From [email protected] Tue Jul 28 17:53:48 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2579 news.groups:54764 alt.models:2146 rec.models.railroad:1466 rec.models.rc:10028 rec.models.rockets:5035
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.models,rec.models.railroad,rec.models.rc,rec.models.rockets
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Randy J. Ray)
Subject: RFD: rec.models.scale
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: US WEST Communications, Inc. -- Denver, CO
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1992 20:53:24 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 95

I would like to open a Request For Discussion on a group to be named 
rec.models.scale, to discuss the various aspects of scale modeling. While there
exist groups such as rec.models.rc and rec.models.railroad, their specific
nature leave many hobbyists excluded from the majority of discussions (all, in
some cases). The group I propose is meant to exist in place with the current
rec.models.* groups. I have included a rough draft, tentative charter below as
a starting point for discussion. I would like discussion and revision of the
charter to take place for at least 3 weeks, and no more than 4 weeks, before a
vote will be taken. Thank you.

                  Proposed Charter for rec.models.scale

The designated purpose of this group is to discuss the hobby of scale
modeling. Within this realm is included static (display) models, radio-
controlled models built to specific designs, railroad modeling, model
rocketry, and many other aspects. However, the scope of this group is
restricted to construction techniques and issues, discussion of materials
and kits, discussion of local, national, and international events, and
other topics that pertain to the general hobby of craftsmanship. This
group is not a forum for discussion of controls (radio or remote), for
discussion of performance of RC engines, rocket motors, or any other
subject that, while part of a modeling-related hobby, does not pertain
to craft skills. This group is meant to, among it's primary purposes,
augment the existing rec.models.* groups by providing a forum for the
reader that is more directed towards "How do I do this?" rather than
"Brand X motors only deliver half the promised power." While modeling
is generally associated with plastic kits and IPMS (the International
Plastic Modeler's Society), this group will not be affliated with IPMS,
nor will it be limited to plastic modeling.


1) The group will be unmoderated.

2) The group will be under the existing rec.models hierarchy, and exist
to provide discussion in areas not generally covered by rec.models.railroad,
rec.models.rc, or rec.models.rockets.

3) Any discussion pertaining to craftsmanship, review of materials or
kits, events pertaining to the hobby, events such as air exhibits that
pertain to original subjects modeled, or request for information about
any aforementioned subject, is welcomed. Subjects such as comparisons of
motors for functional models, or engines for flying rockets or aircraft,
is discouraged. "Help needed trying to mount Brand X engine in my home-
built model plane" is within this sphere, where "Brand Y remote system
doesn't work 20 feet away" is more suited for rec.models.rc, as a
question about the proposed NMRA (National Model Railroad Association)
Control Standard, which deals not with the construction and painting of
the models, but rather with the controlling of operational models, is
outside the sphere.

4) The forum is not sanctioned by, recognized by, or in anyway associated
with the International Plastic Modelers' Society, the National Model
Railroad Association, the Association of Military Modelers, or any such
hobby organization.

5) The forum is not devoted solely to modeling exact duplicates of hist-
orical items. Science fiction, fantasy, or any other imaginative subjects
are equally welcome. The forum recognizes that people model that which
interests them, be it a prototype F-4 Phantom II, or an entirely fictional
spacecraft. The purpose is to discuss technique, not debate selection.

6) The forum is not restricted to plastic modeling. The finest craftsmen
use those mediums which suit their task. They do not fit the task to a
specific material. Discussion of metal, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or
any other materials is within the sphere of the newsgroup.

The name rec.models.scale was chosen for several reasons:
        1) To fit within the hierarchy already established by rec.models.rc,
                rec.models.rockets, and rec.models.railroad.
        2) Because the name does not imply any bias to a specific topic
                in modeling, or a specific approach.
        3) And because all models are built to represent a specific subject
                in a display medium relative in size to the original. Even
                when the original is fictional in its own origin, there is
                still an element of scale in the fact that the model can be
                (and generally is) a different size, usually smaller, than
                the original.

Though the name rec.models.misc has been suggested, rec.models.scale 
maintains an unbiased stance while specifying that the basic subject is to
create representations of existing or fictional objects in a size (possibly)
other than the original.

Randy J. Ray -- U S WEST IT/CSD         rray@{lookout,uswat}
I'd rather talk religion with Charles Manson than discuss ethics with Congress.
     -me                                                   Phone: (303)595-2852

From [email protected] Thu Aug 20 10:09:01 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2639 news.groups:55612 alt.models:2296 rec.models.railroad:1671 rec.models.rockets:5281 rec.models.rc:10370
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.models,rec.models.railroad,rec.models.rockets,rec.models.rc
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Randy J. Ray)
Subject: CFV: rec.models.scale
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: US WEST Communications, Inc. -- Denver, CO
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1992 23:43:18 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 111

This is a call for votes on the newsgroup rec.models.scale, as discussed for
the last three weeks. At the end of this message is the charter, slightly
revised as per the discussion period. 

In order to vote, send a mail message to
[email protected] (or, if your mailer doesn't understand
domain-style addresses, ...!uunet!!mail-server),
with one of the two following lines (without the quotes) in the
Subject or body of the message:

	"vote rec.models.scale yes"
	"vote rec.models.scale no"

If your vote is received by the mail server, and if the return address
in your message is valid, you should receive an acknowledgement within
24 hours.  If you don't receive an acknowledgement, or if you have
some other problem voting, you can send mail to
[email protected] to ask for assistance.

Many thanks to Jonathan Kamens for offering his mail-server service for vote

		  Proposed Charter for rec.models.scale

The designated purpose of this group is to discuss the hobby of scale
modeling. Within this realm is included static (display) models, radio-
controlled models built to specific designs, railroad modeling, model
rocketry, and moany other aspects. However, the scope of this group is
restricted to construction techniques and issues, discussion of materials
and kits, discussion of local, national, and international events, and
other topics that pertain to the general hobby of craftsmanship. This
group is not a forum for discussion of controls (radio or remote), for
discussion of performance of RC engines, rocket motors, or any other
subject that, while part of a modeling-related hobby, does not pertain
to craft skills. This group is meant to, among it's primary purposes,
augment the existing rec.models.* groups by providing a forum for the
reader that is more directed towards "How do I do this?" rather than
"Brand X motors only deliver half the promised power." While modeling
is generally associated with plastic kits and IPMS (the International
Plastic Modeler's Society), this group will not be affliated with IPMS,
nor will it be limited to plastic modeling.


1) The group will be unmoderated.

2) The group will take a sibling position with respect to the existing
modeling groups, providing a forum that is geared specifically to 

3) Any discussion pertaining to craftsmanship, review of materials or
kits, events pertaining to the hobby, events such as air exhibits that
pertain to original subjects modeled, request for information about
any previous subject, is welcomed. Subjects such as comparisons of
motors for functional models, or engines for flying rockets or aircraft,
is discouraged. "Help needed trying to mount Brand X engine in my home-
built model plane" is within this sphere, where "Brand Y remote system
doesn't work 20 feet away" is more suited for rec.models.rc, as a
question about the proposed NMRA (National Model Railroad Association)
Control Standard, which deals not with the construction and painting of
the models, but rather with the controlling of operational models, is
outside the sphere.

4) The forum is not sanctioned by, recognized by, or in anyway associated
with the International Plastic Modelers' Society, the National Model
Railroad Association, the Association of Military Modelers, or any such
hobby organization.

5) The forum is not devoted solely to modeling exact duplicates of hist-
orical items. Science fiction, fantasy, or any other imaginative subjects
are equally welcome. The forum recognizes that people model that which
interests them, be it a prototype F-4 Phantom II, or an entirely fictional
spacecraft. The purpose is to discuss technique, not debate selection.

6) The forum is not restricted to plastic modeling. The finest craftsmen
use those mediums which suit their task. They do not fit the task to a
specific material. Discussion of metal, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or
any other materials is within the sphere of the newsgroup.

The name rec.models.scale was chosen for several reasons:
	1) To fit within the hierarchy already established by rec.models.rc,
		rec.models.rockets, and rec.models.railroad.
	2) Because the name does not imply any bias to a specific topic
		in modeling, or a specific approach.
	3) And because all models are built to represent a specific subject
		in a display medium that can be expressed as a ratio to the
		original (in some cases, this ratio is 1:1). Even when the
		 original is fictional in its own origin, there is still an
		 element of scale in the fact that the model is patterned
		 after the original.


Voting is to begin on August 19, and continue for a period of 30 days, ending
at midnight on September 18. Please mail your votes to the above address, do
not post them. Posted votes will be ignored. Please do not mail them to me, as
I have arranged for them to be handled by a third party to preclude any
appearance of impropriety.

Randy J. Ray -- U S WEST IT/CSD         rray@{lookout,uswat}
I'd rather talk religion with Charles Manson than discuss ethics with Congress.
     -me                                                   Phone: (303)595-2852

From [email protected] Fri Sep 11 11:12:34 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2714 news.groups:56439 alt.models:2375 rec.models.rc:10725 rec.models.railroad:1800
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.models,rec.models.rc,rec.models.railroad,rec.models.rocket
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Randy J. Ray)
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: rec.models.scale
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: US WEST Communications, Inc. -- Denver, CO
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1992 14:39:27 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 257

[This is a re-post. My first attempt, mailed on 9/8/92, did not seem to make
it through]

This is a second call for votes on the creation of the newsgroup
rec.models.scale. This message also contains a mas acknowledgement of votes
taken so far. The original message containing proposal and charter follows the
list of voters. If you have voted prior to midnight, September 7, please try

The voters:
Andrew Henry 
[email protected] (Lyssa)
[email protected] (Eric J. Hess)
[email protected] (Pete Akerson - akerson%[email protected])
[email protected] (Anthony Wong)
Arne Henrik Juul 
augustho%[email protected] (August Horvath)
Barney Lum 
[email protected] (Can Baycan)
Andrew Bell 
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Bingham 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian A Knutson)
[email protected] (Bob McCormick)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian Wong - SMCC Technical Product Marketing)
[email protected] (Bruce Burden)
This is a Studebaker Year 
[email protected]^I(Buzz McDermott)
[email protected] (C. D. Tavares)
Chris Anderson 
"Mike Cancellier" 
Chris Williams 
Robert Jacobson 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Daniel Zabetakis)
[email protected] (Dan McCabe)
[email protected] (Dan Sullivan)
[email protected] (Douglas A Rohn)
[email protected] (David Burd)
"Derrick J. Brashear" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
"David E. Sanders" 
[email protected] (Larry Weeks)
[email protected] (Mike Welch)
[email protected]
Rick Engelhardt 
[email protected] (Erich Selna - zork@trog for you old Sun culture fokes)
"Edward J. Rudnicki" (FSAC-SID) 
[email protected] (Alan F. Perry)
[email protected] (Elmer Beachley)
"The higher, the fewer  20-Aug-1992 1608" 
Dean P. Foster 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Geoff Arnold @ Sun BOS - R.H. coast near the top)
[email protected] (Gerald Page)
[email protected] (Doug Girling)
Goran Sedvall 
[email protected] (Kelly Hall)
John Harris 
Howard Moskovitz 
"John D. Balogh, PSU OTC, 814.863.1252" 
Takala Janne 
John G Dobnick 
[email protected] (Jim Hiebert #2)
[email protected]
[email protected]
John Mosbarger 
[email protected] (Joao Pedro Martins)
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
[email protected] (Kenn Booth II)
[email protected] (Kent Waterson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Eric J. Korpela)
Larry Hauch 
[email protected] (Dave Leland)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lynell Jackson)
[email protected] (Marc Kwiatkowski {Host Software-AIX})
Mark Storin 
Glenn McGhee 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)
[email protected] (R.Douglas)
(Mark A. Natola) 
[email protected] (Robert O'Brien)
Ola Rinta-Koski 
[email protected]
Paul Kupersmith 
[email protected] (Gopal Patnaik)
[email protected] (Paul Close)
pfile%[email protected] (Rob Pfile)
[email protected] (Pete Foss PO/46)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Paul Anderson)
[email protected] (Phil Arellano)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter Shyvers)
[email protected] (Mark Purtill)
[email protected] (Paul V. Pendred)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bob Smith)
Robert E George 
reynolds@fwapp (Brian Reynolds)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Ricky Glass)
[email protected] (Rod Miller)
[email protected] (Roger Holst)
[email protected] (Ronald Leenes)
Randy J Ray 
[email protected]
scott%[email protected] (Scott C. Sadow)
Scott Hewis 
[email protected]
Marc Moorcroft 
Steve Bellovin 
[email protected] (Dick Smith)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stu Labovitz)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tim Szeliga 
"Todd O'Connor" 
[email protected] (Matthew Velazquez)
Tom Ward 
"Sam Hill Cabal, DS" 
[email protected] (Urban)
[email protected]
[email protected] (OPIRG)
Gary Weimer 726-3370 
[email protected] (Aaron Wigley)
[email protected] (Derek Wildstar)
[email protected] (Will Scarvie x6388)
[email protected] (David Wilson)
[email protected] (Seth Wolpert)
[email protected] (W. Robert Glover)
Mike Buell 
Scott D. Young 
[email protected]

The original CFV:

This is a call for votes on the newsgroup rec.models.scale, as discussed for
the last three weeks. At the end of this message is the charter, slightly
revised as per the discussion period. 

In order to vote, send a mail message to
[email protected] (or, if your mailer doesn't understand
domain-style addresses, ...!uunet!!mail-server),
with one of the two following lines (without the quotes) in the
Subject or body of the message:

	"vote rec.models.scale yes"
	"vote rec.models.scale no"

If your vote is received by the mail server, and if the return address
in your message is valid, you should receive an acknowledgement within
24 hours.  If you don't receive an acknowledgement, or if you have
some other problem voting, you can send mail to
[email protected] to ask for assistance.

Many thanks to Jonathan Kamens for offering his mail-server service for vote

		  Proposed Charter for rec.models.scale

The designated purpose of this group is to discuss the hobby of scale
modeling. Within this realm is included static (display) models, radio-
controlled models built to specific designs, railroad modeling, model
rocketry, and moany other aspects. However, the scope of this group is
restricted to construction techniques and issues, discussion of materials
and kits, discussion of local, national, and international events, and
other topics that pertain to the general hobby of craftsmanship. This
group is not a forum for discussion of controls (radio or remote), for
discussion of performance of RC engines, rocket motors, or any other
subject that, while part of a modeling-related hobby, does not pertain
to craft skills. This group is meant to, among it's primary purposes,
augment the existing rec.models.* groups by providing a forum for the
reader that is more directed towards "How do I do this?" rather than
"Brand X motors only deliver half the promised power." While modeling
is generally associated with plastic kits and IPMS (the International
Plastic Modeler's Society), this group will not be affliated with IPMS,
nor will it be limited to plastic modeling.


1) The group will be unmoderated.

2) The group will take a sibling position with respect to the existing
modeling groups, providing a forum that is geared specifically to 

3) Any discussion pertaining to craftsmanship, review of materials or
kits, events pertaining to the hobby, events such as air exhibits that
pertain to original subjects modeled, request for information about
any previous subject, is welcomed. Subjects such as comparisons of
motors for functional models, or engines for flying rockets or aircraft,
is discouraged. "Help needed trying to mount Brand X engine in my home-
built model plane" is within this sphere, where "Brand Y remote system
doesn't work 20 feet away" is more suited for rec.models.rc, as a
question about the proposed NMRA (National Model Railroad Association)
Control Standard, which deals not with the construction and painting of
the models, but rather with the controlling of operational models, is
outside the sphere.

4) The forum is not sanctioned by, recognized by, or in anyway associated
with the International Plastic Modelers' Society, the National Model
Railroad Association, the Association of Military Modelers, or any such
hobby organization.

5) The forum is not devoted solely to modeling exact duplicates of hist-
orical items. Science fiction, fantasy, or any other imaginative subjects
are equally welcome. The forum recognizes that people model that which
interests them, be it a prototype F-4 Phantom II, or an entirely fictional
spacecraft. The purpose is to discuss technique, not debate selection.

6) The forum is not restricted to plastic modeling. The finest craftsmen
use those mediums which suit their task. They do not fit the task to a
specific material. Discussion of metal, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or
any other materials is within the sphere of the newsgroup.

The name rec.models.scale was chosen for several reasons:
	1) To fit within the hierarchy already established by rec.models.rc,
		rec.models.rockets, and rec.models.railroad.
	2) Because the name does not imply any bias to a specific topic
		in modeling, or a specific approach.
	3) And because all models are built to represent a specific subject
		in a display medium that can be expressed as a ratio to the
		original (in some cases, this ratio is 1:1). Even when the
		original is fictional in its own origin, there is still an
		element of scale in the fact that the model is patterned
		after the original.


Voting is to begin on August 19, and continue for a period of 30 days, ending
at midnight on September 18.

Randy J. Ray -- U S WEST IT/CSD                 [email protected]
I'd rather talk religion with Charles Manson than discuss ethics with Congress.
     -me                                                   Phone: (303)595-2852

From [email protected] Thu Sep 24 18:21:00 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2766 news.groups:56919 alt.models:2415 rec.models.rc:10927 rec.models.railroad:1846
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.models,rec.models.rc,rec.models.railroad,rec.models.rocket
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Randy J Ray 
Subject: RESULT: rec.models.scale passes 152:26
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: US WEST Communications, Inc. -- Denver, CO
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1992 12:26:25 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 280

The newsgroup rec.models.scale has passed by a vote of 152 to 26, according to
the guidelines to group creation. As is documented, there will be a 5 day
waiting period following the posting of this message, to give people an
opportunity to correct any errors in the list of votes. At the end of this
time, if there is no serious discrepancy, a newgroup message will be sent out
by the moderator of news.announce.newgroups to create this group. My thanks to
all who voted, and many thanks to Jonathan Kamens, who provided a vote-
collection mechanism. Below are the list of voters and how they voted. Below
it is the charter of the group, having been approved as read.

"yes" votes (152):

Andrew Henry 
[email protected] (Andrew Bennett)
[email protected] (Lyssa)
[email protected] (Allan Plumb [BARR])
[email protected] (Eric J. Hess)
[email protected] (Eric Albright)
[email protected] (Anthony Wong)
augustho%[email protected] (August Horvath)
Barney Lum 
[email protected] (Can Baycan)
Andrew Bell 
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Bingham 
[email protected]
"Brian Panulla, MooCow" 
[email protected] (Brian A Knutson)
[email protected] (Bob McCormick)
[email protected] (Bruce Burden)
This is a Studebaker Year 
[email protected]^I(Buzz McDermott)
[email protected] (C. D. Tavares)
[email protected]
Chris Anderson 
[email protected] (Charlie Lear)
[email protected] (Bill Coirier)
[email protected] (Chris Frank)
"Mike Cancellier" 
Chris Williams 
Robert Jacobson 
[email protected] (Daniel Zabetakis)
[email protected] (Dan McCabe)
[email protected] (Dan Sullivan)
[email protected] (Douglas A Rohn)
[email protected] (David Burd)
"Derrick J. Brashear" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
"David E. Sanders" 
[email protected] (Larry Weeks)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mike Welch)
[email protected]
Don Weeke 
Rick Engelhardt 
[email protected] (Erich Selna - zork@trog for you old Sun culture fokes)
"Edward J. Rudnicki" (FSAC-SID) 
[email protected] (Alan F. Perry)
[email protected] (Elmer Beachley)
[email protected] (Mike Fester)
Dean P. Foster 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Geoff Arnold @ Sun BOS - R.H. coast near the top)
[email protected] (Gerald Page)
[email protected] (Doug Girling)
Goran Sedvall 
Hans Jense 
[email protected] (Harry Wong)
Howard Moskovitz 
[email protected] (Alec Chambers)
"John D. Balogh, PSU OTC, 814.863.1252" 
Takala Janne 
John G Dobnick 
[email protected] (Jim Hiebert #2)
[email protected]
[email protected]
John Mosbarger 
[email protected] (Joao Pedro Martins)
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
[email protected] (Kenn Booth II)
[email protected] (Kent Waterson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Eric J. Korpela)
Larry Hauch 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lynell Jackson)
[email protected] (Marc Kwiatkowski {Host Software-AIX})
Mark Storin 
Mayer Schwartz 
Mike Long 
[email protected] (R.Douglas)
[email protected] (William Moxley)
(Mark A. Natola) 
Iskandar Taib 
[email protected] (Robert O'Brien)
Ola Rinta-Koski 
[email protected]
Paul Kupersmith 
[email protected] (Paul Close)
pfile%[email protected] (Rob Pfile)
[email protected] (Pete Foss PO/46)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Paul Anderson)
[email protected] (Phil Arellano)
[email protected] (David Potter)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter Shyvers)
[email protected] (Mark Purtill)
[email protected] (Paul V. Pendred)
Rinus Valk - NSSS 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bob Smith)
Robert E George 
reynolds@fwapp (Brian Reynolds)
[email protected] (Ricky Glass)
[email protected] (Robert Viduya)
[email protected] (Rod Miller)
[email protected] (Roger Holst)
[email protected] (Ronald Leenes)
Ronny Andre Nilsen 
Randy J Ray 
[email protected]
Scott Hewis 
"Shamim Zvonko Mohamed" 
[email protected]
Steve Bellovin 
[email protected]
Steven Leitner 
[email protected] (Stu Labovitz)
[email protected] (Stan Friesen)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tad Morgan)
"Todd O'Connor" 
[email protected] (Matthew Velazquez)
Tom Ward 
Torsten Leibold 
[email protected] (Tri Tran)
"Sam Hill Cabal, DS" 
[email protected] (Al Amet )
[email protected] (Urban)
[email protected] (Valerie E Polichar)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (OPIRG)
Gary Weimer 726-3370 
[email protected] (Aaron Wigley)
[email protected] (Derek Wildstar)
[email protected] (Will Scarvie x6388)
[email protected] (David Wilson)
[email protected] (Seth Wolpert)
[email protected] (W. Robert Glover)
Mike Buell 
Scott D. Young 
Matti Yrjola 
[email protected]

"no" votes (26):

[email protected] (Pete Akerson - akerson%[email protected])
Arne Henrik Juul 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian Wong - SMCC Technical Product Marketing)
[email protected]
Eddie Oliver 
"The higher, the fewer  20-Aug-1992 1608" 
[email protected] (Kelly Hall)
John Harris 
Joe Russ 
[email protected] (Kelley Wittmeyer)
[email protected] (Dave Leland)
[email protected] (Mark Sicignano)
Glenn McGhee 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)
[email protected] (Gopal Patnaik)
[email protected] (Joel Plutchak)
[email protected] (Dick Lord)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (MSgt Robert F McCoy;552 ACS/CCS;)
scott%[email protected] (Scott C. Sadow)
Marc Moorcroft 
[email protected] (Dick Smith)
Tim Szeliga 
Phil Weiss 

                      Charter for rec.models.scale

The designated purpose of this group is to discuss the hobby of scale
modeling. Within this realm is included static (display) models, radio-
controlled models built to specific designs, railroad modeling, model
rocketry, and moany other aspects. However, the scope of this group is
restricted to construction techniques and issues, discussion of materials
and kits, discussion of local, national, and international events, and
other topics that pertain to the general hobby of craftsmanship. This
group is not a forum for discussion of controls (radio or remote), for
discussion of performance of RC engines, rocket motors, or any other
subject that, while part of a modeling-related hobby, does not pertain
to craft skills. This group is meant to, among it's primary purposes,
augment the existing rec.models.* groups by providing a forum for the
reader that is more directed towards "How do I do this?" rather than
"Brand X motors only deliver half the promised power." While modeling
is generally associated with plastic kits and IPMS (the International
Plastic Modeler's Society), this group will not be affliated with IPMS,
nor will it be limited to plastic modeling.


1) The group will be unmoderated.

2) The group will take a sibling position with respect to the existing
modeling groups, providing a forum that is geared specifically to 

3) Any discussion pertaining to craftsmanship, review of materials or
kits, events pertaining to the hobby, events such as air exhibits that
pertain to original subjects modeled, request for information about
any previous subject, is welcomed. Subjects such as comparisons of
motors for functional models, or engines for flying rockets or aircraft,
is discouraged. "Help needed trying to mount Brand X engine in my home-
built model plane" is within this sphere, where "Brand Y remote system
doesn't work 20 feet away" is more suited for rec.models.rc, as a
question about the proposed NMRA (National Model Railroad Association)
Control Standard, which deals not with the construction and painting of
the models, but rather with the controlling of operational models, is
outside the sphere.

4) The forum is not sanctioned by, recognized by, or in anyway associated
with the International Plastic Modelers' Society, the National Model
Railroad Association, the Association of Military Modelers, or any such
hobby organization.

5) The forum is not devoted solely to modeling exact duplicates of hist-
orical items. Science fiction, fantasy, or any other imaginative subjects
are equally welcome. The forum recognizes that people model that which
interests them, be it a prototype F-4 Phantom II, or an entirely fictional
spacecraft. The purpose is to discuss technique, not debate selection.

6) The forum is not restricted to plastic modeling. The finest craftsmen
use those mediums which suit their task. They do not fit the task to a
specific material. Discussion of metal, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or
any other materials is within the sphere of the newsgroup.

The name rec.models.scale was chosen for several reasons:
        1) To fit within the hierarchy already established by rec.models.rc,
                rec.models.rockets, and rec.models.railroad.
        2) Because the name does not imply any bias to a specific topic
                in modeling, or a specific approach.
        3) And because all models are built to represent a specific subject
                in a display medium that can be expressed as a ratio to the
                original. Even when the original is fictional in its own
                origin, there is still an element of scale in the fact that
                the model is patterned after the original.

Though the name rec.models.misc has been suggested, rec.models.scale 
maintains an unbiased stance while specifying that the basic subject is to
create representations of existing or fictional objects, possibly in a size
other than the original.
Randy J. Ray -- U S WEST IT/CSD                 [email protected]
I'd rather talk religion with Charles Manson than discuss ethics with Congress.
     -me                                                   Phone: (303)595-2852

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