carter                     [email protected]
Tom Carter                     [email protected]
Thomas D Gasser-1              [email protected]
Jay Beavers                    [email protected]
Erik Ohrnberger                [email protected]
gt2011a SIMMS,WILLIAM SHELDON  [email protected]
Andrew Bennett                 [email protected]
Larry Bird                     [email protected]
Ron Apland                     [email protected]
Edward DeHart                  [email protected]
Jurgen Botz                    [email protected]
Michael Squires                [email protected]
Michael Squires                [email protected]
Herbert M Petro                [email protected]
Neil Galarneau                 [email protected]
David Galehouse                [email protected]
Tom Trent                      [email protected]
Alan Stockdale                 [email protected]
Daniel Zirin                   [email protected]
Rich Anderson                  [email protected]
D.MURIE                        [email protected]
RAM DIMBA                      [email protected]
Richard Malingkas              [email protected]
Nik Clayton                    [email protected]
Michael Bracewell              [email protected]
Michael Bracewell              [email protected]
Sal Scozzari                   [email protected]
Toby Rockwell                  [email protected]
Todd Cooper                    merk!uvmark!todd
Malcolm Austin                 [email protected]
David A. Bright                [email protected]
Mike Timbol                    [email protected]
B.J.                           [email protected]
George Lindholm                [email protected]
Tony Coor                      [email protected]
                               [email protected]
                               [email protected]
DENNIS SMITH                   [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Phil Scadden, Scadden Researc  [email protected]
Robert Dorgan                  [email protected]
John Barton - Systems Support  [email protected]
Rich Hammons                   [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Dan Dawdy                      [email protected]
Brian Casey                    [email protected]
David Adams                    [email protected]
Alan Denney          
John Paulson                   [email protected]
Bob Harvey                     [email protected]
Chip Rosenthal                 [email protected]
Tim Preston                    mcdd1!tp
Ahmed Al-Ashabb                [email protected]
Jeffrey Hines                  [email protected]
Jeffrey Hines                  [email protected]
Hardcore Alaskan               [email protected]
Per Arne Munthe                [email protected]
Adam Titmus                    [email protected]
Wolfgang Frank                 [email protected]
Kim Lilliestierna              [email protected]
Erich Neuwirth                 [email protected]
Ken Fisher                     [email protected]
John A. Olson                  [email protected]
Wolfgang Roth                  [email protected]
                               [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Dave W Ambors                  [email protected]
Phil Schwarz                   [email protected]
Kevin Dancs                    [email protected]
Frank Yeh Jr.                  [email protected]
Susan Johnson                  [email protected]
Willy Brandsdorfer             [email protected]
Elliotte Rusty Harold          [email protected]
Gordon Charrick                [email protected]
govind n. setlur               [email protected]
govind n. setlur               [email protected]
Ricardo Davis                  [email protected]
Andy Babinszki                 [email protected]
Brad Groth                     [email protected]
Eric Geisler                   [email protected]
Daniel Bjurstrom               [email protected]
David Wolen                    [email protected]
Andrew Phillips,Sp. Projects,  [email protected]
Murray Nesbitt                 pseudo!mjn
Edward Bertsch                 [email protected]
Hugh Davis                     [email protected]
Orio Athos                     [email protected]
ayman el-ardenli               [email protected]
Mau Napoleon                   [email protected]
Martin Hepworth                [email protected]
John D. Lorimer (PPOC systems  [email protected]
a60680                         [email protected]
Hansjuerg Karrer               [email protected]
Carl Lim                       [email protected]
Wesley Contreras               [email protected]
Bruce Kilgore                  [email protected]
DNAUMANN at CSOMPOB1           smtplink%[email protected]
Ron Todd                       [email protected]
Chris Payne - Surfer           [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Paul Campbell                  [email protected]
Cabaruvias.Sal                 cabaruvias#d#[email protected]
Cabaruvias.Sal                 cabaruvias#d#[email protected]
Jim Baukus                     [email protected]
Chris Scarvell                 [email protected]
Larry Linson                   [email protected]
Thorsten Kitz                  [email protected]
Gareth Phillips                [email protected]
David K. Palmer                [email protected]
John Lodden                    [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Mukul Goel                     [email protected]
Paul Templeman                 [email protected]
Werner Merkl                   [email protected]
Bhanu M. Kuchibhotla           [email protected]
Susan Donahue                  [email protected]
Marc Moorcroft                 [email protected]
Huw Pearce, ISE/PSE, BP Resea  [email protected]
Simon Mercer                   [email protected]
                               [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Charles McClellan              [email protected]
Edmund Hack                    [email protected]
Dirk O. Brzezinski             [email protected]
David Darnall                  [email protected]
David So                       [email protected]
Viv                            [email protected]
Paul Guevin III                [email protected]
jd lima                        lima@io
Allen Todd                     [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Tomi J Nissinen                [email protected]
Roberto Giuliani               [email protected]
Gary Strohm x324               [email protected]
Sean Foderaro                  [email protected]
Gary Rowntree                  gdr@snoopy
Larry Fabian                   [email protected]
veterans                       [email protected]
                               [email protected]
David E. Martin                [email protected]
Greg Hollmann                  [email protected]
Thinh Lee                      [email protected]
Jere K{pyaho                   [email protected]
Michel Mathieu                 [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Mike Lyons                     [email protected]
Finn Christensen               [email protected]
Mogens Lynnerup                [email protected]
Rosana VanDerGrinten           [email protected]
Neklan Brozensky               [email protected]
Charles W. Cooper II           [email protected]
Tan Kwang Han (SE              [email protected]
Brooks Benson                  [email protected]
                               [email protected]
Chua Hak Lien                  [email protected]
Benjamin I. Williams           [email protected]
a73010                         [email protected]
Roberto Larcher 306726/IL      [email protected]
Sam Fairchild                  [email protected]
Cory Sandahl                   [email protected]
Bill Chin                      [email protected]
Stouder Alain                  [email protected]

From [email protected] Fri Jun 11 15:56:47 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mau Napoleon)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,,,,
Subject: RESULT: passes 268:45
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 11 Jun 1993 15:13:48 -0400
Lines: 327
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3696 news.groups:73777 comp.databases:26354

This is the final vote count for COMP.DATABASES.MS-ACCESS. 313 valid
votes were received by June 4th. Of these 45 were No votes and 268 were
YES votes.

Please check the list to see if your vote has been registered. If not
please send mail to [email protected].

Thank you for participating.


 4 May  18:58:20	[email protected] (Mean Green Dancing Machine)
 4 May  20:41:47	[email protected] (Apostolos Karmirantzos)
 4 May  21:11:00	[email protected] (Larry Weeks)
 4 May  21:11:25	[email protected] (Chris Marble)
 5 May  00:10:00	[email protected] (Jay W. Noh)
 5 May  00:32:31	[email protected] ()
 5 May  07:24:02	[email protected] (Paul S. Kedrosky)
 5 May  09:01:26	[email protected] (Glyn Simpson)
 5 May  09:38:58	[email protected] (Sean Dowd)
 5 May  09:49:01	[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
 5 May  09:59:44	[email protected] (Bill Owens)
 5 May  10:00:58	[email protected] (Leonard J. Peirce)
 5 May  11:38:37	[email protected] (gt2011a SIMMS,WILLIAM SHELDON)
 5 May  11:47:00	[email protected] (Andrew Bennett)
 5 May  11:49:19	[email protected] (Daniel Zirin)
 5 May  12:49:05	[email protected] (Jurgen Botz)
 5 May  12:56:27	[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
 5 May  13:31:49	[email protected] (Mike Timbol)
 5 May  15:29:00	[email protected] ()
 5 May  16:02:09	[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
 5 May  18:47:41 (Alan Denney)
 6 May  01:56:20	[email protected] (Hardcore Alaskan)
 6 May  03:33:00	[email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)
 6 May  10:12:51	[email protected] (Ahmed Al-Ashabb)
 6 May  14:29:45	[email protected] (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
 6 May  23:41:04	pseudo!mjn (Murray Nesbitt)
 7 May  14:34:57	[email protected] (Chris Payne - Surfer)
 7 May  17:56:31	[email protected] ()
 8 May  14:53:24	[email protected] ()
10 May  04:52:36	[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
12 May  23:05:00	[email protected] (Neklan Brozensky)
15 May  06:57:29	[email protected] (Chua Hak Lien)
17 May  18:30:42	[email protected] (Bill Chin)
18 May  10:42:11	[email protected] ( (Stouder Alain))
20 May  09:35:15	[email protected] (Eric J. Olson)
20 May  22:14:18	[email protected] (Joel Furr)
21 May  12:10:27	[email protected] (Renato Ghica)
21 May  16:35:46	[email protected] (Mark Wick)
21 May  16:57:58	[email protected] (David Churcher)
22 May  03:45:00	[email protected] (Julian Macassey)
22 May  13:54:27	[email protected] ()
23 May  16:20:59	[email protected] (Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a)
24 May  10:48:00	[email protected] (Paul S R Chisholm)
26 May  09:53:33	[email protected] (David Barr)
29 May  22:20:29	[email protected] (Georg Schwarz)


 4 May  17:46:37	[email protected] ()
 4 May  18:03:25	[email protected] (Va-On Tam)
 4 May  18:20:51	[email protected] (John DeRose)
 4 May  18:39:44	[email protected] (Ed Grether)
 4 May  20:02:53	[email protected] (Stephen Owen Mast)
 4 May  22:09:32	[email protected] (Paul Craven)
 4 May  22:22:15	[email protected] (Howard Hunnicutt)
 4 May  22:22:44	[email protected] (George Sladic)
 4 May  23:20:57	[email protected] ()
 4 May  23:37:46	[email protected] (Syed Kamal)
 4 May  23:39:43	[email protected] (Edward DeHart)
 5 May  00:03:44	[email protected] (Gregory C Franklin)
 5 May  00:22:44	[email protected] (Daniel L. Jones)
 5 May  00:31:25	[email protected] (Brian Hurley)
 5 May  00:43:44	[email protected] (Michael L. Kaufman)
 5 May  07:15:00	[email protected] (Axel Dunkel)
 5 May  07:16:35	[email protected] (Jay Beavers)
 5 May  07:45:01	[email protected] (L. Hunter Kevil)
 5 May  08:16:02	[email protected] (Bruce McKibben)
 5 May  08:17:03	[email protected] (John Sims)
 5 May  08:35:00	[email protected] (Tom Carter)
 5 May  08:40:16	[email protected] ()
 5 May  08:49:00	[email protected] ()
 5 May  09:01:17	[email protected] (Larry Bird)
 5 May  09:02:31	[email protected] (Julian C. Lander)
 5 May  09:08:50	[email protected] (Tim Glauert)
 5 May  09:16:50	[email protected] (Ron Apland)
 5 May  09:26:39	[email protected] (Jim Littlefield)
 5 May  09:44:42	[email protected] (Richard Spitz)
 5 May  09:53:42	[email protected] (Michael Squires)
 5 May  10:01:15	[email protected] (David Robertson)
 5 May  10:11:43	[email protected] (Dag Espolin Johnson)
 5 May  10:19:40	[email protected] (Thomas D Gasser-1)
 5 May  10:22:33	[email protected] (Kenneth X Waterman)
 5 May  10:34:53	[email protected] (Adi Dax)
 5 May  11:14:28	[email protected] (RAM DIMBA)
 5 May  11:20:04	[email protected] ()
 5 May  11:26:44	[email protected] (Erik Ohrnberger)
 5 May  11:41:13	[email protected] (Tom Trent)
 5 May  12:14:44	[email protected] (Heinz Morandell)
 5 May  12:18:13	[email protected] (Ardie Mack)
 5 May  12:55:05	[email protected] (David Galehouse)
 5 May  12:55:41	[email protected] (Rich Anderson)
 5 May  13:07:15	[email protected] (A. Herath)
 5 May  13:08:18	[email protected] (Athula Herath)
 5 May  13:10:03	[email protected] (Neil Galarneau)
 5 May  13:36:00	[email protected] (George Lindholm)
 5 May  13:43:00	[email protected] (Alan Stockdale)
 5 May  13:54:01	[email protected] (Sal Scozzari)
 5 May  13:56:28	[email protected] ()
 5 May  14:47:46	[email protected] (Richard Malingkas)
 5 May  15:08:02	[email protected] (David A. Bright)
 5 May  15:09:19	merk!uvmark!todd (Todd Cooper)
 5 May  15:24:11	[email protected] (Rich Hammons)
 5 May  15:43:06	[email protected] (Michael Bracewell)
 5 May  15:51:13	[email protected] (Gunnar Sylthe)
 5 May  15:57:43	[email protected] (Toby Rockwell)
 5 May  16:01:53	[email protected] (Robert Dorgan)
 5 May  16:19:01	[email protected] (Johan van Staden)
 5 May  16:19:12	[email protected] ()
 5 May  16:34:50	[email protected] (B.J.)
 5 May  16:56:00	[email protected] (DENNIS SMITH)
 5 May  16:58:14	[email protected] (Tony Coor)
 5 May  17:07:55	[email protected] (Jeffrey Hines)
 5 May  17:09:58	[email protected] (David Mitchell)
 5 May  17:10:09	[email protected] (Brian Casey)
 5 May  17:19:00	[email protected] (Dan Dawdy)
 5 May  17:23:10	[email protected] ()
 5 May  17:27:08	[email protected] (D.MURIE)
 5 May  17:31:39	[email protected] (Bob Harvey)
 5 May  20:23:21	[email protected] (Nik Clayton)
 5 May  21:20:31	[email protected] (David Adams)
 5 May  21:28:41	[email protected] (John Paulson)
 5 May  22:27:04	[email protected] (ANDY GARDNER)
 5 May  22:29:43	[email protected] (David Doan)
 5 May  23:21:52	[email protected] ()
 6 May  08:15:53	[email protected] (Per Arne Munthe)
 6 May  08:23:19	[email protected] (Andy Babinszki)
 6 May  08:26:01	[email protected] (John A. Olson)
 6 May  08:29:35	[email protected] ()
 6 May  09:23:48	mcdd1!tp (Tim Preston)
 6 May  09:33:01	[email protected] (Phil Scadden, Scadden Researc)
 6 May  10:00:00	[email protected] (John Barton - Systems Support)
 6 May  10:04:00	[email protected] (Kevin Dancs)
 6 May  10:06:52	[email protected] (Dave W Ambors)
 6 May  10:36:39	[email protected] (Frank Yeh Jr.)
 6 May  10:57:19	[email protected] (Susan Johnson)
 6 May  10:57:43	[email protected] (Adam Titmus)
 6 May  11:34:27	[email protected] (Phil Schwarz)
 6 May  11:49:20	[email protected] (David K. Palmer)
 6 May  12:08:21	[email protected] (Wolfgang Frank)
 6 May  13:21:49	[email protected] (govind n. setlur)
 6 May  13:33:28	[email protected] (Kim Lilliestierna)
 6 May  13:33:37	[email protected] (Ricardo Davis)
 6 May  14:05:53	[email protected] (Willy Brandsdorfer)
 6 May  14:32:37	[email protected] (Erich Neuwirth)
 6 May  15:10:48	[email protected] (Gordon Charrick)
 6 May  15:23:50	[email protected] (Wolfgang Roth)
 6 May  15:47:01	[email protected] (Brad Groth)
 6 May  16:24:28	[email protected] (Eric Geisler)
 6 May  16:55:49	[email protected] (David Wolen)
 6 May  16:56:33	[email protected] (Larry Linson)
 6 May  18:43:11	[email protected] (Dirk O. Brzezinski)
 6 May  19:32:01	[email protected] (Daniel Bjurstrom)
 7 May  01:45:29	[email protected] (Edward Bertsch)
 7 May  06:01:57	[email protected] (John D. Lorimer (PPOC systems)
 7 May  08:56:43	[email protected] (Wesley Contreras)
 7 May  08:57:42	[email protected] (Bruce Kilgore)
 7 May  09:19:51	[email protected] (Hugh Davis)
 7 May  10:12:57	[email protected] (Carl Lim)
 7 May  10:34:13	[email protected] (Orio Athos)
 7 May  11:35:06	[email protected] (Andrew Phillips,Sp. Projects,)
 7 May  12:01:33	smtplink%[email protected] (DNAUMANN at CSOMPOB1)
 7 May  13:44:14	[email protected] (Ron Todd)
 7 May  14:16:32	[email protected] (a60680)
 7 May  15:25:06	[email protected] (Paul Campbell)
 7 May  15:52:35	[email protected] (Hansjuerg Karrer)
 7 May  16:24:03	cabaruvias#d#[email protected] (Cabaruvias.Sal)
 7 May  16:53:17	[email protected] (Jim Baukus)
 7 May  19:35:51	[email protected] (ayman el-ardenli)
 7 May  19:43:27	[email protected] (Thorsten Kitz)
 8 May  10:38:49	[email protected] (Chris Scarvell)
 8 May  10:57:26	[email protected] (Paul Templeman)
 8 May  13:57:09	[email protected] (Gareth Phillips)
 8 May  15:25:00	[email protected] (John Lodden)
 8 May  20:11:21	[email protected] (Werner Merkl)
 8 May  21:14:26	[email protected] (Mukul Goel)
 9 May  09:18:57	[email protected] (Bhanu M. Kuchibhotla)
 9 May  09:28:37	[email protected] (Susan Donahue)
10 May  08:29:46	[email protected] (Huw Pearce, ISE/PSE, BP Resea)
10 May  10:59:51	[email protected] ()
10 May  13:57:16	[email protected] (David So)
10 May  14:03:00	[email protected] (Charles McClellan)
10 May  16:59:48	[email protected] (Simon Mercer)
10 May  17:16:00	[email protected] (Edmund Hack)
10 May  17:24:13	[email protected] (David Darnall)
10 May  18:32:14	[email protected] (Vincent Rijken)
10 May  20:52:58	[email protected] (Paul Guevin III)
10 May  20:55:25	lima@io (jd lima)
10 May  22:17:41	[email protected] (Allen Todd)
11 May  06:42:23	[email protected] (Sean Foderaro)
11 May  06:58:59	gdr@snoopy (Gary Rowntree)
11 May  09:19:57	[email protected] (Gary Strohm x324)
11 May  09:25:20	[email protected] ()
11 May  09:26:19	[email protected] (Roberto Giuliani)
11 May  12:20:46	[email protected] (Larry Fabian)
11 May  12:43:30	[email protected] (Viv)
11 May  13:56:02	[email protected] (Tomi J Nissinen)
11 May  14:43:00	[email protected] (Greg Hollmann)
11 May  15:34:34	[email protected] (David E. Martin)
11 May  16:40:16	[email protected] (Thinh Lee)
11 May  19:12:35	[email protected] (veterans)
12 May  06:13:28	[email protected] (Mike Lyons)
12 May  07:21:07	[email protected] (Michel Mathieu)
12 May  08:28:02	[email protected] ()
12 May  10:12:29	[email protected] (Jere K{pyaho)
12 May  16:13:08	[email protected] (Rosana VanDerGrinten)
12 May  20:55:32	[email protected] (Finn Christensen)
12 May  22:25:35	[email protected] (Mogens Lynnerup)
12 May  23:34:44	[email protected] (Charles W. Cooper II)
13 May  14:03:06	[email protected] (Brooks Benson)
13 May  17:04:23	[email protected] (Tan Kwang Han (SE)
15 May  11:57:24	[email protected] (Benjamin I. Williams)
15 May  21:44:57	[email protected] (a73010)
17 May  08:24:05	[email protected] (Cory Sandahl)
17 May  09:43:03	[email protected] (Sam Fairchild)
17 May  11:04:28	[email protected] (Roberto Larcher 306726/IL)
18 May  17:33:44	[email protected] ()
19 May  14:52:00	[email protected] (Carol Suelzle - ext. 4787)
19 May  16:52:42	[email protected] ()
20 May  00:10:13	[email protected] (Geoffrey S. Elbo)
20 May  01:16:00	[email protected] ()
20 May  08:24:54	maryk%[email protected] ()
20 May  08:54:56	[email protected] ()
20 May  09:07:16	[email protected] (Richard Garbaccio)
20 May  09:19:35	[email protected] (John Popp)
20 May  09:24:16	[email protected] ()
20 May  10:12:02	[email protected] (Mau Napoleon)
20 May  10:44:10	[email protected] ()
20 May  10:48:31	[email protected] (Chris Neeland)
20 May  12:23:46	[email protected] (Linda D. Cornell)
20 May  12:28:47	[email protected] (Tom Harwood)
20 May  13:07:22	[email protected] (Dave Harbula)
20 May  14:09:49	[email protected] (Paul Gilberti)
20 May  14:56:56	[email protected] (Gorden A. Runkle)
20 May  16:04:04	[email protected] (Leo Staschover)
20 May  16:35:51	[email protected] (55615-henry liao(shichuan tu)
20 May  16:49:41	[email protected] ()
20 May  17:04:00	[email protected] (Beverly Scott)
20 May  17:15:51	[email protected] ()
20 May  18:30:00	[email protected] (Lee Walton)
20 May  21:45:29	[email protected] (Daniel Royer (Econometrie, 70)
20 May  22:28:47	[email protected] (Jack F. Hamilton)
21 May  00:13:10	[email protected] (Karen Moss)
21 May  01:41:27	[email protected] (Johan Torssell)
21 May  08:12:00	[email protected] ()
21 May  08:31:03	[email protected] (Rob Schultz)
21 May  08:53:01	[email protected] ("Timo ""ttm"" Merilainen")
21 May  09:21:20	[email protected] (Thomas P. Morgan)
21 May  09:30:34	[email protected] (Robert F. Benningfield)
21 May  09:39:30	[email protected] (HARDY B H)
21 May  10:12:11	[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
21 May  10:19:07	[email protected] (Daniel Melvin)
21 May  11:16:58	S.BARKLA@admin (Scott W Barkla)
21 May  11:20:09	[email protected] (David John Lodge)
21 May  13:03:28	[email protected] (Erwin Dondorp)
21 May  13:10:53	[email protected] (Piotr Karocki)
21 May  13:27:55	[email protected] (Mike Williams)
21 May  13:54:30	[email protected] (Tom Huot)
21 May  14:18:21	[email protected] (Jos Stoop)
21 May  14:58:07	[email protected] (Matt Kosater)
21 May  15:04:58	[email protected] (Terry Stewart)
21 May  19:14:47	[email protected] (Jesse Lackey)
21 May  19:16:23	[email protected] (Ed Chianese)
21 May  19:18:27	[email protected] (Charles Lindahl)
21 May  20:08:31	[email protected] ()
21 May  21:12:23	[email protected] (Paul Muston)
21 May  22:22:49	[email protected] (Olivier PLAUT)
23 May  00:26:09	[email protected] (Vikram Duvvoori)
23 May  14:12:18	[email protected] (Rajasimha Aji)
23 May  16:21:57	[email protected] (Yaacov Fenster, Alpha Verific)
23 May  19:21:51	[email protected] (Tang Yiu Wa)
24 May  05:12:46	[email protected] (Jack_In_The_Mac)
24 May  09:33:09	"""" (RENE E. THON)
24 May  10:30:34	[email protected] (Chris Robinson)
24 May  10:33:03	[email protected] (Lindley Sprague)
24 May  11:50:57	[email protected] (Tom Frauenhofer)
24 May  11:59:06	[email protected] (Michel Kern)
24 May  12:11:24	[email protected] ()
24 May  14:01:51	[email protected] (Christy Gammage)
24 May  14:04:18	[email protected] (Nicos Achilleoudis)
24 May  14:20:14	[email protected] (Michael Kraehe)
24 May  15:39:06	[email protected] ()
24 May  16:59:40	[email protected] (theodore c parsons)
24 May  17:13:36	[email protected] (Martin Hepworth)
24 May  17:33:38	[email protected] (Tony Surma)
24 May  18:06:59	[email protected] (Neil Parker)
24 May  20:59:26	[email protected] (Bastaenier)
25 May  14:08:57	[email protected] (Ken Kiefer)
25 May  17:46:16	[email protected] (Michael Roberts)
26 May  04:25:20	[email protected] (Yaroslav Mezheritsky)
26 May  07:57:12	[email protected] (Steven Heath)
26 May  08:14:00	[email protected] (Guy Cox)
26 May  08:28:13	[email protected] ()
26 May  13:56:13	[email protected] (Jens Rosenboom)
26 May  15:42:53	[email protected] (Gord Irish)
26 May  15:43:39	[email protected] (John E. Babbitt Jr.)
26 May  19:48:13	FM18%[email protected] (Alain Azzam)
26 May  19:49:47	UJ07%[email protected] (Sylvain Chadelaine)
27 May  09:38:26	[email protected] (Frank Jusnes)
27 May  10:09:10	[email protected] (Tom Haapanen)
27 May  12:51:38	[email protected] (Stephen P. Norman)
28 May  08:41:45	[email protected] (Shamus McBride)
28 May  09:27:59	[email protected] (Andrew Francis MCKEON)
28 May  15:39:37	[email protected] (Jeff 603/881-0494)
28 May  17:35:05	[email protected] (Phil Nelson)
29 May  01:12:45	[email protected] (Morten Aagaard)
29 May  17:16:39	[email protected] (Chris Smith)
29 May  21:07:49	[email protected] (Charles Binko)
 1 Jun  00:58:30	[email protected] (John Bates)
 1 Jun  13:39:46	[email protected] ()
 1 Jun  15:27:14	[email protected] ()
 1 Jun  16:19:42	[email protected] ()
 1 Jun  21:37:37	[email protected] (Paul D. Boyer)
 2 Jun  11:32:00	[email protected] (Jim Dumoulin)
 2 Jun  14:29:08	[email protected] (Jaron Borensztajn)
 4 Jun  19:51:17	[email protected] (Panagiotis Lolonis)

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