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Message-ID:[email protected]> X-Last-Updated: 2000/01/30 Newsgroups: Sender: tittle From: Cindy Tittle Moore <[email protected]> Subject: rec.pets.dogs: Complete List of Dog-Related Acronyms X-No-Archive: Yes Date: 14 Feb 2009 06:13:27 GMT Archive-name: dogs-faq/acronym-list URL: Last-modified: 30 Jan 1900 ======= There are many FAQ's available for this group. For a complete listing of these, get the "Complete List of RPD FAQs". This article is posted bimonthly in rec.pets.dogs, and is available via anonymous ftp to under pub/usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/faq-list, via the Web at, or via email by sending your message to [email protected] with send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/faq-list in the body of the message. This article is Copyright 1997 by the Author(s) listed below. It may be freely distributed on the Internet in its entirety without alteration provided that this copyright notice is not removed. It may NOT reside at another website (use links, please) other than the URL listed above without the permission of the Author(s). This article may not be sold for profit nor incorporated in other documents without he Author(s)'s permission and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ========== Dog Fanciers' Acronym List Originally inspired by a list compiled by Kathleen O'Donnell on OBED-L (now OBED-COMP) that had substantial corrections and clarifications suggested by Stacy Pober. Overall organization, webification and additional/updated material by Cindy Tittle Moore. Copyright 1996 by CTM. _________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents * Comments * Organizations * Flyball Titles * Agility Titles * Obedience Titles * Schutzhund * AKC herding titles * Herding titles - AHBA (American Herding Breeds Association) * Herding titles - ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) * Field trials - AKC, CKC * Go To Ground/Terrier Trials/Tests * Coursing titles - ASFA (American Sighthound Field Association) * Coursing titles - AKC * Coursing titles - NAOFA (North American Open Field Association) * Coursing titles - NACA (North American Coursing Association) * Hunt Test Titles * Working certificates (breed clubs) * Miscellaneous titles * Breed acronyms * Other Dog-Related Acronyms * Conversational acronyms _________________________________________________________________ Comments This list primarily deals with acronyms and references for dog fanciers. There are many other lists available for other general acronyms and emoticons, which you should consult. These include: * Also... 1. All titles are suffixes to a dog's registered name if not otherwise noted. 2. Acronyms listed alphabetically, except herding titles, which are in order of difficulty. __________________________________________________________ Organizations AAC Agility Association of Canada AKC American Kennel Club CKC Canadian Kennel Club NADAC North American Dog Agility Council UKC United Kennel Club (USA) USDAA United States Dog Agility Association __________________________________________________________ Flyball Titles FD Flyball Dog FDX Flyball Dog Excellent FDCh Flyball Dog Champion FM Flyball Master FMX Flyball Master Excellent FMCh Flyball Master Champion ONYX Award (named after first recipient) based on points earned FGDCh Flyball Grand Champion __________________________________________________________ Agility Titles AX Agility Excellent (AKC) MX Master Agility Excellent (AKC) NA Novice Agility (AKC) OA Open Agility (AKC) NAJ Novice Jumper With Weaves (AKC) OAJ Open Jumper With Weaves (AKC) AXJ Excellent Jumper With Weaves (AKC) MXJ Master Jumper With Weaves (AKC) U-AGI Agility I (UKC) U-AGII Agility II (UKC) U-ACH Agility Champion (UKC) U-ACHX Agility Champion Excellent (UKC) AD Agility Dog (USDAA) VAD Veteran Agility Dog (USDAA) VAAD Veteran Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA) VMAD Veteran Master Agility Dog (USDAA) VS Veterans Snooker VJ Veterans Jumper VG Veterans Gambler VPD Veteran Performance Dog AAD Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA) MAD Master Agility Dog (USDAA) SM Snooker Master (USDAA) GM Gambler Master (USDAA) PM Pairs Master (USDAA) JM Jumpers Master (USDAA) ADCH Agility Dog Champion (USDAA) ADC Agility Dog of Canada (AAC) AADC Advanced Agility Dog of Canada (AAC) MADC Master Agility Dog of Canada (AAC) O-, S- Outstanding, Superior Peformance, prefixed to any NADAC title NAC, NAC-V, NAC-JH Novice Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) OAC, OAC-V, OAC-JH Open Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) EAC, EAC-V, EAC-JH Elite Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) NGC, NGC-V, NCG-JH Novice Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) OGC, OGC-V, OCG-JH Open Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) EGC, EGC-V, ECG-JH Elite Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) NJC, NJC-V, NJC-JH Novice Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) OJC, OJC-V, OJC-JH Open Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) EJC, EJC-V, EJC-JH Elite Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) NATCh Agility Trial Champion (NADAC) __________________________________________________________ Obedience Titles CD Companion Dog (AKC, CKC) CDX Companion Dog Excellent (AKC, CKC) CT Champion Tracker (a dog with a TD, TDX and VST) (AKC) OTCh Obedience Trial Champion (prefix) (AKC, CKC) TD Tracking Dog (AKC, CKC) TDX Tracking Dog Excellent (AKC, CKC) U-CD Companion Dog (prefix) (UKC) U-CDX Companion Dog Excellent (prefix) (UKC) U-UD Utility Dog (prefix) (UKC) UD Utility Dog (AKC, CKC) UDT Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog title (AKC) UDTX Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog Excellent title (AKC) UDX Utility Dog Excellent (AKC) UDVST Utility Dog title with a Variable Surface Tracking title (AKC) VST Variable Surface Tracking (AKC) NOTE 1: The AKC OTCh is much different and more difficult to achieve than the Canadian (CKC) OTCh. The CKC OTCh is equivalent to getting a Canadian UD. In other words the CKC UD = CKC OTCh. NOTE 2: There are no combined titles for dogs with UDX and other tracking titles. NOTE 3: The Champion Tracker title is not a competitively earned title and does not figure into Dual or Triple Champion titles. (The OTCH can be the third CH in a Triple, though.) __________________________________________________________ Schutzhund AD 12 1/2 mile endurance run (can move from the other category) B German equiv. of a CD and CGC test in one SchH I, SchH II, SchH III comprising three phases -tracking,obedience and protection. dog must pass all three phases to earn title FH advanced tracking title (comparable to TDX) WH watchdog title KKL Koer'd means the dog is certified as eligible for breeding under the German breed survey system __________________________________________________________ AKC herding titles HCH Herding Champion (prefix) HI Herding Intermediate HS Herding Started HT Herding Tested HX Herding Excellent PT Pre-trial Tested __________________________________________________________ Herding titles - AHBA (American Herding Breeds Association) HCT Herding Capable Tested * HTD1 Herding Trial Dog, first level * HTD2 Herding Trial Dog, second level * HTD3 Herding Trial Dog, third level JHD Junior Herd Dog * The official AHBA HTD title can have up to 4 suffixes: -d for ducks; -s for sheep; -g for goats; or -c for cattle. The title will always have at least one of these suffixes. __________________________________________________________ Herding titles - ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) * ATD Advanced Trial Dog * OTD Open Trial Dog RD Ranch Dog (dog has been evaluated by a judge while doing its routine farm tasks & certified to be a useful working dog) * STD Started Trial Dog WTCH Working Trial Champion (prefix) (dog has earned ATD on all 3 types of stock) * Always with suffix -s, -d, -c to indicate title earned on sheep, ducks or cattle. Titles earned separately on each type of stock. __________________________________________________________ Field trials - AKC, CKC AFC Amateur Field Champion, (prefix) (must be owner handled) CFC Canadian Field Champion, (prefix) CAFC Canadian Amateur Field Champion, (prefix) FC Field champion, (prefix) (can be professional handler, open class) FD Field Dog (pointing, CKC) FDJ Field Dog Junior (pointing, CKC) FDX Field Dog Excellent (pointing, CKC) NFC National Field Champion, (prefix) __________________________________________________________ Go To Ground/Terrier Trials/Tests JE Junior Earthdog (AKC) ME Master Earthdog (AKC) SE Senior Earthdog (AKC) NOTE 1: AWTA Titles and other Terrier titles missing. __________________________________________________________ Coursing titles - ASFA (American Sighthound Field Association) F.Ch. Field Champion LCM Lure Courser of Merit LCM2 Lure Courser of Merit 2 (has met the requirements for LCM twice over. LCM3, LCM4, etc. are also available) __________________________________________________________ Coursing titles - AKC JC Junior Courser (suffix) SC Senior Courser (suffix) F.Ch. Field Champion (prefix) __________________________________________________________ Coursing titles - NAOFA (North American Open Field Association) CC Coursing Champion CM Courser of Merit __________________________________________________________ Coursing titles - NACA (North American Coursing Association) NACC NACA Coursing Champion NACM NACA Courser of Merit __________________________________________________________ Hunt Test Titles GMHR Grand Master Hunting Retriever (NAHRA) JH Junior Hunter (AKC) SH Senior Hunter (AKC) SR Started Retriever (NAHRA) MH Master Hunter (AKC) MHR Master Hunting Retriever (NAHRA) WR Working Retriever (NAHRA) NAHRA titles incomplete, need UKC/HRC titles too. __________________________________________________________ Working certificates (breed clubs) WAC Working Aptitude Certificate (Doberman Pincher Club of America) WC Working Certificate (various breed clubs, differs) WCI Working Certificate Intermediate (various breed clubs, differs) WCX Working Certificate Excellent (various breed clubs, differs) WD Working dog (American Chesapeake Club, ACC) WDX Working dog excellent (ACC) WDQ working dog qualified (ACC) WD Water dog (Newfoundland Club of America, NCA) WRD Water rescue dog (NCA) DD Draft dog (NCA) TDD Team draft dog (NCA) VN Versatile Newfoundland (NCA) American Water Spaniels SD Started Dog (American Water Spaniel Club -- AWSC) WD Working Dog (AWSC) WDX Working Dog Excellent (AWSC) WDS Working Dog Superior JWD Junior Working Dog (American Water Spaniel Field Assoc. -- AWSFA) SWD Senior Working Dog (AWSFA) MWD Master Working Dog (AWSFA) __________________________________________________________ Miscellaneous titles CG Certificate of Gameness (American Working Terrier Assn) CGC Canine Good Citizen Certificate CH Champion (prefix) HIC Herding Instinct Certified TD Therapy Dog TDI Therapy Dog International TT Temperment Tested by ATTS (or other official organizations) __________________________________________________________ Breed acronyms BC Border Collie CBR Chesapeake Bay Retriever CCR Curly-coated Retriever FCR Flat-coated Retriever GD Great Dane GR Golden Retriever GSD German Shepherd Dog GSP German Shorthaired Pointer GWP German Wirehaired Pointer LR Labrador Retriever OES Old English Sheepdog PBGV Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen PWC Pembroke Welsh Corgi __________________________________________________________ Other Dog-Related Acronyms ACVO American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists BJ Broad Jump or Bar Jump (context) CERF Canine Eye Registry Foundation DJ Directed Jumping DOR Drop on Recall F8 Figure Eight HD Hip Displasia (sometimes CHD) ILP AKC Indefinite Listing Privilege for unpapered purebreds LP UKC's Listing Privilege for unpapered purebreds/mixed breeds OFA Orthopedic Foundation for Animals ROF Retrieve on the Flat ROH Retrieve over the High Jump ROM Register of Merit __________________________________________________________ Conversational acronyms BTW By The Way FAQ Frequently Asked Questions IMHO In My Honest Opinion LOL Laughing out Loud OTOH On The Other Hand ROTF Rolling on the Floor (amusement) _________________________________________________________________ Acronym List FAQ Cindy Tittle Moore, [email protected] Hosted by K9 WEB
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