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Archaeology ( sci.archaeology )
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From [email protected] Fri Apr 24 13:57:40 1992 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.research,sci.archaeology,sci.lang,soc.culture.misc,bionet.general,sci.misc,,sci.psychology,sci.philosophy,sci.econ,rec.backcountry From: [email protected] (Cameron Laird) Subject: CFV:  sci.anthropology Followup-To: poster Organization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- (713) 684-5900 Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1992 14:40:10 GMT  This is a Call For Votes on a newsgroup for discussion of the science of anthropology.   NAME: sci.anthropology   STATUS: unmoderated (repeat:  *not* moderated)   CHARTER:  sci.anthropology is a worldwide forum for the comprehensive interests of professionals in and students of the science of anthropology.  This includes the four conventional categories of archaeologic, biologic, linguistic, and socio-cultural anthropology, along with the wealth of more specialized sub- disciplines, and all professional concerns.  The subject matter of anthropology certainly overlaps that discussed in sci.econ, sci.archaeology,, and a variety of other newsgroups.  The aim of sci.anthropology is to enrich these discussions, not compete with them.  The particular role of sci.anthropology is to synthesize, bringing together a.  biologic and psychologic domains, b.  scientific and humanistic modes, c.  neophyte and experienced participants, and d.  data from diverse cultures and species, for example.  Always, the unifying perspective and tone of sci.anthropology will be that of contemporary academic anthro- pology.  sci.anthropology specifically invites contributions in all languages, from those with all levels of formal education.  An Appendix, below, offers examples of questions that might usefully arise in sci.anthropology.   VOTING:  All votes must be e-mailed directly to:  [email protected] The voting period will run from Friday, 24 April 1992 through Friday, 18 May 1992.  Votes posted to the net, or forwarded by a third party, will not be accepted.  Each valid vote will state explicitly, in the subject line or in the first line of the message, "I vote YES for sci.anthropology," or "I vote NO against sci.anthropology."  You may include comments, such as, "but I would prefer ..." or, "but I would vote differently if ...", *after* a clear state- ment of your vote.  The vote-taker will explicitly confirm receipt of each vote, both in return email and in summary reports to news.groups.   APPENDIX:  examples  Anthropology is an inclusive discipline, one in which it is  legitimate to ask:  A.  methodology:     1.  Is there a good paper to use when taking         notes in tropical climates?  Does one hold         up particularly well there?     2.  What is a useful combination of microcomputer         software and hardware to record parish vital         statistics in the field (in my case, electri-         city is reliable only a few hours a day)?     3.  What is the difference between anthropology         and sociology?  [This quickly becomes tiresome         after a few years of hearing it discussed, but         it is one of the questions newcomers to anthro-         pology need to ask themselves.] B.  ethnology     1.  Which cultures regarded lyme grass (seeds)         as a culinary item?     2.  Has anyone written an ethnography of the         Sendero Luminoso?  Does it investigate         the feminized militarism some observers         have claimed prevails? C.  bioanthropology (physical anthropology, ethology, ...)     1.  What do others think about the latest results         of investigator N on brain lateralization         and linguistic behavior?     2.  Senior scholar K gave a neat talk on our campus last         night.  She says she has three different kinds of         evidence structuring the interaction between tool         use and handedness in primates; specifically, ... D.  archaeology     1.  What archeologic evidence is there for long-         distance sea-trade along the Pre-Columbian         Pacific Coast of Central America?     2.  On the radio this morning, I thought I heard         something about a new find that was supposed         to bear on the monotheism of Moses.  Anyone         know more about the story? E.  linguistics     1.  My consanguines argued at our last family reunion         about how to say "route"; is it OK to ask in this         newsgroup how to find out more on this subject?         [Possible answer:  it's OK to ask, but sci.lang         or alt.usage.english might be better suited to         point the questioner to the *Dictionary of Ameri-         can Regional English* and other sources.]     2.  What's the current canonical reference for a         summary of the "Eskimos have six hundred words         for snow" confusion? E.  professional concerns     1.  My university doesn't "credit" publications         in overseas journals; how can I improve my         tenure dossier?     2.  The department of anthropology at the principal         college in country C has the reputation of         fomenting dissent.  Thugs have caused damage G;         we call on scholars around the world to petition         our government to take action R.     3.  Anyone know which conference will next host a         session on forensic entomology? --  Cameron Laird                           +1 713-579-4613 [email protected] (claird%[email protected]) [email protected] (cl%[email protected])    +1 713-996-8546  From [email protected] Mon May 11 17:54:00 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2327 news.groups:50677 sci.archaeology:2531 sci.lang:16393 soc.culture.misc:2935 bionet.general:3391 sci.misc:6786 sci.econ:9235 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.archaeology,sci.lang,soc.culture.misc,bionet.general,sci.misc,,sci.econ, Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Cameron Laird) Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:  sci.anthropology Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- (713) 684-5900 Date: Mon, 11 May 1992 18:02:32 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 275  This is a follow-up Call For Votes on a newsgroup for discussion of the science of anthropology.  Appendix A lists the voters whose votes arrived before noon Friday, 8 May 1992.   NAME: sci.anthropology   STATUS: unmoderated (repeat:  *not* moderated)   CHARTER:  sci.anthropology is a worldwide forum for the comprehensive interests of professionals in and students of the science of anthropology.  This includes the four conventional categories of archaeologic, biologic, linguistic, and socio-cultural anthropology, along with the wealth of more specialized sub- disciplines, and all professional concerns.  The subject matter of anthropology certainly overlaps that discussed in sci.econ, sci.archaeology,, and a variety of other newsgroups.  The aim of sci.anthropology is to enrich these discussions, not compete with them.  The particular role of sci.anthropology is to synthesize, bringing together a.  biologic and psychologic domains, b.  scientific and humanistic modes, c.  neophyte and experienced participants, and d.  data from diverse cultures and species, for example.  Always, the unifying perspective and tone of sci.anthropology will be that of contemporary academic anthro- pology.  sci.anthropology specifically invites contributions in all languages, from those with all levels of formal education.  Appendix B, below, offers examples of questions that might usefully arise in sci.anthropology.   VOTING:  All votes must be e-mailed directly to:  [email protected] The voting period will run from Friday, 24 April 1992 through Friday, 18 May 1992.  Votes posted to the net, or forwarded by a third party, will not be accepted.  Each valid vote will state explicitly, in the subject line or in the first line of the message, "I vote YES for sci.anthropology," or "I vote NO against sci.anthropology."  You may include comments, such as, "but I would prefer ..." or, "but I would vote differently if ...", *after* a clear state- ment of your vote.  The vote-taker will explicitly confirm receipt of each vote, both in return email and in summary reports to news.groups.   APPENDIX A:  votes received before noon Friday, 8 May 1992  I have received 135 votes, from the newsreaders whose IDs I list below.  In each case, I replied with confirmation of receipt of the vote.  All the users appear to be legitimate--there have been no obviously bogus addresses.  All confirmed voters, whether YES or NO, appear in this alphabetized list.  "A.T." Fear <[email protected]> "College is 1 big bash w/ a $20000 cover" <[email protected]> "David Roller. w: (205) 844-4512" <[email protected]> "HAL B. LEVINE" <[email protected]> "Markus G. Fischer" <[email protected]> "REBOUSSIN" <[email protected]> "Stephen C. Miller" <[email protected]> "Stu Labovitz" <[email protected]> "Tony Wallis" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> ALLENS%[email protected] [email protected] Antti Simola <[email protected]> Barbara Nostrand <[email protected]> Beverly Erlebacher <[email protected]> Bruce Freeman <[email protected]> Bryan Stapp <[email protected]> Christopher Mealy <[email protected]> Craig Alan Cook <[email protected]> [email protected] David CULLEN <[email protected]> David Carlson <[email protected]> [email protected] Don DeVoe <[email protected]> Edward  Abse <[email protected]> Ferdinand de Haan <[email protected]> Ft Hood TX <[email protected]> Gary Thomas <[email protected]> Guest Account <[email protected]> Harpal Chohan <[email protected]> James A Stewart <[email protected]> James Davis Nicoll <[email protected]> Jeff Zucker <[email protected]> Joel Sax <[email protected]> LEE KOMITO <[email protected]> Laura Johnson <[email protected]> Lee Cronk <[email protected]> Luis Trindade <[email protected]> Michael Travers <[email protected]> Mike Bonham <[email protected]> Neil Maclay <[email protected]> [email protected] Patrick Clancey <[email protected]> Po Shan Cheah <[email protected]> R o d Johnson <[email protected]> Rafael Candido Alvarado <[email protected]> Rich=White%Admin%[email protected] Richard H. Miller <[email protected]> Rick Bueker <[email protected]> Robert Williams Dobson <[email protected]> Sami Juhani Juvonen <[email protected]> [email protected] (StarWatcher) Theodor Gemenis <[email protected]> Thomas Gramstad <[email protected]> [email protected] William Calvin <[email protected]> Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]> [email protected] allen h. lutins <[email protected]> [email protected] (Alan McCartney(support services)) [email protected] (Angelina Whitford) [email protected] (Ms K.J. Juul) [email protected] [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva) [email protected] (Ronda Hauben) [email protected] (Ruth White) [email protected] (Bill Walther) [email protected] (Huggie Bear) [email protected] (Courtnay Bloomer) [email protected] (Dave Wilson) [email protected] (Carl Rigney) [email protected] (Christy Garza) [email protected] [email protected] (Cameron Laird) [email protected] (Cyndi Norman) [email protected] dave mankins <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Mark) [email protected] (Don Baldwin) [email protected] (Dave Wiseman) [email protected] (Edward Bertsch) [email protected] (E. Kirby  5-3524) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) [email protected] (Werner Ehlenberger) [email protected] (Frank Kaefer) [email protected] (Nick Flor) [email protected] [email protected] (Gary Heston) [email protected] (Hades) [email protected] (Stephan Heilmayr) [email protected] (Hernan Astudillo R.) [email protected] [email protected] (Terry J. Minvielle) [email protected] (Ian Jamie) [email protected] (50325000) [email protected] (Joseph E. Baker) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Joel Hanes) [email protected] [email protected] (Jeff Suttor) [email protected] (Cassandra Michaud) [email protected] (Brian Kenney) [email protected] (Kent J Crispin) [email protected] (Krishna Kunchithapadam) [email protected] [email protected] (Malcolm Mladenovic) [email protected] (Todd McComb) [email protected] miskevic%[email protected] (Sara Miskevich) [email protected] (Maurice Forrester) moxie!wotan!zardoz!!rick (Rick Ellis) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Bill Poser) [email protected] [email protected] (dmitry pruss) [email protected] [email protected] (Richard Commander) [email protected] (Robert Macfarlane) [email protected] (Roger Squires) [email protected] (Sarah Jahn ) [email protected] [email protected] (Scott Kuhr) [email protected] (Tom Solomon) [email protected] (Steinn Sigurdsson) [email protected] (Ake Jonsson) [email protected] [email protected] (Teresa L. Gergen) [email protected] [email protected] (Tom Albrecht) [email protected] (Real life?  Ha!) [email protected] (Henry van Cleef) [email protected] [email protected] (Bill Pringle)   APPENDIX B:  examples  Anthropology is an inclusive discipline, one in which it is  legitimate to ask:  A.  methodology:     1.  Is there a good paper to use when taking         notes in tropical climates?  Does one hold         up particularly well there?     2.  What is a useful combination of microcomputer         software and hardware to record parish vital         statistics in the field (in my case, electri-         city is reliable only a few hours a day)?     3.  What is the difference between anthropology         and sociology?  [This quickly becomes tiresome         after a few years of hearing it discussed, but         it is one of the questions newcomers to anthro-         pology need to ask themselves.] B.  ethnology     1.  Which cultures regarded lyme grass (seeds)         as a culinary item?     2.  Has anyone written an ethnography of the         Sendero Luminoso?  Does it investigate         the feminized militarism some observers         have claimed prevails? C.  bioanthropology (physical anthropology, ethology, ...)     1.  What do others think about the latest results         of investigator N on brain lateralization         and linguistic behavior?     2.  Senior scholar K gave a neat talk on our campus last         night.  She says she has three different kinds of         evidence structuring the interaction between tool         use and handedness in primates; specifically, ... D.  archaeology     1.  What archeologic evidence is there for long-         distance sea-trade along the Pre-Columbian         Pacific Coast of Central America?     2.  On the radio this morning, I thought I heard         something about a new find that was supposed         to bear on the monotheism of Moses.  Anyone         know more about the story? E.  linguistics     1.  My consanguines argued at our last family reunion         about how to say "route"; is it OK to ask in this         newsgroup how to find out more on this subject?         [Possible answer:  it's OK to ask, but sci.lang         or alt.usage.english might be better suited to         point the questioner to the *Dictionary of Ameri-         can Regional English* and other sources.]     2.  What's the current canonical reference for a         summary of the "Eskimos have six hundred words         for snow" confusion? E.  professional concerns     1.  My university doesn't "credit" publications         in overseas journals; how can I improve my         tenure dossier?     2.  The department of anthropology at the principal         college in country C has the reputation of         fomenting dissent.  Thugs have caused damage G;         we call on scholars around the world to petition         our government to take action R.     3.  Anyone know which conference will next host a         session on forensic entomology? --  Cameron Laird [email protected] (claird%[email protected]) [email protected] (claird%[email protected])    +1 713-996-8546  From [email protected] Tue May 19 16:44:54 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2367 news.groups:51246 sci.research:2917 sci.archaeology:2597 sci.lang:16549 soc.culture.misc:2941 bionet.general:3453 sci.misc:6826 sci.psychology:8742 sci.econ:9561 rec.backcountry:21962 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.research,sci.archaeology,sci.lang,soc.culture.misc,bionet.general,sci.misc,,sci.psychology,sci.philosophy,sci.econ,rec.backcountry Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Cameron Laird) Subject: RESULT:  sci.anthropology passes 184: 10 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- (713) 684-5900 Date: Tue, 19 May 1992 17:24:15 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 210  sci.anthropology received 184 YES votes and 10 NO votes during its official voting interval.  Therefore, it will be created as an unmoderated newsgroup.  Votes were received from newsreaders with these IDs.  IDs are in two lists, one for YES and one for NO, and sorted alphabetically within each list.  YES voters: "A.T." Fear <[email protected]> "College is 1 big bash w/ a $20000 cover" <[email protected]> "David Roller. w: (205) 844-4512" <[email protected]> "Ed L'Esperance - TechPubs, HNL - Wage Peace through Cooperation" "HAL B. LEVINE" <[email protected]> "M.K. Holder, Animal Behavior Program" <[email protected]> "Markus G. Fischer" <[email protected]> "REBOUSSIN" <[email protected]> "Richard Wilk, Anthropology, 855-8162" <[email protected]> "Stephen C. Miller" <[email protected]> "Stu Labovitz" <[email protected]> "Tony Wallis" <[email protected]> ALLENS%[email protected] [email protected] Alan McGowen <[email protected]> Antti Simola <[email protected]> Barbara Nostrand <[email protected]> Beverly Erlebacher <[email protected]> Bruce Freeman <[email protected]> Bryan Stapp <[email protected]> Christopher Mealy <[email protected]> Craig Alan Cook <[email protected]> [email protected] David CULLEN <[email protected]> David Carlson <[email protected]> David Chalmers <[email protected]> [email protected] Don DeVoe <[email protected]> Edward  Abse <[email protected]> Ferdinand de Haan <[email protected]> Fred Heutte <[email protected]> Ft Hood TX <[email protected]> Gary Thomas <[email protected]> Guest Account <[email protected]> Harpal Chohan <[email protected]> Hugh Jarvis <[email protected]> Jack Campin <[email protected]> James A Stewart <[email protected]> James Davis Nicoll <[email protected]> Jeff Zucker <[email protected]> Joel Sax <[email protected]> John G Dobnick <[email protected]> [email protected] LEE KOMITO <[email protected]> Larry P Gorbet ANTHROPOLOGY <[email protected]> Laura Johnson <[email protected]> Lee Cronk <[email protected]> Luis Trindade <[email protected]> Mario Rodriguez F. <[email protected]> Michael Travers <[email protected]> Mike Bonham <[email protected]> Mike Fessler <[email protected]> Neil Maclay <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] Paddy Johnson CIRT <[email protected]> Patrick Clancey <[email protected]> Paul Palmer <[email protected]> Philip Andrew Ware <[email protected]> Po Shan Cheah <[email protected]> Posted- The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA R Biegler <[email protected]> R o d Johnson <[email protected]> Rafael Candido Alvarado <[email protected]> Really- [email protected] Rich=White%Admin%[email protected] Richard H. Miller <[email protected]> Rick Bueker <[email protected]> Robert Williams Dobson <[email protected]> Sami Juhani Juvonen <[email protected]> Theodor Gemenis <[email protected]> Theresa Vaughan <[email protected]> Thomas Gramstad <[email protected]> Tim Hagman (lbs) <[email protected]> [email protected] Tom Limoncelli <[email protected]> [email protected] William Calvin <[email protected]> Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]> [email protected] (Acee Agoyo) [email protected] allen h. lutins <[email protected]> [email protected] (Alan McCartney(support services)) [email protected] (Joe Keane) [email protected] (Angelina Whitford) [email protected] (Ms K.J. Juul) [email protected] [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva) [email protected] (Ronda Hauben) [email protected] (Bonni Williamson) [email protected] (Beauchemin Robert) [email protected] (Ruth White) [email protected] (Bob Smart) [email protected] (Richard Burton) [email protected] (Bill Walther) [email protected] (Huggie Bear) [email protected] (Courtnay Bloomer) [email protected] (Dave Wilson) [email protected] (Christy Garza) [email protected] [email protected] (Cameron Laird) [email protected] (Cyndi Norman) [email protected] dave mankins <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Stodolsky) [email protected] (..Iris Freak..) [email protected] (David Mark) [email protected] (Don Baldwin) [email protected] (Dave Wiseman) [email protected] (E. Kirby  5-3524) [email protected] (Werner Ehlenberger) [email protected] (Frank Kaefer) [email protected] (Nick Flor) [email protected] [email protected] (Gary Heston) [email protected] (Hades) [email protected] (Stephan Heilmayr) [email protected] (Hernan Astudillo R.) [email protected] [email protected] (Hua Tun Lin) [email protected] (Scott Horne) [email protected] (Terry J. Minvielle) [email protected] (Ian Jamie) [email protected] (Jacques Guy) [email protected] (50325000) [email protected] (Joseph E. Baker) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Joel Hanes) [email protected] [email protected] (Jeff Suttor) [email protected] (Cassandra Michaud) [email protected] (Brian Kenney) [email protected] (Kent J Crispin) [email protected] (Krishna Kunchithapadam) [email protected] [email protected] (Leonidas Moustakas) [email protected] (Paul Mauvais) [email protected] (Malcolm Mladenovic) [email protected] (Todd McComb) [email protected] (Charles H. McIntyre) [email protected] miskevic%[email protected] (Sara Miskevich) [email protected] (Gary Mitchell) [email protected] (Maurice Forrester) [email protected] (Rick Morneau) moxie!wotan!zardoz!!rick (Rick Ellis) [email protected] (Margaret Worley (cs150 post news)) [email protected] [email protected] nuchat!sun!!bud (Bud Hovell) nuchat!sun!!ceg (Chris Galas) [email protected] (Kent D Palmer) [email protected] (Paul Hopkins) [email protected] (Bill Poser) [email protected] [email protected] (dmitry pruss) [email protected] [email protected] (Rama K Pidaparti) [email protected] [email protected] (Richard Commander) [email protected] (Robert Macfarlane) [email protected] (Richard Kulawiec) [email protected] (Roger Squires) [email protected] (Sarah Jahn ) [email protected] (Steven Byrnes) [email protected] [email protected] (Scott Kuhr) [email protected] (Tom Solomon) [email protected] (Steinn Sigurdsson) [email protected] (Ake Jonsson) [email protected] [email protected] (Rebecca Tants) [email protected] (Teresa L. Gergen) [email protected] [email protected] (Tom Albrecht) [email protected] (Roadster Racewerks) [email protected] (Real life?  Ha!) [email protected] (Henry van Cleef) [email protected] [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) [email protected] (Bill Pringle) [email protected]  NO voters: Michael Johnson <[email protected]> Robert Park <[email protected]> Roland Kaltefleiter <[email protected]> [email protected] (StarWatcher) [email protected] (Carl Rigney) [email protected] (Christopher Ward) [email protected] (Edward Bertsch) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) [email protected] (Kim DeVaughn) [email protected] --   Cameron Laird [email protected] (claird%[email protected]) [email protected] (claird%[email protected])    +1 713-996-8546  From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:30:44 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1931 news.groups:41150 comp.society.development:245 rec.backcountry:20452 sci.environment:18531 soc.roots:9763 sci.psychology:6531 sci.research:2161 rec.crafts.textiles:1333 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.society.development,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,soc.roots,sci.psychology,sci.research,rec.crafts.textiles Path: rpi!usc!wupost!uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Cameron Laird) Subject: RFD:  sci.anthropology Followup-To:  news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- (713) 684-5900 Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:47:10 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 108  Request for Discussion (RFD) ============================ This message formally initiates discussion of the formation of a newsgroup named: 		sci.anthropology  Meeting place ============= This discussion will take place in the group:  		news.groups  Meeting time ============ Let's aim to finish our discussion by the end of March, and hold a Vote in April 1992.  What will our charter be? ========================= I've been in correspondence with others on and off for several months. I'll hint, in the next sections, at the views that have appeared in my mailbox.  Possibility: 	sci.anthropology is a worldwide forum for the comprehensive 	interests of professionals in and students of the science of 	anthropology.  This includes the four conventional categories 	of archaeologic, biologic, linguistic, and socio-cultural 	anthropology, along with the wealth of more specialized sub- 	disciplines, and all professional concerns.  	Questions appropriate for discussion within sci.anthropology 	include 	1.  what is a good paper to use when taking 	    notes in tropical climates?  Is there one 	    that holds up particularly well there? 	2.  Which cultures regarded lyme grass (seeds) 	    as culinary items? 	3.  What do others think about the latest results 	    of investigator N on brain lateralization 	    and linguistic behavior? 	4.  What archeologic evidence is there for long- 	    distance sea-trade along the Pre-Columbian 	    Pacific Coast of Central America? 	5.  My university doesn't "credit" publications 	    in overseas journals; how can I improve my 	    tenure dossier? 	6.  Has anyone written an ethnography of the 	    Sendero Luminoso?  Does it investigate 	    the feminized militarism some observers 	    have claimed prevails? 	7.  The department of anthropology at the principal 	    college in country C has the reputation of 	    fomenting dissent.  Thugs have caused damage G; 	    we call on scholars around the world to petition 	    our government to take action R. 	8.  What is a good combination of microcomputer software 	    and hardware to record parish vital statistics in 	    the field (electricity is reliable only a few hours 	    a day)?          Anthropology's concerns are inclusive.  Almost all these 	topics invite cross-posting among several existing news- 	groups; the contribution of sci.anthropology is to provide 	a unifying perspective and tone, that of contemporary aca- 	demic anthropology.  Some Issues =========== 1.  Moderation:  the usual:  folks like the quick response     of an unmoderated group, and no one is in a position to     assume the responsibility of moderation.  On the other     hand, net polluters are an annoyance.  Moreover, this is     a decision that needs to be made right, the first time;     my sources report there just is no precedent for a news-     group toggling its unmoderated status. 2.  Name:     a.  relation to allied groups:  some favor organization         of an entire subhierarchy, along the lines of               sci.anthropology.sociologic              sci.anthropology.physical              sci.anthropology.linguistic          and so on.  To me, this sounds both too ambitious,         and also rather mistaken.  While the emic view, from         within the discipline of anthropology, is that anthro-         pology subsumes linguistics, primatology, economics,         sociology, folklorific studies, and so on, practitioners         in those areas legitimately argue that they have their         own paradigms and status coordinate to anthropology.         Therefore, I propose that we recognize and even celebrate         the likelihood of crossposting to our fellow newsreaders         in, sci.econ, soc.history, sci.lang, soc.culture.*,         sci.archaeology, and others, but we impose no necessary         relation between any two of these.     b.  sci.anthropology?  sci.anth?  sci.anthro?  soc.anthropology? 3.  Participation:  creation of a newsgroup requires, among other     criteria, an affirmative vote by at least 100 newsreaders.  Are     there that many of us, worldwide?  I would think so, but, unless     I receive email or other indications from a number comparable to     this, I will have no interest in initiating a Call For Votes. 4.  Alternatives:  someone with deeper experience than I can describe     the success of the ANTH-L mailing list. --  Cameron Laird                           +1 713-579-4613 [email protected] (claird%[email protected]) [email protected] (cl%[email protected])    +1 713-996-8546   
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