From [email protected] Mon Dec  7 18:13:13 1992
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Daniel Jones 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.lang,
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 7 Dec 1992 17:46:04 -0500
Organization: CCL, UMIST, Manchester UK
Lines: 30
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3029 news.groups:62597 sci.lang:20047

This is a call for request for discussion about the need for
a new usergroup called

The aim of the usergoup will be to facilitate:

	* discussion of networks specifically used for processing
	  natural language
	* discussion/presentation of research ideas/results
	* posting of news about software creation/bug reports etc.
	  of commonly used neural network packages used specifically
	  for natural language processing
	* provision  of information about machine-readable corpora 
          and databases
	* those interested in neural networks and NLP to find out
	  who else is involved in similar research work

There appears to be a lot of interest in the NLP and connectionist
communites  about combining elements of both fields so I think it
would be a useful move to create a means to allow people working
in these areas to communicate effectively with each other.

If you're not sure how to participate in the discussion about the
creation of thus group please read: 
How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup ~ 150 (David C Lawrence)
in: news.announce.newusers
Daniel Jones			Email : [email protected]
CCL,				Telephone : +44 61 200 3104 (direct)
UMIST,				Fax: +44 61 200 3099
PO Box 88, Manchester, UK.

From [email protected] Thu Jan 28 23:43:18 1993
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:2915 news.groups:60469 sci.lang:18900 comp.groupware:1619 comp.speech:515 sci.lang:18901
From: [email protected] (Charles C. Lin)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,sci.lang,comp.groupware,comp.speech,sci.lang
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 28 Jan 1993 23:43:18 -0500
Organization: College of Engineering, Maryversity von Uniland, College Park
Lines: 123
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

This is an official request for discussion (RFD) for the formation of
the newsgroup,

             Charter for language


Moderation:   This group will be unmoderated.

Purpose:      To discuss issues relating to natural language, especially
              computer-related issues from an AI viewpoint.   The topics
              that will be discussed in this group will concentrate on, but
              are not limited to, the following:

                   *   Natural Language Understanding
                   *   Natural Language Generation
                   *   Machine Translation
                   *   Dialogue and Discourse Systems
                   *   Natural Language Interfaces
                   *   Parsing
                   *   Computational Linguistics
                   *   Computer-Aided Language Learning

              This group will avoid discussing issues that are more properly
              covered by other newsgroups.   For example, speech synthesis
              should be discussed in comp.speech.   However, due to the
              interdisciplinary nature of the field, there may be overlap in
              material between other groups.    To try to keep this to a 
              minimum, topics should pertain to computer-related aspects
              of natural language.

Rules of Decorum:  Because of the unmoderated format, anyone with access to
                   this newsgroup will be able to post without review.
                   This is meant to encourage discussion of the topics.
                   Please refrain from "flames" or unnecessary criticism
                   of a person's viewpoints or personality in a harsh
                   or insulting manner.   Criticisms should constructive
                   and polite whenever possible.

Intended Audience:  The following is a repost of Terry Gaasterland's opinion
                    on how this newsgroup would fit in to the other alternative
                    newsgroups and mailing lists.

Terry writes:

It is important to differentiate between a 
group and existing groups:  e.g. sci.lang, the nl-kr group (I 
forget its newsgroup name), and the LINGUIST list.  What would
a group provide that these groups do not?

NL-KR is carefully moderated.  As a result, it is not so much a forum 
for dialog as a place for announcements and requests for information.
The main problem with the NL-KR group is that people ask questions
and others answer them privately.  Many times over the years, I have 
sent people requests for a copy of the responses that they get --- 
usually to no avail.  

The sci.lang group has a general scope that basically covers all 
issues in linguistics.  It tends to get a lot of noise.  I would hope 
that a group would successfully focus on the 
issues involved in getting computers to deal with processing language.

The LINGUIST list is a forum for linguists to exchange views, argue
about points, give circumstantial data points to each other, and 
post announcements.  The focus is on linguistics, not on how to 
get computers to deal with language.  Its very high volume of 
messages reflects the size of the readership and its willingness 
to participate in discussions.  The list is a good place for a 
computer scientist to pick up a general sense of issues and 
topics in linguistics.  Because it is lightly moderated, the 
LINGUIST list is less noisy than the sci.lang group.  Because
of the quality of the list members, the discussion tends to 
stay at a professional, scientific level.  These properties
are harder to acheive with an unmoderated newsgroup.

The issues that are dealt with in (computer oriented) natural 
language research lie at the heart of AI.  A 
group should provide a forem for specific, detailed "intra-disciplinary" 
discussion (intra-AI, that is) that explores for example, the 
relationships between language learning and visual recognition, 
language understanding and visual perception, memory and language 
generation, knowledge representation and language generation, 
planning and language generation, spatial representation and 
locative prepositions, temporal representation and tense and
aspect, to name just a few current areas of active investigation.

End of charter

    The above is, by no means, a final version of the charter.   The
name was selected so that it would be obvious, for the time being, to
see what the purpose of this newsgroup.   Right now, seems
the most popular, and we will probably require a vote to work the details
out.   People should argue for why they want the newsgroup named as they
do.   In addition, some parts of the charter may be modified after a
period of discussion.

Discussion period:   The period of discussion will last no less than three
                     weeks.   If discussion continues (especially concerning
                     the nature of the charter) beyond four weeks, we will
                     move the discussion to e-mail.   If there appears to 
                     be no major disagreements, then we will attempt to
                     make a call for votes in three weeks time, from
                     Wednesday, January 27.   Instructions on how to
                     vote will be given then as well as a final form for
                     a charter.

Reminders:  Reminders for discussion will be posted to news.announce,newgroups
            about once a week.

E-mail:    Any questions or suggestions can be e-mailed to me, Charles Lin,
           at [email protected].   If there are any problems e-mailing me, let
           me know via posting, or asking another person to forward mail
           to me (this might be preferable).

Followup discussion:   All followup discussion will be carried out on
                       news.groups.   You may wish to crosspost to other
                       groups, but to keep clutter in other groups to
                       a minimum, discussion is preferably confined to
Charles Lin
[email protected]

From [email protected] Sat Feb 13 13:00:54 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Charles Lin)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.lang,comp.speech,sci.math,comp.theory
Subject: 2nd RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 6 Feb 1993 18:12:07 -0500
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 133
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3224 news.groups:66061 sci.lang:20850 comp.speech:548 sci.math:39414 comp.theory:6756

This is an official request for discussion (RFD) for the formation of
the newsgroup,

             Charter for lang


Moderation:   This group will be unmoderated.

Purpose:      To discuss issues relating to natural language, especially
              computer-related issues from an AI viewpoint.   The topics
              that will be discussed in this group will concentrate on, but
              are not limited to, the following:

                   *   Natural Language Understanding
                   *   Natural Language Generation
                   *   Machine Translation
                   *   Dialogue and Discourse Systems
                   *   Natural Language Interfaces
                   *   Parsing
                   *   Computational Linguistics
                   *   Computer-Aided Language Learning

              This group will avoid discussing issues that are more properly
              covered by other newsgroups.   For example, speech synthesis
              should be discussed in comp.speech.   However, due to the
              interdisciplinary nature of the field, there may be overlap in
              material between other groups.    To try to keep this to a 
              minimum, topics should pertain to computer-related aspects
              of natural language.

Rules of Decorum:  Because of the unmoderated format, anyone with access to
                   this newsgroup will be able to post without review.
                   This is meant to encourage discussion of the topics.
                   Please refrain from "flames" or unnecessary criticism
                   of a person's viewpoints or personality in a harsh
                   or insulting manner.   Criticisms should constructive
                   and polite whenever possible.

Intended Audience:  The following is a repost of Terry Gaasterland's opinion
                    on how this newsgroup would fit in to the other alternative
                    newsgroups and mailing lists.

Terry writes:

It is important to differentiate between a 
group and existing groups:  e.g. sci.lang, the nl-kr group (I 
forget its newsgroup name), and the LINGUIST list.  What would
a group provide that these groups do not?

NL-KR is carefully moderated.  As a result, it is not so much a forum 
for dialog as a place for announcements and requests for information.
The main problem with the NL-KR group is that people ask questions
and others answer them privately.  Many times over the years, I have 
sent people requests for a copy of the responses that they get --- 
usually to no avail.  

The sci.lang group has a general scope that basically covers all 
issues in linguistics.  It tends to get a lot of noise.  I would hope 
that a group would successfully focus on the 
issues involved in getting computers to deal with processing language.

The LINGUIST list is a forum for linguists to exchange views, argue
about points, give circumstantial data points to each other, and 
post announcements.  The focus is on linguistics, not on how to 
get computers to deal with language.  Its very high volume of 
messages reflects the size of the readership and its willingness 
to participate in discussions.  The list is a good place for a 
computer scientist to pick up a general sense of issues and 
topics in linguistics.  Because it is lightly moderated, the 
LINGUIST list is less noisy than the sci.lang group.  Because
of the quality of the list members, the discussion tends to 
stay at a professional, scientific level.  These properties
are harder to acheive with an unmoderated newsgroup.

The issues that are dealt with in (computer oriented) natural 
language research lie at the heart of AI.  A 
group should provide a forem for specific, detailed "intra-disciplinary" 
discussion (intra-AI, that is) that explores for example, the 
relationships between language learning and visual recognition, 
language understanding and visual perception, memory and language 
generation, knowledge representation and language generation, 
planning and language generation, spatial representation and 
locative prepositions, temporal representation and tense and
aspect, to name just a few current areas of active investigation.

End of charter

*     Please look in news.groups for discussion on how to vote     *
*     for the name of this group.                                  *

    The above is, by no means, a final version of the charter.   The
name was selected so that it would be obvious, for the time being, to
see what the purpose of this newsgroup.   Right now, seems
the most popular, and we will probably require a vote to work the details
out.   People should argue for why they want the newsgroup named as they
do.   In addition, some parts of the charter may be modified after a
period of discussion.

Discussion period:   The period of discussion will last no less than three
                     weeks.   If discussion continues (especially concerning
                     the nature of the charter) beyond four weeks, we will
                     move the discussion to e-mail.   If there appears to 
                     be no major disagreements, then we will attempt to
                     make a call for votes in three weeks time, from
                     Wednesday, January 27.   Instructions on how to
                     vote will be given then as well as a final form for
                     a charter.

Addendum:   We will attempt to make a Call For Votes in about two weeks from
            Wednesday, February 3.   The procedure for voting will be
            posted at that time.

Reminders:  Reminders for discussion will be posted to news.announce.newgroups
            about once a week.

E-mail:    Any questions or suggestions can be e-mailed to me, Charles Lin,
           at [email protected].   If there are any problems e-mailing me, let
           me know via posting, or asking another person to forward mail
           to me (this might be preferable).

Followup discussion:   All followup discussion will be carried out on
                       news.groups.   You may wish to crosspost to other
                       groups, but to keep clutter in other groups to
                       a minimum, discussion is preferably confined to
Charles Lin
[email protected]

From [email protected] Tue Feb 23 23:38:36 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Charles Lin)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,sci.math,sci.lang,comp.speech,comp.theory
Subject: 3rd RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 23 Feb 1993 13:23:43 -0500
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 116
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3266 news.groups:67285 sci.math:40059 sci.lang:21179 comp.speech:597 comp.theory:6881

This is an official request for discussion (RFD) for the formation of
the newsgroup,

             Charter for


Moderation:   This group will be unmoderated.

Purpose:      To discuss issues relating to natural language, especially
              computer-related issues from an AI viewpoint.   The topics
              that will be discussed in this group will concentrate on, but
              are not limited to, the following:

                   *   Natural Language Understanding
                   *   Natural Language Generation
                   *   Machine Translation
                   *   Dialogue and Discourse Systems
                   *   Natural Language Interfaces
                   *   Parsing
                   *   Computational Linguistics
                   *   Computer-Aided Language Learning

              This group will avoid discussing issues that are more properly
              covered by other newsgroups.   For example, speech synthesis
              should be discussed in comp.speech.   However, due to the
              interdisciplinary nature of the field, there may be overlap in
              material between other groups.    To try to keep this to a 
              minimum, topics should pertain to computer-related aspects
              of natural language.

Rules of Decorum:  Because of the unmoderated format, anyone with access to
                   this newsgroup will be able to post without review.
                   This is meant to encourage discussion of the topics.
                   Please refrain from "flames" or unnecessary criticism
                   of a person's viewpoints or personality in a harsh
                   or insulting manner.   Criticisms should constructive
                   and polite whenever possible.

Intended Audience:  While there can be some talk of linguistics, we
                    are going to only cover topics that pertain
                    to natural language processing, and not all
                    of linguistics, and therefore, in some ways
                    we are narrower and broader in the range of
                    topics that we will talk about compared to sci.lang.
                    Therefore, we do not wish to restrict this newsgroup
                    to linguists only.   

                    We should restrict discussion of speech synthesis
                    and recognition to groups like comp.speech, except where
                    they serve as parts of a bigger natural language system.
                    Also, while this group is meant for those people in the 
                    field, we should be open to those who are interested
                    in natural language processing, but who may not have
                    had much expertise in the field.   These may include
                    beginners in the field as well as those who might
                    simply find the area interesting, even though they
                    work in a different area.
End of charter

Discussion period:   The last day for discussion will be set for Sunday, 
                     February 28, 1992 (or 28 February 1992 for Europeans).
                     If there is still ongoing discussion that appears
                     serious, we will continue discussion via e-mail.

Name of the group:   As pointed out in another post, the original leading
                     choice for the name of the newsgroup was
                     Originally, I would have let this name be the name
                     of the group.   However, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups
                     and his colleagues suggest that "nlp", unlike "AI" is a 
                     bit too cryptic, and that their experience is that cryptic
                     names are not good because they lead to people who
                     add spurious posts to the newsgroup.   Rather than
                     reopen up the selection to a vote, I have, for reasons
                     of creating this newsgroup, selected the name which
                     someone had suggested to me, and one that I liked,

                     I am sympathetic to those who had wanted the group
                     to be called, since "nlp" is commonly used,
                     but rather than get into potential trouble by using
                     this name, and under the belief that the newsgroup
                     should be formed rather than get too worried about
                     the choice of name, I decided to change the name to 
                     one that was more descriptive to people who aren't
                     in the field (and some of those are in AI!).

Call For Votes:      Short of a flurry of people sending me mail to the
                     contrary, my intention is to start the call for votes
                     (CFV) on Tuesday, March 2, 1992, and end in on
                     Monday, March 30, 1992 at midnight Eastern Time.
                     Instructions for voting should be posted by 
                     Monday 1, 1992.  

Reminders:  This is the final Request For Discussion, and the period
            of discussion will end this Sunday.   Due to the moderately
            low posting (except concerning the name), there appears
            to be little opposition to forming the group, and hopefully
            we can keep it that way.

E-mail:    Any questions or suggestions can be e-mailed to me, Charles Lin,
           at [email protected].   If there are any problems e-mailing me, let
           me know via posting, or asking another person to forward mail
           to me (this might be preferable).

Followup discussion:   All followup discussion will be carried out on
                       news.groups.   You may wish to crosspost to other
                       groups, but to keep clutter in other groups to
                       a minimum, discussion is preferably confined to
Charles Lin
[email protected]

From [email protected] Wed Mar 10 21:06:58 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Charles Lin)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,sci.lang,comp.speech,sci.math,comp.theory
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 3 Mar 1993 23:48:40 -0500
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 164
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3315 news.groups:67530 sci.lang:21362 comp.speech:625 sci.math:40568 comp.theory:6938

This is an official Call For Votes (CFV) for the formation of
the newsgroup,

             Charter for


Moderation:   This group will be unmoderated.

Purpose:      To discuss issues relating to natural language, especially
              computer-related issues from an AI viewpoint.   The topics
              that will be discussed in this group will concentrate on, but
              are not limited to, the following:

                   *   Natural Language Understanding
                   *   Natural Language Generation
                   *   Machine Translation
                   *   Dialogue and Discourse Systems
                   *   Natural Language Interfaces
                   *   Parsing
                   *   Computational Linguistics
                   *   Computer-Aided Language Learning

              This newsgroup will avoid discussing topics such as 
              speech synthesis, non computer-related linguistic
              issues, or other issues that are better addressed in
              other newsgroups such as comp.speech and sci.lang.
              However, because natural language processing is 
              interdisciplinary, some overlap will be inevitable.
              The topic list above should serve as a guide as to the
              nature of topics that should be discussed in this newsgroup.

Rules of Decorum:  Because of the unmoderated format, anyone with access to
                   this newsgroup will be able to post without being
                   pre-reviewed, as is the case with moderated groups.
                   This is meant to encourage discussion of the topics.
                   Please refrain from "flames" or unnecessary criticism
                   of a person's viewpoints or personality in a harsh
                   or insulting manner.   Criticisms should be constructive
                   and polite whenever possible.

Intended Audience:  While linguistics serves as one of the foundations
                    to natural language processing, this group is not
                    strictly meant for linguists.   This group is meant
                    to attract people from linguistics, AI, computer
                    science, philosophy, and psychology, (among others)
                    who have interest in natural language processing.
                    Although this group is meant as a forum for those
                    people who work in the field of natural language
                    processing, and therefore some discussion may be
                    highly technical in nature, or may refer to work
                    that is commonly known for those in the field,
                    we should also be open to those who are just beginning
                    in the field, or who have an active interest in the field
                    but work in a different area.  Because this group
                    is unmoderated, there will be more noise (i.e., articles
                    that are deemed by some as unimportant) than were
                    this group moderated.   Please think of this as
                    a tradeoff that may lead to better discussion.

End of charter

Call For Votes

Period of voting ends:    Monday, March 30, 1993. 23:59 Eastern Time.

                   Eastern Time is the time zone that I am in, which is the
                   same as Washington, DC, New York, Boston, and Atlanta.

Rules of voting:

     (1) Votes must be cast by e-mail only.   Votes may not be posted to the net.

     (2) You can NOT vote by proxy.   That means, you are not allowed to have
         a friend vote for you.   Therefore, you must have a e-mail address.
         Unless the moderator of news.announce.newsgroups says otherwise,
         I will not accept votes that are sent by anonymous locations (i.e.,
         using an anonymous service).

     (3) You may only vote once.   The determination of this will be made
         by e-mail address.  Unique e-mail addresses will count as one vote,
         subject to the approval of the moderator.  Please use your account
         when voting.   If there are multiple votes from one address, only
         the vote with the latest legal timestamp (i.e., the time that I
         receive the vote, not the time you sent it out) which falls in
         the time period above will be counted.

     (4) You must vote for the charter and newsgroup name, as is.   Votes
         which are qualified, such as "I would vote YES, if this happens"
         will not be counted.

     (5) Votes must be cast between the times given above in the period of voting.

     (6) Anyone who has an computer account which can send e-mail to me
         will be allowed to vote.

     (7) Votes must be sent to my e-mail address: [email protected]

How to Vote:

Instructions for those who SUPPORT the formation of

(1) Use the following subject heading as close as you can.

   Subject: Vote: YES
             This is the part you type.

(2) Within the body of the text, write

   I vote FOR the newsgroup,, as proposed.

                         Last name, First name   

Instructions for those who OPPOSE the formation of

(1) Use the following subject heading as close as you can.

    Subject: Vote: NO
             This is the part you type.

(2) Within the body of the text, write

    I vote AGAINST the newsgroup,, as proposed.

                        Last name, First name.


     I will send you e-mail if you have the incorrect format.   I will
not be so concerned as to the exactness of the body of the text, but
please try to follow the format for the subject heading.   By following
the format, it will be less ambiguous to me as to which way you are
voting.   The subject heading and the content should either both
support or both oppose the formation.   Any other combination will be
ignored.   Both must be included.   Please include your last name
and your first name.   When I post the votes, I will post in the order of last
name in alphabetical order.  Then I will include your "From:" line.

Example:  Lawrence, David: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
          ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          last name  first      e-mail address in "From" line

If you wish to confirm your vote, send me, in a separate e-mail from your
vote, a request for confirmation.   Please verify this confirmation by
reading further CFV posts which will list those people who have voted.
The actual tally of who voted FOR and AGAINST the newsgroup will be
displayed after the end of the voting period.


Other information:
   You may continue discussion about the newsgroup, but it should be to persuade
other voters to vote one way or the other.   
Charles Lin
[email protected]

From [email protected] Thu Mar 11 11:35:00 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Charles Lin)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,sci.lang,comp.speech,sci.math,comp.theory
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 11 Mar 1993 01:38:16 -0500
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 297
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3344 news.groups:67884 sci.lang:21503 comp.speech:647 sci.math:40907 comp.theory:6997

This is the second Call For Votes (CFV) for
At the end of this article, there is a list of votes that
have been received.   If you have voted before Sunday, March
7, please check to see if your name is listed.  Also check to
see if you have the correct e-mail address listed.  UK voters
may note that e-mail address may be in reverse order than
normal, which I believe is OK.

If you have voted, but do not see your name listed, please
remail your vote.   Please include both a subject heading,
and a body, as outlined below.   By following the example
given as closely as you can, and there should be no problems.

This is an official Call For Votes (CFV) for the formation of
the newsgroup,

             Charter for


Moderation:   This group will be unmoderated.

Purpose:      To discuss issues relating to natural language, especially
              computer-related issues from an AI viewpoint.   The topics
              that will be discussed in this group will concentrate on, but
              are not limited to, the following:

                   *   Natural Language Understanding
                   *   Natural Language Generation
                   *   Machine Translation
                   *   Dialogue and Discourse Systems
                   *   Natural Language Interfaces
                   *   Parsing
                   *   Computational Linguistics
                   *   Computer-Aided Language Learning

              This newsgroup will avoid discussing topics such as 
              speech synthesis, non computer-related linguistic
              issues, or other issues that are better addressed in
              other newsgroups such as comp.speech and sci.lang.
              However, because natural language processing is 
              interdisciplinary, some overlap will be inevitable.
              The topic list above should serve as a guide as to the
              nature of topics that should be discussed in this newsgroup.

Rules of Decorum:  Because of the unmoderated format, anyone with access to
                   this newsgroup will be able to post without being
                   pre-reviewed, as is the case with moderated groups.
                   This is meant to encourage discussion of the topics.
                   Please refrain from "flames" or unnecessary criticism
                   of a person's viewpoints or personality in a harsh
                   or insulting manner.   Criticisms should be constructive
                   and polite whenever possible.

Intended Audience:  While linguistics serves as one of the foundations
                    to natural language processing, this group is not
                    strictly meant for linguists.   This group is meant
                    to attract people from linguistics, AI, computer
                    science, philosophy, and psychology, (among others)
                    who have interest in natural language processing.
                    Although this group is meant as a forum for those
                    people who work in the field of natural language
                    processing, and therefore some discussion may be
                    highly technical in nature, or may refer to work
                    that is commonly known for those in the field,
                    we should also be open to those who are just beginning
                    in the field, or who have an active interest in the field
                    but work in a different area.  Because this group
                    is unmoderated, there will be more noise (i.e., articles
                    that are deemed by some as unimportant) than were
                    this group moderated.   Please think of this as
                    a tradeoff that may lead to better discussion.

End of charter

Call For Votes

Period of voting:  Starts:  Tuesday, March 2, 1993. 12:01 AM. Eastern Time.
                   Ends:    Monday, March 30, 1993. 11:59 PM.  Eastern Time.

                   Eastern Time is the time zone that I am in, which is the
                   same as Washington, DC, New York, Boston, and Atlanta.

Rules of voting:

     (1) Votes must be cast by e-mail only.   Votes may not be posted to the net.

     (2) You can NOT vote by proxy.   That means, you are not allowed to have
         a friend vote for you, therefore you must have your own e-mail address.
         Unless the moderator of news.announce.newsgroups says otherwise,
         I will not accept votes that are sent by anonymous locations (i.e.,
         using an anonymous service).

     (3) You may only vote once.   The determination of this will be made
         by e-mail address.  Unique e-mail addresses will count as one vote,
         subject to the approval of the moderator.  Please use your account
         when voting.   If there are multiple votes from one address, only
         the vote with the latest legal timestamp (i.e., the time that I
         receive the vote, not the time you sent it out) which falls in
         the time period above will be counted.

     (4) You must vote for the charter and newsgroup name, as is.   Votes
         which are qualified, such as "I would vote YES, if this happens"
         will not be counted.

     (5) Votes must be cast between the times given above in the period of voting.

     (6) Anyone who has an computer account which can send e-mail to me
         will be allowed to vote.

     (7) Votes must be sent to my e-mail address: [email protected]

How to Vote:

Instructions for those who SUPPORT the formation of

(1) Use the following subject heading as close as you can.

   Subject: Vote: YES
             This is the part you type.

(2) Within the body of the text, write

   I vote FOR the newsgroup,, as proposed.

                         Last name, First name   

Instructions for those who OPPOSE the formation of

(1) Use the following subject heading as close as you can.

    Subject: Vote: NO
             This is the part you type.

(2) Within the body of the text, write

    I vote AGAINST the newsgroup,, as proposed.

                        Last name, First name.


     I will send you e-mail if you have the incorrect format.   I will
not be so concerned as to the exactness of the body of the text, but
please try to follow the format for the subject heading.   By following
the format, it will be less ambiguous to me as to which way you are
voting.   The subject heading and the content should either both
support or both oppose the formation.   Any other combination will be
ignored.   Both must be included.   Please include your last name
and your first name.   When I post the votes, I will post in the order of last
name in alphabetical order.  Then I will include your "From:" line.

Example:  Lawrence, David: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
          ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          last name  first      e-mail address in "From" line

If you wish to confirm your vote, send me, in a separate e-mail from your
vote, a request for confirmation.   Please verify this confirmation by
reading further CFV posts which will list those people who have voted.
The actual tally of who voted FOR and AGAINST the newsgroup will be
displayed after the end of the voting period.

                            Vote Acknowledgement

   These are the votes that I have received as of Saturday, March 6, 1993.
If you do not see your name, or find any errors, please send me e-mail,
and I will correct it.   I should be posting another CFV in about a week.

Andernach, Toine:         [email protected] (Toine Andernach)
Andrews, James:           Jamie Andrews 
Akiyama, Jun:             [email protected]
Archer, Iain:             [email protected] (Iain Archer )
Ballim, Afzal:            Afzal Ballim 
Benningfield Jr., Robert F.:    
Boers, Egbert J.W.:       [email protected] (Egbert J.W. Boers)
Botz, Jurgen:             [email protected] (Jurgen Botz)
Bozic, Gorazd:            [email protected]
Bradford, James:          [email protected] (James Bradford)
Bro, John:                [email protected] (John Bro)
Bublitz, Martin:          [email protected] (Martin Bublitz)
Burg, Hans:               Hans Burg 
Christ, Oliver:           Oliver Christ 
Christoffel, Juergen:     Juergen Christoffel 
Chu, Jennifer:            Jennifer Chu 
Chua, HakLien:            [email protected] (Hak Lien Chua)
Cisneros, Jaime:          [email protected] (Jaime E. Cisneros)
Clark, Alexander:         Alexander Clark 
Cline, Ernest:            Ernest A. Cline  
Conrad, David:            [email protected] (David Conrad)
Cox, Clive:               Clive Cox 
Cox, James:               Jim Cox 
Croyle, Jim:              [email protected] (James L. Croyle)
Cybuluski, Jacob:         [email protected] (Jacob L. Cybulski)
Datta, Amitava:           [email protected]    
Degenhardt, Jon:          [email protected] (Jon Degenhardt)
Dogru, Sait:              Sait DOGRU 
Edelman, Shimon:          [email protected] (Edelman Shimon)
Eder, Klaus:              Klaus Eder 
Estey, Nathan:            Nathan Estey 
Ferguson, James E.:       "James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia.  06-Mar-1993 1135" 
Flinter, Stephen:         [email protected] (Stephen Flinter)
Flournoy, Henry:          Henry Flournoy 
Flournoy, Raymond:        Raymond Suke Flournoy 
Friedman, Benny:          Benny Friedman 
Fuchs, Norbert E.:        [email protected] (Norbert E. Fuchs)
Gellman, Jim:             [email protected] (Jim Gellman)
Gilles, Serasset:         [email protected] (Gilles Serasset)
Greene, Gary R.:          [email protected] (Gary Greene)
Grimm, Steven:            [email protected] (Steven Grimm)
Guevin, Paul:             [email protected] (Paul Guevin)
Hall, H. Edward:          Ed Hall 
Hanlon, Steve:            Steve Hanlon 
Herbison, B.J.:           B.J.  04-Mar-1993 1144 
Herve, Blanchon:          [email protected] (Herve Blanchon)
Hogan, Christopher:       "Christopher M. Hogan" 
Honig, Job:               Job Honig 
House, David:             [email protected]
Hughes, John:             John Hughes 
Hull, Richard:            [email protected] (Richard Hull)
Hutches, David:           [email protected] (David J. Hutches)
Jakeway, Bruce:           Bruce Jakeway 
James, Carwil:            [email protected] (Carwil James)
Jenkin, Karen:            [email protected] (Karen Jenkin)
Johnson, Heidi:           [email protected]
Jones, Eric:              Eric Jones 
Jones, Mark:              [email protected]
Kann, Viggo:              [email protected]
Kantrowitz, Mark:         [email protected]
Kapur, Shyam:             [email protected] (Shyam Kapur)
Klebesits, Karl:          [email protected] (Karl Klebesits)
Kolar, Christopher:       [email protected] (Christopher G Kolar)
Kowalewski, Sonja:        
Lee, Vincent Richard:     [email protected] (Vincent Richard Lee (KSL))
Libra, John:              John Libra 
Lin, Dekang:              Dekang Lin 
Maynard, Jay:             [email protected] (Jay Maynard)
McFetridge, Paul:         [email protected]
McGuire, Ed:              [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
Meehan, Jim:              [email protected]
Mengshoel, Ole Jakob:     [email protected]
Miller, Richard:          [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) 
Moorcroft, Marc:          Marc Moorcroft 
Moreno, Pedro:            [email protected] (Pedro J. Moreno)
Morneau, Rick:            [email protected] (Rick Morneau)
Ng, See-Kiong:            [email protected]
Noh, Jay:                 [email protected] (Jay W. Noh)
Olson, Eric:               "Eric J. Olson" 
Oude Luttighuis, Paul:    [email protected] (Paul Oude-Luttighuis)
Otto, Paul:               Paul Otto 
Owens, Bill:              [email protected] (Bill Owens)
Palmerino, Mark:          [email protected] (Mark B Palmerino)
Parfitt, Shan:            [email protected]
Pennington, Christopher:  Chris Pennington 
Pierce, Leonard:          [email protected] (Leonard J. Peirce)
Piitulainen, Jussi:       [email protected] (Jussi Piitulainen)
Poesio, Massimo:          [email protected]
Reighart, Ray:            [email protected] ([email protected] Ray Reighart 614-447-3600)
Roberts, Steven L.:       [email protected]
Root, Rebecca:            Rebecca Root 
Rubin, Arthur:            [email protected] (Arthur Rubin)
Ryan, Sean:               [email protected]
Schulenburg, David:       [email protected]
Sharnoff, David Muir:     David Muir Sharnoff 
Silver, Nik:              N D Silver 
Smith, Ronnie:            [email protected] (Ronnie W. Smith)
Sonnenberger, Gabriele:   [email protected] (Gabi Sonnenberger)
Srikanth, Radhakrishnan:  R. Srikanth 
Stum, Gregg M.:           Gregg Stum 
Suthers, Daniel:          Daniel D Suthers 
Sward, David:             David Reeve Sward 
Synge, James:             [email protected] (James Synge)
Tattersall, Colin:        [email protected] (Colin Tattersall)
Tjong Kim Sang, Erik:     E. Tjong Kim Sang 
Tobias, Richard:          [email protected] (Richard Tobias)
Tong, Simon:              Simon Tong 
Townsend, J. Eric:        [email protected] (J. Eric Townsend)
Trier, Stephen:           [email protected] (Stephen C. Trier)
Tulloch, Adrian:          [email protected] (Adrian Tulloch)
Turner, Scott:            [email protected] (Scott Turner)
Unverferth, Jack:         [email protected] (John E. Unverferth)
Vander Linden, Keith:     Keith Vander Linden 
Van der Vet, Paul E.:     [email protected] (Paul van der Vet)
Van der Vos, Bram:        "Bram v.d. Vos." 
Vanegas, Rodrigo:         [email protected] (rodrigo vanegas)
Wheeler, Martyn:          Martyn J. Wheeler 
Whitten, David:           David Whitten 
Woodbury, Gregory:        [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)

From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:40:10 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Charles Lin)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,sci.lang,comp.speech,sci.math,comp.theory
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 26 Mar 1993 11:07:11 -0500
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 512
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3383 news.groups:68542 sci.lang:21830 comp.speech:688 sci.math:41627 comp.theory:7116

[[ Posted separately to the groups listed above -- tale ]]

    This is the third official call for votes for the newsgroup,

    Some reminders (all are listed in the CFV below).  Voting ends
on March 30, 1993 at midnight EST.   Any votes received by me after
that time will not be counted.  Please send your votes, in the format
shown below in the charter, to [email protected].   Follow the format
as closely as possible, and this will make matters for me simpler.

    At the end of the post is a mass vote acknowledgement listing the
votes that I have received as of March 17, 1993.   Please let me know
if you find any errors.


This is an official Call For Votes (CFV) for the formation of
the newsgroup,

             Charter for


Moderation:   This group will be unmoderated.

Purpose:      To discuss issues relating to natural language, especially
              computer-related issues from an AI viewpoint.   The topics
              that will be discussed in this group will concentrate on, but
              are not limited to, the following:

                   *   Natural Language Understanding
                   *   Natural Language Generation
                   *   Machine Translation
                   *   Dialogue and Discourse Systems
                   *   Natural Language Interfaces
                   *   Parsing
                   *   Computational Linguistics
                   *   Computer-Aided Language Learning

              This newsgroup will avoid discussing topics such as 
              speech synthesis, non computer-related linguistic
              issues, or other issues that are better addressed in
              other newsgroups such as comp.speech and sci.lang.
              However, because natural language processing is 
              interdisciplinary, some overlap will be inevitable.
              The topic list above should serve as a guide as to the
              nature of topics that should be discussed in this newsgroup.

Rules of Decorum:  Because of the unmoderated format, anyone with access to
                   this newsgroup will be able to post without being
                   pre-reviewed, as is the case with moderated groups.
                   This is meant to encourage discussion of the topics.
                   Please refrain from "flames" or unnecessary criticism
                   of a person's viewpoints or personality in a harsh
                   or insulting manner.   Criticisms should be constructive
                   and polite whenever possible.

Intended Audience:  While linguistics serves as one of the foundations
                    to natural language processing, this group is not
                    strictly meant for linguists.   This group is meant
                    to attract people from linguistics, AI, computer
                    science, philosophy, and psychology, (among others)
                    who have interest in natural language processing.
                    Although this group is meant as a forum for those
                    people who work in the field of natural language
                    processing, and therefore some discussion may be
                    highly technical in nature, or may refer to work
                    that is commonly known for those in the field,
                    we should also be open to those who are just beginning
                    in the field, or who have an active interest in the field
                    but work in a different area.  Because this group
                    is unmoderated, there will be more noise (i.e., articles
                    that are deemed by some as unimportant) than were
                    this group moderated.   Please think of this as
                    a tradeoff that may lead to better discussion.

End of charter

Call For Votes

Period of voting:  Starts:  Tuesday, March 2, 1993. 12:01 AM. Eastern Time.
                   Ends:    Monday, March 30, 1993. 11:59 PM.  Eastern Time.

                   Eastern Time is the time zone that I am in, which is the
                   same as Washington, DC, New York, Boston, and Atlanta.

Rules of voting:

     (1) Votes must be cast by e-mail only.   Votes may not be posted to the net.

     (2) You can NOT vote by proxy.   That means, you are not allowed to have
         a friend  vote for you.   Therefore, you must have an e-mail address.
         Unless the moderator of news.announce.newsgroups says otherwise,
         I will not accept votes that are sent by anonymous locations (i.e.,
         using an anonymous service).

     (3) You may only vote once.   The determination of this will be made
         by e-mail address.  Unique e-mail addresses will count as one vote,
         subject to the approval of the moderator.  Please use your account
         when voting.   If there are multiple votes from one address, only
         the vote with the latest legal timestamp (i.e., the time that I
         receive the vote, not the time you sent it out) which falls in
         the time period above will be counted.

     (4) You must vote for the charter and newsgroup name, as is.   Votes
         which are qualified, such as "I would vote YES, if this happens"
         will not be counted.

     (5) Votes must be cast between the times given above in the period of voting.

     (6) Anyone who has an computer account which can send e-mail to me
         will be allowed to vote.

     (7) Votes must be sent to my e-mail address: [email protected]

How to Vote:

Instructions for those who SUPPORT the formation of

(1) Use the following subject heading as close as you can.

   Subject: Vote: YES
             This is the part you type.

(2) Within the body of the text, write

   I vote FOR the newsgroup,, as proposed.

                         Last name, First name   

Instructions for those who OPPOSE the formation of

(1) Use the following subject heading as close as you can.

    Subject: Vote: NO
             This is the part you type.

(2) Within the body of the text, write

    I vote AGAINST the newsgroup,, as proposed.

                        Last name, First name.


     I will send you e-mail if you have the incorrect format.   I will
not be so concerned as to the exactness of the body of the text, but
please try to follow the format for the subject heading.   By following
the format, it will be less ambiguous to me as to which way you are
voting.   The subject heading and the content should either both
support or both oppose the formation.   Any other combination will be
ignored.   Both must be included.   Please include your last name
and your first name.   When I post the votes, I will post in the order of last
name in alphabetical order.  Then I will include your "From:" line.

Example:  Lawrence, David: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
          ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          last name  first      e-mail address in "From" line

If you wish to confirm your vote, send me, in a separate e-mail from your
vote, a request for confirmation.   Please verify this confirmation by
reading further CFV posts which will list those people who have voted.
The actual tally of who voted FOR and AGAINST the newsgroup will be
displayed after the end of the voting period.


Other information:
   You may continue discussion about the newsgroup, but it should be to persuade
other voters to vote one way or the other.   


                       *     VOTE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT     *

    This is a mass acknowledgement of all votes.  Send e-mail to
[email protected] if you find errors (i.e., I misspelled your name
or have the incorrect e-mail address, etc.).

Adib, Charif:             Charif Adib 
Adler, Mark R.:           Mark R. Adler 
Agarwal, Rajeev:          [email protected]
Akiyama, Jun:             [email protected]
Alpay, Laurence:          Alpay laurence 
An, Dong Un:              [email protected] (An Dong Un)
Andernach, Toine:         [email protected] (Toine Andernach)
Andrews, James:           Jamie Andrews 
Androutsopoulos, Ion:     Ion Androutsopoulos 
Antworth, Evan:           "Evan L. Antworth 214/709-2418" 
Archer, Iain:             [email protected] (Iain Archer )
Artemieff, Suzanne:       Suzanne (LMO2-1/D12 DTN 296-5431)  16-Mar-1993 1526 
Bader, Christopher:       [email protected] (Christopher Bader)
Bader, David:             David Bader 
Baird, Shawn:             [email protected] (Scarrow)
Ballim, Afzal:            Afzal Ballim 
Benningfield Jr., Robert F.:    
Berg, Jonathan:           JONATHAN BERG 
Black, Alan W.:           Alan W Black 
Blanchon, Herve:          [email protected] (Herve Blanchon)
Blank, Glenn:             [email protected] (GLENN BLANK)
Blok, Peter:              Peter Blok 
Boers, Egbert J.W.:       [email protected] (Egbert J.W. Boers)
Botz, Jurgen:             [email protected] (Jurgen Botz)
Bozic, Gorazd:            [email protected]
Bradford, Andrew:         [email protected] (Neurotic Muffins)
Bradford, James:          [email protected] (James Bradford)
Brandsdorfer, William:    [email protected] (Willy Brandsdorfer)
Breuker, Dennis:          [email protected]
Bro, John:                [email protected] (John Bro)
Broeker, Norbert:         [email protected] (Norbert Broeker)
Browning, Sue:            [email protected]
Bryson, Beth:             Beth Bryson 
Bublitz, Martin:          [email protected] (Martin Bublitz)
Buitelaar, Paul:          [email protected] (Paul Buitelaar)
Burg, Hans:               Hans Burg 
Burheim, Tore:            [email protected] (Tore Burheim)
Bykat, Alex:              [email protected] (Dr. Alex Bykat)
Califf, Mary Elaine:      [email protected]
Chandrasekar, Raman:      [email protected]
Cheng, Ying:              [email protected] (Ying Cheng)
Childs, Lois:             [email protected] (Lois Childs)
Cho, Young Hwan:          [email protected] (Younghwan Cho)
Christ, Oliver:           Oliver Christ 
Christoffel, Juergen:     Juergen Christoffel 
Chu, Jennifer:            Jennifer Chu 
Chua, HakLien:            [email protected] (Hak Lien Chua)
Chute, Christopher G.:    [email protected] (C G Chute)
Cisneros, Jaime:          [email protected] (Jaime E. Cisneros)
Clark, Alexander:         Alexander Clark 
Clark, Chris:             [email protected] (Chris Clark USSG)
Cline, Ernest:            Ernest A. Cline  
Colby, Kenneth:           [email protected] (Kenneth Colby)
Colen, Michael:           "Mike C." 
Collingham, Russell:      Russell Collingham 
Colton, Don:              [email protected] (LD Colton)
Conrad, David:            [email protected] (David Conrad)
Cox, Clive:               Clive Cox 
Cox, James:               Jim Cox 
Crocker, Matthew:         Matt Crocker 
Crowe, Jeremy:            [email protected]
Croyle, Jim:              [email protected] (James L. Croyle)
Cybulski, Jacob:          [email protected] (Jacob L. Cybulski)
Daradoumis, Thanasis:     Thanasis Daradoumis 
Dasigi, Venu:             [email protected] (Venu Dasigi)
Datta, Amitava:           [email protected]    
Degenhardt, Jon:          [email protected] (Jon Degenhardt)
Dehn, Natalie:            Natalie Dehn (303) 971-7941 
de Ken, Jeroen:           [email protected] (Jeroen de Ken)
Derzhanski, Ivan:         [email protected]
Dick, Judy:               "Judith P. Dick" 
Di Eugenio, Barbara:      [email protected] (Barbara Di Eugenio)
Dijkstra, Alice:          
Dogru, Sait:              Sait DOGRU 
Dowding, John:            John Dowding 
Edelman, Shimon:          [email protected] (Edelman Shimon)
Eder, Klaus:              Klaus Eder 
Ederveen, Derk:           "Ederveen D." 
Edmondson, James:         [email protected] (James Edmondson)
Edwards, Steven J.:       [email protected] (Steven J. Edwards)
Eeden, Micha\"el van:     [email protected] (Michael van Eeden)
Eisele, Andreas:          [email protected]
Ellis, Nigel R.:          Nigel "R." Ellis 
Epstein, Milt:            Milt Epstein 
Estey, Nathan:            Nathan Estey 
Fearn-Wannan, Michael:    [email protected] (Michael John FEARN-WANNAN)
Ferguson, James E.:       "James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia.  06-Mar-1993 1135" 
Fernandes, Alvaro:        Alvaro Fernandes 
Fernando, Ramesh:         [email protected] (Ramesh Fernando)
Fisher, David:            [email protected] (David Fisher)
Flinter, Stephen:         [email protected] (Stephen Flinter)
Flournoy, Henry:          Henry Flournoy 
Flournoy, Raymond:        Raymond Suke Flournoy 
Fokker, Jeroen:           Jeroen Fokker 
Forster, David:           
Frachtenberg, Eitan:      Eitan Frachtenberg 
Franconi, Enrico:         Enrico Franconi  
Franz, Alex:              [email protected]
Friedman, Benny:          Benny Friedman 
Fuchs, Norbert E.:        [email protected] (Norbert E. Fuchs)
Gaasterland, Terry:       Terry Gaasterland 
Galley, Stu:              Stu Galley 
Garner, Elizabeth:        Elizabeth Garner 
Gellman, Jim:             [email protected] (Jim Gellman)
Goetz, Phil:              [email protected] (Phil Goetz)
Gokce, Neyir Cenk:        [email protected]
Gonter, Gerhard:          Gerhard Gonter 
Govindjee, Anita:         Anita Govindjee 
Graves, David:            David A Graves 
Greene, Gary R.:          [email protected] (Gary Greene)
Grierson, Alec:           A J Grierson 
Grimm, Steven:            [email protected] (Steven Grimm)
Guevin, Paul:             [email protected] (Paul Guevin)
Guillen-Castrillo, Rocio: 
Guinn, Curry:             [email protected] (Curry I. Guinn)
Haas, Andrew:             [email protected] (Andrew Haas)
Hafner, Carole:           [email protected] (Carole Hafner)
Hall, H. Edward:          Ed Hall 
Hanlon, Steve:            Steve Hanlon 
Heggtveit, Per Olav:      Per Olav Heggtveit FST 
Hellingman, Jeroen:       Jeroen Hellingman 
Herbison, B.J.:           B.J.  04-Mar-1993 1144 
Hess, Michael:            
Hilmarsson, Petur:        Petur Hilmarson 
Hockemeyer, Cord:         Hockemeyer 
Hoffmann, Lisa:           [email protected]
Hogan, Christopher:       "Christopher M. Hogan" 
Honig, Job:               Job Honig 
House, David:             [email protected]
Howard, Adrian:           Adrian Howard 
Hu, Marilyn:              [email protected]
Huesken, Marc:            Marc Huesken 
Hughes, John:             John Hughes 
Hull, Richard:            [email protected] (Richard Hull)
Hunt, Andrew:             [email protected] (Andrew Hunt)
Huss, Claude:             [email protected] (Claude Huss)
Hutches, David:           [email protected] (David J. Hutches)
Imlah, Bill:              [email protected] (Bill Imlah)
Inala, Suman Kumar:       [email protected] (Sam Inala)
Jakeway, Bruce:           Bruce Jakeway 
James, Carwil:            [email protected] (Carwil James)
Janssens, Frans:          [email protected] (Frans Janssens)
Jarvis, Stephen:          Stephen Jarvis 
Jenkin, Karen:            [email protected] (Karen Jenkin)
Jenkins, Steven:          Steven Jenkins 
Johnson, Heidi:           [email protected]
Johnson, Kevin:           Kevin Johnson 
Jones, Cerian:            Cerian Jones 
Jones, Daniel:            Daniel Jones 
Jones, Eric:              Eric Jones 
Jones, Mark:              [email protected]
Jones, Matt:              M. Jones 
Jones, Mike:              Michael Jones 
Jost, Patrick:            [email protected] (Patrick Jost)
Kaltefleiter, Roland:     Roland Kaltefleiter 
Kan, Wing Kay:            [email protected] (Dr. W.K.Kan)
Kaneen, Ed:               [email protected]
Kann, Viggo:              [email protected]
Kantrowitz, Mark:         [email protected]
Kapur, Shyam:             [email protected] (Shyam Kapur)
Kehler, Andrew:           [email protected]
Kerpedjiev, Stephan:      Stephan Kerpedjiev 
Kerrridge, Simon:         Simon Kerridge 
Kim, Jae-Hoon:            [email protected] (Kim Jae Hoon)
King, Paul John:          [email protected] (Paul King)
Kirk, James S.:           [email protected]
Klebesits, Karl:          [email protected] (Karl Klebesits)
Klenner, Manfred:         [email protected] (Manfred Klenner)
Koelman, Tom:             Tom Koelman 
Kolar, Christopher:       [email protected] (Christopher G Kolar)
Kowalewski, Sonja:        
Kramer, Bryan:            Bryan M Kramer 
Lai, Tom:                 "Tom Lai, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong" 
Lang, Ray:                Raymond Lang 
Larsen, Loren:            [email protected] (Loren Larsen)
Lau, Stephen:             Stephen Lau 
Lauer, Mark:              [email protected] (LAUER Mark Curtis)
Lee, Geunbae:             [email protected] (Geunbae Lee)
Lee, Vincent Richard:     [email protected] (Vincent Richard Lee (KSL))
Lehovich, Andre:          [email protected] (Andre Lehovich)       
Libra, John:              John Libra 
Liddy, Elizabeth:         Liz Liddy 
Light, Marc:              Marc Light 
Lim, Seong Yong:          [email protected] (Lim Sung-Yong)
Lin, Dekang:              Dekang Lin 
Lin, Yuen:                Yuen Lin 
Maas, Robert:             [email protected] (Robert E. Maas  [email protected])
Marlow, Keith:            Keith Marlow 
Matiasek, Johannes:       john matiasek 
Maynard, Jay:             [email protected] (Jay Maynard)
McFetridge, Paul:         [email protected]
McGuire, Ed:              [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
Mc Hale, Michael:         [email protected] (Mike McHale)
McVearry, Kenneth:        [email protected] (Kenneth A. McVearry)
Meehan, Jim:              [email protected]
Mengshoel, Ole Jakob:     [email protected]
Merritt, Sean:            [email protected] (Sean Merritt)
Michel, Pierre-Andre:     michel pa 
Miles, Nathan:            [email protected] ( Nathan Miles (ICTT) )
Miller, Linton:           Linton Miller 
Miller, Richard:          [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) 
Milward, David:           David Milward 
Mishra, Sunil:            [email protected] (Sunil Mishra)
Mohammed, Nagy F.:        NAGY FATHY MOHAMMED 
Moorcroft, Marc:          Marc Moorcroft 
Moreland, Benjamin:       [email protected] (Ben Moreland)
Moreno, Pedro:            [email protected] (Pedro J. Moreno)
Morgan, Rick:             Rick Morgan 
Morneau, Rick:            [email protected] (Rick Morneau)
Morris, Corinne:          "Corinne Morris (PhD-MicroCentre)" 
Niles, Les:               Les Niles 
Niv, Michael:             [email protected] (Michael Niv) 
Ng, See-Kiong:            [email protected]
Noh, Jay:                 [email protected] (Jay W. Noh)
O'Donoghue, Tim F.:       [email protected] (Tim F O'Donoghue)
Oflazer, Kemal:           [email protected] (Kemal Oflazer)
Olson, Eric:               "Eric J. Olson" 
O'Neill, Tyrone J.J.:     Tyrone Jude Joseph O'Neill 
Orwig, Richard:           [email protected]
Otto, Paul:               Paul Otto 
Oude Luttighuis, Paul:    [email protected] (Paul Oude-Luttighuis)
Osborn, Tom:              [email protected]
Osborne, Miles:           [email protected]
Owens, Bill:              [email protected] (Bill Owens)
Pake, Michael:            Mike Pake 
Palmerino, Mark:          [email protected] (Mark B Palmerino)
Parfitt, Shan:            [email protected]
Parra, Miguel:            [email protected]
Pattabhiraman, T.:        "T.Pattabhiraman" 
Peirce, Leonard:          [email protected] (Leonard J. Peirce)
Pennington, Christopher:  Chris Pennington 
Penrowley, Colleen:       "Colleen Penrowley" 
Petermann, Heike:         [email protected] (Heike Petermann)       
Peterson, Jonathan:       peterson%[email protected] (Jon Peterson)
Philcox, Jane:            [email protected] (Jane Philcox)
Phillips, David:          [email protected] (D.Philips)
Piitulainen, Jussi:       [email protected] (Jussi Piitulainen)
Pocock, Robert:           [email protected]
Poesio, Massimo:          [email protected]
Polguere, Alain:          [email protected] (Alain Polguere)
Pulkka, Aaron:            Aaron Pulkka 
Quinn, Michael:           Michael Quinn 
Reddy, Sashidhar:         [email protected] (Sashidhar K Reddy)
Reighart, Ray:            [email protected] ([email protected] Ray Reighart 614-447-3600)
Reeves, John F.:          [email protected] (John F. Reeves)
Roberts, Steven L.:       [email protected]
Robinson, Paul:           Paul Robinson 
Rogers, Brian:            Brian P Rogers 
Root, Rebecca:            Rebecca Root 
Rubin, Arthur:            [email protected] (Arthur Rubin)
Russell, Graham:          Graham Russell 
Ryan, Sean:               [email protected]
Schacht, Susanne:         [email protected] (Susanne Schacht)
Schobbens, Pierre-Yves:   [email protected]
Sch\"oter, Andreas:       Andreas Schoter 
Schulenburg, David:       [email protected]
Seaman, Graham:           Graham Seaman 	
Serasset, Gilles:         [email protected] (Gilles Serasset)
Shaban, Marwan:           [email protected] (Marwan Shaban)
Sharma, Nirad:            [email protected]
Sharnoff, David Muir:     David Muir Sharnoff 
Shmatikov, Vitaly:        Vitaly Shmatikov 
Short, Sengan:            Sengan Short 
Silver, Nik:              N D Silver 
Smith, Mark:              Mark Smith 
Smith, Ronnie:            [email protected] (Ronnie W. Smith)
Sonnenberger, Gabriele:   [email protected] (Gabi Sonnenberger)
Spector, Lee:             [email protected]
Srikanth, Radhakrishnan:  R. Srikanth 
Staples, Mark:            [email protected]
Sterling, John:           [email protected] (John Sterling)
Stoecker, Bjoern:         "MiaW, Bjoern Stoecker" 
Strom, Rob:               [email protected] (Rob Strom)
Stum, Gregg M.:           Gregg Stum 
Suntheimer, Jeremy:       [email protected]
Suthers, Daniel:          Daniel D Suthers 
Sward, David:             David Reeve Sward 
Swartz, Fred:             "Fred Swartz"  
Synge, James:             [email protected] (James Synge)
Taksar, Maxime:           Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS 
Tattersall, Colin:        [email protected] (Colin Tattersall)
Thompson, Cynthia:        [email protected] (Cynthia Ann Thompson)
Thompson, Henry S.:       "Henry S. Thompson" 
Tierney, Gerard:          GERRY TIERNEY 
Tjong Kim Sang, Erik:     E. Tjong Kim Sang 
Tobias, Richard:          [email protected] (Richard Tobias)
Tong, Simon:              Simon Tong 
Townsend, J. Eric:        [email protected] (J. Eric Townsend)
Trier, Stephen:           [email protected] (Stephen C. Trier)
Tulloch, Adrian:          [email protected] (Adrian Tulloch)
Trautwein, Marten:        [email protected] (Marten Trautwein)
Turner, Scott:            [email protected] (Scott Turner)
Tvedt, Wayne:             Wayne Tvedt 
Uhr, Holger:              Holger Uhr 
van de Burgt, Stan P.:    [email protected] (Stan P. van de Burgt)
van der Kraan, Mark:      "Mark van der Kraan (Lexic)" 
van der Leeuw, Neza:      Neza van der Leeuw 
Vander Linden, Keith:     Keith Vander Linden 
Van der Vet, Paul E.:     [email protected] (Paul van der Vet)
Van der Vos, Bram:        "Bram v.d. Vos." 
Vanegas, Rodrigo:         [email protected] (rodrigo vanegas)
Vonerden, Markus:         [email protected] (The Software Registry)
Vosse, Theo:              [email protected] (Theo Vosse)
Wachtel, Tom:             [email protected] (Tom Wachtel)
Wallerstein, Frank:       [email protected] (Frank Wallerstein)
Waterhouse, Steve:        S.R. Waterhouse 
Weerasinghe, Ruvan:       Ruvan Weerasinghe 
Wheeler, Martyn:          Martyn J. Wheeler 
Whitten, David:           David Whitten 
Widmann, Thomas:          [email protected]
Wiebe, Janyce:            
Wilson, Mark:             [email protected] (Mark Wilson)
Winiwarter, Werner:       [email protected] (W. Winiwarter)
Woodbury, Gregory:        [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
Wojcik, Rick:             Rick Wojcik 
Wood, Mary McGee:         Mary McGee Wood 
Woolley, Jane:            [email protected] (Jane B Woolley)
Yen, Ketty:               "Yen Ketty" 
Yin, Yijun:               [email protected]

From [email protected] Thu Apr  1 10:19:30 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Charles Lin)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,sci.lang,comp.speech,sci.math,comp.theory
Subject: RESULT: passes 393:23
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 31 Mar 1993 14:38:45 -0500
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 442
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3418 news.groups:68913 sci.lang:21878 comp.speech:703 sci.math:41858 comp.theory:7148

     This is the final result of voting for   There
were 392 votes supporting the formation of the group and 23 votes
against.    Therefore, there were 369 more YES votes than NO votes
(exceeding the 100 needed) as well as 94.5% of the votes voting YES
exceeding the 2/3 needed.   A total of 415 votes were received.

     Below is the breakup of who voted for and against the newsgroup.
If you do not find your name, I can see if your name was omitted but
I have the e-mail from a legitimate time which you voted.   If the vote
is incorrect, again contact me at "[email protected]", and I will double
check to see if there are mistakes and pass this on to Dave Lawrence.
Please try to check for errors as soon as possible so that the creation
of the group can begin in an expedient manner.

     I want to thank everyone for participating.   The vote turnout was
larger than I had anticipated.   With the large numbers, hopefully, we
can get good participation and good discussions.

Those voting FOR  (392 votes)

Adib, Charif:             Charif Adib 
Adler, Mark R.:           Mark R. Adler 
Agarwal, Rajeev:          [email protected]
Akiyama, Jun:             [email protected]
Al-Ashaab, Ahmed:         Ahmed Al-Ashabb 
Allen, Clement:           [email protected] (Clement Allen)
Alpay, Laurence:          Alpay laurence 
Amdal, Ingunn:            Ingunn Amdal FBA 
An, Dong Un:              [email protected] (An Dong Un)
Andernach, Toine:         [email protected] (Toine Andernach)
Andrews, James:           Jamie Andrews 
Androutsopoulos, Ion:     Ion Androutsopoulos 
Antworth, Evan:           "Evan L. Antworth 214/709-2418" 
Archer, Iain:             [email protected] (Iain Archer )
Artemieff, Suzanne:       Suzanne (LMO2-1/D12 DTN 296-5431)  16-Mar-1993 1526 
Astels, Dave:             [email protected] (Dave Astels)
Bader, Christopher:       [email protected] (Christopher Bader)
Bader, David:             David Bader 
Baird, Shawn:             [email protected] (Scarrow)
Ballim, Afzal:            Afzal Ballim 
Bangayan, Philbert:       [email protected] (Philbert Bangayan)
Barker, Julie:            Julie Barker 
Beaven, John:             "John.Beaven" 
Berg, Jonathan:           JONATHAN BERG 
Black, Alan W.:           Alan W Black 
Blanchon, Herve:          [email protected] (Herve Blanchon)  
Blank, Glenn:             [email protected] (GLENN BLANK)
Blau, Hannah:             [email protected]
Blok, Peter:              Peter Blok 
Bobak, Michael:           [email protected] (Michael Bobak)
Boers, Egbert J.W.:       [email protected] (Egbert J.W. Boers)
Borin, Lars:              "Lars Borin" 
Botz, Jurgen:             [email protected] (Jurgen Botz)
Bozic, Gorazd:            [email protected]
Bradford, Andrew:         [email protected] (Neurotic Muffins)
Bradford, James:          [email protected] (James Bradford)
Branagh, Wayne:           Wayne BRANAGH 
Brandsdorfer, William:    [email protected] (Willy Brandsdorfer)
Breuker, Dennis:          [email protected]
Brew, Chris:              [email protected]
Bro, John:                [email protected] (John Bro)
Broeker, Norbert:         [email protected] (Norbert Broeker)
Browning, Sue:            [email protected]
Bryson, Beth:             Beth Bryson 
Bublitz, Martin:          [email protected] (Martin Bublitz)
Buitelaar, Paul:          [email protected] (Paul Buitelaar)
Burg, Hans:               Hans Burg 
Burheim, Tore:            [email protected] (Tore Burheim)
Bykat, Alex:              [email protected] (Dr. Alex Bykat)
Califf, Mary Elaine:      [email protected]
Chandrasekar, Raman:      [email protected]
Cheng, Ying:              [email protected] (Ying Cheng)
Chernov, Andrew:          "Andrew A. Chernov, Black Mage" 
Childs, Lois:             [email protected] (Lois Childs)
Cho, Young Hwan:          [email protected] (Younghwan Cho)
Christ, Oliver:           Oliver Christ 
Christoffel, Juergen:     Juergen Christoffel 
Chu, Jennifer:            Jennifer Chu 
Chua, HakLien:            [email protected] (Hak Lien Chua)
Chute, Christopher G.:    [email protected] (C G Chute)
Cisneros, Jaime:          [email protected] (Jaime E. Cisneros)
Clark, Alexander:         Alexander Clark 
Clark, Chris:             [email protected] (Chris Clark USSG)
Colby, Kenneth:           [email protected] (Kenneth Colby)
Colen, Michael:           "Mike C." 
Collingham, Russell:      Russell Collingham 
Colton, Don:              [email protected] (LD Colton)
Conrad, David:            [email protected] (David Conrad)
Cox, Clive:               Clive Cox 
Cox, James:               Jim Cox 
Crocker, Matthew:         Matt Crocker 
Crowe, Jeremy:            [email protected]
Croyle, Jim:              [email protected] (James L. Croyle)
Cybulski, Jacob:          [email protected] (Jacob L. Cybulski)
Dahl, Veronica:           Veronica Dahl 
Dale, Michael:            [email protected] (Michael Dale)
Daradoumis, Thanasis:     Thanasis Daradoumis 
Dasigi, Venu:             [email protected] (Venu Dasigi)
Datta, Amitava:           [email protected]    
Datta, Sekharjit:         S Datta 
Davenport, Andrew:        Davenport A J 
Degenhardt, Jon:          [email protected] (Jon Degenhardt)
De Haan, Greg:            [email protected] (Greg De Haan)
Dehn, Natalie:            Natalie Dehn (303) 971-7941 
de Ken, Jeroen:           [email protected] (Jeroen de Ken)
Derzhanski, Ivan:         [email protected]
Dick, Judy:               "Judith P. Dick" 
Di Eugenio, Barbara:      [email protected] (Barbara Di Eugenio)
Dijkstra, Alice:          
Disbrow, Jim:             [email protected] (Jim Disbrow)
Dogru, Sait:              Sait DOGRU 
Doroja, Gerardo:          "GERRY S. DOROJA" <[email protected]>
Dowding, John:            John Dowding 
Edgington, Mike:          "Mike D Edgington" 
Edelman, Shimon:          [email protected] (Edelman Shimon)
Eder, Klaus:              Klaus Eder 
Ederveen, Derk:           "Ederveen D." 
Edmondson, James:         [email protected] (James Edmondson)
Edwards, Steven J.:       [email protected] (Steven J. Edwards)
Eeden, Micha\"el van:     [email protected] (Michael van Eeden)
Eisele, Andreas:          [email protected]
Eiselt, Kurt:             [email protected] (Kurt Eiselt)
Ellis, Nigel R.:          Nigel "R." Ellis 
Englert, Fred:            [email protected] (Fred Englert 3744)
Epstein, Milt:            Milt Epstein 
Estey, Nathan:            Nathan Estey 
Fearn-Wannan, Michael:    [email protected] (Michael John FEARN-WANNAN)
Feist, Bruce:             [email protected] (Bruce Feist)
Ferguson, James E.:       "James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia.  06-Mar-1993 1135" 
Fernandes, Alvaro:        Alvaro Fernandes 
Fernando, Ramesh:         [email protected] (Ramesh Fernando)
Filgueiras, Miguel:       Miguel Filgueiras 
Fisher, David:            [email protected] (David Fisher)
Fitzgerald, Will:         [email protected] (Will Fitzgerald) (Will Fitzgerald)
Flinter, Stephen:         [email protected] (Stephen Flinter)
Flournoy, Henry:          Henry Flournoy 
Flournoy, Raymond:        Raymond Suke Flournoy 
Flynn, Matthew H.:        [email protected]
Fokker, Jeremy:           Jeroen Fokker 
Forbus, Ken:              [email protected] (Ken Forbus)
Forero, Jorge G.:         [email protected] (Jorge G. Forero)
Forster, David:           
Francez, Nissim:          [email protected] (Nissim Francez)
Franconi, Enrico:         Enrico Franconi  
Franz, Alex:              [email protected] 
Frachtenberg, Eitan:      Eitan Frachtenberg 
Friedman, Benny:          Benny Friedman 
Fuchs, Norbert E.:        [email protected] (Norbert E. Fuchs)
Gaasterland, Terry:       Terry Gaasterland 
Galley, Stu:              Stu Galley 
Garner, Elizabeth:        Elizabeth Garner 
Gellman, Jim:             [email protected] (Jim Gellman)
Ghemri, Lila:             Lila Ghemri 
Goetz, Phil:              [email protected] (Phil Goetz)
Gokce, Neyir Cenk:        [email protected]
Goldberg, Colin:          [email protected] (Colin Goldberg)
Gonter, Gerhard:          Gerhard Gonter 
Govindjee, Anita:         Anita Govindjee 
Graves, David:            David A Graves 
Greene, Gary R.:          [email protected] (Gary Greene)
Grierson, Alec:           A J Grierson 
Grigni, Michelangelo:     Michelangelo Grigni 
Grimm, Steven:            [email protected] (Steven Grimm)
Gueven, Paul:             [email protected] (Paul Guevin)
Guillen-Castrillo, Rocio: 
Guinn, Curry:             [email protected] (Curry I. Guinn)
Haas, Andrew:             [email protected] (Andrew Haas)
Hafner, Carole:           [email protected] (Carole Hafner)
Hall, H. Edward:          Ed Hall 
Hanlon, Steve:            Steve Hanlon 
Harris, Harlan:           [email protected] (Harlan Harris)
Heggtveit, Per Olav:      Per Olav Heggtveit FST 
Hellingman, Jeroen:       Jeroen Hellingman 
Herbison, B.J.:           B.J.  04-Mar-1993 1144 
Hess, Michael:            
Hicks, Thomas:            [email protected] (Tom Hicks)
Hilmarsson, Petur:        Petur Hilmarson 
Hockemeyer, Cord:         Hockemeyer 
Hoffmann, Lisa:           [email protected]
Hogan, Christopher:       "Christopher M. Hogan" 
Honig, Job:               Job Honig 
Horsmeier, Jos:           Jos Horsmeier 
Houpt, Charles:           [email protected] (Charles E Houpt)
House, David:             [email protected]
Howard, Adrian:           Adrian Howard 
Hu, Marilyn:              [email protected]
Huesken, Marc:            Marc Huesken 
Hughes, John:             John Hughes 
Hull, Richard:            [email protected] (Richard Hull)
Hunt, Andrew:             [email protected] (Andrew Hunt)
Imlah, Bill:              [email protected] (Bill Imlah)
Inala, Suman Kumar:       [email protected] (Sam Inala)
Jakeway, Bruce:           Bruce Jakeway 
James, Carwil:            [email protected] (Carwil James)
Janssens, Frans:          [email protected] (Frans Janssens)
Jarvis, Stephen:          Stephen Jarvis 
Jenkin, Karen:            [email protected] (Karen Jenkin)
Jenkins, Steven:          Steven Jenkins 
Jewett, Jim:              [email protected] (Jim Jewett)
Johnson, Heidi:           [email protected]
Johnson, Kevin:           Kevin Johnson 
Jones, Cerian:            Cerian Jones 
Jones, Daniel:            Daniel Jones 
Jones, Eric:              Eric Jones 
Jones, Mark:              [email protected]
Jones, Matt:              M. Jones 
Jones, Mike:              Michael Jones 
Jost, Patrick:            [email protected] (Patrick Jost)
Kaltefleiter, Roland:     Roland Kaltefleiter 
Kan, Wing Kay:            [email protected] (Dr. W.K.Kan)
Kaneen, Ed:               [email protected]
Kann, Viggo:              [email protected]
Kapur, Shyam:             [email protected] (Shyam Kapur)
Kehler, Andrew:           [email protected]
Kennedy, Evan:            [email protected]
Kerpedjiev, Stephan:      Stephan Kerpedjiev 
Kerridge, Simon:          Simon Kerridge 
Kim, Jae-Hoon:            [email protected] (Kim Jae Hoon)
Kim, Seongyong:           [email protected] (Kim Seongyong)
King, Paul John:          [email protected] (Paul King)
Kirk, James S.:           [email protected]
Klebesits, Karl:          [email protected] (Karl Klebesits)
Klenner, Manfred:         [email protected] (Manfred Klenner)
Koelman, Tom:             Tom Koelman 
Kolar, Christopher:       [email protected] (Christopher G Kolar)
Kowalewski, Sonja:        
Kramer, Bryan:            Bryan M Kramer 
Kronenberg, Friedrich:    [email protected]
Lai, Tom:                 "Tom Lai, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong" 
Lang, Ray:                Raymond Lang 
Larsen, Loren:            [email protected] (Loren Larsen)
Lauer, Mark:              [email protected] (LAUER Mark Curtis)
Lee, Geunbae:             [email protected] (Geunbae Lee)
Lee, Vincent Richard:     [email protected] (Vincent Richard Lee (KSL))
Lehovich, Andre:          [email protected] (Andre Lehovich)
Lepied, Frederic:         [email protected] (Frederic LEPIED (steria))
Libra, John:              John Libra 
Liddy, Elizabeth:         Liz Liddy 
Light, Marc:              Marc Light 
Lim, Seong Yong:          [email protected] (Lim Sung-Yong)
Lin, Charles:             "Charles C. Lin" 
Lin, Dekang:              Dekang Lin 
Lin, Yuen:                Yuen Lin 
Lovis, Christian:         lovis christian 
Lucke, Helmut:            [email protected] (Helmut Lucke)
Luckstead, Mark:          Mark Luckstead 
Maas, Robert:             [email protected] (Robert E. Maas  [email protected])
Marlow, Keith:            Keith Marlow 
Mathieu, Lafourcade:      [email protected] (Mathieu Lafourcade)
Matiasek, Johannes:       john matiasek 
Maynard, Jay:             [email protected] (Jay Maynard)
McFetridge, Paul:         [email protected]
McGlinchey, Andrew:       McGlinchey Andrew 
Mc Hale, Michael:         [email protected] (Mike McHale)
McInnes, Fergus R.:       Fergus McInnes 
McVearry, Kenneth:        [email protected] (Kenneth A. McVearry)
Meehan, Jim:              [email protected]
Mengshoel, Ole Jakob:     [email protected]
Merritt, Sean:            [email protected] (Sean Merritt)    
Michel, Pierre-Andre:     michel pa 
Miles, Nathan:            [email protected] ( Nathan Miles (ICTT) )
Millar, Bruce:            [email protected] (Bruce Millar)
Miller, Linton:           Linton Miller 
Milward, David:           David Milward 
Mishra, Sunil:            [email protected] (Sunil Mishra)
Mohammed, Nagy F.:        NAGY FATHY MOHAMMED 
Montelongo, Jose:         [email protected] (Jose Tomas Montelongo Escobar)
Moran, John:              [email protected] (John Moran)
Moreland, Benjamin:       [email protected] (Ben Moreland)
Moreno, Pedro:            [email protected] (Pedro J. Moreno)
Morgan, Rick:             Rick Morgan 
Morneau, Rick:            [email protected] (Rick Morneau)
Morris, Corinne:          "Corinne Morris (PhD-MicroCentre)" 
Niles, Les:               Les Niles 
Niv, Michael:             [email protected] (Michael Niv) 
Ng, See-Kiong:            [email protected]
Novick, David:            [email protected] (David G. Novick)
Oakes, Mike:              [email protected] (Mike Oakes)
O'Donoghue, Tim F.:       [email protected] (Tim F O'Donoghue)
Oflazer, Kemal:           [email protected] (Kemal Oflazer)
O'Neill, Tyrone J.J.:     Tyrone Jude Joseph O'Neill 
Ortega, Julio:            [email protected] (Julio Ortega)
Orwig, Richard:           [email protected]
Osborn, Tom:              [email protected]
Osborne, Miles:           [email protected]
Otto, Paul:               Paul Otto 
Oude Luttighuis, Paul:    [email protected] (Paul Oude-Luttighuis)
Owen, Charles B.:         "Charles B. Owen" 
Pake, Michael:            Mike Pake 
Palmerino, Mark:          [email protected] (Mark B Palmerino)
Parfitt, Shan:            [email protected]
Parkinson, Sarah:         Sarah Parkinson 
Parra, Miguel:            [email protected]
Pattabhiraman, T.:        "T.Pattabhiraman" 
Pedersen, Ted:            [email protected] (Ted Pedersen)
Pennington, Christopher:  Chris Pennington 
Penrowley, Colleen:       "Colleen Penrowley" 
Petermann, Heike:         [email protected] (Heike Petermann)       
Peterson, Jonathan:       peterson%[email protected] (Jon Peterson)
Philcox, Jane:            [email protected] (Jane Philcox)
Phillips, David:          [email protected] (D.Philips)
Piasecki, Maciej:         Maciej Piasecki 
Piitulainen, Jussi:       [email protected] (Jussi Piitulainen)
Pocock, Robert:           [email protected]
Poesio, Massimo:          [email protected]
Polguere, Alain:          [email protected] (Alain Polguere)
Pulkka, Aaron:            Aaron Pulkka 
Quinn, Michael:           Michael Quinn 
Radev, Dragomir:          [email protected] (Dragomir R. Radev)
Reddy, Sashidhar:         [email protected] (Sashidhar K Reddy)
Reighart, Ray:            [email protected] ([email protected] Ray Reighart 614-447-3600)
Reeves, John F.:          [email protected] (John F. Reeves)
Reese, Doug:              [email protected] (S. Douglas Reese)
Ritti, R. Richard:        "Dick Ritti 3-2889" 
Roberts, Steven L.:       [email protected]
Rogers, Brian:            Brian P Rogers 
Root, Rebecca:            Rebecca Root 
Roydhouse, Aaron:         Aaron Roydhouse 
Russell, Graham:          Graham Russell 
Ryan, Sean:               [email protected]
Schacht, Susanne:         [email protected] (Susanne Schacht)
Schobbens, Pierre-Yves:   [email protected]
Schoelles, Mike:          [email protected] (Michael Schoelles)
Sch\"oter, Andreas:       Andreas Schoter 
Schulenburg, David:       [email protected] 
Schulze-Thesing, Marc:    [email protected] (Marc Schulze-Thesing)
Seaman, Graham:           Graham Seaman 
Serasset, Gilles:         [email protected] (Gilles Serasset)
Shaban, Marwan:           [email protected] (Marwan Shaban)
Sharma, Nirad:            [email protected]
Sharnoff, David Muir:     David Muir Sharnoff 
Shih, Tung-Ho:            Tung-Ho Shih 
Shmatikov, Vitaly:        Vitaly Shmatikov 
Short, Sengan:            Sengan Short 
Silver, Nik:              N D Silver 
Slotosch, Oscar:          Oscar Slotosch 
Smith, Brian J.:          Brian J Smith 
Smith, Mark:              Mark Smith 
Smith, Ronnie:            [email protected] (Ronnie W. Smith)
Snepvangers, John:        John Snepvangers 
Sonnenberger, Gabriele:   [email protected] (Gabi Sonnenberger)
Spanne, Sven:             Sven Spanne 
Spector, Lee:             [email protected]
Srikanth, Radhakrishnan:  R. Srikanth 
Staples, Mark:            [email protected]
Starynkevitch, Basile:    Basile STARYNKEVITCH 
Sterling, John:           [email protected] (John Sterling)
Stoecker, Bjoern:         "MiaW, Bjoern Stoecker" 
Strom, Rob:               [email protected] (Rob Strom)
Stum, Gregg M.:           Gregg Stum 
Suntheimer, Jeremy:       [email protected]
Suthers, Daniel:          Daniel D Suthers 
Sward, David:             David Reeve Sward 
Swartz, Fred:             "Fred Swartz"  
Synge, James:             [email protected] (James Synge)
Taksar, Maxime:           Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS 
Tattersall, Colin:        [email protected] (Colin Tattersall)
Thompson, Cynthia:        [email protected] (Cynthia Ann Thompson)
Thompson, Henry S.:       "Henry S. Thompson" 
Tierney, Gerard:          GERRY TIERNEY 
Tjong Kim Sang, Erik:     E. Tjong Kim Sang 
Tobias, Richard:          [email protected] (Richard Tobias)
Tong, Simon:              Simon Tong 
Townsend, J. Eric:        [email protected] (J. Eric Townsend)
Trautwein, Marten:        [email protected] (Marten Trautwein) 
Treinen, Ralf:            "Ralf Treinen" 
Tulloch, Adrian:          [email protected] (Adrian Tulloch)
Turner, Scott:            [email protected] (Scott Turner)
Tvedt, Wayne:             Wayne Tvedt 
Uhr, Holger:              Holger Uhr 
Van Biesbrouck, Michael:  [email protected]
van de Burgt, Stan P.:    [email protected] (Stan P. van de Burgt)
van der Kraan, Mark:      "Mark van der Kraan (Lexic)" 
van der Leeuw, Neza:      Neza van der Leeuw 
Vander Linden, Keith:     Keith Vander Linden 
Van der Vet, Paul E.:     [email protected] (Paul van der Vet)
Van der Vos, Bram:        "Bram v.d. Vos." 
Van de Veen, Evelyn:      [email protected] (Evelyn van de Veen)
Vanegas, Rodrigo:         [email protected] (rodrigo vanegas)
Vonk, Alexander:          Alexander Vonk 
Vonerden, Markus:         [email protected] (The Software Registry)
Vosse, Theo:              [email protected] (Theo Vosse)
Vreught, Hans de:         Hans de Vreught 
Wachtel, Tom:             [email protected] (Tom Wachtel)
Wallace, William:         Billy Wallace 
Wallerstein, Frank:       [email protected] (Frank Wallerstein)
Walther, Priscilla:       "Ms. Priscilla Walther" 
Wang, Michelle:           Michelle Wang 
Waterhouse, Steve:        S.R. Waterhouse 
Weis, Clemens:            [email protected] (Clemens Weis)
Wheeler, Martyn:          Martyn J. Wheeler 
Whiteland, Jonathan:      [email protected] (Jonathan Whiteland)
Whitten, David:           David Whitten 
Widenius, Risto:          Risto Widenius 
Widmann, Thomas:          [email protected]
Wiebe, Janyce:            
Wildner, Sascha:          Sascha Wildner 
Wilson, Mark:             [email protected] (Mark Wilson)
Winiwarter, Werner:       [email protected] (W. Winiwarter)
Wojcik, Rick:             Rick Wojcik 
Wood, Mary McGee:         Mary McGee Wood 
Woodbury, Gregory:        [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
Woolley, Jane:            [email protected] (Jane B Woolley)
Wu, Dekai:                [email protected] (Dr. Dekai Wu)
Wu, Zhibiao:              Wu Zhibiao 
Yang, Haiyun:             Yang Haiyun 
Yen, Ketty:               "Yen Ketty" 
Yin, Yijun:               [email protected]
Zaldivar-Carrillo, Victor-Hugo:  [email protected] (Victor Hugo ZALDIVAR CARRILLO (thesard))

Those voting AGAINST  (23 votes)

al-Binali, Sabah:             [email protected] (Sabah al-Binali)
Allen, John:                  John Allen 
Benningfield Jr., Robert F.:  
Carr, Dave:                   [email protected] (Dave Carr)
Cline, Ernest:                Ernest A. Cline
Hoey, Dan:                    Dan Hoey 
Holmstrom, Mats:              Mats Holmstrom 
Huss, Claude:                 [email protected] (Claude Huss)
Hutches, David:               [email protected] (David J. Hutches)
Kantrowitz, Mark:             [email protected]
Lau, Stephen:                 Stephen Lau 
McGuire Ed:                   [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
Miller, Richard:              [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
Moorcroft, Marc:              Marc Moorcroft 
Noh, Jay:                     [email protected] (Jay W. Noh)
Olson, Eric:                   "Eric J. Olson" 
Owens, Bill:                  [email protected] (Bill Owens)
Pautler, David:               [email protected] 
Peirce, Leonard:              [email protected] (Leonard J. Peirce)
Petro, Herbert:               [email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
Robinson, Paul:               Paul Robinson 
Rubin, Arthur:                [email protected] (Arthur Rubin)
Trier, Stephen:               [email protected] (Stephen C. Trier)

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