From [email protected] Thu Jan 21 15:12:43 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark James)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.databases,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.eiffel,comp.lang.smalltalk,comp.object
Subject: RFD: comp.databases.object
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 21 Jan 1993 14:09:03 -0500
Organization: Dialogic (N.Z.) Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
Lines: 77
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3167 news.groups:64845 comp.databases:21978 comp.lang.c++:36574 comp.lang.eiffel:3378 comp.lang.smalltalk:6188 comp.object:9439

This is a request for discussion of the proposal to create an
unmoderated Usenet newsgroup called "comp.databases.object".  This
name is not final; other suggestions are welcome during the discussion.

This announcement is cross-posted to newsgroups whose readers may have 
interest in the discussion about the new group; follow-up discussion will
take place in "news.groups". 


The proposed newsgroup "comp.databases.object" is intended to serve as
a medium for the collaborating of knowledge about systems which combine
object-oriented technology with that of database management systems.


The "comp.databases.object" newsgroup would provide a forum for the
discussion of issues surrounding the recent introduction of object-
oriented database management systems.  It would provide a means whereby
people with experience in these systems can share their knowledge; it
would also give the growing number of people who are exploring this new
field an opportunity to ask questions and provoke discussions concerning
the suitability of object-oriented databases for the solution of
specific problems.

The new newsgroup would also serve as a forum for discussing ongoing
research into object-oriented databases, OODB programming interfaces and
query languages, and related projects such as deductive and multimedia

The newsgroup could also provide for discussion of systems which are not
technically object-oriented database management systems, but which offer
some form of persistent object storage; or, conversely, which are full
database management systems that offer some object-oriented features.


Currently, discussion concerning object-oriented databases is scattered
across a number of newsgroups, mainly comp.databases and comp.object.
A new newsgroup would centralize this discussion, avoiding repetition
and encouraging those with something to say by providing a newsgroup
which is obviously the "right" one for this topic.


The following questions should be resolved during the discussion:

1.  Is the name "comp.databases.object" the best one?

2.  Should the new group come under the comp.databases hierarchy at
    all, or would it be better placed under comp.object?

    2a.  Should we implement multiple inheritance in Usenet?  (:-)

3.  What should our attitude be toward vendor publicity?  (This
    should be a guideline only, since we probably don't want a
    moderated group -- but we can consider that too, if desired.)

4.  Would there be enough contributors (and not just readers) to the
    new group to warrant its creation?


The discussion period will be from 21 January 1993 to 18 February 1993.
Please post all discussion in "news.groups", cross-posting as appropriate.
If a consensus is reached by the end of the discussion period, a CFV 
(Call for Votes) will be posted at that time.  The voting period, in
accordance with Usenet guidelines, will last for 30 days.
Mark James    **[ Opinions are mine ]**
Dialogic (N.Z.) Ltd.                Voice:  +64 9 302 1794 ext 27
Auckland, New Zealand               Fax:    +64 9 302 1793

From [email protected] Thu Feb 18 23:11:36 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark James)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.databases,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.eiffel,comp.lang.smalltalk,comp.object
Subject: 2nd RFD: comp.databases.object
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 15 Feb 1993 19:39:37 -0500
Organization: Dialogic (N.Z.) Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
Lines: 74
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3248 news.groups:66735 comp.databases:22714 comp.lang.c++:37946 comp.lang.eiffel:3434 comp.lang.smalltalk:6414 comp.object:9763

This is a request for discussion of the proposal to create an
unmoderated Usenet newsgroup called "comp.databases.object".  This
name is not final; other suggestions are welcome during the discussion.

This announcement is cross-posted to newsgroups whose readers may have 
interest in the discussion about the new group; follow-up discussion will
take place in "news.groups".  Suggestions, comments or problems may also
be E-mailed to me at [email protected].


The proposed newsgroup "comp.databases.object" is intended to serve as
a medium for the collaborating of knowledge about systems which combine
object-oriented technology with that of database management systems.


The "comp.databases.object" newsgroup would provide a forum for the
discussion of issues surrounding the recent introduction of object-
oriented database management systems.  It would provide a means whereby
people with experience in these systems can share their knowledge; it
would also give the growing number of people who are exploring this new
field an opportunity to ask questions and provoke discussions concerning
the suitability of object-oriented databases for the solution of
specific problems.

The new newsgroup would also serve as a forum for discussing ongoing
research into object-oriented databases, OODB programming interfaces and
query languages, and related projects such as deductive and multimedia

The newsgroup could also provide for discussion of systems which are not
technically object-oriented database management systems, but which offer
some form of persistent object storage; or, conversely, which are full
database management systems that offer some object-oriented features.


Currently, discussion concerning object-oriented databases is scattered
across a number of newsgroups, mainly comp.databases and comp.object.
A new newsgroup would centralize this discussion, avoiding repetition
and encouraging those with something to say by providing a newsgroup
which is obviously the "right" one for this topic.


The following questions should be resolved during the discussion:

1.  Is the name "comp.databases.object" the best one?

2.  Should the new group come under the comp.databases hierarchy at
    all, or would it be better placed under comp.object?

    2a.  Should we implement multiple inheritance in Usenet?  (:-)

3.  What should our attitude be toward vendor publicity?  (This
    should be a guideline only, since we probably don't want a
    moderated group -- but we can consider that too, if desired.)

4.  Would there be enough contributors (and not just readers) to the
    new group to warrant its creation?


The discussion period will be from 21 January 1993 to 18 February 1993.
Please post all discussion in "news.groups", cross-posting as appropriate.
If a consensus is reached by the end of the discussion period, a CFV 
(Call for Votes) will be posted at that time.  The voting period, in
accordance with Usenet guidelines, will last for 30 days.
Mark James    **[ Opinions are mine ]**
Dialogic (N.Z.) Ltd.                Voice:  +64 9 302 1794 ext 27
Auckland, New Zealand               Fax:    +64 9 302 1793

From [email protected] Tue Feb 23 23:38:57 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark James)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.databases,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.eiffel,comp.lang.smalltalk,comp.object
Subject: CFV: comp.databases.object
Followup-To: poster
Date: 23 Feb 1993 14:27:54 -0500
Organization: Dialogic (N.Z.) Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
Lines: 65
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3269 news.groups:67292 comp.databases:22941 comp.lang.c++:38446 comp.lang.eiffel:3472 comp.lang.smalltalk:6513 comp.object:9855

This is a CALL FOR VOTES for or against the creation of a new,
unmoderated Usenet newsgroup called "comp.databases.object".

Following the thirty-day discussion period just ended, it is proposed 
that the group comp.databases.object be created as a vehicle for 
discussions on all systems that combine the object paradigm with 
database storage features (including, but by no means limited to, 
commercially-available object-oriented database management systems).

If you wish to vote for or against the creation of this newsgroup,
please read on.


To vote for or against the creation of comp.databases.object, send 
an E-mail message to the following address:

Internet:  [email protected]
UUCP:      ...!uunet!dialogic!procor!jamesm

The wording of the message can be anything you like, as long as it is
an *unambiguous* vote for or against the creation of the newsgroup.
Suggested wording:

    "I vote FOR the creation of comp.databases.object as proposed."
    "I vote AGAINST the creation of comp.databases.object as proposed."

Only votes *mailed* to the above address will count.  (Votes posted to
the net will not be counted.)  Any ambiguous wording, such as "I vote
for comp.databases.object, as long as ...", or "I vote NO unless ...",
will not count.

VOTING PERIOD:  Votes will be accepted from now through 19 March 1993.
Votes postmarked after 19 March 1993 will not be counted.  At least 
once during the voting period, a reminder Call For Votes will be posted 
to the net.  Also, at least once during the voting period, I will post 
a "mass acknowledgment" of votes.  This is a list of people whose votes 
have been received (but not how they voted).  Watch out for this list; 
if you have voted, but are not on the list, send your vote again.  
(Don't worry, only one vote per person will count.)  If you have not
voted, but your name is on the list, complain loudly!

AFTER THE VOTE:  Shortly after 19 March 1993, the results will be
posted to the net.  This will consist of a list of all those who voted,
and how they voted.  Make sure that your vote is properly recorded
here; there is a five-day grace period during which you can correct
the record.

After the five-day period, the vote is final.  If the "YES" votes
outnumber the "NO" votes by a 2:1 ratio, and also by a margin of 100
votes or more, then the news.announce.newgroups moderator will send
out a message for the creation of comp.databases.object.  If the "YES"
votes fail to attain this margin of victory, then under the Usenet
guidelines, the idea of the comp.databases.object newsgroup will not
be entertained again for at least another six months.

If you have an opinion for or against the creation of the group
comp.databases.object, please vote.  If you have questions or problems,
E-mail me.
Mark James    **[ Opinions are mine ]**
Dialogic (N.Z.) Ltd.                Voice:  +64 9 302 1794 ext 27
Auckland, New Zealand               Fax:    +64 9 302 1793

From [email protected] Wed Mar 10 21:08:02 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark James)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.databases,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.eiffel,comp.lang.smalltalk,comp.object
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.databases.object
Followup-To: poster
Date: 3 Mar 1993 23:52:27 -0500
Lines: 296
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3320 news.groups:67535 comp.databases:23202 comp.lang.c++:38936 comp.lang.eiffel:3491 comp.lang.smalltalk:6616 comp.object:9968

                          2nd CALL FOR VOTES
                      for the proposed newsgroup

It is proposed that the group comp.databases.object be created as a 
vehicle for discussions on all systems that combine the object 
paradigm with database storage features (including, but by no means 
limited to, commercially-available object-oriented database 
management systems).

If you wish to vote for or against the creation of this newsgroup,
please send an E-mail message to the following address:

Internet:  [email protected]
UUCP:      ...!uunet!dialogic!procor!jamesm

The wording of the message can be anything you like, as long as it is
an *unambiguous* vote for or against the creation of the newsgroup.
Suggested wording:

    "I vote FOR the creation of comp.databases.object as proposed."
    "I vote AGAINST the creation of comp.databases.object as proposed."

Only votes *mailed* to the above address will count.  (Votes posted to
the net will not be counted.)  Any ambiguous wording, such as "I vote
for comp.databases.object, as long as ...", or "I vote NO unless ...",
will not count.

VOTING PERIOD:  Votes will be accepted from now through 19 March 1993.
Votes postmarked after 19 March 1993 will not be counted.  Appended
below is a list of people whose votes have been received thus far (but
not how they voted).  If you have voted and your name is not on the 
list, send your vote again.  (Don't worry, only one vote per person 
will count.)  If you have not voted, but your name is on the list, 
complain loudly!

AFTER THE VOTE:  Shortly after 19 March 1993, the results will be
posted to the net.  This will consist of a list of all those who voted,
and how they voted.  Make sure that your vote is properly recorded
here; there is a five-day grace period during which you can correct
the record.

After the five-day period, the vote is final.  If the "YES" votes
outnumber the "NO" votes by a 2:1 ratio, and also by a margin of 100
votes or more, then the news.announce.newgroups moderator will send
out a message for the creation of comp.databases.object.  If the "YES"
votes fail to attain this margin of victory, then under the Usenet
guidelines, the idea of the comp.databases.object newsgroup will not
be entertained again for at least another six months.


Following is a list of votes that have been received by 1:00 pm New
Zealand Time on Sunday, 28 February 1993.  (This is 0h GMT, or 7pm
27 Feb in New York.)  The list is sorted in alphabetical order by
login name, as taken from the "From:" line of the vote message.
(Note that some UUCP bang path addresses are slightly mangled.)  No
indication of how people voted, or how the vote is going in general,
will be given until after voting closes.

[email protected] (Gordon H. Smith)
[email protected] (Alan D. Cabrera)
[email protected] (Ekard Burger) 
[email protected] (Colonel Panic) 
[email protected] (Andrew Schonberger)
[email protected] (Andrew Myers) 
[email protected] (Angelika Kotz Dittrich GLA2-KZG) 
[email protected] (Ramkrishna Reddy Anugula)
[email protected] (Arnt Harald Johansen) 
[email protected] (Arthur Griffith) 
[email protected] (Rolf Assfalg) 
[email protected] (B. Aram)
[email protected] (Bart Maessen)
[email protected] (thirty something) 
[email protected] (Bruce A Kissinger)
[email protected] (George Burgyan) 
[email protected] (Brian Glendenning) 
[email protected] (Robert Hutchison) 
[email protected] (Banchong Harangsri) 
[email protected] (Michael Bobak) 
[email protected] (Brad Appleton) 
[email protected] (Matt Breaden)
[email protected] (Brian GUAN)
[email protected] (Bruno Poyet) 
[email protected] (Lester Buck) 
[email protected] (Steve Carney +33 25-Feb-1993 1100) 
[email protected] (Dave Carr) 
[email protected]!soi (Christopher Small) 
[email protected] (Michael Christiansen) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Stewart M. Clamen)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Ernest A. Cline)
[email protected] (Mike Coleman) 
[email protected] (Coman B T) 
[email protected] (Robert Cooper)
[email protected] (Craig Nirosky ) 
[email protected] (Lalit Agarwal)
[email protected] (Shaun Cutts) 
[email protected] (Carlos A. Varela [Guevara]) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Dale Lutz) 
[email protected] (Scott David Daniels) 
[email protected] (Denys Chen) 
[email protected] (David E. Langworthy) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] ([email protected]) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Brett B. Doehr)
[email protected] (Didier Donsez) 
[email protected] (Michael Downing)
[email protected] (David Siegel) 
[email protected] (Eric Dujardin)
[email protected] (David W. Vorbrich) 
earl@cerebus (Earl Chen) 
[email protected] (Wesley Chuang 66623) 
[email protected] (John Fletcher)
[email protected] (Edward Feustel) 
[email protected] (Eric J. Olson)
[email protected] (Enrico Brunetta) 
[email protected] (Eric V. Smith)
[email protected] (Svante Kleist)
[email protected] (Einar Wolfgang Karlsen) 
[email protected] (Francois EXERTIER)
[email protected] (Frank Lenzen) 
[email protected] (Frank Tuijnman) 
[email protected] (Ghee Ong)
[email protected] (Stella Gatziu)
[email protected] (Georg Rehfeld) 
[email protected] (Andreas Geppert)
[email protected] (Gerome Canals)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) 
[email protected] (Carolyn Giberson)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Brian Gladish) 
[email protected] (Gary L. Schaps) 
[email protected] (Ger van Diepen) 
[email protected] (Johann Eder) 
[email protected] (Harry D Tirrell) 
[email protected] (Harry Danilevsky) 
[email protected] (Scott Henry) 
[email protected] (Thomas Hilgert)
[email protected] (Kim Hyogon) 
[email protected] (Philippe Homond) 
[email protected] (Alex Honor -- ACF) 
[email protected] (Eric Hughes) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Jacques M. Goldsmith)
[email protected] (Jeff Bone x223) 
[email protected] (Jian-nong Cao) 
[email protected] (Jesualdo Cerqueira Fernandes gfgg) 
[email protected] (John R. Dougan) 
[email protected] (John Duncan) 
[email protected] (Jeff Graves)
[email protected] (Jukka Kulokoski)
[email protected] (J|rgen Lindskov Knudsen)
[email protected] (J Massheder)
[email protected]!cutler (John E. Babbitt Jr.)
[email protected] (John Borchert) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Jack Shirazi [email protected])
[email protected] (sanjay Kalra) 
[email protected] (Meenakshi Srikanth) 
[email protected] (Karen Davis) 
[email protected] (santhi karunanithi)
[email protected] (Kirk (T.K.) McKibbon)
[email protected] (Kangelaris Nikolaos) 
[email protected] (Robert Knox)
[email protected] (Stavros Kostomanolakis)
[email protected] (Thomas Krebs)
[email protected] (KRUS michael)
[email protected] (Harumi Anne Kuno)
[email protected] (Stephen Lau)
[email protected] (Laurent Nel - P3200) 
[email protected] (Larry Rosenman)
[email protected] (Laurent Hyafil) 
[email protected] (Lorne Schachter)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Robert Marti)
[email protected] (VENUGOPAL)
[email protected] (Mark Atwood) 
[email protected] (Michael McHenry) 
[email protected] (Tim Meneely)
[email protected] (Michael Haggerty) 
[email protected] (michael lawley)
[email protected] (Mike Williams) 
[email protected] (Mike Regan) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Michael Quinn)
[email protected] (Mohamed Zait INRIA ROCQUENCOURT)
[email protected] (Morgan Stair)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Manfred Paul) 
[email protected] (Michael Schunk) 
[email protected] (Marko Sirki{)
[email protected] (Mark Kennedy) 
[email protected] (Robert Mueller) 
[email protected] (David Muir Sharnoff) 
[email protected] (Michael Velez)
[email protected] (Narendra Bhandari - IMD~) 
[email protected] (N F Drakos)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (TERMINATOR III) 
[email protected] (Louis M. Novak) 
[email protected] (Olav Schettler) 
[email protected] (Ole Robert Hestvik) 
[email protected] (Noboru Ono)
[email protected] (Bill Owens) 
[email protected] (Paul Prescod)
[email protected] (Pascal.Girard) 
[email protected] (Pascale Biriotti) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Prof. H. Pawlowski) 
pckim%[email protected] (Pyung-Chul Kim) 
[email protected] (Per Grape) 
[email protected] (Niranjan Perera)
[email protected] (Stefan Petrucha)
[email protected] (Peter Boothby - Sun Melbourne SE) 
[email protected] (Bob Peterson) 
[email protected] (juraj petras) 
[email protected] (Peter Graham)
[email protected] (Paulo Henrique Cavalcante Lisboa)
[email protected] 
[email protected] ((Rachid GUERRAOUI))
[email protected] (Thomas Rakow) 
[email protected] (Ralf E. Stranzenbach) 
[email protected] (Ralph Berg) 
[email protected] 
[email protected]!unisql (Ray Shea) 
rdm@uhura1 (Rizwan D. Mithani) 
[email protected] (Richard Bielak)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller) 
[email protected] (Rohit Gupta) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Doug Rorem) 
[email protected] (Michael T Rowley) 
[email protected] (Bob Petrocelli) 
[email protected] (Rudi Koster) 
[email protected] (rodrigo vanegas) 
[email protected] (Ruediger Wurth) 
[email protected] (Satish Venkatesan) 
[email protected] (Bernhard Schiefer)
scott@beethoven (Scott Strool) 
[email protected] (Stephen Williams) 
[email protected] (Rick Shafer/COBE/+1-301-286-3463) 
[email protected] (Marc Shapiro) 
[email protected] 
[email protected]!sysauto 
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
[email protected] (Soeren Detering)
[email protected] (Mikael Berndtsson) 
[email protected] (Jeanne_Springmann_x3820) 
[email protected] (Kirk Blackburn)
[email protected] (Sridhar) 
srini%[email protected] (Srinivas {Accura}) 
[email protected] ((Stephane Barbey))
[email protected] (Ralf Steuernagel) 
[email protected] (Steve Faiwiszewski)
[email protected] (Seppo T|rm{)
[email protected] (Marguerite K. Summers)
[email protected] (Mike Summers) 
[email protected] (Sunee Pongpinigpinyo) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (James Synge) 
[email protected] (Sudheer Thakur) 
[email protected] (Dietmar Theobald)
thl@edvchl (Thorsten Loerch) 
[email protected] (Thom Boyer) 
[email protected] (Srinivas Thotakura) 
[email protected] (Thomas Kirk)
tom@edsr!tantalum (Tom H. Meyer) 
[email protected] (Tony Menges) 
[email protected] (Tor Iver Wilhelmsen)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Th. Ritter (ToRi); SOC Telekom @FRS; 496103/383-925 25-Feb-1993 0915) 
[email protected] (Ted Theodore W. Leung) 
[email protected] (Steve Tynor) 
[email protected] (Pasi Tyrvainen RC 910) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Vernon Hill) 
[email protected] (Victor Hugo ZALDIVAR CARRILLO (thesard)) 
[email protected] (Wagner Michael)
[email protected] (A. Evers)
[email protected] (Bob Weiner)
[email protected] (Robb Wheatley) 
[email protected] (Tony Wilson)
[email protected] (Wai-Sze Tam)
[email protected] (Yanqing Wu) 
[email protected] (Joshua Yeidel) 
[email protected] (Peter Carr) 

From [email protected] Thu Apr  1 16:05:08 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark James)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.databases,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.eiffel,comp.lang.smalltalk,comp.object
Subject: RESULT: comp.databases.object passes 433:26
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 26 Mar 1993 11:07:28 -0500
Lines: 496
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3384 news.groups:68543 comp.databases:23909 comp.lang.c++:40386 comp.lang.eiffel:3543 comp.lang.smalltalk:6933 comp.object:10220

Voting for the proposed new newsgroup comp.databases.object has 
concluded.  The final result is:

     Votes in FAVOR of comp.databases.object:  433

     Votes AGAINST comp.databases.object:       26

Since the votes in favor outnumber the votes against by more than a
two-thirds margin and by more than 100 votes, the proposal PASSES.

I would like to thank everyone who took the trouble to vote.  An
acknowledgment of votes for and against appears below.  Each group
is sorted by login name.  (My apologies for the slight butchering
of UUCP-style addresses.)  If you voted, please check to verify 
that your vote is recorded correctly.  There will be a five-day 
period after the posting of this result for people to correct any 
errors.  After the five-day period, the result will be considered 

Mark James   
Dialogic Corporation, 300 Littleton Road, Parsippany NJ 07054
201:334-1268 ext 868


Votes in FAVOR of comp.databases.object were received from:

[email protected] (I am LIN,Ching-Ho ...) 
[email protected] (Guy Marentette) 
[email protected] (Gordon H. Smith)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Adriana Bezerra Sampaio)
[email protected] (Ana Carolina Salgado)
[email protected] (Alan D. Cabrera)
[email protected] (Ekard Burger) 
[email protected] (Ahmed Al-Ashabb)
[email protected] (Eduardo Alessio)
[email protected] (Allan Cobb)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Alvaro Fernandes)
[email protected] (Alok Mathur) 
[email protected] (Andreas Hochleitner) 
[email protected] (Andrew Schonberger)
[email protected] (Andrew Myers) 
[email protected] (Angelika Kotz Dittrich GLA2-KZG) 
[email protected] (Ramkrishna Reddy Anugula)
[email protected] (van)
[email protected] (Arnt Harald Johansen) 
[email protected] (Arthur Griffith) 
[email protected] (Alexander Trump)
[email protected] (Holger Assenmacher)
[email protected] (Rolf Assfalg) 
[email protected] (Angel Tirone x4982) 
[email protected] (B. Aram)
[email protected] (Pravin Baliga) 
[email protected] (Ken Barker)
[email protected] (Bart Maessen)
[email protected] (thirty something) 
[email protected] (Bruce A Kissinger)
[email protected] (George Burgyan) 
[email protected] (Brian Glendenning) 
[email protected] (Bharathi Subramanian) 
[email protected] (Robert Hutchison) 
[email protected]!rossix (Michael Nowacki) 
[email protected] (Raymond A. Biondi)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Banchong Harangsri) 
[email protected]!dlogics (Brian Fitzpatrick)
[email protected] (Michael Bobak) 
[email protected] (Bob Weissman) 
[email protected] (Egbert J.W. Boers) 
[email protected] (Brad Appleton) 
[email protected] (Matt Breaden)
[email protected] (Brett Stutz @ PCB x5574) 
[email protected] (Brian GUAN)
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Bruno Poyet) 
[email protected] (Lester Buck) 
[email protected] (Martin Buerger)
[email protected] (Constance Bullier) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Colin Tattersall) 
[email protected] (Crishane Azevedo Freire)
[email protected] (Carl Fredrik Sorensen) 
[email protected] (Steve Carney +33 25-Feb-1993 1100) 
[email protected] (Carlos Augusto Teixeira)
[email protected]!accura_nc!aisgfl (Periannan Chandrasekaran) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (C Baral) 
[email protected]!soi (Christopher Small) 
[email protected] (Christian Rosner) 
[email protected] (Christopher Keene) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Stewart M. Clamen)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Mike Coleman) 
[email protected] (Coman B T) 
[email protected] (Robert Cooper)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Craig Nirosky ) 
[email protected] (Lalit Agarwal)
[email protected] (Shaun Cutts) 
[email protected] (Carlos A. Varela [Guevara]) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (David Alan Nelson)
[email protected] (Brian Dady) 
[email protected] (Dale Lutz) 
[email protected] (Scott David Daniels) 
[email protected] (Daryl Spitzer) 
[email protected] (David Newman)
[email protected] (David Monnie) 
[email protected] (Denys Chen) 
[email protected] (Natalie Dehn (303) 971-7941)
[email protected] (David E. Langworthy) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Ernie DeVries)
[email protected] (Decio Fonseca)
[email protected] (Doug Fritz)
[email protected] (David Hatherly -IT) 
[email protected] ([email protected]) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Brett B. Doehr)
[email protected] (Didier Donsez) 
[email protected] (Michael Downing)
[email protected] (David Rothenberger)
[email protected] (Werner Dreyer) 
[email protected] (David Siegel) 
[email protected] (Eric Dujardin)
[email protected] (Duncan A. MacGregor) 
[email protected] (Don Van Drei) 
[email protected] (David W. Vorbrich) 
earl@cerebus (Earl Chen) 
[email protected] (SG/EBC/N/TN Lars Oesterberg 08-764 0589) 
[email protected] (Mario Ebner) 
[email protected] (Wesley Chuang 66623) 
[email protected] (John Fletcher)
[email protected] (Ed Schwalenberg)
[email protected] (r b antonov)
[email protected] (Erik Ernst)
[email protected] (Edward Feustel) 
[email protected] (Eric Lombard) 
[email protected] (Enrico Brunetta) 
[email protected] (Eric V. Smith)
[email protected] (E. Reed Wilbur|J6548-291) 
[email protected] (Elikah de Santana e Franca)
[email protected] (Clive Murphy)
[email protected] (Svante Kleist)
[email protected] (Einar Wolfgang Karlsen) 
[email protected] (Francois EXERTIER)
[email protected] (Bassam Madi) 
[email protected] (Pascal Faudemay) 
[email protected] (Francois Charoy)
[email protected] (Frank Lenzen) 
[email protected] (Frank Tuijnman) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Ghee Ong)
[email protected] (Michael Froehlich) 
[email protected] (Stella Gatziu)
[email protected] (Michael Gavin)
[email protected] (Georg Rehfeld) 
[email protected] (Andreas Geppert)
[email protected] (Gerome Canals)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) 
[email protected] (Carolyn Giberson)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Gilford T. Hapanyengwi) 
[email protected] (Brian R. Gilstrap) 
[email protected] (Marc Girod) 
[email protected] (Greg Poirier)
[email protected] (Brian Gladish) 
[email protected] (Gary L. Schaps) 
[email protected] (Georg Gollmann) 
greg@bytex!ws043 (Greg Moberg @ws043) 
gretchen@odinba (Gretchen Herbkersman) 
[email protected] (Kurt Gutzmann) 
[email protected] (Ger van Diepen) 
[email protected] (Johann Eder) 
[email protected] (Andrew Wood) 
[email protected] (Harry D Tirrell) 
[email protected] (Ger Hartnett) 
[email protected] (Harry Danilevsky) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Alois Heinz) 
[email protected] (Scott Henry) 
[email protected] (B.J. 03-Mar-1993 1603)
[email protected] (Thomas Hilgert)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Kim Hyogon) 
[email protected] (Hans Marggraff) 
[email protected] (Holger Berse) 
[email protected] (Philippe Homond) 
[email protected] (Alex Honor -- ACF) 
[email protected] (Tony Hosking) 
[email protected] (Eric Hughes) 
[email protected] (Immo Huneke) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Ian Rae)
[email protected] (Ian Holsman)
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Jacques M. Goldsmith)
[email protected] (Jacob Gore)
[email protected] (Allan Jacobs) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Jeff Bone x223) 
[email protected] (Juergen Christoffel)
[email protected] (Jian-nong Cao) 
[email protected] (Jesualdo Cerqueira Fernandes gfgg) 
[email protected] (John R. Dougan) 
[email protected] (John Duncan) 
[email protected] (jean Hugues Zorio) 
[email protected] (Jean Anderson) 
[email protected] (Jeff Fried) 
[email protected] (Jose Fernando Tepedino Martins)
[email protected] (Jeff Garland)
[email protected] (Joao Gualberto Rizzo Araujo)
[email protected] (Jeff Graves)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Jukka Kulokoski)
[email protected] (J|rgen Lindskov Knudsen)
[email protected] (J Massheder)
[email protected]!cutler (John E. Babbitt Jr.)
[email protected] (John Borchert) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Jack Shirazi [email protected])
[email protected] (J. Diet)
[email protected] () 
[email protected] (Jan Diesel)
[email protected] (sanjay Kalra) 
[email protected] (Meenakshi Srikanth) 
[email protected] (Karen Davis) 
[email protected] (Neeran M. Karnik)
[email protected] (santhi karunanithi)
[email protected] (KC Morris) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Paul Kent)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Krishna Garimella)
[email protected] (Kerry C. Hilldrup) 
[email protected] (Kangelaris Nikolaos) 
[email protected] (Robert Knox)
[email protected] (Stavros Kostomanolakis)
[email protected] (Thomas Krebs)
[email protected] (KRUS michael)
[email protected] (Ken Smith) 
KSVIPRO2%[email protected] 
[email protected] (Harumi Anne Kuno)
[email protected] (Kurt Dicke) 
[email protected] (Laurent Nel - P3200) 
[email protected] (Larry Rosenman)
[email protected] (Laurent Hyafil) 
[email protected] (Lorne Schachter)
[email protected] (Denis Fortin) 
[email protected] (Larry Drebes) 
[email protected] (Lydia Tse) 
[email protected] 
maa@edsr!edsdrd (Matthew Maa) 
[email protected] (Marci Levie) 
mark@wizard (Mark Hahn) 
[email protected] 
marolda@posc (Mike Marolda) 
[email protected] (Robert Marti)
[email protected] (VENUGOPAL)
[email protected] (Mark Atwood) 
[email protected] (Richard Mazzaferri) 
[email protected] (Michael McHenry) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Tim Meneely)
[email protected] (Michael Haggerty) 
[email protected] (michael lawley)
[email protected] (Michael R. Smith)
[email protected] (Andreas Miethsam)
[email protected] (Mike Williams) 
[email protected] (Mike Regan) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Michael Quinn)
[email protected] (Marcia Mendonca Cardador)
[email protected] (Mohamed Zait INRIA ROCQUENCOURT)
[email protected] (Simon Moore US/ESB4) 
[email protected] (Morgan Stair)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Manfred Paul) 
[email protected] (Michael Schunk) 
[email protected] (Marum Simao Filho)
[email protected] (Marko Sirki{)
[email protected] (Mohan Sodhi)
[email protected] (Mark Kennedy) 
[email protected] (Robert Mueller) 
[email protected] (David Muir Sharnoff) 
[email protected] (MUIRHEAD DAVID STUART)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Michael Velez)
[email protected] (Michael Winick)
[email protected] (Narendra Bhandari - IMD~) 
[email protected] (Nehmzow Claus)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (N F Drakos)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (TERMINATOR III) 
[email protected] (Nondas Kapetanios) 
[email protected] (Louis M. Novak) 
[email protected] (Nelson Souto Rosa)
[email protected] (Nik Trevallyn Jones)
[email protected] (Olav Schettler) 
[email protected] (Ole Robert Hestvik) 
[email protected] (Noboru Ono)
[email protected] (Reality is stranger than fiction 01-Mar-1993 1407)
[email protected] (Mark Palmer, Object Database Group (603)884-6069 DTN 264-6069)
[email protected] (Paolo Casa) 
[email protected] (Paul Prescod)
[email protected] (Pascal.Girard) 
[email protected] (Pascale Biriotti) 
[email protected] (Patil Basavaraj) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Paul Rodwell)
[email protected] (Prof. H. Pawlowski) 
[email protected] (Paul Burry) 
pckim%[email protected] (Pyung-Chul Kim) 
[email protected] (Per Grape) 
[email protected] (Per Lundholm) 
[email protected] (Niranjan Perera)
[email protected] (Stefan Petrucha)
peter@esri!noname (Peter Aronson) 
[email protected] (Peter Thurston)
[email protected] (Peter Boothby - Sun Melbourne SE) 
[email protected] (Bob Peterson) 
[email protected] (juraj petras) 
[email protected] (Paulo Franklin Von Paumgartten Junior)
[email protected] (Peter Graham)
[email protected] (Paulo Henrique Cavalcante Lisboa)
[email protected] 
[email protected] ((Rachid GUERRAOUI))
[email protected] (Thomas Rakow) 
[email protected] (Ralf E. Stranzenbach) 
[email protected] (Ralph Berg) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Randy Sexton) 
[email protected] (Ravi Palepu)
[email protected]!unisql (Ray Shea) 
[email protected] (Richard Kirby)
[email protected] (C.Y. Roger Chen) 
[email protected] (Renato Barrera) 
[email protected] (Richard Bielak)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller) 
[email protected] (Marc Rittberger) 
[email protected] (Reginaldo Jose Trajano de Souza)
rob@talarian (Rob Chekaluk) 
[email protected] 
rogers%[email protected] (John Rogers) 
[email protected] (Rohit Gupta) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Doug Rorem) 
[email protected] (Francois Rousseau)
[email protected] (Michael T Rowley) 
[email protected] (Bob Petrocelli) 
[email protected] (Rudi Koster) 
[email protected] (Bernhard Rumpe)
[email protected] (rodrigo vanegas) 
[email protected] (Ramakrishnan Venugopal) 
[email protected] (Rondon Veloso da Silva)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Rolf K. Wilms) 
rwood@dirac!hertz (Richard Wood) 
[email protected] (Ruediger Wurth) 
[email protected] (Serge Demeyer) 
[email protected] (Aboalfazl Salimi (Abi)) 
sandblom%[email protected] (Troy Sandblom) 
[email protected] (Satish Venkatesan) 
[email protected] (Satish Popat) 
[email protected] (Bernhard Schiefer)
[email protected] (Klaus D. Schmatz) 
[email protected] (Hartmut Schreiber)
scott@beethoven (Scott Strool) 
[email protected] (Stephen Williams) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (serge hamel)
[email protected] (Rick Shafer/COBE/+1-301-286-3463) 
[email protected] (Shaibal Roy) 
[email protected] (Marc Shapiro) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Sharon Huckfeldt)
[email protected] (Stuart John Cochran)
[email protected] (sjoberg)
skseo%[email protected] (Seo Sang-Koo) 
[email protected]!sysauto 
[email protected] (Soeren Detering)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Mikael Berndtsson) 
[email protected] (Jeanne_Springmann_x3820) 
[email protected] (Kirk Blackburn)
[email protected] (Sridhar) 
srini%[email protected] (Srinivas {Accura}) 
[email protected] (Steve Rogers) 
[email protected] (Silvio Soares Bandeira)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Jan Steinman) 
[email protected] ((Stephane Barbey))
[email protected] (Ralf Steuernagel) 
[email protected] (Steve Faiwiszewski)
[email protected] (Seppo T|rm{)
[email protected] (Kevin Sullivan) 
[email protected] (Marguerite K. Summers)
[email protected] (Mike Summers) 
[email protected] (Sunee Pongpinigpinyo) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Siegfried Hirsch) 
[email protected] (James Synge) 
[email protected] (Didier Tallot) 
[email protected] (Thomas A Peterson) 
[email protected] (Beng-Hang Tay)
[email protected] (Tim Bunce)
[email protected] (Rajiv Tewari) 
[email protected] (Sudheer Thakur) 
[email protected] (Dietmar Theobald)
[email protected] (Thien Phu Nguyen) 
thl@edvchl (Thorsten Loerch) 
[email protected] (Thom Boyer) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Thomas Varsamidis (SH))
[email protected] (Srinivas Thotakura) 
[email protected] (Thomas Kirk)
[email protected] (Todd Medlin)
[email protected] (Tom Carnduff)
tom@edsr!tantalum (Tom H. Meyer) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Tony Menges) 
[email protected] (Tor Iver Wilhelmsen)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Th. Ritter (ToRi); SOC Telekom @FRS; 496103/383-925 25-Feb-1993 0915) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Ted Theodore W. Leung) 
[email protected] (Steve Tynor) 
[email protected] (Pasi Tyrvainen RC 910) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Vernon Hill) 
[email protected] (Victor Hugo ZALDIVAR CARRILLO (thesard)) 
[email protected] (Wagner Michael)
[email protected] (Steve Wart)
[email protected] (A. Evers)
[email protected] (Bob Weiner)
[email protected] (Peter Wetzel)
[email protected] (Robb Wheatley) 
[email protected] (Norbert Widmann)
[email protected] (Johan Wikman)
[email protected] (Will Fitzgerald) 
[email protected] (William Sun)
[email protected] (Tony Wilson)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Wai-Sze Tam)
[email protected] (Yanqing Wu) 
[email protected] (Jens E. Wunderwald)
[email protected] (Chris Wysocki) 
[email protected] (Joshua Yeidel) 
[email protected] (Yli-Kuha Kari)
[email protected] (Bing Yu) 
[email protected] (Zixiong WANG) 
[email protected] (Peter Carr) 

Total:  433


Votes AGAINST comp.databases.object were received from:

[email protected] (Hermano A. Cabral)
[email protected] (Colonel Panic) 
[email protected]!aurs01!aurw7a 
[email protected] (Graeme Bowers) 
[email protected] (Dave Carr) 
[email protected] (Michael Christiansen) 
[email protected] (Ernest A. Cline)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Eric J. Olson)
[email protected] (Volker Gaede) 
[email protected] (Glenn Chin) 
[email protected] (Herman Martins Gomes)
[email protected] (Jonathan Creighton)
[email protected] (Jay W. Noh) 
[email protected] (Roland Kaltefleiter)
[email protected] (Kirk (T.K.) McKibbon)
[email protected] (Stephen Lau)
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Leonore Neugebauer)
[email protected] (Bill Owens) 
rdm@uhura1 (Rizwan D. Mithani) 
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
[email protected] (Paul Robinson)
[email protected] (Stephen C. Trier) 
[email protected] (Aarne Yla-Rotiala) 

Total:  26

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