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Research (M) ( sci.physics.research )
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From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 02:52:19 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1778 news.groups:38222 sci.physics:21935 sci.astro:16666 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.physics,sci.astro Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (George D. Phillies) Subject: RFD:  sci.physics.research moderated Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Date: 1 Feb 92 06:08:50 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 151  Request  For Discussion: sci.physics.research (moderated)  Remark: for some people, this may be a second distribution.  A failure of our newsfeed at a chokepoint apparently prevented widespread distribution of this request.  A proposed charter for sci.physics.research(moderated):  ******  The purpose of sci.physics.research (moderated) is to provide a location for discussion of orthodox physics research, including announcements of novel findings, electronic publication of results, requests for data, and physics news.  The intent is to provide a congenial location in which professional physicists, physical chemists, fellow scientists and engineers in other disciplines, and serious amateurs may discuss science in a high signal-to-noise environment.  The current sci.physics (unmoderated) will not be affected by the creation of this group, so persons wishing an unmoderated newsgroup are not being deprived of anything.  The proposed group shall be moderated.  The moderator is expected to identify a contribution by approximate area, and to sort out seriously crackpot material and material that (s)he can identify as coming from h(er/is) undergraduate/core-graduate background.  The moderator is not a referee/editor, and need not decide whether or not a contribution is right.  Moderation is not editing.  As a general rule the moderator shall refer "paradoxers" --- critics who claim to find non-mathematical contradictions in special relativity, quantum mechanics, and other standard theories --- to sci.physics (unmoderated).  The borderline between radical innovation and crackpottery is sometimes vague; the duty of the moderator is to raise the signal-to-noise ratio by pruning doubtful contributions.  sci.physics.research will accept physics news articles, when the presented material is informational rather than editorial in content. The moderator should edit news items to delete excessive editorial comments.  Very short summaries of ill-reported news events, such as the January N. Y. Times report that the Japanese will definitely not contribute to the SSC, are appropriate; long excerpts are usually not appropriate.  Retractions of published papers are appropriate.  Discussions of undergraduate physics and questions taught in standard undergraduate or core graduate-level courses are not suitable for sci.physics.moderated.  Professional discussions of physics issues associated with the teaching of physics at any level --- pre-school to post-grad --- are suitable for sci.physics.research.  Discussions of textbook errors are suitable for sci.physics.research.  Some classes of pedagogical issues are more suited for; crossposting of pedagogy articles to is acceptable.  Format: To establish a tone for the group, the opening characters of the Subject Header Line and the opening lines of the article  will be standardized.  While in principle the same effect could be obtained by establishing a heirarchy of subgroups, it is not clear what the heirarchy should contain.  It is certainly easier to modify Subject Header Line instructions than it is to vote on restructuring a heirarchy.  Subject Header Line:  To allow searches/killfiles, the initial characters of the Subject Header line shall be standardized.  The standardization consists of an area/field code, which is used to begin each Subject Line.  The list of area/field codes shall be maintained by the moderator, and modified after experience has clarified their value.  An initial proposed list of area/field codes follows the charter.  Article Format Requirements:      Opening Lines:      Line 1+ "Title, Not All Caps, in Quotes."      Blank Line      Line 2+  Authors, including EMail and PaperMail addresses, and         Granting Agency Acknowledgements as Appropriate.      Text      Standard Trailers and disclaimers as needed.  Physics is large; the senior moderator's time is limited.  If the demands of the position become excessive, the senior moderator is authorized (after open discussion of names in sci.physics.research) to appoint up to three additional moderators (who may not themselves appoint additional moderators) to reduce the workload on a single person.  If this level of moderation proves inadequate, the moderators shall propose a rational subheirarchy following current customs.  **********End of Charter***********  Of course, we need a volunteer to act as moderator.  { 8^).  If no one else is willing, I am prepared to do this for a year.  Proposed list of header line openings.  astroe  : observational astronomy and astrophysics astrot  : theoretical astronomy and astrophysics accel   : particle beam physics, electron optics,... acous   : acoustics bioph   : biophysics class   : classical mechanics and dynamics cmlse   : condensed matter, liquid state experiment cmlst   : condensed matter, liquid state theory cmsse   : condensed matter, solid state experiment cmsst   : condensed matter, solid state theory cosm    : cosmology EandM   : electromagnetics fluid   : fluid dynamics fusne   : plasma and fusion physics, experimental fusnt   : plasma and fusion physics, theoretical geoe    : experimental geophysics geot    : theoretical geophysics grav    : gravitation and general relativity highe   : high energy experiment hight   : high energy theory math    : mathematical and numerical methods news    : physics news nucle   : nuclear physics, experimental nuclt   : nuclear physics, theoretical optics  : geometric, physical, and quantum optics ped     : physics pedagogy polym   : polymer physics quante  : quantum mechanics/spectral properties, lasers: experimental quantt  : quantum mechanics/spectral properties, lasers: theoretical ref     : discussion of modalities for creating a refereed    Electronic Journal of Physics (e.g. sci.phys.research.refereed) sim     : methods in computer simulation (simulation results are  referred to the theory section of the field). space   : space physics stat    : statistical mechanics thermo  : thermodynamics  When the call for votes is made (assuming discussion at this stage doesn't zorch the whole idea) I will serve as teller.  The requested format is Header line: "Vote on sci.physics.research"  Text:  Your Name       Your vote (Yes or No)        ^           ^                 ^        Column 5    Column 30         Column 60  Improvements on the above are welcome. --  George D. J. Phillies     [email protected] Professor of Physics      508-831-5334 Physics/WPI Worcester MA 01605  From [email protected] Wed Dec 16 23:16:41 1992 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Matt Austern) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.physics Subject: RFD: sci.physics.research moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 16 Dec 1992 23:09:57 -0500 Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Theoretical Physics Group) Lines: 50 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3067 news.groups:63383 sci.physics:43489  This is a request for discussion about creating a new moderated group for discussion of physics.  I believe that a new group is needed simply because sci.physics is so high-volume, and has such a low signal-to-noise ratio, that it is essentially impossible to use it for professional discussion about physics.  I don't think that sci.physics should be removed, but a new group, which will coexist with sci.physics, is necessary.  The idea of a moderated group has been floating around for a while, and I think that there is a great deal of support for it.  What we do need to discuss is just what sort of moderation we want, i.e., how stringent a cut should we impose on articles.  My own feeling is that we shouldn't impose a very stringent cut at all: we should allow almost anything, and just filter out the content-free personal attacks, the wild claims that are "not even wrong," and the articles that have nothing to do with physics.  I think that the cut shouldn't be whether an article really is a piece of current physics research---that's too stringent a cut, and will lead to a newsgroup that doesn't get used.  It's enough, in my opinion, for an article to have something to do with physics.  In particular, I would hate to see a cut that's so stringent that it would disallow WHAT'S NEW.  This is, strictly speaking, not physics at all; it is an electronic newsletter published by an APS official that mainly deals with political issues affecting physics.  As long as an article is "serious" (I can't define it, but I know it when I see it) and is related to physics, I think that should be good enough.  Note also that some day, we might have to split this group between the different fields of physics.  I don't think that this is necessary now, though: I don't anticipate that it will be very high-volume.  Moderation will be by a panel of three or four people; we'll announce the names of those people before a CFV is issued.  (Note that I will probably not be one of the moderators.)  Other newsgroups (such as soc.feminism) have used the panel system, and it seems to work fairly well.  Note, though, that we'll have to make sure that all of the moderators agree about the ground rules about what kinds of articles are acceptable.  A few people have told me in email that they would be willing to be one of these moderators, so I don't think we'll have any trouble getting filling those slots. --  Matthew Austern                   Just keep yelling until you attract a (510) 644-2618                    crowd, then a constituency, a movement, a [email protected]                faction, an army!  If you don't have any [email protected]         solutions, become a part of the problem!  From [email protected] Sun Jan 17 14:38:25 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Matt Austern) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.physics,sci.misc Subject: CFV: sci.physics.research moderated Followup-To: poster Date: 14 Jan 1993 13:28:31 -0500 Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Theoretical Physics Group) Lines: 135 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3144 news.groups:64419 sci.physics:44931 sci.misc:7716                              Call for Votes  NEWSGROUP NAME: sci.physics.research.  STATUS: moderated.  CHARTER: Sci.physics.research is a newsgroup for discussions related          to current physics research.  VOTING INSTRUCTIONS:        To vote for creation of sci.physics.research, send email to       [email protected] with the words VOTE YES in the subject       line.         To vote against creation of sci.physics.research, send email to       [email protected] with the words VOTE NO in the subject       line.        Depending on your newsreading software, you can probably just reply   to this article.  In any case, however, votes must be *emailed* to   [email protected]  Votes that are posted will not be   accepted.  Votes will be processed by machine; I will not read them.   VOTE MECHANICS:   The vote will last from Wednesday, January 13 through   Friday, January 29.  Votes received after January 29 will not be   accepted.    I will repost this article twice, at one-week intervals.  I will	   also post a list of the votes that I have received, so that people   can verify that their votes have been counted.  I will not release   results until after the vote is over.    The group will be created if two thirds of the votes received are   yes votes, and if yes votes outnumber no votes by at least 100.   NOTE: This is *not* a vote to moderate, rename, eliminate, or in any       other way change sci.physics.  It is simply a vote to create a       new newsgroup, which will coexist with sci.physics.  ===========================================================================  DESCRIPTION OF THE GROUP:  Sci.physics.research is a moderated newsgroup for discussions related to current physics research.  The newsgroup will be moderated by a panel; an article to be posted will be randomly sent to one of the moderators, who will decide to accept or reject it.  In borderline cases the moderators can consult with each other, but the hope is that this will only rarely be necessary.  The names and backgrounds of the moderators are at the end of this posting.  (If one moderator has to quit, the others will choose a replacement.)  This newsgroup is to be "lightly" moderated---that is, the moderators will only reject clearly inappropriate postings, and will accept any that has serious physics content or that is likely to be of interest to an audience of professional physicists.  Clearly inappropriate postings include:         (1) Personal attacks;         (2) Discussion that isn't about or related to physics;         (3) Multiple responses that all say the same things; and         (4) Crackpot postings that are "not even wrong."  An article that is rejected will be sent back to the author, perhaps with the suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup, or a suggestion of how to revise it to make it acceptable.  Note that, in certain cases, articles about politics or philosophy are appropriate to this group; for example, WHAT'S NEW is appropriate. Such subjects, however, can easily drift into more general political or philosophical discussions that have nothing to do with physics, and, when this happens, the moderators will redirect the discussion to a more appropriate group.  Note also that this newsgroup is not a peer reviewed journal; the moderators are not referees or editors, and they do not have the time to check whether the physics (or the grammar!) in each posting is actually correct.  As long as an article is readable, and isn't blatantly nonsensical, it's fine.  Finally, brief requests for facts are fine, so long as they aren't already answered in the "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) list. Replies to requests for information will be accepted if they (1) may be of general interest, (2) don't become repetitive, and (3) don't impose unacceptably heavy message traffic on the group.  Otherwise, replies will be redirected to e-mail.   The moderators are:        John Baez ([email protected])        Dale Bass ([email protected])        Bill Johnson ([email protected])        Lee Sawyer ([email protected])  The intent is that this panel be reasonably diverse in terms of research interests; each of these people wrote up a "microCV" that tells a bit about their background and what they do.   ---------------------------------------- John C. Baez BA mathematics Princeton U. 1982 PhD mathematics MIT 1986 Associate Prof. Dept. of Math. U. C. Riverside Constructive quantum field theory, nonlinear wave equations, and     the relationship of knot theory to quantum gravity  ---------------------------------------- Cameron 'dale' Bass B.S. Aerospace Engineering, UVa Graduate Research Assistant, University of Virginia;       Ph.D. expected early 1993 in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;   Research interests: fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, acoustics  ---------------------------------------- Bill Johnson Staff member [project leader] at Los Alamos National Laboratory; Ph.D., nuclear chemistry, Univ. of Rochester, 1979;  Research interests: basic and applied nuclear physics, nuclear safeguards  ---------------------------------------- H. Lee Sawyer, Jr B.S. Northeast Louisiana University (1985) Ph.D. Florida State University (1991) Experimental high energy physicist (we haven't perfected them yet...)     Member of the E711, ALEPH, D0, and SDC experimental collaborations.        =========================================================================== --  Matthew Austern                   Just keep yelling until you attract a (510) 644-2618                    crowd, then a constituency, a movement, a [email protected]                faction, an army!  If you don't have any [email protected]         solutions, become a part of the problem!  From [email protected] Wed Jan 20 23:01:02 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Matt Austern) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.physics,sci.misc Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: sci.physics.research Followup-To: news.groups Date: 20 Jan 1993 19:21:39 -0500 Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Theoretical Physics Group) Lines: 413 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3164 news.groups:64759 sci.physics:45341 sci.misc:7739  This is a repost of the CFV for the creation of sci.physics.research, and a list of the people whose votes I have received.  (The list is at the very end of the posting.)  As of 5:00 PM (Pacific time) on January 19, I have received 261 votes.  If you have voted, check this list to make sure that your name is on it!  If your name does not appear, then I have not received your votes.  NEWSGROUP NAME: sci.physics.research.  STATUS: moderated.  CHARTER: Sci.physics.research is a newsgroup for discussions related          to current physics research.  VOTING INSTRUCTIONS:        To vote for creation of sci.physics.research, send email to       [email protected] with the words VOTE YES in the subject       line.         To vote against creation of sci.physics.research, send email to       [email protected] with the words VOTE NO in the subject       line.        Depending on your newsreading software, you can probably just reply   to this article.  In any case, however, votes must be *emailed* to   [email protected]  Votes that are posted will not be   accepted.  Votes will be processed by machine; I will not read them.   VOTE MECHANICS:   The vote will last from Wednesday, January 13 through   Friday, January 29.  Votes received after January 29 will not be   accepted.    I will repost this article twice, at one-week intervals.  I will	   also post a list of the votes that I have received, so that people   can verify that their votes have been counted.  I will not release   results until after the vote is over.    The group will be created if two thirds of the votes received are   yes votes, and if yes votes outnumber no votes by at least 100.   NOTE: This is *not* a vote to moderate, rename, eliminate, or in any       other way change sci.physics.  It is simply a vote to create a       new newsgroup, which will coexist with sci.physics.  ===========================================================================  DESCRIPTION OF THE GROUP:  Sci.physics.research is a moderated newsgroup for discussions related to current physics research.  The newsgroup will be moderated by a panel; an article to be posted will be randomly sent to one of the moderators, who will decide to accept or reject it.  In borderline cases the moderators can consult with each other, but the hope is that this will only rarely be necessary.  The names and backgrounds of the moderators are at the end of this posting.  (If one moderator has to quit, the others will choose a replacement.)  This newsgroup is to be "lightly" moderated---that is, the moderators will only reject clearly inappropriate postings, and will accept any that has serious physics content or that is likely to be of interest to an audience of professional physicists.  Clearly inappropriate postings include:         (1) Personal attacks;         (2) Discussion that isn't about or related to physics;         (3) Multiple responses that all say the same things; and         (4) Crackpot postings that are "not even wrong."  An article that is rejected will be sent back to the author, perhaps with the suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup, or a suggestion of how to revise it to make it acceptable.  Note that, in certain cases, articles about politics or philosophy are appropriate to this group; for example, WHAT'S NEW is appropriate. Such subjects, however, can easily drift into more general political or philosophical discussions that have nothing to do with physics, and, when this happens, the moderators will redirect the discussion to a more appropriate group.  Note also that this newsgroup is not a peer reviewed journal; the moderators are not referees or editors, and they do not have the time to check whether the physics (or the grammar!) in each posting is actually correct.  As long as an article is readable, and isn't blatantly nonsensical, it's fine.  Finally, brief requests for facts are fine, so long as they aren't already answered in the "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) list. Replies to requests for information will be accepted if they (1) may be of general interest, (2) don't become repetitive, and (3) don't impose unacceptably heavy message traffic on the group.  Otherwise, replies will be redirected to e-mail.   The moderators are:        John Baez ([email protected])        Dale Bass ([email protected])        Bill Johnson ([email protected])        Lee Sawyer ([email protected])  The intent is that this panel be reasonably diverse in terms of research interests; each of these people wrote up a "microCV" that tells a bit about their background and what they do.   ---------------------------------------- John C. Baez BA mathematics Princeton U. 1982 PhD mathematics MIT 1986 Associate Prof. Dept. of Math. U. C. Riverside Constructive quantum field theory, nonlinear wave equations, and     the relationship of knot theory to quantum gravity  ---------------------------------------- Cameron 'dale' Bass B.S. Aerospace Engineering, UVa Graduate Research Assistant, University of Virginia;       Ph.D. expected early 1993 in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;   Research interests: fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, acoustics  ---------------------------------------- Bill Johnson Staff member [project leader] at Los Alamos National Laboratory; Ph.D., nuclear chemistry, Univ. of Rochester, 1979;  Research interests: basic and applied nuclear physics, nuclear safeguards  ---------------------------------------- H. Lee Sawyer, Jr B.S. Northeast Louisiana University (1985) Ph.D. Florida State University (1991) Experimental high energy physicist (we haven't perfected them yet...)     Member of the E711, ALEPH, D0, and SDC experimental collaborations.         ===========================================================================   The following is a list of the votes that have been sent to me.  As always, I have only accepted votes that were emailed to me; posted votes do not count.  This list is in alphabetical order, sorted according to whatever appeared in the From field: I didn't want to take the trouble to write a program that figured out whether the real name or the email address came first.  Adam Cody Coggins <[email protected]> [email protected] (Alan Whittaker) [email protected] (Alison Chaiken) [email protected] (Allen Knutson) Amitabha Lahiri  505-667-6825 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Alan Martin) [email protected] (James Amundson) [email protected] (Andre Roberge) Andrew Hall <[email protected]> [email protected] (Angelyn P. Williams) "ART OLIN, TRIUMF INET" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Dale Atems) [email protected] (john baez) [email protected] (Jan Isley) Barbara Holtz <[email protected]> [email protected] (Stanko Barle) Bengt Larsson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Blair P. Houghton) Bill C. Riemers <[email protected]> B.J.  15-Jan-1993 1700 <[email protected]> "Bob Davis" <[email protected]> Bob Jacobsen <[email protected]> <[email protected]> [email protected] "Boris A. Veytsman" <[email protected]> [email protected] (David E. Brahm) [email protected] [email protected] (Benjamin Weiner) [email protected] (D. L. Mosher) Cameron Randale Bass <[email protected]> Carl Edman <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steve Carlip) [email protected] (Unknown user) [email protected] [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt) Chris Goedde <[email protected]> Colin Bell <[email protected]> [email protected] (Christopher Young) [email protected] (Dacol) [email protected] (Dan Schlitt) [email protected] (David Thomas) [email protected] (David Conrad) "David E. Martin" <[email protected]> David Edelsohn <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Bell (505) 846-4479) [email protected] [email protected] (Derrick C. Mancini) [email protected] (Daniel S. Lewart) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (DOUGLAS CRAIGEN) [email protected] (Douglas S. Miller) [email protected] (Timothy J. Drabik) [email protected] [email protected] (Daniel Seeman) [email protected] Durvalino Silva <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Wolff) [email protected] [email protected] (Ed Sinamark) [email protected] (Eric Grannan) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) Eric Gottlieb <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Fong Liu) [email protected] (David Frenkel) [email protected] (oxide owner) [email protected] (Jonathan M. Gilligan) [email protected] (Matthias Imhof) [email protected] (Daniel Gottesman) Greg Lindahl <[email protected]> [email protected] (Hermann Chong) [email protected] [email protected] (Hao) Helge Nareid <[email protected]> [email protected] (Hugh D.R. Evans, ESTEC, (31) 1719-85109) hfg (H.F. (Rick) Goldstein) [email protected] [email protected] (Bill Higgins-- Beam Jockey) Hugh Shanahan <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Ilana Stern) [email protected] (Jim Carr) JACOB%[email protected] James Harvey <[email protected]> James Jones <[email protected]> [email protected] (Joe Buck) [email protected] [email protected] (John Duncan) [email protected] [email protected] (Juergen Engelfried) [email protected] (John F. Woods) [email protected] (John De Armond) [email protected] [email protected] (John Horigan) Jim Horne <[email protected]> jjplecs (Joseph John Plecs) [email protected] [email protected] (Jim Green) joe%[email protected] (Joe Watson) John Lewis <[email protected]> "Joseph N. Craig" <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (James K. Pillow) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Justin M. Sanders) [email protected] (Jack Shirazi <[email protected]>) [email protected] (Jon Bell) [email protected] (Joseph T Chew) [email protected] [email protected] (Jeffrey Weiss) [email protected] (Ken Olum) Keith S Cover <[email protected]> Ken Forward <[email protected]> Kevin Junck <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kim Fallstrom) kieran <[email protected]> [email protected] (Peter King) Kirk Lougheed <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kevin McCarty) [email protected] (Werner Koellner, LBL) [email protected] [email protected] (Larry Hutchinson) "Lee Sawyer - (817) 273 2816" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Lee Lepore) [email protected] (sometimes a Wombat) "Loren J. Miller" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Peter Lorraine) [email protected] [email protected] Magnus Holmberg <[email protected]> Magnus Olsson <[email protected]> Mark Flanagan <[email protected]> [email protected] Marty Gelfand <[email protected]> Marvin Minsky <[email protected]> Matti Jokinen <[email protected]> "Maurice V. Barnhill" <[email protected]> [email protected] MCCLYMER%[email protected] (Jim McClymer) [email protected] (Patrick Mcguire) [email protected] (Stephan Melin) [email protected] (Sean Merritt) [email protected] (Chris Metzler) [email protected] (Feinstein Matthew R. F1B x6554 ) [email protected] (Mike Reid) Michael A. Wittenauer <[email protected]> Michael Cochran DTN:223-0648 MLO3-3/pole 45B  14-Jan-1993 1757 <[email protected]> Michael J. Booth <[email protected]> Michael Weiss <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mike Jones) [email protected] (michael kagalenko) [email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS) [email protected] (Greg Morrow) [email protected] (Marc Roussel) [email protected] (David Muir Sharnoff) [email protected] (Paul Murphy) [email protected] (Ranjan S Muttiah) [email protected] (William Johnson) [email protected] (William Johnson) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (N. I. Robb) [email protected] (Jon Noring) north%[email protected] (Mark North) [email protected] (Chris O'Donovan) paj <[email protected]> [email protected](Leigh Palmer) [email protected] (Stephen Parrott) [email protected] Paul Coddington <[email protected]> Paul Gabor <[email protected]> Paul J. Schinder <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Peter D. Olmsted) [email protected] (Jouni Peltoniemi) [email protected] (George J Perkins) [email protected] (Peter Karbaliotis) [email protected] (George D. Phillies) [email protected] [email protected] (Pete - Toonatic - Boulay) [email protected] (Daniel E. Platt) [email protected] (Paul W Schleck KD3FU) [email protected] (Peter Kretschmar) Radford Neal <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ralf Stephan) [email protected] [email protected] (Michael Reed) Reginald Perry <[email protected]> [email protected] (on a clear disk you can seek forever) Richard Nistuk <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (Gene Riggs) [email protected] (Alejandro Rivero) [email protected] (robert j kolker) [email protected] (Ralph L. Place) Rob Collins <[email protected]> Rob Vest <[email protected]> [email protected] (Robert Honerkamp) Robert Scharein <[email protected]> [email protected] (Frederick G.M. Roeber) [email protected] (David Ronis) [email protected] (Greg Rowe) [email protected] (Rich Thomson) [email protected] (rodrigo vanegas) [email protected] (Ryan Brown) Sanjay Ashok Sheth <[email protected]> [email protected] Sarah Skovronsky <[email protected]> Sathish Chandran <[email protected]> [email protected] (Stephen B. Selipsky) [email protected] Scott Ralph <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steven E. Hoell) "Sendhil Revuluri" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Serdar Boztas) [email protected] (Stephen Shenker) [email protected] Simon Crouch <[email protected]> [email protected] (Gregory Aharonian) [email protected] (Srihari Keshavamurthy) [email protected] [email protected] "Stephen Burke, Liverpool" <[email protected]> Stephen Collyer <[email protected]> Stephen P. Braham <[email protected]> Steve Ratcliffe <[email protected]> Steve Simmons <[email protected]> Steven Leffler <[email protected]> [email protected] (Pieter Swart) [email protected] (Robert Swirsky) [email protected] (Matthias Blau) [email protected] (Tim Bodin) ted (Emory F. Bunn) "Terry Tao" <[email protected]> "Thomas Kettenring [AG Korsch]" <[email protected]> "Thomas W. Strong, Jr." <[email protected]> Tim Day <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tim Graham) [email protected] (Toon Moene) Torre Wenaus <[email protected]> [email protected] (Garry Trahern) [email protected] (Stephen C. Trier) [email protected] (Tao R or Stephen L) [email protected] (tvaughan) [email protected] (Tom Frauenhofer) [email protected] (Ulrich Mueller) [email protected] (Umberto D'Ortona) [email protected] [email protected] (James Valentine) <[email protected]> [email protected] (Matthew P Wiener) Werenfried Spit <[email protected]> [email protected] (William Gladnick) [email protected] (Suzzanne Willis) [email protected] [email protected] (William Tyler) [email protected] yeh (James C. Yeh) --  Matthew Austern                   Just keep yelling until you attract a (510) 644-2618                    crowd, then a constituency, a movement, a [email protected]                faction, an army!  If you don't have any [email protected]         solutions, become a part of the problem!  From [email protected] Sat Feb 13 12:48:31 1993 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.physics,sci.misc Path: uunet!!taco!gatech!swrinde!!rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Matt Austern) Subject: RESULT: sci.physics.research passes 365:26 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Theoretical Physics Group) Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1993 19:28:38 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 407 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3213 news.groups:65735 sci.physics:46121 sci.misc:7778  The vote on the creation of the moderated newsgroup sci.physics.research is finally over.  The proposal passed, with 365 yes votes and 26 no votes.  Unless there are procedural objections, the group will be created some time next week.  A list of voters follows.  				NO VOTES  [email protected] (Bob Cannard @ PCB x5565) [email protected] (Blair P. Houghton) Bill C. Riemers <[email protected]> <[email protected]> [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt) [email protected] (Jason D Corley ) [email protected] (Daryl McCullough) [email protected] (Daniel Seeman) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) [email protected] Greg Lindahl <[email protected]> [email protected] Jack Sarfatti <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Duncan) [email protected] (Jim Green) Ken Forward <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kevin Lu) [email protected] [email protected] (Jon Noring) Paul J. Schinder <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael Reed) [email protected] [email protected] (Robert Swirsky) [email protected] Thomas Wang <[email protected]> [email protected] (Stephen C. Trier)   				YES VOTES  Adam Cody Coggins <[email protected]> aephraim (Aephraim M. Steinberg) [email protected] (Alan Whittaker) [email protected] [email protected] (Alison Chaiken) [email protected] (Allen Knutson) [email protected] (Andre Lehovich) Alvian Tam <[email protected]> Amitabha Lahiri  505-667-6825 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Alan Martin) [email protected] (James Amundson) [email protected] (Andre Roberge) Andrew Hall <[email protected]> [email protected] (Angelyn P. Williams) [email protected] "ART OLIN, TRIUMF INET" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Dale Atems) "A.Wilson" <[email protected]> [email protected] (john baez) [email protected] (Jan Isley) Barbara Holtz <[email protected]> [email protected] (Stanko Barle) Bengt Larsson <[email protected]> [email protected] B.J.  15-Jan-1993 1700 <[email protected]> "Bob Davis" <[email protected]> Bob Jacobsen <[email protected]> [email protected] "Boris A. Veytsman" <[email protected]> [email protected] (David E. Brahm) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Bruce Scott) Burt N Holzman <[email protected]> [email protected] (Judith Elaine Bush Newton) [email protected] (Benjamin Weiner) [email protected] (D. L. Mosher) byrne (Paul Byrne) [email protected] (Paul Fisahn) Cameron Randale Bass <[email protected]> Carl Edman <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steve Carlip) [email protected] (Unknown user) [email protected] [email protected] (Christoph Best) [email protected] Chris Goedde <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Ronald Cohen) Colin Bell <[email protected]> [email protected] (Christopher Young) [email protected] (Dacol) [email protected] (Dan Schlitt) [email protected] (Darin Wayrynen) [email protected] [email protected] (David Thomas) [email protected] (David Conrad) David Aston <[email protected]> David E. Goggin [email protected]> "David E. Martin" <[email protected]> David Edelsohn <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Bell (505) 846-4479) [email protected] (David Coster) [email protected] (dennis womack) [email protected] [email protected] (Derrick C. Mancini) [email protected] (Dirk Talkenberger) [email protected] (Daniel S. Lewart) [email protected] [email protected] (David R. Morrison) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (DOUGLAS CRAIGEN) [email protected] (Douglas S. Miller) [email protected] (Timothy J. Drabik) [email protected] [email protected]EDU Durvalino Silva <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Wolff) [email protected] [email protected] "Edward J. Groth" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Gregory W. Edwards) [email protected] (Ed Sinamark) [email protected] (Eric Grannan) [email protected] ('kEvin') Eric Gottlieb <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ethan T. Vishniac) [email protected] [email protected] (Fong Liu) [email protected] (Forti Francesco) Francois Yergeau <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Frenkel) [email protected] (oxide owner) Galen Gawboy <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jonathan M. Gilligan) [email protected] [email protected] (Matthias Imhof) [email protected] (Daniel Gottesman) [email protected] (graham_p_collins) [email protected] (Hermann Chong) [email protected] (Hal F Lillywhite) [email protected] (Hao) [email protected] (H.Puhl) Helge Nareid <[email protected]> [email protected] (Hugh D.R. Evans, ESTEC, (31) 1719-85109) hfg (H.F. (Rick) Goldstein) [email protected] [email protected] (Bill Higgins-- Beam Jockey) Hugh Shanahan <[email protected]> Ian M Thomas <[email protected]> ICCGCC::[email protected] (daniel lance herrick) [email protected] [email protected] (Ilana Stern) [email protected] (Jim Carr) JACOB%[email protected] "James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia.  24-Jan-1993 0152" <[email protected]> James Harvey <[email protected]> James Jones <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Joe Buck) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Juergen Engelfried) Jerry B. Altzman <[email protected]> [email protected] (Joel Furr) [email protected] (John F. Woods) [email protected] (John De Armond) [email protected] [email protected] (John Horigan) Jim  CURRY <[email protected]> Jim Horne <[email protected]> jjplecs (Joseph John Plecs) [email protected] joe%[email protected] (Joe Watson) John D. Corless <[email protected]> "John E. Davis" <[email protected]> John Lewis <[email protected]> John West <[email protected]> johnson (Steve Johnson) "Jon J Thaler"                                 [email protected]> "Joseph N. Craig" <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (James K. Pillow) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Justin M. Sanders) [email protected] (Jack Shirazi <[email protected]>) [email protected] (Jon Bell) [email protected] (Joseph T Chew) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Jeffrey Weiss) katie (Katie Schwarz) [email protected] (Ken Olum) [email protected] (Alfred E Keen) Keith Ramsay <[email protected]> Keith S Cover <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] Kent Gregory <[email protected]> Kevin Junck <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kim Fallstrom) kieran <[email protected]> [email protected] (Peter King) Kirk Lougheed <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kevin Moore) [email protected] (Kevin McCarty) [email protected] (Werner Koellner, LBL) [email protected] [email protected] (Alfred M. Kriman) Kurt Sonnenmoser <[email protected]> [email protected] (Larry Hutchinson) lars johansen <[email protected]> "Lee Sawyer - (817) 273 2816" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Lee Lepore) [email protected] (Jon Livesey) [email protected] (sometimes a Wombat) [email protected] "Loren J. Miller" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Peter Lorraine) [email protected] [email protected] Magnus Holmberg <[email protected]> Magnus Olsson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Everybody) manish  ballav <[email protected]> "Marc E. Talbot" <[email protected]> Mark Flanagan <[email protected]> Marty Gelfand <[email protected]> Marvin Minsky <[email protected]> Matti Jokinen <[email protected]> Mattias Waldenvik <[email protected]> "Maurice V. Barnhill" <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] MCCLYMER%[email protected] (Jim McClymer) [email protected] (Patrick Mcguire) [email protected] (Stephan Melin) [email protected] (Sean Merritt) [email protected] (Chris Metzler) [email protected] (Steven Meyers) [email protected] (Feinstein Matthew R. F1B x6554 ) [email protected] (Mike Reid) Michael A. Wittenauer <[email protected]> Michael Cochran DTN:223-0648 MLO3-3/pole 45B  14-Jan-1993 1757 <[email protected]> Michael J. Booth <[email protected]> Michael Quinn [email protected]> Michael Weiss <[email protected]> Mike Miskulin <[email protected]> Mike Vaughn <[email protected]> [email protected] (M. Sushchih) [email protected] (Mike Jones) Mirrors 'R' Us <[email protected]> [email protected] (michael kagalenko) [email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS) [email protected] (Greg Morrow) [email protected] (Greg Morrow) <[email protected]> [email protected] (Marc Roussel) [email protected] (David Muir Sharnoff) [email protected] (Paul Murphy) [email protected] (Ranjan S Muttiah) [email protected] (Malcolm W. Ewell) [email protected] (William Johnson) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (N. I. Robb) north%[email protected] (Mark North) [email protected] (Chris O'Donovan) [email protected] (Jeff Orszak) [email protected] (Othmar Wigger) Ozanyan Krikor B. <[email protected]> paj <[email protected]> [email protected](Leigh Palmer) [email protected] (pamela gurd) [email protected]> [email protected] (Stephen Parrott) [email protected] Paul Coddington <[email protected]> Paul Gabor <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Peter C. McCluskey) [email protected] (Peter D. Olmsted) [email protected] (Jouni Peltoniemi) [email protected] (Pekka Nousiainen /DP) Per Hogstedt <[email protected]> [email protected] (George J Perkins) Peter G. Ford <[email protected]> Peter Jahn [email protected]> [email protected] (Peter Karbaliotis) [email protected] (Peter Farrell) [email protected] (Hartmut Frommert) Philippe Fauchet <[email protected]> [email protected] (George D. Phillies) [email protected] (Chris Phillips) [email protected] [email protected] (Pete - Toonatic - Boulay) [email protected] (Daniel E. Platt) [email protected] (Paul W Schleck KD3FU) [email protected] (Peter Kretschmar) [email protected] (Peter Kocourek) Radford Neal <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ralf Stephan) [email protected] Reginald Perry <[email protected]> [email protected] (on a clear disk you can seek forever) [email protected] (Rick Hunt) Richard Nistuk <[email protected]> Rick Ellis <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (Uwe Riedel) [email protected] (Gene Riggs) [email protected] (Alejandro Rivero) [email protected] (robert j kolker) [email protected] (Ralph L. Place) Rob Collins <[email protected]> Rob Vest <[email protected]> [email protected] (Robert Honerkamp) Robert Greimel <[email protected]> Robert Scharein <[email protected]> "Roberto B Salgado" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Robert Graves) [email protected] (Frederick G.M. Roeber) [email protected] (David Ronis) Ronnie B. Kon <[email protected]> [email protected] (Greg Rowe) [email protected] [email protected] (Rich Thomson) [email protected] (Gregory Russell) [email protected] (rodrigo vanegas) [email protected] (Ryan Brown) [email protected] (Marty Ryba) Sanjay Ashok Sheth <[email protected]> [email protected] Sarah Skovronsky <[email protected]> Sathish Chandran <[email protected]> [email protected] (Stephen B. Selipsky) [email protected] Scott Ralph <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steven E. Hoell) Selim Guncer  <[email protected]> "Sendhil Revuluri" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Serdar Boztas) Seth 'the Lesser' <[email protected]> [email protected] (Stephen Shenker) [email protected] Simon Crouch <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kristoffer Eriksson; Peridot AB) [email protected] (Sean Carroll) [email protected] (Gregory Aharonian) [email protected] (Srihari Keshavamurthy) [email protected] [email protected] (Stephen Strazdus) [email protected] "Stephen Burke, Liverpool" <[email protected]> Stephen Collyer <[email protected]> Stephen Harker <[email protected]> Stephen P. Braham <[email protected]> Steve Ratcliffe <[email protected]> Steve Simmons <[email protected]> Steve Spicklemire <[email protected]> [email protected] Steven Leffler <[email protected]> [email protected] (Pieter Swart) [email protected] (Matthias Blau) [email protected] (Tim Bodin) ted (Emory F. Bunn) [email protected] (Erkan Tekman) "Terry Tao" <[email protected]> [email protected]> "Thomas Kettenring [AG Korsch]" <[email protected]> "Thomas W. Strong, Jr." <[email protected]> Tim Day <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tim Graham) [email protected] (Tim Thompson) [email protected] (Tom Knight) Tony Lezard <[email protected]> [email protected] (Toon Moene) Torre Wenaus <[email protected]> [email protected] (Garry Trahern) [email protected] (Tao R or Stephen L) [email protected] (Barry Turner) [email protected] (tvaughan) [email protected] (Tom Frauenhofer) [email protected] (Ulrich Mueller) [email protected] (Umberto D'Ortona) [email protected] [email protected] (Michael Kellen) [email protected] [email protected] (James Valentine) [email protected] (Matt Visser) [email protected] <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Matthew P Wiener) Werenfried Spit <[email protected]> [email protected] (William Gladnick) [email protected] (Eric Williams) [email protected] (Suzzanne Willis) [email protected] [email protected] (William Tyler) [email protected] yeh (James C. Yeh) --  Matthew Austern                       Maybe we can eventually make language a [email protected]             complete impediment to understanding.  From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:43:36 1995 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1778 news.groups:38222 sci.physics:21935 sci.astro:16666 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.physics,sci.astro Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (George D. Phillies) Subject: RFD:  sci.physics.research moderated Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Date: 1 Feb 92 06:08:50 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 151 Status: RO X-Status:   Request  For Discussion: sci.physics.research (moderated)  Remark: for some people, this may be a second distribution.  A failure of our newsfeed at a chokepoint apparently prevented widespread distribution of this request.  A proposed charter for sci.physics.research(moderated):  ******  The purpose of sci.physics.research (moderated) is to provide a location for discussion of orthodox physics research, including announcements of novel findings, electronic publication of results, requests for data, and physics news.  The intent is to provide a congenial location in which professional physicists, physical chemists, fellow scientists and engineers in other disciplines, and serious amateurs may discuss science in a high signal-to-noise environment.  The current sci.physics (unmoderated) will not be affected by the creation of this group, so persons wishing an unmoderated newsgroup are not being deprived of anything.  The proposed group shall be moderated.  The moderator is expected to identify a contribution by approximate area, and to sort out seriously crackpot material and material that (s)he can identify as coming from h(er/is) undergraduate/core-graduate background.  The moderator is not a referee/editor, and need not decide whether or not a contribution is right.  Moderation is not editing.  As a general rule the moderator shall refer "paradoxers" --- critics who claim to find non-mathematical contradictions in special relativity, quantum mechanics, and other standard theories --- to sci.physics (unmoderated).  The borderline between radical innovation and crackpottery is sometimes vague; the duty of the moderator is to raise the signal-to-noise ratio by pruning doubtful contributions.  sci.physics.research will accept physics news articles, when the presented material is informational rather than editorial in content. The moderator should edit news items to delete excessive editorial comments.  Very short summaries of ill-reported news events, such as the January N. Y. Times report that the Japanese will definitely not contribute to the SSC, are appropriate; long excerpts are usually not appropriate.  Retractions of published papers are appropriate.  Discussions of undergraduate physics and questions taught in standard undergraduate or core graduate-level courses are not suitable for sci.physics.moderated.  Professional discussions of physics issues associated with the teaching of physics at any level --- pre-school to post-grad --- are suitable for sci.physics.research.  Discussions of textbook errors are suitable for sci.physics.research.  Some classes of pedagogical issues are more suited for; crossposting of pedagogy articles to is acceptable.  Format: To establish a tone for the group, the opening characters of the Subject Header Line and the opening lines of the article  will be standardized.  While in principle the same effect could be obtained by establishing a heirarchy of subgroups, it is not clear what the heirarchy should contain.  It is certainly easier to modify Subject Header Line instructions than it is to vote on restructuring a heirarchy.  Subject Header Line:  To allow searches/killfiles, the initial characters of the Subject Header line shall be standardized.  The standardization consists of an area/field code, which is used to begin each Subject Line.  The list of area/field codes shall be maintained by the moderator, and modified after experience has clarified their value.  An initial proposed list of area/field codes follows the charter.  Article Format Requirements:      Opening Lines:      Line 1+ "Title, Not All Caps, in Quotes."      Blank Line      Line 2+  Authors, including EMail and PaperMail addresses, and         Granting Agency Acknowledgements as Appropriate.      Text      Standard Trailers and disclaimers as needed.  Physics is large; the senior moderator's time is limited.  If the demands of the position become excessive, the senior moderator is authorized (after open discussion of names in sci.physics.research) to appoint up to three additional moderators (who may not themselves appoint additional moderators) to reduce the workload on a single person.  If this level of moderation proves inadequate, the moderators shall propose a rational subheirarchy following current customs.  **********End of Charter***********  Of course, we need a volunteer to act as moderator.  { 8^).  If no one else is willing, I am prepared to do this for a year.  Proposed list of header line openings.  astroe  : observational astronomy and astrophysics astrot  : theoretical astronomy and astrophysics accel   : particle beam physics, electron optics,... acous   : acoustics bioph   : biophysics class   : classical mechanics and dynamics cmlse   : condensed matter, liquid state experiment cmlst   : condensed matter, liquid state theory cmsse   : condensed matter, solid state experiment cmsst   : condensed matter, solid state theory cosm    : cosmology EandM   : electromagnetics fluid   : fluid dynamics fusne   : plasma and fusion physics, experimental fusnt   : plasma and fusion physics, theoretical geoe    : experimental geophysics geot    : theoretical geophysics grav    : gravitation and general relativity highe   : high energy experiment hight   : high energy theory math    : mathematical and numerical methods news    : physics news nucle   : nuclear physics, experimental nuclt   : nuclear physics, theoretical optics  : geometric, physical, and quantum optics ped     : physics pedagogy polym   : polymer physics quante  : quantum mechanics/spectral properties, lasers: experimental quantt  : quantum mechanics/spectral properties, lasers: theoretical ref     : discussion of modalities for creating a refereed    Electronic Journal of Physics (e.g. sci.phys.research.refereed) sim     : methods in computer simulation (simulation results are  referred to the theory section of the field). space   : space physics stat    : statistical mechanics thermo  : thermodynamics  When the call for votes is made (assuming discussion at this stage doesn't zorch the whole idea) I will serve as teller.  The requested format is Header line: "Vote on sci.physics.research"  Text:  Your Name       Your vote (Yes or No)        ^           ^                 ^        Column 5    Column 30         Column 60  Improvements on the above are welcome. --  George D. J. Phillies     [email protected] Professor of Physics      508-831-5334 Physics/WPI Worcester MA 01605  
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