From [email protected] Fri Sep 24 18:01:06 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Marc P. Oburg)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory
Subject: RFD: comp.databases.paradox
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 24 Sep 1993 10:08:47 -0400
Organization: Clemson University, Clemson SC
Lines: 21
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4078 news.groups:82807 comp.databases:29587 comp.databases.theory:1589

I have noticed an interest for this group, so I would like to make a
request for discussion.  comp.databases.paradox would cover:

1) Discussion, questions, answers, and hints for any Paradox for DOS

2) Discussion, questions, answers, and hints for Paradox for Windows.

I am not sure if this group would need to be moderated.  I think we
should follow the example of the other comp.database groups.  The reason
I am requesting this, is that there are already groups for specific
database software (MS-Access, Clipper, etc.) but none yet for Paradox.
Since Paradox for Windows is still fairly new on the market, there are
many question to be asked about how it works, and dealing with some bugs
that may still exist.  I had originally intended the group for PDOXWIN
only, but I had requests to include Paradox for DOS as well.

So, lets discuss it!


From [email protected] Thu Oct  7 10:32:51 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Marc P. Oburg)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory
Subject: 2nd RFD: comp.databases.paradox
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 7 Oct 1993 09:37:37 -0400
Organization: Clemson University, Clemson SC
Lines: 37
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4133 news.groups:83816 comp.databases:29956 comp.databases.theory:1649

This is a request for discussion for the creation of a newsgroup for the
discussion of Paradox for DOS and Paradox for Windows.

Proposed Name:


comp.databases.paradox will be dedicated to the discussion and support
of Paradox for DOS and Paradox for Windows.  It will be a group for
questions, answers, hints, and general discussion of the Paradox

Discussion of this group will take place on news.groups until October
23, 1993.

There is currently no group specifically for the discussion of the
Paradox products.  There are groups for several other database products
that are also widely used.  Since Paradox for Windows is new and Borland
charges for there Tech Support, many people are turning to the generic
comp.databases group.  A more specific group would help minimize the
specific Paradox question from the general comp.databases group.

The vote will be taken by a neutral third party starting on or about
October 24, 1993 and will last until November 24, 1993.  No votes will
be accepted prior to the CFV.

From [email protected] Fri Nov  5 22:10:23 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory,comp.databases.object
Subject: CFV: comp.databases.paradox
Followup-To: poster
Date: 5 Nov 1993 20:16:58 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 67
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 28 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected] (Automatic vote teller)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4239 news.groups:86870 comp.databases:30858 comp.databases.theory:1747 comp.databases.object:1380

                            CALL FOR VOTES
 	           comp.databases.paradox unmoderated

This is a Call for Votes regarding the proposed creation of an
unmoderated newsgroup comp.databases.paradox.

Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on the 27th of November 1993.
Please see below for voting instructions and contact information.


comp.databases.paradox	Borland's database for DOS & MS Windows.

comp.databases.paradox will be an unmoderated group dedicated to the
discussion and support of Borland's Paradox for DOS and Paradox for
Windows.  It shall be for technical support, help, hints, solutions,
questions, answers, and general discussion of the Paradox databases.


YOUR VOTE WILL BE COUNTED BY A PROGRAM.  Please use the template below and
follow the instructions exactly.  If you do not do so your ballot may not be
understood and would then be returned to you with your vote uncounted.

Send a mail message to [email protected], containing this in the body:
    start-parsing paradox
    name  {put your name here, *after* `name' - but not your email address}
    vote comp.databases.paradox       {yes/no/abstain}

* Delete and replace the {...} parts completely.  You must remove the { }'s.
* Everything must be spelled correctly, including the newsgroup name.
* Do not omit any of the four lines above.  Your name must be supplied.
* Do not insert any blank lines or line breaks.
* Please don't quote the whole of this Call for Votes in your reply !

You will receive a personal acknowledgement by email.

You may only vote from one account.  If you vote from several accounts in an
attempt at fraud all your votes may be discounted and your name published.

Your vote must be received by 23:59:59GMT on November the 27th 1993.
There will be one further Call for Votes.

You can request a copy of this Call for Votes by sending;
    start-parsing paradox


This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please
direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to
[email protected].  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]
Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer,
Marc P. Oburg .
Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
vote taker for comp.databases.paradox
votes to [email protected]     correspondance to [email protected]

From [email protected] Tue Nov 16 16:43:02 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory,comp.databases.object
Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.databases.paradox
Followup-To: poster
Date: 16 Nov 1993 14:22:12 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 80
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 28 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Automatic vote teller)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4287 news.groups:87884 comp.databases:31158 comp.databases.theory:1778 comp.databases.object:1461

                         FINAL CALL FOR VOTES
                   comp.databases.paradox unmoderated

This is the 2nd and final Call for Votes regarding the proposed
creation of an unmoderated newsgroup comp.databases.paradox.

Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on the 27th of November 1993.
Please see below for voting instructions and contact information.


comp.databases.paradox  Borland's database for DOS & MS Windows.

comp.databases.paradox will be an unmoderated group dedicated to the
discussion and support of Borland's Paradox for DOS and Paradox for
Windows.  It shall be for technical support, help, hints, solutions,
questions, answers, and general discussion of the Paradox databases.


YOUR VOTE WILL BE COUNTED BY A PROGRAM.  Please use the template below and
follow the instructions exactly.  If you do not do so your ballot may not be
understood and would then be returned to you with your vote uncounted.

Send a mail message to [email protected], containing this in the body:
    start-parsing paradox
    name  {put your name here, *after* `name' - but not your email address}
    vote comp.databases.paradox       {yes/no/abstain}

* Delete and replace the {...} parts completely.  You must remove the { }'s.
* Everything must be spelled correctly, including the newsgroup name.
* Do not omit any of the four lines above.  Your name must be supplied.
* Do not insert any blank lines or line breaks.
* Please don't quote the whole of this Call for Votes in your reply !

You will receive a personal acknowledgement by email.

You may only vote from one account.  If you vote from several accounts in an
attempt at fraud all your votes may be discounted and your name published.

Your vote must be received by 23:59:59GMT on November the 27th 1993.

You can request a copy of this Call for Votes by sending;
    start-parsing paradox


This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please
direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to
[email protected].  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]
Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer,
Marc P. Oburg .


Only one acknowledgement or negative acknowledgement has been found to
be undeliverable as of 12:30 GMT on Monday the 15th of November, that of:
  [email protected]  (Helge Gunnarsli)      PARADOX11091205527074

 * you are not Helge Gunnarlsi,
 * you have voted and your ballot should have reached me by 12:30 on the 15th
 * and you have not received an acknowledgement of your ballot,
it may have been lost and you should vote again.
Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
vote taker for comp.databases.paradox
votes to [email protected]     correspondance to [email protected]

From [email protected] Tue Nov 30 18:58:54 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory,comp.databases.object
Subject: RESULT: comp.databases.paradox passes 264:8
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 30 Nov 1993 12:57:10 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 334
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4334 news.groups:88934 comp.databases:31548 comp.databases.theory:1820 comp.databases.object:1528


This is the report of the result of the proposal to create an
unmoderated newsgroup comp.databases.paradox.

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 264    8 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.databases.paradox

273 valid ballots were received and counted, including one abstention.

Accordingly comp.databases.paradox will be created after the 5 day
waiting period, barring serious objections.


comp.databases.paradox  Borland's database for DOS & MS Windows.

comp.databases.paradox will be an unmoderated group dedicated to the
discussion and support of Borland's Paradox for DOS and Paradox for
Windows.  It shall be for technical support, help, hints, solutions,
questions, answers, and general discussion of the Paradox databases.


This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please
direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to
[email protected].

Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer,
Marc P. Oburg .


The following votes were received and counted in the totals above:

YES votes
[email protected] (Barrett L. McCormick)
[email protected] (Alistair Gunn)
[email protected] (Andre McCurdy)
[email protected]  (Aahz)
[email protected] (Hajo Passon)
[email protected] (Owen Abbott)
[email protected]  (Adam Miller)
[email protected] (Pascal Joyeux)
[email protected]  (Erich L. Markert)
[email protected]  (Greg Flint)
[email protected] (Michael K. Netzband)
[email protected] (Aidan Humphreys)
[email protected] (Michael Bein)
[email protected]  (Andy Leoncavallo)
[email protected]  (alex ginzeburger)
[email protected]  (Andrew M. Dunn)
[email protected] (a m tirone)
[email protected] (Anders Ekeland)
[email protected]  (Andrew Kemp)
[email protected] (Arve Larsen)
[email protected] (John Lewis)
[email protected] (Kenneth R. Ballou)
[email protected] (bclegg)
[email protected]  (Bob Hetzel)
[email protected] (Ben Fried)
[email protected] (Greg Bindon)
[email protected] (B.J. Herbison)
[email protected] (Uri Blackman)
[email protected]  (Philip Bohannon)
"borgil::m_frazier" (Mike Frazier)
[email protected]  (Bryan Mohr)
[email protected]  (Charles Bueche)
[email protected] (Frank Burleigh)
[email protected] (roger caldwell)
[email protected]  (Cameron Hutchison)
[email protected] (Carey Klenetsky)
[email protected] (Jim Cornell)
[email protected] (Henk van de Kamer)
[email protected] (Chris Emerson)
[email protected] (Chua Hak Lien)
[email protected] (Kim Clark)
[email protected] (Bob Clements, K1BC)
[email protected]  (cherry marks)
[email protected] (Andy Furlow)
[email protected]  (Dick Collier)
[email protected] (Robert Cooper)
[email protected] (Allyn Dimock)
[email protected] (Chris Seaman)
[email protected] (Chris Fales)
[email protected] (Clyde Ulmer)
[email protected]  (Daniel S. Lewart)
[email protected]  (Dovie Adler)
[email protected]  (David M Weintraub)
[email protected] (Dave Davis)
[email protected] (G. Desoli)
[email protected]  (David L. Hachey)
[email protected] (David Jacobowitz)
[email protected] (Dana Kiehl)
[email protected] (Dan Mandell)
[email protected]  (Dan Murphy)
[email protected] (Robert F. Doherty)
[email protected]  (Don Wang)
[email protected] (Don Cock)
[email protected] (Donna Whitlinger)
[email protected] (Lewis M. Dreblow)
[email protected] (Dean R. Peters)
[email protected] (Duane Moore)
[email protected]  (John Duerden)
[email protected] (David Wood)
[email protected] (Edouard Bugnion)
[email protected]  (Ernie DeVries)
[email protected] (Eiji Suzuki)
[email protected] (michael maechtel)
[email protected] (Lorne Epp)
[email protected] (Andreas Rotterdam)
[email protected]  (Earl Roethke)
[email protected]  (Are Joergensen)
[email protected]  (Bjoern Karlsen)
[email protected] (Stephen Evans)
[email protected]  (Felicity Jones)
[email protected] (Francis H. Smith, Jr.)
[email protected]  (Brian Field)
[email protected]  (Greg Franklin)
[email protected] (fulmer, john)
[email protected]  (Fraser Young)
[email protected] (Eric von Daeniken)
[email protected]  (Joel Friedman)
[email protected] (Gary Ko)
[email protected] (Gilbert Gee)
[email protected] (Gentry Howard)
[email protected]  (Andrew Gildfind)
[email protected] (Paul Gomes)
[email protected] (Robert W. Gordy)
[email protected] (Michael Velez)
[email protected] (halil ozmen)
[email protected] (David Hardie)
[email protected] (Paul Hardwick)
[email protected]  (Ryan Helgeson)
[email protected]   (Holger Schween)
[email protected]  (hon chu)
[email protected]  (James Hursey)
[email protected]  (Ian Staples)
[email protected] (David Koosis)
[email protected]  (Jan Hedemann)
[email protected]  (Jukka Karlstrom)
[email protected]  (Janssens Pascal)
[email protected]  (Jeremy Caplan)
[email protected] (Jack D. Lail)
[email protected] (Jeff Maurer)
[email protected]  (joe gorman)
[email protected]  (John Hughes)
[email protected] (Jim Gillogly)
[email protected]  (Jim Blizard)
[email protected]  (Joel Finkle)
[email protected] (Joseph Kwiatkowski)
[email protected] (Jed Levin)
[email protected] (John E. Babbitt, Jr.)
[email protected] (John Denslow)
[email protected]  (Joshua C. Lerner)
[email protected]  (J.Otto Tennant)
[email protected] (Jeffrey R. Price)
[email protected] (James Whitney)
[email protected] (John William Hassell)
[email protected] (Janusz Kaczmarek)
[email protected]  (Kris Annaert)
[email protected]  (Kevin Hansen)
[email protected]  (Kevin O'Gorman)
[email protected]  (Kevin A. Smith)
[email protected] (Maciej Kubicki)
[email protected] (Vassili Kopyl)
[email protected] (Martin Schr"oder)
[email protected]  (Chris Landers)
[email protected]  (Reinoud van Leeuwen)
[email protected] (Alistair Dunn)
[email protected] (Alison Macfarlane)
[email protected] (Linda McGarry)
[email protected]  (Victor E Aldridge III)
[email protected]  (Louise Deretchin)
[email protected] (Brian Lucas)
[email protected] (Matthew Jackson)
[email protected] (Mik Butler)
[email protected]  (Gerard Macchi)
[email protected]  (Madhav Nerurkar)
[email protected] (Raymond Kennington)
[email protected] (Matthew Hobbs)
[email protected] (Maria Szkaradzinska)
[email protected] (Charles McClellan)
[email protected]  (Joe McConnell)
[email protected]  (J. D. McDonald)
[email protected] (Ceder Mats)
[email protected] (Mark D. Kandl)
[email protected]  (Michael Wright)
[email protected]  (mechenbier)
[email protected] (Mathew Eliot)
[email protected] (Michele Freed)
[email protected] (Malcolm Haar)
[email protected]  (Michel D'Have)
MHOLLAND%[email protected] (Mike Holland)
[email protected] (Mike Long)
[email protected] (Michael Evans)
[email protected]  (Michael W. Reith)
[email protected] (Mikail Ruutu)
[email protected]  (Dave Gardner)
[email protected] (Monika Schwartz)
[email protected]  (Michael Miles)
[email protected] (Maggie Owens)
[email protected] (Marc P. Oburg)
[email protected] (Robert Moldenhauer)
[email protected] (Walter W. Morrow)
[email protected] (martin mossakowski)
[email protected]  (Mike Kelley)
[email protected] (Mika Nieminen)
[email protected] (Michael McIntyre)
[email protected] (Michal Spalinski)
[email protected] (Alfred Martin)
[email protected] (Wayne Anthony Gurry)
[email protected] (Nookaiah V. Kolluru)
[email protected] (Mitchell Nussbaum)
[email protected] (Les Chapman)
[email protected] (Stephen F. Nicholas)
[email protected] (Patrick Sullivan)
[email protected]  (Pyung-Chul Kim)
[email protected] (Hazel Ashurst)
peter%[email protected]  (peter weekes)
[email protected]  (Steve Planck)
[email protected]  (Jason Lee)
[email protected] (Armin Pollak)
[email protected] (Sandy Pottinger)
[email protected]  (Paul S. R. Chisholm)
[email protected] (Paul Wagner)
[email protected] (Peter Wood)
[email protected]  (Alexander Pyle)
[email protected] (Michael Quinn)
[email protected]  (Douglas B. Quist)
[email protected]  (Robert McDonald)
[email protected] (Robin Batten)
[email protected]  (Radi Shourbaji)
[email protected] (Rami Savila)
[email protected]  (Robert Larson)
[email protected] (Robert C. White, Jr.)
[email protected]  (Renee Rober)
RHALL%[email protected] (Richard Hall)
[email protected]  (Rosemarie Hanus)
Rich=Filakousky%InfoServices%[email protected] (Rich Filakousky)
[email protected]  (Richard Hull)
[email protected] (Richard Vanek)
[email protected] (Richard Miller)
[email protected]  (Mary Rieder)
[email protected]  (Heikki Rissanen)
[email protected]  (Rod Barnes)
[email protected]  (Rod Hartley)
[email protected]  (Roy H. Gordon)
[email protected] (Bob Pedersen)
[email protected]  (Ron Taylor)
[email protected] (Rudolph Zung)
[email protected] (Roger Woodward)
[email protected]  (Ryan Bayne)
[email protected]  (Guido Schmidt)
[email protected]  (Susan Johnso)
[email protected]  (Gilbert Salazar)
[email protected]  (Sarah Gray)
[email protected] (Satu Flyktman)
[email protected] (Teppo Savinen)
[email protected] (Rick Savoia)
[email protected]  (Stephen C. Daukas)
[email protected] (Karen Scheltema)
[email protected]  (Remo Schlauri)
[email protected] (Sean Molloy)
[email protected] (Shane Hartman)
[email protected] (Shi Sherebrin)
[email protected] (Yasuto Shirai)
[email protected]  (Helge Gunnarsli)
[email protected] (shailesh m bhobe)
[email protected] (Shawn Murphy)
[email protected] (Stefan A. Revetsname)
[email protected]  (Stacy Slagle)
[email protected] (Carl Leiby)
[email protected] (Roger Starling)
[email protected] (Stephan Michel)
[email protected]  (Jeffry L. Stevens)
[email protected]  (Stephen T. Ingalls)
[email protected] (Sveinung Holstad)
[email protected] (William Burrow)
[email protected]  (chong-kwan tan)
[email protected]  (Thomas Olsson)
[email protected] (Thomas Gasser)
[email protected]  (Thorsten Kitz)
[email protected] (Tim Ma)
[email protected] (Timo J Rinne)
[email protected]  (Jong Tjioe)
[email protected] (Wm. Todd Smith) (Tomas Ruden)
[email protected] (Sami Vaaraniemi)
[email protected]  (Veronika Berglund)
[email protected] (Vicki L. Domansky)
[email protected] (Vicki Hyde)
[email protected] (Kent Walker)
[email protected]  (Jeffrey Weiss)
[email protected]  (Dewey R. Williams)
[email protected]  (Willy Doolaege)
[email protected] (Leah R. Wolf)
[email protected]  (mark a woyna)
[email protected] (David Dulfer)
[email protected]  (Dave Yadallee)

NO votes
[email protected]  (Bradley Arnst)
[email protected]  (David Cameron)
[email protected] (Sean P. Ryan)
[email protected]  (John MacWilliamson)
[email protected]  (Julian Macassey)
[email protected] (Sendhil Revuluri)
[email protected]  (Smarasderagd Draco)
[email protected]  (Steve Rogers)

[email protected] (Maxime Taksar)

Votes returned because the ballot was in error, and not subsequently corrected
[email protected]      V11070332375812
   ! Punctuation (`{}') after vote; Name started with {, < or (.
[email protected]  (Gary T. Ko)
   ! No votes.        V112421030122074
Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
vote taker for comp.databases.paradox

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