From [email protected] Sun Feb 12 22:46:49 1995 Status: RO Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Wesley Dane ScottNewsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.robotics,,sci.electronics,sci.engr,sci.engr.biomed,sci.engr.civil,sci.engr.control,sci.engr.manufacturing,sci.engr.mech Subject: RFD: comp.robotics.research moderated, comp.robotics.misc Followup-To: news.groups Date: 12 Feb 1995 22:22:21 -0500 Organization: Texas A&M Lines: 178 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: is1.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6279 news.groups:134117 comp.robotics:18106 sci.electronics:119546 sci.engr:13641 sci.engr.biomed:3512 sci.engr.civil:6372 sci.engr.control:4343 sci.engr.manufacturing:4041 sci.engr.mech:11617 Summary: RFD for new group, comp.robotics.research [moderated], with worldwide distribution, intended for the discussion of university, government, and industrial research in the field of robotics. Includes renaming comp.robotics to comp.robotics.misc. REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION: This is a formal request for discussion (RFD) for the creation of the moderated newsgroup comp.robotics.research. This request is being cross-posted to: news.announce.newgroups sci.engr news.groups sci.engr.biomed comp.robotics sci.engr.civil sci.engr.control sci.engr.manufacturing sci.electronics sci.engr.mech Followups are directed to news.groups. This formal request for discussion takes place following an informal discussion period that took place last fall in the comp.robotics group that included suggestions from several parties, an open debate of the issues, and an informal straw poll showing support for the creation of the proposed group. This request also follows a September 1994 request for an unmoderated comp.robotics.research that was sent to, but returned by the moderator of news.announce.newgroups because Usenet policy dictates *.research groups be moderated. This request has been updated a second time at the request of the news.announce.newgroups moderator to include the conversion of comp.robotics to a hierarchy from a group renaming the current comp.robotics to comp.robotics.misc. Guidance on this proposal has also came from [email protected]. PROPOSAL: The two parts of this proposal are INDEPENDENT and will be voted on SEPARATELY. Part 1 Create a newgroup comp.robotics.research ------------------------------------------------ Group: The proposed group is comp.robotics.research [moderated]. Distribution: World Summary line: Discussion of ongoing research in robotics Charter: comp.robotics.research [moderated] is for the discussion of ongoing and proposed university, government, and industrial research in the field of robotics. Appropriate material includes short presentations and discussions of significant research results, requests for collaboration on research projects, descriptions of ongoing research projects, Requests for Proposals, Calls for Papers, Conference and short course announcements, announcements of position vacancies, and announcements of the availability of materials at Gopher, WWW, and FTP sites. Moderation Policy: Articles will be: 1) accepted, as is 2) accepted, with revisions 3) declined, but encouraged to be resubmitted 4) declined It is expected that the article acceptance rate will be higher than the 20 percent commonly found in the typical journal. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection, but articles will not be returned, in order to eliminate unnecessary traffic. Moderation Procedure: Two individuals have come forward who are willing and able to serve as co-moderators of the proposed group. The use of co-moderators should insure that articles are processed in a timely manner regardless of personal conflicts affecting one of the moderators. Further, both moderators are willing to serve as sole moderator until a new co-moderator is found if the other moderator becomes permanently unable to fulfill the role of co-moderator. When both moderators are available (that is, usually), moderation will alternate on a weekly basis. The transfer of moderation duties will be transparent to readers and posters in all cases. Moderators: Martin Boyer . Martin Boyer is working at the Robotics Division of the Hydro-Quebec Research Institute (near Montreal, Canada). He is currently managing the long-term research within the Division. As such, he is a member of several working committees, within and outside of Hydro-Quebec. He is also responsible for Hydro-Quebec's share of the Telerobotic Development Systems (TDS) project. This five year project unites four industrial and academic partners in the development of three robotic testbeds; one for the manipulation of large objects, one for micro-fabrication, and the last one for research in direct-drive robots. Mr. Boyer's main interests are the workspace optimization of telemanipulators, and human factors in force-feedback systems. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering (McGill, 1983) and a Master's Degree, also in Electrical Engineering (McGill, 1988). He has been with the Hydro-Quebec Research Institute since 1985. Iain Shigeoka Iain Shigeoka is a first year masters student at the University of Kansas. He has completed a BS in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and a BA in Psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Mr. Shigeoka is currently working in the Kansas Augmented Telerobotics laboratory which is equipped with a pair of Kraft Telerobotic arms. Although he has not committed to a research project yet, there are strong indications that he will be doing research in remote operations, semi-autonomous telerobotic controls, or telerobotic vision systems in the near future. As co-moderators of comp.robotics.research, both Mr. Boyer and Mr. Shigeoka would be acting as individuals, not as representatives or agents for their respective Internet sites or other organizations in which they may participate. Part 2 Rename comp.robotics ---------------------------- Group: rename comp.robotics to comp.robotics.misc The summary line, distribution and charter of the new group comp.robotics.misc would be unchanged from those currently in existence for comp.robotics. This change is solely for the purpose of maintaining the structure of the name space. Proposed by: Wesley Scott Dean Hougen Martin Boyer Iain Shigeoka All aspects of the proposal are still open for debate and discussion. All useful suggestions are welcomed. PROCEDURE: This RFD is being issued in concordance with the guidelines set in the "How to create a new Usenet newsgroup" FAQ regularly posted to news.announce.newgroups ("Guidelines for USENET Group Creation, David C Lawrence , last modified 18 Jan 1995). Please refer to this article if you have any questions about the newsgroup creation. The public discussion period will last a maximum of 30 days after this RFD has been posted. If, after the discussion period, it has been determined that this new group is really desired, and the name, charter, and moderator(s) are agreed upon, a Call for Votes will be posted to news.announce.newgroups and to the other groups to which this RFD was cross-posted. Votes will then be collected by a neutral third-party vote-taker from the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV). The two parts of the proposal 1) create comp.robotics.research and 2) rename comp.robotics to comp.robotics.misc will be voted on SEPARATELY. Each part passing or failing INDEPENDENTLY on its own merits, although both parts of the proposal will be contained in the same Call for Votes (CFV). This message will be reposted in approximately two weeks. From [email protected] Fri Apr 7 14:53:35 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.robotics,,sci.electronics,sci.engr,sci.engr.biomed,sci.engr.civil,sci.engr.control,sci.engr.manufacturing,sci.engr.mech Subject: CFV: comp.robotics.{misc,research} Followup-To: poster Date: 7 Apr 1995 13:57:57 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 93 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 7 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6577 news.groups:143878 comp.robotics:19810 sci.electronics:127400 sci.engr:15357 sci.engr.biomed:4102 sci.engr.civil:7891 sci.engr.control:5139 sci.engr.manufacturing:4983 sci.engr.mech:13492 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) unmoderated group comp.robotics.misc moderated group comp.robotics.research Newsgroups lines: comp.robotics.misc All aspects of robots and their applications. comp.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 6 May 1995. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions only contact Steve Bonine . For questions about the proposed group contact Wesley Scott . CHARTERS comp.robotics.research [moderated] is for the discussion of ongoing and proposed university, government, and industrial research in the field of robotics. Appropriate material includes short presentations and discussions of significant research results, requests for collaboration on research projects, descriptions of ongoing research projects, and new or unique equipment, Requests for Proposals, Calls for Papers, Conference and short course announcements, announcements of position vacancies, and announcements of the availability of materials at Gopher, WWW, and FTP sites. comp.robotics.misc (replaces comp.robotics) The summary line, distribution and charter of the new group comp.robotics.misc would be unchanged from those currently in existence for comp.robotics. This change is solely for the purpose of maintaining the structure of the name space. MODERATOR INFORMATION (comp.robotics.research) Martin Boyer . Iain Shigeoka (crr stands for comp.robotics.research): Submissions: [email protected] Meta-discussions: [email protected] RATIONALE The current group comp.robotics caters to those people who are interested in robotics as a hobby or who are building small robots as a learning experience. The needs of these people (introductory electronics and small parts sources) are different from the needs of the researcher who is pursuing a project with a larger budget. A separate group specifically targeted at the researcher is needed to complement the current group. comp.robotics.research is the appropriate group to complement the current comp.robotics. Renaming comp.robotics to comp.robotics.misc would put the group in compliance with the current policy for naming groups promulgated by group-advice. HOW TO VOTE Send MAIL to: [email protected] Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list. -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- comp.robotics.{misc,research} Ballot (Don't remove this marker) Please give your real name here: [Your Vote] Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] comp.robotics.misc (replaces comp.robotics) [ ] comp.robotics.research -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly. Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list. From [email protected] Tue Apr 18 22:42:37 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.robotics,,sci.electronics,sci.engr,sci.engr.biomed,sci.engr.civil,sci.engr.control,sci.engr.manufacturing,sci.engr.mech Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.robotics.{misc,research} Supersedes: Followup-To: poster Date: 18 Apr 1995 21:17:35 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 106 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 7 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6645 news.groups:145259 comp.robotics:20128 sci.electronics:128875 sci.engr:15529 sci.engr.biomed:4180 sci.engr.civil:8158 sci.engr.control:5249 sci.engr.manufacturing:5138 sci.engr.mech:13809 LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) unmoderated group comp.robotics.misc moderated group comp.robotics.research Newsgroups lines: comp.robotics.misc All aspects of robots and their applications. comp.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 6 May 1995. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions only contact Steve Bonine . For questions about the proposed group contact Wesley Scott . CHARTERS comp.robotics.research [moderated] is for the discussion of ongoing and proposed university, government, and industrial research in the field of robotics. Appropriate material includes short presentations and discussions of significant research results, requests for collaboration on research projects, descriptions of ongoing research projects, and new or unique equipment, Requests for Proposals, Calls for Papers, Conference and short course announcements, announcements of position vacancies, and announcements of the availability of materials at Gopher, WWW, and FTP sites. comp.robotics.misc (replaces comp.robotics) The summary line, distribution and charter of the new group comp.robotics.misc would be unchanged from those currently in existence for comp.robotics. This change is solely for the purpose of maintaining the structure of the name space. MODERATOR INFORMATION (comp.robotics.research) Martin Boyer . Iain Shigeoka (crr stands for comp.robotics.research): Submissions: [email protected] Meta-discussions: [email protected] RATIONALE The current group comp.robotics caters to those people who are interested in robotics as a hobby or who are building small robots as a learning experience. The needs of these people (introductory electronics and small parts sources) are different from the needs of the researcher who is pursuing a project with a larger budget. A separate group specifically targeted at the researcher is needed to complement the current group. comp.robotics.research is the appropriate group to complement the current comp.robotics. Renaming comp.robotics to comp.robotics.misc would put the group in compliance with the current policy for naming groups promulgated by group-advice. HOW TO VOTE You must send MAIL to [email protected]. (Posting in a newsgroup does not constitute a vote.) Just replying to this article should work unless you are reading it on a mailing list, but please check the TO address. Please remove text before the marker line below. Voting mail is archived by the votetakers, and hundreds of copies of the entire CFV wastes space. Type your vote of YES or NO for each group on the line for that group. If you do not wish to vote for a group, simply leave that line alone. You need not worry about quoting characters which your mailer inserts. Please type YES or NO, not Y, N, or X. The votes are tabulated by a program, and a valid vote is defined as the word YES or NO on the same line as the name of the group. -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- comp.robotics.{misc,research} Ballot (Don't remove this marker) Please give your real name here: [Your Vote] Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] comp.robotics.misc (replaces comp.robotics) [ ] comp.robotics.research -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly. Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list. No acknowledgements for this vote have bounced as of April 18. From [email protected] Mon May 8 18:46:10 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.robotics,,sci.electronics,sci.engr,sci.engr.biomed,sci.engr.civil,sci.engr.control,sci.engr.manufacturing,sci.engr.mech Subject: RESULT: comp.robotics.{misc,research} pass {163:30,177:18} Supersedes: Followup-To: news.groups Date: 8 May 1995 13:18:04 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 286 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6794 news.groups:148341 comp.robotics:20715 sci.electronics:131710 sci.engr:16033 sci.engr.biomed:4352 sci.engr.civil:8629 sci.engr.control:5517 sci.engr.manufacturing:5432 sci.engr.mech:14505 RESULT moderated group comp.robotics.research passes 177:18 unmoderated group comp.robotics.misc (replaces comp.robotics) passes 163:30 Yes No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : ------------------------------------------- 163 30 : Yes Yes : Yes : comp.robotics.misc (replaces comp.robotics) 177 18 : Yes Yes : Yes : comp.robotics.research 4 invalid votes For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes. There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted. If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the groups shortly thereafter. The superseded group (comp.robotics) will be removed in three months. Newsgroups lines: comp.robotics.misc All aspects of robots and their applications. comp.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. (Moderated) Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 6 May 1995. This vote was conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions only contact Steve Bonine . For questions about the proposed group contact Wesley Scott . CHARTERS comp.robotics.research [moderated] is for the discussion of ongoing and proposed university, government, and industrial research in the field of robotics. Appropriate material includes short presentations and discussions of significant research results, requests for collaboration on research projects, descriptions of ongoing research projects, and new or unique equipment, Requests for Proposals, Calls for Papers, Conference and short course announcements, announcements of position vacancies, and announcements of the availability of materials at Gopher, WWW, and FTP sites. comp.robotics.misc (replaces comp.robotics) The summary line, distribution and charter of the new group comp.robotics.misc would be unchanged from those currently in existence for comp.robotics. This change is solely for the purpose of maintaining the structure of the name space. MODERATOR INFORMATION (comp.robotics.research) Martin Boyer . Iain Shigeoka (crr stands for comp.robotics.research): Submissions: [email protected] Meta-discussions: [email protected] comp.robotics.{misc,research} Final Vote Ack comp.robotics.research ----+ comp.robotics.misc (replaces comp.robotics) ---+| || Peter Umgelte YY [email protected] Bram de Smit YY [email protected] Aaron Priven Y- [email protected] Michael S. Miner YN [email protected] Andy Clegg YY [email protected] Jonathan E. Adair YY [email protected] Colin Leech YY [email protected] Stanley J. Hiller YY [email protected] Alexandros Moukas YY [email protected] Vincent Archer N- [email protected] Ken Arromdee N- [email protected] Jim Ault YY [email protected] Kenneth Baker YY [email protected] Balaji NN [email protected] Barry L. Brumitt YY [email protected] B.J. Herbison Y- [email protected] Blake Hannaford YY [email protected] Benjamin Lee NY [email protected] Bill Bluethmann YY [email protected] Bruce Mack YY [email protected] Brad Nelson YY [email protected] Robert G. Bonitz YY [email protected] Niels Olof Bouvin YY [email protected] Brian Quinion YY [email protected] YY [email protected] Herman Bruyninckx YY [email protected] D. L. Mosher NY [email protected] Carl Van Geem YY [email protected] Stefano Caselli YY [email protected] Champoussin Olivier YY [email protected] Thomas M. Cicatelli NN [email protected] CLINTON LASKOWSKI YY [email protected] Chuck Mcmanis YY [email protected] Jefferson A. Coelho Jr. YY [email protected] JACQUES COTE YY [email protected] Alain Croteau YY [email protected] Kenneth Crouch -- [email protected] Michiel Wijers NN [email protected] Bob Curtis YY [email protected] Christopher Ward NN [email protected] Damir Smitlener YY [email protected] Dan Rothschild YY [email protected] David Wren YY [email protected] Darren Dawson YY [email protected] Decker428 YY [email protected] Ditmars Veinbachs YY [email protected] Damian M. Lyons YY [email protected] Dongil Shin YY [email protected] Michel Doyon YY [email protected] David Legge YY [email protected] Etienne Marc Marcoux YY [email protected] Eric R. Garbos YY [email protected] Egil Kvaleberg NN [email protected] Emmet Spier YY [email protected] Evan Rosen YY [email protected] Denis Faucher YY [email protected] Steffen Foerster YY [email protected] Olac Fuentes YY [email protected] Gautam Guliani YY [email protected] Gerhard C. Streuding YY [email protected] Giancarlo Borgonovi YY [email protected] Pierre Girard YY [email protected] Greg Black YY [email protected] Scott Matthew Goeken YY [email protected] Kiran Wagle YY [email protected] Guillermo Heredia YY [email protected] Huseyin Cagri Gurses YY [email protected] Deirdre Hamilton YY [email protected] Frank Haymes NN [email protected] Chris Rose YY [email protected] Iain Shigeoka YY [email protected] Hans Tangelder YY [email protected] Jacob George YY [email protected] Jan Nielsen YY [email protected] Jeff Murphy NN [email protected] Jeffrey David Cohen NY [email protected] James D. Almand YY [email protected] Juan Domingo YY [email protected] merlet YY [email protected] Jean Cote NY [email protected] Jeremy Wyatt YY [email protected] Jim Jewett Y- [email protected] Jaime Fernandez YY [email protected] Julio K. Rosenblatt YY [email protected] jason almeter YY [email protected] Johan Forsberg YY [email protected] John Demiris YY [email protected] Trevor Tymchuk NY [email protected] Jorge Codina NY [email protected] Joseph Barbey YY [email protected] Sudish Joseph YY [email protected] John R. MacWilliamson NN [email protected] John-David Yoder NN [email protected] Kalle Pihlajasaari YY [email protected] Ed Katz YY [email protected] Alan Kilian YY [email protected] Kim DeVaughn YY [email protected] Kimmo Ketolainen +358 40 500 2957 YY [email protected] Yasuhiro Kouchi YY [email protected] Martin Schr"oder YY [email protected] Bengt Lidgard YY [email protected] Luis A. Rodriguez YY [email protected] Bill Lye YY [email protected] Mark W. Spong YY [email protected] Martin YY [email protected] Martin P. Aalund YY [email protected] Tom Thornton YY [email protected] Maria DeJesus YY [email protected] Mark Alexander YY [email protected] Matt Berkemeier YY [email protected] Martin Boyer YY [email protected] Markus Freericks YY [email protected] Mike Hatz YY [email protected] Michel Pelletier NY [email protected] Miles Abernathy YY [email protected] Milos Zefran YY [email protected] Mario Klebsch YY [email protected] Murali Krishna -Y [email protected] Moises Lejter YY [email protected] M Mike Taksar -- [email protected] Patrick Mongenot YY [email protected] David YY [email protected] Chris Stamper -Y [email protected] Mike Spratling YY [email protected] Michael Sattler YY [email protected] Marge Skubic YY [email protected] J. Mulligan YY [email protected] Nick Costescu YY [email protected] Nick Ingegneri NY [email protected] Norbert Glaser YY [email protected] -Y [email protected] david parsons NY [email protected] George Osmolski YY [email protected] M. "I, Robot" Otto -- [email protected] Dinesh Pai YY [email protected] phil reed YY [email protected] Paul Hoffman YY [email protected] Peter Corke YN [email protected] Joel Plutchak YY [email protected] Vadim Polyakov YY [email protected] A. Polzer YY [email protected] Paul Qualtrough YY [email protected] Bart Provo. YY [email protected] YY [email protected] Sean J ORourke YY [email protected] Rebecca Drayer YY [email protected] Shaun Price NY [email protected] Alexander Rausch YY [email protected] Roger Hertz YY [email protected] Regis Houde YY [email protected] Ryan Waldron NN [email protected] Ralf Gutsche YY [email protected] Rich Howe YY [email protected] Richard Goodwin YY [email protected] Richard Reeve YY [email protected] Richard Miller NN [email protected] Francesco Riti YY [email protected] Robert McCartney YY [email protected] Robin Hartley YY [email protected] Robert P. Smith NY [email protected] Richard Steven Walz ([email protected]) NY [email protected] Dan Thies YY [email protected] Markus Rude -Y [email protected] J. Rufinus YY [email protected] Russell Campbell YY [email protected] rodrigo vanegas YY [email protected] Rhys Winn YY [email protected] Sameer M. Prabhu YY [email protected] Sandra Pinto Clara do Carmo Gadannho -Y [email protected] Massimo Savini YY [email protected] Jody McIntyre YY [email protected] Soumitra Sengupta YY [email protected] Alan Chan YY [email protected] Lynda L. True YY [email protected] Olivier SIGAUD YY [email protected] Simon Lacroix -Y [email protected] Simon Perkins YY [email protected] Stephen Joseph Smith YY [email protected] sarva YY [email protected] Dwight Brown NN [email protected] Stephen Stanford NN [email protected] Stephane Gagnon YY [email protected] Steve Cohan YY [email protected] Christina Craft YN [email protected] James Kiley YY [email protected] Tom Brusehaver NN [email protected] David H. Thornley YY [email protected] Tim Hubberstey YY [email protected] Thomas G. Murphy YY [email protected] Deepak Tolani YY [email protected] Tom Dickens NY [email protected] Eddie Tunstel YY [email protected] Paolo Valigi YY [email protected] Jean Lavallie YY [email protected] Risto Widenius NN [email protected] William Patrick Comer YY [email protected] Wesley Scott -Y [email protected] Craig Wyllie YY [email protected] Brian Yamauchi YY [email protected] Yavuz BATMAZ YY [email protected] Ken Zagzebski YY [email protected] Jeffrey M. Odom YY [email protected] OSCAR GONZALEZ SORDO YY Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected] ! No vote statement in message [email protected] Bryan Greenway ! No ballot [email protected] Jonathan Beck ! No vote statement in message [email protected] Russ Shearer ! Invalid address