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From [email protected] Tue May  5 12:05:54 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2287 news.groups:50330 comp.robotics:2361 comp.theory:4945 sci.astro:21443 sci.chem:6853 sci.engr:3127 sci.physics:29155 sci.psychology:8641 sci.research:2901 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.robotics,comp.theory,sci.astro,,sci.chem,sci.engr,sci.physics,sci.psychology,sci.research Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brian Yamauchi) Subject: RFD: Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Boeing Aerospace Operations Date: Tue, 5 May 1992 15:54:32 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 21  I would like to propose the creation of a newsgroup (unmoderated) dedicated to the discussion of issues relevant to scientific research careers -- finding a good research position, getting funding, getting tenure, pros and cons of working in academia, industry, and government, career-related issues in graduate school, etc.  "Science" here would be defined broadly to include the natural sciences (e.g. physics, biology), the applied sciences (e.g. computer science, engineering), and the social sciences (e.g. psychology, sociology).  Currently, no group exists with this particular focus, and I believe these topics would be of interest to a significant number of Usenet readers.  If you're interested, send mail to [email protected] or followup to news.groups. --  Brian Yamauchi				Robotics Applications Development 					Boeing Aerospace Operations [email protected]		Kennedy Space Center  From [email protected] Tue May 26 11:47:51 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2380 comp.robotics:2408 comp.theory:5116 sci.astro:22058 sci.chem:7005 sci.engr:3269 sci.math:27559 sci.physics:30381 sci.psychology:8791 sci.research:2939 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,,,comp.robotics,comp.theory,sci.astro,,sci.chem,sci.engr,sci.math,sci.physics,sci.psychology,sci.research, Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brian Yamauchi) Subject: CFV: Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Boeing Aerospace Operations Date: Tue, 26 May 1992 15:18:29 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 44  IMPORTANT NOTE: If you mailed me a vote in reply to the Request for Discussion, please mail another one.  I can only count votes received during the voting period indicated below.  Group Name: Group Type:	unmoderated  Charter: will be dedicated to the discussion of issues relevant to scientific research careers -- finding a good research position, getting funding, getting tenure, pros and cons of working in academia, industry, and government, career-related issues in graduate school, philosophical discussions about research, practical advice for conducting research, etc.  "Science" here would be defined broadly to include the natural sciences (e.g. physics, biology), the applied sciences (e.g. computer science, engineering), and the social sciences (e.g. psychology, sociology).  This vote starts on 26 May 1992 and ends at 23:59 GMT, 16 June 1992.  Votes should be mailed to:  	[email protected]  Please indicate your vote in the HEADER of your message, for example:  	Subject: YES  			or  	Subject: NO  Please mail other comments separately as the bodies of some vote messages may not be read.  Votes should be unambiguous and unconditional (i.e. no votes of the form, "I support the group, but the name should be changed to..."). --  Brian Yamauchi				Robotics Applications Development 					Boeing Aerospace Operations [email protected]		Kennedy Space Center  From [email protected] Fri Jun 19 13:28:28 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2442 news.groups:52923 comp.robotics:2538 comp.theory:5259 sci.astro:22907 sci.chem:7218 sci.engr:3444 sci.math:28418 sci.physics:31303 sci.psychology:8987 sci.research:3102 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.robotics,comp.theory,sci.astro,,sci.chem,sci.engr,sci.math,sci.physics,sci.psychology,sci.research, Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brian Yamauchi) Subject: RESULT: passes 323: 14 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Robotics Applications Development, Boeing Aerospace Operations Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 04:22:05 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 363  The voting period ended for on June 16.  The results are as follows:  	YES votes:		323 	NO votes		 14  	YES votes - NO votes:	309 	YES votes / NO votes:	 23  Since 309 more people voted yes than no and 23 times as many people voted yes as no, the vote passes, and following the standard waiting period, the group will be created.  The following is a list of all the votes received:  NO votes  Jost Jahn <[email protected]> Judy Anderson <[email protected]> Roland Kaltefleiter <[email protected]> Roy S. Rapoport <[email protected]> Timothy VanFosson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ed Bailey) [email protected] (Chip Rosenthal) [email protected] (Paulo da Costa 42147) [email protected] (Tony Mullins) [email protected] [email protected] (P.J. Boulay ) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) rutgers!!moriarty (Jeff Meyer) [email protected] (Tarl Neustaedter)  YES votes  " R. Timothy Smith " <[email protected]> "(Arnold Bloemer)" <[email protected]> "(Claude Diderich)" <[email protected]> "A. Middleton" <[email protected]> "Barbara K. Laufersweiler" <[email protected]> "Bill Christens-Barry"  <[email protected]> "Bing Pu" <[email protected]> "CHEN, JUNRONG" <[email protected]> "Dr Jeff Hoyle" <[email protected]> "Elizabeth Stuck" <[email protected]> "Harold Wareham(Todd)" <[email protected]> "Henry W. Borysewicz" <[email protected]> "L. M. P. McPherson" <[email protected]> "Laurie Christianson" <[email protected]> "Leonore A. Findsen" <[email protected]> "Manoj K. Jain" <[email protected]> "Mr.V.K.S.Oh" <[email protected]> "N. Sukumar" <[email protected]> "OXVAD::DLC"@ASTROPHYSICS.OXFORD.AC.UK "Robert D. Black" <[email protected]> "Robert Horton" <[email protected]> "The Don....." <[email protected]> "Timothy J. Allison" <[email protected]> "erik b flom" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> ALLEN SMITH [email protected]> Acid Rain <[email protected]> Afzal Ballim <[email protected]> Ake Knutsson <[email protected]> Alex Kean <[email protected]> Andreas Futschik [email protected]> Anne G Glenn <[email protected]EGON.UOREGON.EDU> [email protected] Benny Lovstrom <[email protected]> Bill Turkel <[email protected]> Brian Borchers <[email protected]> [email protected] Chris Goedde <[email protected]> Christian Icking <[email protected]> Christos Ouzounis <[email protected]> Clemens Cap <[email protected]> Curtis V. Jorenby <[email protected]> DIWAKAR <[email protected]> [email protected] Daniel Solomon (Mary ra) <[email protected]> Danny Padwa <[email protected]> David Bremner <[email protected]> David D. Lewis <[email protected]> David Fritchman <[email protected]> David Greene <[email protected]> Davide Crippa <[email protected]> Dinesh Pai <[email protected]> Dirk Valk <[email protected]> EVaN PRitCHARD <[email protected]> Elizabeth Cameron Parish <[email protected]> Eric Jones <[email protected]> Erich J Smythe <[email protected]> Erik Rauch  [email protected] (Frederick A. Ringwald) [email protected] Gregory N. Price <[email protected]> Gregory Sidebottom <[email protected]> [email protected] (Bill Higgins-- Beam Jockey) Hari Asuri <[email protected]> Harpal Chohan <[email protected]> Helix Fairweather <[email protected]> [email protected] James Mihaychuk <[email protected]> Jason Almeter <[email protected]> Jeff Erickson <[email protected]> Jeff Radick <[email protected]> Jere K Green <[email protected]> Jim Horne <[email protected]> Joerg Ueberla <[email protected]> John G Dobnick <[email protected]> John Verzani <[email protected]> Jonathan Layes <[email protected]> Jonathan Marshall <[email protected]> [email protected] Kate Gregory <[email protected]> Kate Jeffery <[email protected]> Kenneth I. Laws <[email protected]> Keung-Chi Ng <[email protected]> Kevin Gardner <[email protected]> Kevin Thompson <[email protected]> Kimball Collins <[email protected]> Koen Versmissen <[email protected]> Koichi John Kishimoto <[email protected]> Larry Hall  <[email protected]> Lorie Miller <[email protected]> Lynn Ziegler <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] Marco Valtorta <[email protected]> Martin Berger (cs89) <[email protected]> Martin Staudt <[email protected]> Mayank Prakash <[email protected]> Michael Iltis <[email protected]> Michael Lewchuk <[email protected]> Mike Fessler <[email protected]> Milorad D Sucur <[email protected]> N. R. Senthilnathan <[email protected]> [email protected] Norbert Bollow <[email protected]> [email protected] Ofer Biham <[email protected]> Ola Borreb{k <[email protected]> Oliver Tegel <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Hartmut Thomas) Paul Palmer <[email protected]> Pauline M Muggli <[email protected]> Peter Antreasian <[email protected]> Peter Montgomery <[email protected]> Phill Edwards <[email protected]> Phillip Lougher <[email protected]> Pierre Bessiere <[email protected]> Pierre PELADEAU <[email protected]> R Srikanth <[email protected]> RAVEN Winter <[email protected]> Raja Sooriamurthi <[email protected]> Randy Crawford <[email protected]> Richard Dallaway <[email protected]> Riyaz Sikora <[email protected]> Roy M Turner <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] Sachin Mithal <[email protected]> [email protected] Sanjiv Singh <[email protected]> Scott J. Kramer <[email protected]> (()) Sherisse Smelser <[email protected]> Siddharthan Ramachandramurthi <[email protected]> Sigfred H}versen <[email protected]> Stefan Besling <[email protected]> Swaminathan Mahalingam <[email protected]> Tim Hagman (lbs) <[email protected]> Tim Lethbridge <[email protected]> Toby Walsh <[email protected]> Tony Sloane <[email protected]> Vijay Gehlot <[email protected]> W. Christopher Hughes <[email protected]> Wilhelm Hasselbring <[email protected]> Xie  Ming <[email protected]> [email protected] Ying Li <[email protected]> Ying Lin <[email protected]> Zbigniew Jan Pasek <[email protected]> [email protected] (Aniruddha Joshi) [email protected] (M.A. Gee) [email protected] (Richa Agarwala) [email protected] (Al DiCanzio) [email protected] (Subutai Ahmad) [email protected] [email protected] (Ameen Abu-Hanna) [email protected] (Andre Roberge) [email protected] (Baba Prasad) [email protected] bartolome debbie s  <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Austin Phelps) [email protected] (Ruth White) [email protected] (Dr. Siegfried Bocionek) [email protected] (John Rompel) [email protected] [email protected] (William J. Bouma) [email protected] [email protected] (shashi buluswar) [email protected] (John A. Burns) [email protected] (Christopher A. Nissen) [email protected] (Candy Robinson) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Randy Coulman) [email protected] (Kent Goeking) [email protected] [email protected] (David Stodolsky) [email protected] [email protected] (Jan De Kinder) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Diana Smetters) [email protected] (Paul C. Dolber) [email protected] [email protected] (E Christopher Lewis) [email protected] (Ernest E. Rothman) esmythe (Erich J Smythe) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Franz Kurfess) [email protected] (Luis Fuentes) [email protected] (Gail Abbott) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Belynda Giese) [email protected] (Gil Neiger) [email protected] (Jonathan Gilligan 303-497-3861) [email protected] (John Idicula) [email protected] [email protected] (Goran Matijasevic) [email protected] (MCCONNELL) [email protected] (Selim E. Guncer) [email protected] (Candace O'Connor) [email protected] (Juergen Haas) [email protected] (John Stevenson) [email protected] (Kikuo Harigaya) [email protected] (Stephan Heilmayr) [email protected] (Bradford Holden) [email protected] (Edward J. Huff) [email protected] (Richard Hull) [email protected] [email protected] (Ivan Maldonado) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Jeff Goldberg) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (James J. Gannon) [email protected] (Joel_Schmidt) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (J C Flack) [email protected] (Jie Wang) [email protected] (Jim Jennings (214)754-6922) [email protected] ( John  Roumeliotis) [email protected] (Ming Kao) [email protected] (David Karr) [email protected] (Mehmet M. Kayaalp MD) [email protected] (Rajiv Khosla) [email protected] (Pekka Kilpelainen) [email protected] (Kenneth C. Jenks [GM2] 483-4368) [email protected] (Frank V Koss ) [email protected] (Krishna Kunchithapadam) [email protected] (Gopi Kuduvalli) [email protected] (Joseph I. Landman) [email protected] (Trent Lange) [email protected] (Soundaralakshmi S) [email protected] (Leo Charles Kempel) [email protected] (Laura L. Walsh) [email protected] (Martin Kramer) [email protected] (Ariel Mazzarelli) [email protected] (Ruth McKay) [email protected] (Max Lu) [email protected] [email protected] (Minerva Ming-Yee Yeung) [email protected] (Matti Nykanen) [email protected] (Mohsin Ahmed) [email protected] (Kane Koo) [email protected] ( Jeffrey A Erickson ) [email protected] (Nenad Nedeljkovic - Nesha) [email protected] (Chrystopher Lev Nehaniv) [email protected] (Natarajan Venkateswaran) [email protected] (Omar Patino-Siliceo) [email protected] (Can Ozturan) [email protected] (Sam Painter) [email protected] (Strange Attractor) [email protected] (Tom James Parry) paul shirkey <[email protected]> [email protected] (Paul Davey) [email protected] (Peter Baumgartner) [email protected] (Phillip Hinds) [email protected] (Leslie Picardo) [email protected] (Peter L. Brusilovsky) [email protected] [email protected] (Mr. KP Pradeep Kumar) [email protected] (Bill Pugh) [email protected] (G Ramalingam) [email protected] (Subbarao Kambhampati) [email protected] (David Renpan Chang) [email protected] (Brian Reynolds) [email protected] (Rob Schultz) [email protected] (Janet Robbins 253-9645) [email protected] (Kathleen Romanik) [email protected] (Randal R. Ketchem) rutgers!!ceg (Chris Galas) [email protected] (Romulusz Varga) [email protected](Sendhil Revuluri) [email protected] [email protected] (Samir Ranjan Das) [email protected] [email protected] (Bob Schrag) [email protected] [email protected] (Susan E. Shoaf) [email protected] (Lih-Chyun S Shu) [email protected] [email protected] (Sitaram Raju) [email protected] (Sharon M. Tuttle) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Swami Ananthram) [email protected] (Markku Jaeaeskelaeinen) [email protected] (Thomas B. Morrison) [email protected] (Travis Gee) [email protected] (Todd Heatherton) [email protected] [email protected] (Tom Albrecht) [email protected] [email protected] (Tony Barr) [email protected] (Terence P. Ma) [email protected] [email protected] (Jungfu Tsao) [email protected] (Real life?  Ha!) [email protected] (Thomas Galloway) [email protected] (Udo Flohr) [email protected] [email protected] (V. Suresh Kumar) [email protected] [email protected] (William Cochran) [email protected] (Wei Li) [email protected] (James Wishart) [email protected] [email protected] (Wolf) [email protected] (Sue J. Worden) [email protected] (Agnes Wozniak) [email protected] [email protected] (Xin Wang) [email protected] (Yaxin Wang) zhou%[email protected] (Gang Zhou (LUTZ)) [email protected] (Bill Davis) --  Brian Yamauchi				Robotics Applications Development 					Boeing Aerospace Operations [email protected]		Kennedy Space Center _______________________________________________________________________________  
A person who reads/browses newsgroups but does not actively post.
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