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From: [email protected] (Andrew Chia-Tso Ku) Newsgroups:,, Subject:* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): part 1/3 Date: 19 Sep 1995 02:53:16 -0700 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Summary: This part of the FAQ includes general,          resource (Bitnet and Internet), periodicals, mail order,          and bookstore information. It is posted on a monthly basis.            Warning: LONG!  Archive-name: theatre/part1 Last-modified: 1995/09/19  [followups directed to]  Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQ)/Informational posting!  If you are a newcomer to r.a.t, you are strongly encouraged to at least scan the table of contents of this and the two subsequent FAQ postings before asking a question.   If you have any comments or corrections, please let us know.   A number of people have contributed to the FAQ; several of them  have indicated an interest in fielding comments themselves.  These  people have their email addresses indicated at the top of their sections, like this: [, comments: ].   Comments about all other sections should be addressed to me at [email protected]         ********************************************************************* *                                                                   * *            THE REC.ARTS.THEATRE FAQ/INFORMATIONAL POSTING         * *                                                                   * *                          written by:                              * *                                                                   * * [MB]    Myra Bronstein          [email protected]                * * [SB]    M.S. Burton             [email protected]  * * [JAC]   Jon Alan Conrad         [email protected]            * * [DF]    David Fristrom          [email protected]                   * * [AK]    Andrew Ku               [email protected]           * * [ELN]   Elizabeth Lear Newman   [email protected]                * * [SP]    Scott Putterman         [email protected]           * * [DS]    Desiree Sy              [email protected]             * *                                                                   * *                       additional material:                        * *                                                                   * * [RC]    Ruth Cross              [email protected]                * * [HG]    Harry Gold              [email protected]       * * [TDK]   Tom Dale Keever         [email protected]                * * [DK]    Dave Kehs               [email protected]               * * [ML]    Michael Lara            [email protected]        * * [PJS]   Peter John Sill         [email protected]          * * [RS]    Richard Sucgang         [email protected]       * * [LW]    Linda Wiley             [email protected]                * * [AW]    Alan Woods              [email protected]  * *                                                                   * * Copyright (c) 1995 by the aforementioned authors.  Use and        * * copying of this information are permitted, as long as:            * *                                                                   * * a) no fees or compensation are charged for use, copies or         * *    access to this information.                                    * *                                                                   * * b) this copyright notice, with author list, is included intact.   * *                                                                   * ********************************************************************* *                                                                   * *                    corrections/additions by:                      * *                                                                   * * Gianmarco Baldini, Faith Burwasser, Brian Evans, Gary Watson,     * * Melinda D Hart, David Pirmann, Stuart Goldstone, Melissa Bammel   * * Adam Feldman, Scott Morris                                        * *                                                                   * *********************************************************************  TABLE OF CONTENTS FAQ Part I: General, resources, periodicals, mail order, bookstores  # = new or significantly revised  1. GENERAL  [AK]    1.1 About the* hierarchy          #  1.2 What other theatre-related newsgroups exist?    1.3 What is the correct spelling of theatre/theater?  [AW/ELN]    1.4 What is a cast recording?     1.5 Where is the FAQ archived?    1.6 Where Can I Find the Lyrics/Scripts to xxxxxxx?        1.6.1 Musicals        1.6.2 Gilbert & Sullivan        1.6.3 Shakespeare Plays        1.6.4 Other    1.7 What should I wear to ?   2. RESOURCES (BITNET, INTERNET)  [ELN]    2.1 Bitnet     2.2 Internet        2.2.1 Mailing lists  [ELN, AK]    Gateway mailing lists for*                      newsgroups   #  Specialized performers/shows/composers    Stagecraft    Cast Recordings #      2.2.2 World Wide Web (WWW) Pages  [AK]        2.2.3 Archives on LES MIZ, PHANTOM, MISS SAIGON  [AK]    2.3 Further information on Bitnet/Internet resources  [AK]  3. PERIODICALS [SB]  4. MAIL ORDER (RECORDINGS, SOUVENIRS, POSTERS) [AK]    4.1 Hard-to-find recordings    4.2 Souvenirs and posters  5. DRAMA-RELATED BOOKSTORES [DS/TDK]      5.1 New York    5.2 Ontario    5.3 California    5.4 Washington, D.C.    5.5 Boston    5.6 Chicago    5.7 Providence, RI    5.8 England    5.9 Netherlands    5.10 Spain    5.11 France [PJS]  ************************************************************************* ** 1. GENERAL                                 *************************** **    [AK, comments: [email protected]  *************************** *************************************************************************  1.1 About the* hierarchy  Welcome to* hierarchy, devoted to discussion of all aspects of theatre.  On May 9, 1994, the existing newsgroup was split into the following:        Miscellaneous topics and issues in theatre.    Musical theatre around the world.       Dramaturgy and discussion of plays.  Issues in stagecraft and production.  The newsgroup was removed August 9, 1994.  Thanks to Elizabeth Lear Newman for creating and Mark Kupferman for spearheading the newsgroup split.   #1.2 What other theatre-related newsgroups exist?      Life and Music of Stephen Sondheim Discussion about the composer and his works  Discussion about the actor/singer     Discussion about the actress/singer  alt.stagecraft          Technical theatre issues (this group was                            never deleted when r.a.t.stagecraft                            was created)  Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 of the FAQ list a wide variety of theatre-related mailing lists and Web pages.  1.3 What is the correct spelling of theatre/theater? [AW/ELN]  [AW]:  Francis Hodge published an article about this in THEATRE SURVEY in the late 1960's.  "Theater" is a result of Noah Webster's efforts in the 1830s to create an American language purified of English spellings: that's when we lost "colour" "centre" and a lot of other words that Noah deemed to be too British for the new American democracy.  Since the American theatre/theater at the time was still dominated by British actors and managers, along with American actors and managers trying to suggest that theater/theatre was a high class art, the practitioners rather stubbornly clung to the British spelling.  There have been a lot of attempts to differentiate usage ever since, but whatever the market or editor or style sheet will accept will work.  About the naming of the newsgroup [ELN, comments: [email protected]]:   Back in 1990 or so when I [ELN] proposed creating the newsgroup, I polled the members of the musicals mailing list as to a preferred spelling.  The overwhelming support was for 'theatre' over 'theater' for several reasons, among them a) that 'theater' represented the building and 'theatre' represented the art and b) that Americans were the only country that spelled the word 'theater', and it would be more international in flavor to use 'theatre'.  It was also said that 'theatre' looked more elegant.  Thus the name was submitted for the discussion as, and when the question came up again during the pre-vote period it became obvious that the popular support was still for 'theatre' over 'theater', and it was voted on that way.  1.4 What is a cast recording?    This really isn't a FAQ, but misuse of the term "soundtrack" is  so common on r.a.t and irksome to regular readers that this note is included in FAQ document.  A "cast recording" is the audio  recording of a *stage* musical (or play for that matter), while a "soundtrack" refers to the recorded score of a *movie*.  Other  definitions can be found, but this is the generally accepted convention in r.a.t, and repeated use of "soundtrack" may  provoke criticism - you've been warned!   1.5 Where is the FAQ archived?  This FAQ is available at the following locations by anonymous ftp:                                       /FAQpt2                                       /FAQpt3                          /pub/theater/rec-arts-theatre-faq-2.gz                         /pub/theater/rec-arts-theatre-faq-3.gz            (all of the quartz archive is now available via gopher)        /pub/usenet-by-group/        /*_Frequently_Asked_Questions_(FAQ):_part_1_3                                                             _part_2_3                                                             _part_3_3  and on the Web:  (my homepage) (this replaces the Ohio State site)  and keep in mind - for future reference - that if you can't find a copy of the FAQ in one of the the* groups, try checking news.answers or rec.answers.  Both of these newsgroups contain nothing but FAQs and the postings may stay around longer than  in typical newsgroups.  1.6 Where Can I Find the Lyrics/Scripts to xxxxxxx?  1.6.1 Musicals  Lyrics to some popular musicals:  Shows currently archived: ROCKY HORROR, GREASE (the movie), LES MISERABLES, CHESS (Bway and London), HAIR, JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR, LITTLE SHOP, GODSPELL, and PHANTOM.  1.6.2 Gilbert & Sullivan  SAVOYNET Archive:  1.6.3 Shakespeare Plays  At Dartmouth:     gopher://  At Imperial College:  At MIT:  1.6.4 Other   CMU English Server: gopher://   1.7 What should I wear to ?  There are no dress codes at theaters - you can wear whatever you like. If you've spent a lot of money on tickets and want to make your theatergoing a special event, by all means dress up (suit and tie, nice dress, etc.)  On weekend evening performances, audiences may be dressier, but you will always encounter people in jeans, t-shirts, shorts, etc. as well.  Wear what you will be comfortable in.  If you want to show proper deference to the art form, it's far more important that you not talk or make noise during the performance (unless it's laughter or applause, of course.)   ************************************************************************* ** 2. RESOURCES (BITNET, INTERNET)         ****************************** **    [ELN, comments: [email protected]]  ****************************** *************************************************************************   2.1 BITNET   This is a list of theatre-related mailing lists available on bitnet:  Network ID  Full address         List title ----------  ------------         ---------- ASTR-L      [email protected]       Theatre History Discussion List - Amer. Soc. COMEDIA     [email protected]      A discussion of Hispanic Classic Theater THEATRE     [email protected]         The Theatre Discussion List FILM-L      [email protected]      Film PERFORM-L   [email protected]  Performance Studies SCRNWRIT    [email protected]@TAMVM1     Screenwriting SCREEN-L    [email protected]       Film and TV (research, teaching, ...) SHAKSPER    [email protected]    Shakespearean Studies TV-L        [email protected]          TV program discussions  WTP-L       [email protected]  Women and Theatre  Subscribing is easy.  Let's say you want to subscribe to TV-L.  Just send an e-mail message to [email protected] on BITNET and include in the BODY of the message (NOT the subject) the line:      SUBSCRIBE TV-L your full name Example:         SUBSCRIBE TV-L Adrian H. Aerts  2.2 INTERNET   2.2.1  Mailing lists [ELN/AK]  Gateway mailing lists for* newsgroups     If you do not have access to the Usenet newsgroups, you can   subscribe to the mailing list instead.  People who are able to   read the newsgroups do not need to subscribe to the mailing lists.    LISTNAME       DESCRIPTION    musicals       (gateway of   plays          (gateway of   theatre-misc   (gateway of   stagecraft     (gateway of    To join a list, send mail to: [email protected]    with the following message in the BODY of the mail, NOT the    subject header:       subscribe listname your_email_address*      If your mailer adds a signature, add the word "end" to the   next line of mail:       subscribe listname your-email-address*      end    And to unsubscribe, send mail to majordomo, with the following message:       unsubscribe listname your_email_address*    (* your email address is not required if your subscription request is       made from the account you want the mail feed to be sent to)  # Specialized performers/shows/composers    LISTNAME       DESCRIPTION    alw            (discussion of the works of composer Andrew Lloyd Webber)   lea-salonga    (discussion of the MISS SAIGON star)   les-miserables (discussion of the musical)   michael-ball   (discussion of the British performer)   miss-saigon    (discussion of the musical)   sunset-blvd    (discussion of the musical)   sondheim       (discussion of the works of composer/lyricist                    Stephen Sondheim)      - To join any of the mailing lists above, send mail to        [email protected] as instructed above.  #  mcrawford      (discussion of Michael Crawford, the PHANTOM star)      - To join the mcrawford mailing list, send a message to        [email protected] ; leave the subject line blank and in the body       write: subscribe mcrawford  #  anthony-warlow (discussion about the Australian actor/singer)        - To join the anthony-warlow mailing list, send a message to       [email protected] with the following in the body       of the message: subscribe anthony-warlow                       end Stagecraft    Send a message to: [email protected]    The coordinator will sign you up or give you information about the    list.  Many of the participants in this list are theater professionals.    Purpose: This list is for the discussion of all aspects of   stage work, including (but not limited to) special effects,   sound effects, sound reinforcement, stage management,   set design and building, lighting design, company management,   hall management, hall design, and show production.  This is   not a forum for the discussion of various stage productions   (unless the discussion pertains to the stagecraft of a   production), acting or directing methods (unless you know of    ways to get actors to stand in the right spots), film or    video production (unless the techniques can be used on the    stage).  This is not affiliated with the   Usenet group, and will not carry the same discussions. Cast Recordings    For discussion of cast recordings, there is a mailing list   on the Internet, [email protected]  To join, send a message   to [email protected]  2.2.2 World Wide Web (WWW) Pages  [AK]    Please note that due to space limitations, I am not accepting   entries to individual theater companies.  Please register your   site with one of the meta-sites listed directly below.  Thanks.  *META-WEB SITES - LINKS TO MOST OTHER WWW THEATRE RESOURCES  Theatre Central:    - an invaluable resource, this page has links to most of the      WWW pages listed below (On Broadway, Rutgers Theatre Gopher,       Screenwriters' and Playwrights' homepage, etc.), and to       the Listing of Theatre Resources on the Net (see FAQ section 2.3).    - includes the Directory of Theater Professionals on the Net,      run by Andrew Quixote Kraft ([email protected]).  It is a directory       of theater professionals who communicate via computer.  To have your       information put on the list, or if you have questions, please      contact Mr. Kraft.    - updated at least once a week    - page maintained by Andrew Quixote Kraft ([email protected])     Yahoo:    - site with comprehensive links to many other theater pages,      including all of the theater preformers and shows listed below.  Fleethouse Gateway to Theater-Related Resources:   *THEATRE-RELATED NEWS  Playbill Online (formerly Broadway World-Wide):    - up to the minute news of current and upcoming plays and      musicals around the country (emphasis on Broadway) and London      the Playbill magazine; additional Playbill Online news and       services will be added in the future.    - also includes info for theatre professionals who are interested       in staying in tune with the New York theatre world (BWW)    - contact Andrew McGibbon ([email protected]) for more info  TheaterWeek    gopher://    - gopher site (part of the Electronic Newsstand Web Site) contains      Ken Mandelbaum's weekly news column, and one complete article      from each issue   *WHAT'S PLAYING, AND WHERE  On Broadway:     - lists all the shows currently playing on Broadway with prices, schedules,       and theatre locations; updated very regularly    - links to Rutger's Theatre Gopher (NYC info, Tony Awards, etc.),      playwright info, Theatre in USA, Theatre Central    - listing of all Tony Award nominees and winners    - page maintained by Joseph Geigel ([email protected])  The London Stage Gazette:    - monthly listing of what's playing in London (West End,       RSC and RNT    - rumors and upcoming London shows    - page maintained by David Fristrom ([email protected])  UK Theatre Web    - UK theatre information    - includes London (West End and other) and regional theatre       listings  Time Out Magazine:    - entertainment listings to major world cities, including London    - London listings include ticket-buying info, but actual show      listings only cover the major West End and Fringe shows and      companies  Playbill Online (see above)    - Broadway, London, and tour listings   *PLAYWRIGHTING, LYRICS, SCRIPTS, etc.  Charles Deemer's Homepage:    - some new plays, links to Shakespeare plays and poetry,       Screenwriters' and Playwrights' Homepage, etc.  Schrvdinger's Cat New Play Depository    - depository for new plays by new and unpublished playwrights.     Tower Lyrics Archive    - links to various lyric archives  Shakespeare:   *PERFROMERS AND WRITERS  Lea Salonga:  Anthony Warlow (the original Australian Phantom):  #Stephen Sondheim (composer and lyricist):  *FREQUENTLY DISCUSSED MUSICALS ON  JEKYLL AND HYDE:    http://ReedyCreek.Stanford.Edu/RecArtsJH/JHWelcome.html  JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR  LES MISERABLES:  MISS SAIGON:  THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA:  SUNSET BLVD:  Theatre in USA:    - future site of CATS, BIG RIVER, and JOSEPH... homepages    - page maintained by Randy McClellan ([email protected])   *MISCELLANEOUS  The Noteables    - parodies of LES MIZ and other Brit musicals, concocted by      the Harvard troupe, The Noteables      Playbill Online:    This service (Broadway, London, Tour listings, news, chat sessions     with theatre stars, etc.) is available on several commercial networks:     Prodigy    -  JUMP PLAYBILL    CompuServe -  GO: PLAYBI    AOL        -  keyword: Playbill   2.2.3 Archives on LES MIZ, PHANTOM, MISS SAIGON  A representative of the management company handling these shows for Cameron Mackintosh has provided a variety of files about LES MISERABLES, PHANTOM, and MISS SAIGON.  The information includes cast lists and biographies of current US productions, tour schedules, and assorted trivia.  These files are available at:  There are plans to make available pictures from these shows available in the future.   2.3 FURTHER INFORMATION ON BITNET/INTERNET RESOURCES  Deborah Torres ([email protected]) and Martha Vander Kolk ([email protected]), with an assist from Ken McCoy ([email protected]), have prepared  a very thorough guide to theatre-related resources.  Among other items, it includes more detailed descriptions of the discussion  groups listed above (plus others) as well as instructions on  accessing them.  Entitled "Guide to Theater Resources on the INTERNET",  this document is available by   anonymous FTP at:          and Gopher via U. Minnesota list of gophers  gopher://North America/USA/Michigan/Clearinghouse of          Subject-Oriented Resource Guides/All Guides or Guides          on the Humanities/Theater;          D.Torres, M. Vander Kolk  Those who find to be overly centered on Broadway musicals are encouraged to explore the more academic-minded discussion groups that exist on Bitnet and the Internet.  	 ************************************************************************* ** 3. PERIODICALS                                       ***************** **    [SB, comments: [email protected]]  ***************** *************************************************************************   AMERICAN THEATRE. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 1984- .  Theatre Communications Group, 355 Lexington Ave., NY NY 10017    Monthly.    Reviews and essays on modern Am. theatre.   ARTS CALENDAR QUARTERLY. New York: The Arts Calendar, 1985-     .  Arts Calendar, Inc., 600 W. 58th St., suite 9217 NY NY 10019    Quarterly.  Guide to major events in theatre, music & dance -- note: Quarterly.   ARTS MANAGEMENT. New York: Radius Group, 1962-  Radius Group, 408 W. 57th st., NY NY 10019    5 x year.  Contemporary aspects of management in performing arts.    CALIFORNIA THEATRE ANNUAL. Beverly Hills, Ca.: Performing Arts Network, 1981-  9025 Wilshire Blvd., suite 210, Beverly Hills, CA 90211    Annual.  Theatre, theatre history & companies in Calif.   CANADIAN THEATRE REVIEW.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974-  University of Toronto Press, 5201 Dufferin St. Downsview, Ontario,  Canada, M3H 5T8        Quarterly.  This is an academic/in-depth journal that provides essays on contemporary  Canadian Theatre, and reviews of published plays, and a playtext.    CANPLAY.  Toronto: Playwrights Union of Canada, 1984-  54 Wolseley St,  2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada   M5T 1A5    Bimonthly.  Provides news about what PUC (Playwrights Union of Canada) members are  up to, listings of upcoming productions, job & contest postings.   COMPARATIVE DRAMA.  Kalamazoo MI: W. Michigan University, 1967-  English Dept., Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI 49008    Quarterly.  Intended for researchers & students; incl. book reviews.   CRITICAL DIGEST.  New York: Critical Digest, 1984-  225 W. 34th st., rm.918 NY NY 10001    Semi-monthly.  Newsletter of NY & London Theatre news; digest of reviews.   DAILY VARIETY.  Hollywood, CA: Daily Variety, 1933-  Daily Variety, 1400 N. Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028    5 x week.  note: Daily comes out of LA, so coverage is a little different from Weekly.   DRAMA REVIEW.  Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1988-  MIT Press, 55 Hayward St., Cambridge MA 02142    Quarterly.  continues: The Drama Review, 1968-1987.  Scholarly pieces, essays, interviews, letters, editorials   DRAMATISTS GUILD QUARTERLY. New York: Dramatists Guild, 1964-  234 W 44th st., NY NY  10036    Quarterly.  Professional playwriting, music and lyric writing, & Guild business.   JOURNAL OF DRAMATIC THEORY AND CRITICISM. Kansas: Univ. of Kansas, 1986-  Dept. of Theatre & Media Arts, Univ of Kansas, Lawrence KN 66045    Semiannual  As it sound; history and criticism of drama/theatre    LONDON THEATRE NEWS. New Jersey: London Theatre News, 1988-   30 Broad St., Denville NJ 07834    Monthly.  Reviews, bios, what's on in England -- publ. in NJ so not overseas mail...   MODERN DRAMA. Downsview, Canada: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1958-  Journals Dept., 5201 Dufferin St., Downsview Ont. M3H 5T8    Quarterly.  Am., British & Canadian drama as literature.   THE MUSICALS COLLECTION. Orbis Publishing, 1993 or 1994-   Kings Cliffe, Peterborough PE8 6Yp England.     Fortnightly.  (Each 'issue' consists of a cassette or cd of the music and a magazine  of facts and figures, a listener's guide, a whos who for the show and  hints for further listening.  The recordings are taken from That's  Entertainment and Musical Heritage recordings. Available through  Dress Circle.)   NEW YORK THEATRE CRITICS REVIEW.  New York: Critic's Theatre reviews, 1943-  Four Park Ave.,Suite 21D, NY NY 10016     Weekly.  NY (and some nat'l) reviews of NY theatre collated by show; annual index.   NTQ -- New Theatre Quarterly. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985-  32 East 57th St., NY NY 10022  Continues: Theatre Quarterly.    Quarterly.  Bibliographies, documentation and histor. research on all aspects of theatre.   PERFORMING ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT IN CANADA. Avanti magazines, 1991-  700 Caledonia Rd., Toronto, Ont. M6B 4H9   Continues: Performing arts in Canada, 1961-1990.    Quarterly.  [no description available]   PERFORMING ARTS JOURNAL. New York: PAJ Publications, 1976-  PAJ Publications, 325 Spring St., Rm. 318 NY NY 10013    Monthly.  Drama, dance, video, etc.; book reviews, interviews, + a new play   PLAYBILL MAGAZINE. New York: Playbill, inc., 1964-  Playbill Inc., 71 Vanderbilt Ave., NY NY 10169    Monthly.   Mo. mailing of the programs handed out at NY theatres; cast & prod. info  Playbill is going online at Prodigy in 11/94 and at other   commercial services in 1995.     PLAYS INTERNATIONAL.  London: Chancery Publ., 1985-  F6 Greenwood Ct, Harlescott, Shrewsbury, Shropshire ST1 3TB England    Monthly.  Reviews, bios, interviews, what's on in England + play or play excerpt.   PLAYS AND PLAYERS.  London: Brevet Publ., 1953-  18 Friern Park, North Finchley, London N12 9DA England  Absorbed: Theatre World in 1966.    Monthly.  Reviews, bios, interviews, what's on in England   SHOW BUSINESS.  New York: Leo Shull Publications, 1941-  1501 Broadway, NY NY 10036    Weekly.  "the entertainment weekly" -- show business is his life   SHOW MUSIC.  Conn.: Goodspeed Opera House Foundation, 1982-  P. O. Box 466, East Haddam, CT 06423-0466    Quarterly.  All aspects - book & record reviews, interviews, historical research   STAGES.  Norwood, NJ: Curtains inc., 1984-  8 Frasco Lane, Norwood NJ 07648    10 x yr.  Reviews (theatre, book, film) of B'way, Off & Off Off B'way.   TDR -- The Drama Review.  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1955-  55 Hayward St., Cambridge MA 02142.    Quarterly.  Performance studies; often deals with gender conflicts, feminist views   THEATERWEEK.  New York: TheaterWeek, 1987-  28 W. 25th Street, 4th Floor, NY NY 10010    Weekly.  Reviews, interviews, production pieces, gossip, restaurants...   THEATRE.  New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1977-  Yale University School of Drama, 222 York St, New Haven CT 06520    3 x yr.  Essays on theory & practice; companies & individuals; US & Europe.   THEATRE CRAFTS.  New York: Theatre Crafts Assn, 1967-  135 Fifth Ave., NY NY 10010    9 x yr.  Tech. aspects (scenic design, costume, lighting etc.) for thea.,film,video.   THEATRE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY. New York: US Inst. of Theatre Tech., 1965-  330 W. 42 St., suite 1702 NY NY 10036    Quarterly.  Tech & production articles (theory & practice)   THEATRE JOURNAL. Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979-  701 W. 40th st, suite 275, Baltimore MD, 21211    Quarterly.  Continues: Educational Theatre Journal (v.1, 1949-v.31, 1979)  publ. for the University and College Theatre Association.   THEATRE NEWS. Washington DC: American Theatre Assn., 1968-  1010 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington DC 20007    Monthly.  Different aspects of Am. theatre, by Am. Theatre Assn.   THEATRE RECORD. Middlesex, Eng.: Ian Herbert, 1981-  4 Cross Deep Gardens, Twickenham TW1 4QU Middlesex Eng.   Formerly: London Theatre Record.    Bi-Weekly.  English reviews of English theatre collated by show; annual index.   THEATRE SURVEY. Albany, NY: Am. Soc. for Theatre Research, 1960-  SUNY at Albany, PAC 266 Albany NY 12222    Semi-annual.  Scholarly articles on theatre history.   THEATRUM.  Toronto: Theatrum Publishing Inc. 1985-  PO Box 55119,  Fairview Mall PO, 1800 Sheppard Ave. E.  Willowdale, Ontario, Canada   M2J 5B9    5 x year.  Trade magazine for theatre professionals and those-interested-in-theatre.  It publishes articles, interviews, a production calendar, a "Theatre  Inform" column reviews of productions and books.   VARIETY. New York: Variety, 1905-  154 W. 46th St., NY NY 10036    Weekly.  The 'real' Variety; reviews, casting, $, tours; book & film reviews; obits    ************************************************************************* ** 4. MAIL ORDER (RECORDINGS, SOUVENIRS, POSTERS)  ********************** **    [AK, DK comments: [email protected]]   ********************** *************************************************************************  I have no affiliation with the companies listed below.  I have dealt with most but not all of these businesses and have not had major complaints. Additions to this list are welcome.   4.1 HARD-TO-FIND RECORDINGS   *Footlight Records  113 E. 12th St.  New York, NY 10003  (212) 533-1572  (212) 673-1496 FAX  Monday-Friday 11am-7pm  Saturday 10am-6pm  Sunday noon-5pm  Phone and mail orders accepted   Many people on the net have praised Footlight Records for their  helpfulness, speed, and fair pricing.   *Dress Circle  57/59 Monmouth Street  Upper St. Martin's Lane  London WC2H 9DG  Tel: 0171-240-2227       0171-836-8279  Fax: 0171-379-8540  10am-7pm Mon-Sat   note that when dialing from outside the UK     1) drop the first "0"      2) add at the beginning the international direct dialling access        code for your particular country (011 for the US)       3) *plus* the country code for the UK (44)   eg. from the US to Dress Circle: 011-44-171-240-2227   Dress Circle also carries souvenirs and memoriabilia.  Due to their  London location, they are undoubtedly an excellent source for  Brit musical items not available domestically   *Original Cast Records  Box 496   Georgetown, CT 06829  (203) 544-8288   This operation is a small gem.  OCR specializes in   hard-to-find recordings, some which have never made it to  CD release.  Among their items (on vinyl and/or CD): William   Finn's IN TROUSERS (no, it doesn't contain "I'm Breaking Down";  this song has never been commercially recorded), LATE NIGHT   COMIC, SONGS FROM TEDDY AND ALICE, OH BROTHER!.  They also   carry/release recordings by cabaret performers including Jeff   Harnar (1959 BROADWAY SONGBOOK), Jana Robins (FACE TO FACE),   and Craig Carnelia (IS THERE LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL?, PICTURES   IN THE HALL).  The store has reasonable prices: widely available   recordings are priced competitively with, say, Tower Records   (before S&H costs are addedd in), with rarer items accordingly   more expensive, but competitive with other places like Footlight.   *DRG Records, Inc.  130 W. 57th St.  New York, NY 10019   DRG is a small record company that releases 1) cabaret performers  (Andrea Marcovicci, Dixie Carter, Sally Mayes, Julie Wilson, Margaret  Whiting, Billy Stritch, Karen Akers, etc.) 2) cast albums (most  notably MARCH OF THE FALSETTOS, FALSETTOLAND, NUNSENSE, and the two  FORBIDDEN BROADWAYs) 3) the "An Evening with..." series including  Lerner, Harnick, Cahn, Hermann, etc. and 4) soundtracks (often to  foreign movies like CINEMA PARADISO and A ROOM WITH A VIEW).  Their prices are quite impressive: as of the summer of 1992, single  CDs were $11.99, and double CDs were $16.99.  With a shipping charge  of $5-$7 for a typical order, it's a good deal.  You can request  to be placed on their mailing list.   *Colony Records  1619 Broadway Corner 49th St.  New York, NY 10019  212-265-2050  212-265-1260  9:30am-2:30am   I suggest that you try Colony after you have exhausted all other   possibilities.  They charge outrageously high prices; by virtue  of their central location (a block or two from Times Square) the  tourists let them get away with it.  They often sell imports  (for example, CHILDREN OF EDEN) for up to $50 when the price  at Foolight is less than half that amount.   *Painted Smiles Records, Inc  74-09 37th Avenue, Suite 420  Jackson Heights, NY 11372  (718) 898-6964   This is the company run by Ben Bagley of the famous "Revisited" series.  Recordings from the Painted Smiles Label and sometimes other labels are  available by mail order.  There is a (snail-mail) mailing list describing  some new releases.  I've always received very good service.  -DK   *SoundTrack Album Retailers (STAR)  Box 487  New Holland, PA 17557   This is a mail-order only outfit that specializes in cast albums, film  soundtracks, and related recordings.  There is a monthly catalog that  includes most domestic issues and some imports.  Prices are not really  bargain-rate but if you order something, you get a clearance catalog  with discounts on close-out titles.   [Personally, I've dealt with this company on-and-off for about 20 years  and have found their service to be excellent.  If you don't order anything  for six months, you will be dropped from the mailing list.  This has now  happened to me because I find it easier to buy new recordings in Boston.  But for someone who does not have easy access to retail outlets, I'd  suggest giving them a try.] -DK   4.2 SOUVENIRS AND POSTERS  *One Shubert Alley  346 W. 44th St.  New York, NY 10036  (800) 223-1320  (212) 586-7610  9am-11pm EST  FAX (212) 586-7614   Theatre-related souvenirs and posters.  Basically only current  cast recordings.  Catalog available.   *Actors' Heritage                Actors Too  262 W. 44th St.                 210 W. 45th St.  New York, NY                    New York, NY  (212) 944-7490                  (212) 382-0577                (800) 446-6905     Basically the same sort of merchandise that One Shubert Alley  carries.  Catalog available.  The store on 44th St. carries  a wide selection of books and plays.  Warning: Management may   not be receptive to customer complaints.   *Triton Gallery, Inc.  323 West 45th St.  New York, NY 10036  (800) 626-6674   Sells theatrical posters.  Their selection is unmatched in New York,  and prices are very reasonable: usually $12 or $15 for current shows.    Besides posters to Broadway shows, they carry off-Broadway shows, and  sell photographic reproductions of vintage posters (these are pricey).  Color brochure available on request.  *Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS     Sells autographed posters to selected shows.  Call (212) 840-0770.   *The Nash Company  2179 Fourth Street, Suite 2-H  White Bear Lake, MN USA 55110  800-888-1220  [email protected] (discounts on internet orders!)    Invents and produces products related to the performing arts, and more   specifically, classical music and Broadway.  They have done some   generic Broadway designs and work with the estates of Noel Coward,   Cole Porter, and Frank Loesser, and are working with Stephen  Sondheim.  Shirts and mugs and such.  Catalog available.   ************************************************************************* ** 5. DRAMA-RELATED BOOKSTORES [DS/TDK]  ******************************** *************************************************************************  Arranged geographically:      5.1 NEW YORK      5.2 ONTARIO      5.3 CALIFORNIA      5.4 WASHINGTON, D.C.      5.5 BOSTON      5.6 CHICAGO      5.7 PROVIDENCE, RI      5.8 ENGLAND      5.9 NETHERLANDS      5.10 SPAIN      5.11 FRANCE [PJS]  [NETB] = [Not Exclusively Theater Books, but has above-average theater           sections]  5.1 NEW YORK  The Drama Book Shop, 723 7th Ave (@ 48th St.), NYC, NY, 10019 (212) 944-0595 FAX: 212-921-2013 M-F 9:30am to 7pm Sa 10:30am to 5:30pm Su noon to 5pm  Applause Theatre Books, 211 W. 71st St., NYC, NY, 10023 (212) 595-4735 FAX: 212-721-2856 Mon-Sat 10-8, Sun 12-6  Samuel French, Inc/Ltd 45 West 25th Street New York, NY 10010 (212) 206-8990  (FAX 212-206-1429) 9:00-5:00 Monday-Friday  Richard Stoddard Books 18 E. 16th Street, Room 305 NYC, NY 10003  phone: (212) 645-9576 Open 11-6 daily, except Wed & Sun (also does mail order and searches for out-of-print performing arts books)  Strand Book Store [NETB] 828 Broadway (corner 12th Street) New York, NY  10003 (212) 473-1452 Mon-Sat 9:30-9:30, Sun 11-9:30  Barnes and Noble Sale Annex [NETB] 128 Fifth Ave.(corner 18th Street) (Across 5th Ave. from main B&N retail store) (212) 633-3500 Mon-Fri 9:30-7:45, Sat 10:30-6:15, Sun 11-5:45  Skyline Books and Records [NETB] 13 West 18th Street 759-5463 (SKY-LINE) Mon-Sat 9:30-8, Sun 11-7  Academy Books [NETB] 10 West 18th Street (212) 242-4848 Mon-Sat 9:30-9, Sun 11-7  Mercer Street Books [NETB] 206 Mercer Street (just N. of Houston) (212) 505-8615 Mon-Thu 10-10, Fri&Sat 10-12, Sun 11-10  Gryphon Bookshop [NETB] 2246 Broadway (80 & 81 St.) (212) 362-0706 Daily 10am-Midnight  Retail stores, besides B&N, with impressive theater stock include:  Coliseum Books 1771 Broadway (at 57th St.) (212) 757-8381 Mon-Fri 8-11, Sat 10-11:30, Sun 12-8  Gotham Book Mart 41 W. 47th Street (212) 719-4825 Mon-Fri 9:30-6:30, Sat 9:30-6  Papyrus Books 2915 Broadway (212) 222-3350 Daily 9:30am-11:30pm Serving the Columbia U. community  Shakespeare and Co. 2259 Broadway (81st St.) (212) 580-7800 716 Broadway (at Washington Place) (212) 529-1330 Daily 10am-Midnight  St. Marks Bookshop 31 3rd Avenue (212) 260-7853 Daily 11am-11:30pm East Village literary landmark. Good on recent plays and performance theory.             5.2 ONTARIO  Theatrebooks  (NEW LOCATION!) 11 St. Thomas St. (1 block W of Bay, 1 bl S of Bloor -- v nice space) Toronto, ON, CANADA M5S 2B7 (416) 922-7175 FAX: (416) 922-0739 (They do ship to the U.S.)  Samuel French, Inc/Ltd 80 Richmond Street East Toronto M5C 1P1 CANADA (416) 363-3536 9:00-5:00 Monday-Friday   5.3 CALIFORNIA  Drama Books, 134 9th Street San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 255-0604  Limelight Film & Theatre Bookstore 1803 Market, San Francisco, CA  94103 (415) 864-2265  Samuel French, Inc/Ltd 7623 Sunset Blvd Hollywood, CA 90045 (213) 876-0570 (FAX 213-876-6822) Call for hours  Samuel French, Inc/Ltd 11963 Ventura Blvd Studio City, CA 91604 (818) 762-0535 Call for hours   5.4 WASHINGTON, D.C.  Backstage Books 21st & P Streets N.W. Washington, DC   5.5 BOSTON  Bakers Plays 100 Chauncey St. Boston,MA 02111 Tel.(617)482-1280   5.6 CHICAGO  Act I Bookstore - 312-348-6757 2632 North Lincoln Chicago, IL 60614  Aspidistra Bookshop - 312-549-3129 2630 North Clark Chicago, IL 60614  Aspidistra Annex - 312-549-7867 3250 North Lincoln Chicago, IL 60657  Barbara's Bookstore (5 Locations) 1) 312-642-5044 1350 North Wells Chicago, IL 60610  2) 312-477-0411 3130 North Broadway Chicago, IL 60657  3) 312-664-1113 1800 North Clybourn Chicago, IL 60614  4) 708-848-9140 1100 Lake Street Oak Park, IL 60301  5) 312-258-8007 2 North Riverside Plaza Chicago, IL 60606  Scenes Coffee House & Dramatists Bookstore 312-525-1107 3168 North Clark Chicago, IL 60657  Source: Act One Reports - published by Act One Bookstore tri-annually  Powell's Bookstore [NETB] 1501 E. 57th St. (312) 955-7780 Daily 9am-11pm  O'Gara and Wilson Booksellers [NETB] 1311 E. 57th St. (312) 752-2555 Mon-Sat 9am-10pm, Sun Noon-10pm                     5.7 PROVIDENCE, RI  ACCIDENT OR DESIGN 128 North Main Street, Providence RI 02903 401-455-0050 OPEN MON-SAT 10-10, 12 -6 SUNDAYS  Bookstore specializing in the Fine Arts, including Theatre, Film, and Performance Art.   5.8 ENGLAND   Samuel French, Inc/Ltd 52 Fitzroy Street London W1P 6JR England 071-387-9373 (FAX 071-387-2161) f9:30-5:30 Monday-Friday Samuel French play scripts and other theater books.   Offstage 37 Chalk Farm Road Camden Town London NW1 8AJ (Camden Town or Chalk Farm tube stops)  Skoob Books [NETB] 15 Sicilian Ave (Holburn stop) phone:071-404-3063  Most of the following London shops are also NETB:  The Coliseum Shop English National Opera St. Martin's Lane London WC2N 4ES    ENGLAND 071-240-0270     Opera books  Stage Door Prints  1 Cecil Court  London WC2N 4EZ ENGLAND 071-240-1683, M-F 11-6, Sat 11:30-6 Largely prints, but also books, ephemera and memorabilia on opera, music, ballet, theater, and film    Dance Books 4 Cecil Court London WC2N 4EZ ENGLAND 071-836-2314, M-Sat 11-7  Pleasures of Past Times 11 Cecil Court   London WC2N 4EZ    ENGLAND 071-836-1142, M-F 11-2:30, 3:30-5:45 Performing arts books and ephemera, including postcards, playbills,  illustrated Victorian books  Dress Circle 57 Monmouth Street London WC2H 9DG 071-240-2227, M-Sat 10-6.   Books, records and CD's of musicals and film soundtracks.  Also a ticket  agent for West End theaters.  BBC World Shop Bush House, Strand London WC2 4PH  ENGLAND 071-257-2576.   Large range of BBC World Service publications including videos and tapes of TV and radio shows.  Vintage Magazine Shop 39 Brewer Street London W1R 7HF ENGLAND 071-439-8525, M-Sat 10-7    Stage and film magazines and some cinema and theater books.  Museum of the Moving Image Bookshop National Film Theatre South Bank London SE1 8XT ENGLAND 071-928-3535, M-Sun  10-6   Check out the museum as well.  Royal National Theatre Bookshop Ground Floor Foyer South Bank London, SE1 9PX ENGLAND  071-928-2033, M-Sat  10am-11pm  Waterstones Royal Festival Hall South Bank Centre London SE1 8XX ENGLAND  071-620-0403, M-Sun 11-10.   A branch of the popular chain specializing in performing arts  books and located in the South Bank complex.  The Royal Shakespeare Company Shops Barbican Centre  London EC2Y 8DS ENGLAND 071-628-3351, usually 5:45-9:15 on performance days, 12:30-9:15 on matinee days  Offstage Theatre and Film Bookshop 37 Chalk Farm Road London NW1 8AJ ENGLAND  071-485-4996, M-Sun 10-6  Upper Street Bookshop 182 Upper Street London N1 1RQ ENGLAND  071-359-3785, Tu-Sat 9:30-6   General Second hand with bias towards performing arts.  Unsworth, Rice & Coe 12 Bloomsbury Street London WC1B 3QB 071-436-9836, M-Sat 10-7, Sun 12-6 New second hand store in Bloomsbury  5.9 NETHERLANDS  International Theatre Bookshop Leidseplein 26a Amsterdam 1017 PT Netherlands Phone +31 20 6226489 Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-5pm.  Netherlands Theater Bookshop Instituut (Museum) Herengracht 168-170 tel: 623-5104 Tue-Sun 11am-5pm.    5.10 SPAIN  F.A.E., Llibres i utils de l'espectacle,  C. de Ramon i Cajal, 87 Barcelona, Spain Telefono: 213 40 98 Metro stop: Joanic closed from 2-5 in the afternoon.  5.11 FRANCE [PJS]  Librairie Bonaparte des Arts du Spectacle 31 rue Bonaparte PARIS  75006 +  Librairie du Spectacle Garnier Arnoul 5, rue de Montfacon PARIS  75006 +  Le Coupe-Papier 19 rue de l'Odeon PARIS  75006 +  Coup de Theatre 7 rue des Moulins PARIS  75001 +  Librairie Theatrale 3 rue Marivaux, PARIS  75002 +  and an art gallery devoted to the traces of theatrical design:  Proscenium 35 rue de Seine PARIS  75006 +   --  Andrew Ku                             |   [email protected]               |    "And what are you that live     [email protected]           |     with Lucifer?"  | 
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