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From [email protected] Tue May 11 08:34:19 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Paul Hodgkinson <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: RFD: Followup-To: news.groups Date: 10 May 1993 11:33:23 -0400 Organization: Dept of Pharmacy, De Montfort University, Leicester, England Lines: 49 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3557 news.groups:71730                        REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION                        ----------------------      This is a Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation    of a newsgroup to discuss issues and exchange information    relating to pharmacy and its allied disciplines.  NEWSGROUP NAME:  PROPOSED STATUS:    Unmoderated   BACKGROUND:    There is evidence of increasing use of network facilities   by pharmacists. This is demonstrated by the percentage     of drug related issues in the existing news group and     the support given to the existing general discussion list,     Pharmacy Mail Exchange.     PURPOSE:   To provide pharmacists with a forum for the discussion     of issues related to the teaching and practice of the     profession. It is expected that would     attract contributions from all the major disciplines      including pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry as well     as areas with more direct professional implications such     as pharmacy practice and legislation.    CROSS POSTING:   It is proposed that cross posting should occur between     the news group and the Pharmacy Mail Exchange List. It is    expected that all the postings to the list will be transfered      to the news group. However the intention is to protect the     list, which is distributed to personal mailboxes, against     high volume. The control of cross posting, where appropriate,    would be by the list co-ordinator.    SCHEDULE:     This RFD was issued on 7th May 1993 and will last for 30 days     If consensus is reached by the end of the RFD period, a Call     for Votes (CFV) will be issued within 5 days. The voting period     will continue for a period of 4  weeks, and end at 23:59 (BST)   on the 28th day.   --  Paul Hodgkinson F.I.Sc.T.             JANET: [email protected] List Co-ordinator                     Internet: [email protected] Pharmacy Mail Exchange                BTGold: 10079:LLA060 Dept of Pharmacy                      Telex: 9312132271 PH G  From [email protected] Fri Jun 11 15:54:27 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Paul Hodgkinson <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: CFV: Followup-To: poster Date: 11 Jun 1993 13:39:12 -0400 Organization: UUNET Communications Lines: 80 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3685 news.groups:73764                        CALL FOR VOTES                       --------------    This is a Call For Votes (CFV)  for the formation of   a new USENET newsgroup,, as described below.   The RFD was originated by Paul Hodgkinson ([email protected]) and   was posted on 7th May 1993. Comments have  been confined mainly   to postings to the originator. These have generally been in   favour of creation. Both the name and status of the proposed   group have been discussed, however, following more detailed   explanations no objections have been received.  NEWSGROUP NAME:  STATUS:   Unmoderated  CHARTER:   To provide pharmacists with a forum for the discussion   of issues related to the teaching and practice of the   profession. It is expected that would   attract contributions from all the major disciplines   including pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry as well   as areas with more direct professional implications such   as pharmacy practice and legislation.    It is proposed that cross posting should occur between   the news group and the Pharmacy Mail Exchange List. It is   expected that all the postings to the list will be transfered   to the news group. However the intention is to protect the   list, which is distributed to personal mailboxes, against   high volume. The control of cross posting, where appropriate,   would be by the list co-ordinator.  VOTE ADDRESS:    All votes for and against the formation of the news group,, should be sent to:                  [email protected]  YES VOTES (in support of the creation of the newsgroup)           should contain the following line:            I vote YES on  NO VOTES (in objection to the creation of the newsgroup)           should contain the following line:            I vote NO on  VOTING FORMAT:    The vote can either be in the subject line or in the   text field (message body). Variation on the wording is   allowed as long as the intent is clearly expressed.  VOTING RULES:    One vote per person    Ambiguous votes will, where possible, be returned to the   sender for clarification.    Votes posted to the list or a news group will not be   counted.    Votes can be changed at anytime during the approved period   by submitting a new vote.  VOTING PERIOD:    Votes will be collected from the time this CFV appears   until 23:59 BST on the 5th July 1993. --  Paul Hodgkinson F.I.Sc.T.             JANET: [email protected] Pharmacy Mail Exchange                Internet: [email protected] Dept of Pharmacy De Montfort University, UK  From [email protected] Mon Jun 28 09:29:54 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Paul Hodgkinson <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: Followup-To: poster Date: 23 Jun 1993 22:00:10 -0400 Organization: Dept of Pharmacy, De Montfort University UK Lines: 183 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3734 news.groups:74953               2ND  CALL FOR VOTES AND VOTE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                  --------------------------------------------       This is a second Call For Votes (CFV)  for the formation of   a new USENET newsgroup,, as described below.   The RFD was originated by Paul Hodgkinson ([email protected]) and   was posted on 7th May 1993. Comments have  been confined mainly   to postings to the originator. These have generally been in   favour of creation. Both the name and status of the proposed   group have been discussed, however, following more detailed   explanations no objections have been received.  NEWSGROUP NAME:  STATUS:   Unmoderated  CHARTER:   To provide pharmacists with a forum for the discussion   of issues related to the teaching and practice of the   profession. It is expected that would   attract contributions from all the major disciplines   including pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry as well   as areas with more direct professional implications such   as pharmacy practice and legislation.    It is proposed that cross posting should occur between   the news group and the Pharmacy Mail Exchange List. It is   expected that all the postings to the list will be transfered   to the news group. However the intention is to protect the   list, which is distributed to personal mailboxes, against   high volume. The control of cross posting, where appropriate,   would be by the list co-ordinator.  VOTE ADDRESS:    All votes for and against the formation of the news group,, should be sent to:                  [email protected]  YES VOTES (in support of the creation of the newsgroup)           should contain the following line:            I vote YES on  NO VOTES (in objection to the creation of the newsgroup)           should contain the following line:            I vote NO on  VOTING FORMAT:    The vote can either be in the subject line or in the   text field (message body). Variation on the wording is   allowed as long as the intent is clearly expressed.  VOTING RULES:    One vote per person    Ambiguous votes will, where possible, be returned to the   sender for clarification.    Votes posted to the list or a news group will not be   counted.    Votes can be changed at anytime during the approved period   by submitting a new vote.  VOTING PERIOD:    Votes will be collected until 23:59 BST on the 5th July 1993  VOTE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:     A list of people who have cast valid votes upto 19:00 BST    on the 22nd of June 1993 appears below. If you have sent a vote    and do not find your  mail address listed below:            - check again for your name          - account for possible mail delays              then vote again using the words 'Voting for a 2ND time' in     the subject or text field along with the phrase indicating     your voting intention. A further check will also be made for     duplicate votes.    [email protected]                         Tosh Yagnik [email protected]                     Mike  Gleba  [email protected]                  Eugenio Sanchez-Pe~a [email protected]                             Aaron Tse  [email protected]                         A Skinner  [email protected]                           Olaf Greve [email protected]                     Carlton Hogan  [email protected]                           Les Chafetz  chengcl%[email protected]        Ching-Ling [email protected]                            -  [email protected]                           -    [email protected]                                  David Dodell [email protected]                                Dave Jerzycki  [email protected]                         David Bourne [email protected]                          David A Clunie [email protected]                               Daniel Gidez [email protected]                                   Diana Collett  [email protected]                        -  [email protected]                          Eric J Olson [email protected]                           Evan Robatino  esmith%[email protected]                Edwin Smith  [email protected]                    James E Ferguson [email protected]                               Foppe van Mil  [email protected]                           Fred Criscuolo [email protected]                 Georg Schwarz  [email protected]                        -  [email protected]                            -  [email protected]                        Brennan Tennesen Price [email protected]                     Guilyardy Villegas Marquez [email protected]              Gregory S Wellman  [email protected]                  Wael Haddara [email protected]                 -  [email protected]                  -  [email protected]                            Susan Hummel [email protected]                            Benedikt Rosenau [email protected]                    James J Kresel [email protected]                      Joel Furr  [email protected]                                 Joe Keane  [email protected]                          John Angelo Gnassi [email protected]                          Joerg Senekowitsch [email protected]                     Douglas W. Johnson [email protected]            Josef Nelissen [email protected]                             Jim Pickering  [email protected]                Ronald E. Kavanagh [email protected]                  Kirby Stiening [email protected]                           Kalle Kivimaa  [email protected]                        -  [email protected]                                   Joel B Levin [email protected]                     Wen-Shyong Liou  [email protected]                         Magdi El Sersi [email protected]                              Marc Nyssen  [email protected]                              Alan McKay [email protected]                     Sharon Watling [email protected]                                Manish Butte [email protected]                     Marcelo Medina [email protected]                         -  [email protected]              Francisco  [email protected]                        Neal Howard  [email protected]                             -  [email protected]                      Nick Holford [email protected]                      Neena L Summers  [email protected]                                   Norman Westwood  [email protected]                             R Walker [email protected]                                   Paul Hodgkinson  [email protected]                           -  [email protected]                          -  [email protected]                     Venning  raman%[email protected]                       K. Ramnarayan  [email protected]                    Richard H Miller [email protected]                      R A Locock [email protected]                            Robert M Straubinger [email protected]                       Robert Cray  [email protected]                                 Robert Cohen [email protected]                      John Badanes [email protected]                           Ryan Bayne [email protected]                             Sarah Clarke [email protected]                        Samuel C. Blackman [email protected]                   Scott Smith  [email protected]                               Joshua Blume [email protected]                      S McLean [email protected]                            Darren Nicholls  [email protected]                        John Joseph Deltuvia [email protected]                       MJ Stoddard  [email protected]                           Terry Clark  [email protected]                               P Sovcik [email protected]                        Wael     [email protected]                     W Friesen  [email protected]                            David Wright [email protected]                      Yate-Ching Yuan  --  Paul Hodgkinson F.I.Sc.T.             JANET: [email protected] Pharmacy Mail Exchange                Internet: [email protected] Dept of Pharmacy De Montfort University, UK  From [email protected] Thu Jul  8 17:14:05 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Paul Hodgkinson <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: RESULT: passes 138:7 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 8 Jul 1993 11:10:27 -0400 Organization: Dept of Pharmacy, De Montfort University UK Lines: 176 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3776 news.groups:75890                      RESULT :                     -------------------------  The voting for the proposed newsgroup was concluded at 23:59 BST on 5th July 1993.  145 valid votes were received :-                 138  YES votes (in favour of creation)                  7  NO  votes (against creation)                ---                145  Total  This meets the criteria for creation (100 more yes votes are received than no votes, and that at least two thirds of the votes are in favour).  Therefore PASSES the voting stage.  The results are presented to 'the net':-  Valid YES votes were received from:-  [email protected]                         Tosh Yagnik [email protected]                     Mike  Gleba [email protected]                  Eugenio Sanchez-Pe~a [email protected]                               A Mencke [email protected]                         A Skinner [email protected]                             Aaron Tse [email protected]                              Brian Foster [email protected]                           Olaf Greve [email protected]                     - [email protected]                              Barbara Cadario [email protected]    K W G Halliday [email protected]                     Carlton Hogan [email protected]                             C Washington [email protected]                           Les Chafetz chengcl%[email protected]        Ching-Ling [email protected]                            - [email protected]                           - [email protected]                        Cory L Scott [email protected]                      Dale Clarke [email protected]                                  David Dodell [email protected]                                Dave Jerzycki [email protected]                         David Bourne [email protected]                David Ranson [email protected]                             Dudee Chiang [email protected]                          David A Clunie [email protected]                               Bill Denning [email protected]                               Daniel Gidez [email protected]                                   Diana Collett [email protected]                        - [email protected]                                 - [email protected]                           Evan Robatino esmith%[email protected]                Edwin Smith [email protected]                                   Samu Mielonen [email protected]                    James E Ferguson [email protected]                               Foppe van Mil [email protected]                           Fred Criscuolo [email protected]                          - [email protected]                                   Fred Webb [email protected]                   F Wolflink [email protected]                         Juanita George [email protected]                        - [email protected]                            - [email protected]                           Gary Malet [email protected]                           Jye-Daa Chen [email protected]                           Ming-Wei Shih [email protected]                           Shiou-Chu Wang [email protected]                        Brennan Tennesen Price [email protected]                     Guilyardy Villegas Marquez [email protected]              Gregory S Wellman [email protected]                  Wael Haddara [email protected]                            - [email protected]                 - [email protected]                           - [email protected]                  - [email protected]                            Susan Hummel [email protected]                            Benedikt Rosenau [email protected]                    James J Kresel jbart%[email protected]                        John Bartol [email protected]                      Joel Furr [email protected]                                 Joe Keane [email protected]                          John Angelo Gnassi [email protected]                              John W Hoben [email protected]                         Jeff Kotzan [email protected]                         John Jermano [email protected]                          Joerg Senekowitsch [email protected]                     Douglas W. Johnson [email protected]            Josef Nelissen [email protected]                             Jim Pickering [email protected]                Ronald E. Kavanagh [email protected]                           Bert Katzung [email protected]                             Andreas Kempf [email protected]                  Kirby Stiening [email protected]                           Kalle Kivimaa [email protected]                             Kenneth M Lewis [email protected]                              Shirishkumar Kulkarni [email protected]                                   Joel B Levin [email protected]                     Wen-Shyong Liou [email protected]                                Bev Louis [email protected]                                 Larry Lynd [email protected]                          Magdi El Sersi [email protected]                       Hilary D Mandler [email protected]                              Marc Nyssen [email protected]                              Kathy McInnes [email protected]                              Alan McKay [email protected]                     Sharon Watling [email protected]                                Manish Butte [email protected]                     Marcelo Medina [email protected]                       David Muir Sharnoff [email protected]                         - [email protected]                              Mark Zellhof [email protected]              Francisco [email protected]                        Neal Howard [email protected]                             - [email protected]                            Nghi T Nghiem [email protected]                      Nick Holford [email protected]                    Bruce Nichol [email protected]                      Neena L Summers [email protected]                                   Norman Westwood [email protected]                             R Walker [email protected]                                   Paul Hodgkinson [email protected]                           J Phillip Miller [email protected]                          - [email protected]                     Venning raman%[email protected]                       K. Ramnarayan [email protected]                      R A Locock [email protected]                            Robert M Straubinger [email protected]                       Robert Cray [email protected]                                 Robert Cohen [email protected]                       Roger Cassatella [email protected]                      John Badanes [email protected]                             Rudyard Monteiro [email protected]                            Russ Mcelroy [email protected]                           Ryan Bayne [email protected]                            Scott Anguish [email protected]                             Sarah Clarke sbs%[email protected]                             Stephanie Bradley-Swift [email protected]                        Samuel C. Blackman [email protected]                       Schirado [email protected]                   Scott Smith [email protected]                               Sean Mclinden [email protected]                               Joshua Blume [email protected]                      S McLean [email protected]                            Darren Nicholls [email protected]                   Andy Spooner [email protected]                           Stephen Miller [email protected]                        John Joseph Deltuvia [email protected]                       MJ Stoddard [email protected]                           Terry Clark [email protected]                          Tony Tran [email protected]                               P Sovcik [email protected]                          Yung-Jin Lee [email protected]                         Jim Uchizono [email protected]                             Verna Duba [email protected]                        Wael [email protected]                     W Friesen [email protected]                            David Wright [email protected]                     Yenhuei T Tarn [email protected]                      Yate-Ching Yuan  Valid NO votes were received from:-  [email protected]                      Eric J Olson [email protected]             Georg Shwarz [email protected]                       Jeffrey D Angus [email protected]                    - [email protected]                         Malcolm Austin [email protected]                Richard H Miller [email protected]                               K Shane Hartman --  Paul Hodgkinson F.I.Sc.T.                JANET: [email protected] Dept of Pharmacy                         Internet: [email protected] De Montfort University Leicester UK  
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