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From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 02:59:36 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1808 news.groups:38919 rec.arts.books:32928 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.books Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Larry Gainor) Subject: RFD: Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: The University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1992 14:10:00 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 31  This is REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION concerning the creation of an UNMODERATED newsgroup  NAME:    STATUS:           unmoderated  CHARTER:           To facilitate and encourage communication among people interested in libraries and librarianship.  The scope of the discussion would include issues relevant to all types of libraries and library services.    RATIONALE           This group would serve as a forum for the discussion of issues which do not easily fit into the more tightly focused discussions on the various mailing lists.  It would also provide an opportunity for those who are not librarians (and thus less likely to subscribe to library-related mailing lists) to participate in discussion of library-related issues.    Larry Gainor --  Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Texas at Austin Internet: [email protected] Bitnet:   [email protected]  From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:22:13 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1896 news.groups:40479 rec.arts.books:33963 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.books Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Larry Gainor) Subject: CFV: Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: The University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1992 05:51:35 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 56  CALL FOR VOTES TO CREATE NEWSGROUP ----------------------------------  NAME:    STATUS:           unmoderated  CHARTER:           To facilitate and encourage communication among people interested in libraries and librarianship.  The scope of the discussion would include issues relevant to all types of libraries and library services.    RATIONALE           This group would serve as a forum for the discussion of issues which do not easily fit into the more tightly focused discussions on the various mailing lists.  It would also provide an opportunity for those who are not librarians (and thus less likely to subscribe to library-related mailing lists) to participate in discussion of library-related issues.   VOTES:  ONLY VOTES RECEIVED BY APRIL 5, 23:59 CDT WILL BE COUNTED  TO VOTE YES: send mail to [email protected] (or reply to this posting) with the words "YES" and "" in the subject line (preferred) or message body (acceptable)  TO VOTE NO: send mail to [email protected] (or reply to this posting) with the words "NO" and "" in the subject line (preferred) or message body (acceptable)  Only votes mailed to the above address will be counted.  Ambiguous votes or votes with qualifications ("I would vote yes for provided that...") will not be counted.  In the case of multiple votes from a given  person, only the last will be counted.  This Call For Votes, along with acknowledgements of votes received will  be posted several times throughout the voting period.    This notice is cross-posted to: news.groups news.announce.newgroups rec.arts.books  In addition, a notice of this call for votes will be sent to the mailing lists: LIBREF-L, PACS-L, and LIBADMIN  Larry Gainor --  Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Texas at Austin Internet: [email protected] Bitnet:   [email protected]  From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:34:18 1992 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.books From: [email protected] (Larry Gainor) Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: Followup-To: poster Organization: The University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1992 17:36:59 GMT  This is the second Call For Votes for the creation of the group, a newsgroup devoted to discussion of libraries and librarianship.  The text of the original CFV follows.  The vote  ends on April 5, 23:59 Central time.    CALL FOR VOTES TO CREATE NEWSGROUP ----------------------------------  NAME:    STATUS:           unmoderated  CHARTER:           To facilitate and encourage communication among people interested in libraries and librarianship.  The scope of the discussion would include issues relevant to all types of libraries and library services.    RATIONALE           This group would serve as a forum for the discussion of issues which do not easily fit into the more tightly focused discussions on the various mailing lists.  It would also provide an opportunity for those who are not librarians (and thus less likely to subscribe to library-related mailing lists) to participate in discussion of library-related issues.   VOTES:  ONLY VOTES RECEIVED BY APRIL 5, 23:59 CDT WILL BE COUNTED  TO VOTE YES: send mail to [email protected] (or reply to this posting) with the words "YES" and "" in the subject line (preferred) or message body (acceptable) ))  TO VOTE NO: send mail to [email protected] (or reply to this posting) with the words "NO" and "" in the subject line (preferred) or message body (acceptable) )  Only votes mailed to the above address will be counted.  Ambiguous votes or votes with qualifications ("I would vote yes for provided that...") will not be counted.  In the case of multiple votes from a given  person, only the last will be counted d.  This Call For Votes, along with acknowledgements of votes received will  be posted several times throughout the voting period.    This notice is cross-posted to: news.groups news.announce.newgroups rec.arts.books s  In addition, a notice of this call for votes will be sent to the mailing lists: LIBREF-L, PACS-L, and LIBADMIN  Larry Gainor Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Texas at Austin Internet: [email protected]  Bitnet:   [email protected] ------------------------------Vote Acknowledgement Follows------------------  To date, I have received votes from the following people.  If you mailed a vote and are not on this list, please send it again.    [email protected] (Bill Konrad) ablem (Melba Valdez) ALLENS%[email protected] [email protected] (Amy McNulty) [email protected] (James C. Barrett    bcalixto (Beatriz Valadares Cendon Calixto) Ben Gross <[email protected]> Brian Court [email protected]  [email protected] Tue Mar 10 00:49:21 1992 Carl M. Kadie" <[email protected]> Carol Hutchins" <[email protected]> [email protected] (F. Jacot Guillarmod) [email protected] Mon Mar  9 10:20:17 1992 [email protected] (Peter L. Thomas, AE) [email protected] (Chris Galas) Chris Syed <[email protected]> [email protected] (Margaret C. Worley) [email protected] (Paul J. Constantine, Yale Univ. Library) [email protected] (Cliff Tuel) Dave Davis (508-392-2990) <[email protected]> David Link - Lenoir-Rhyne College <[email protected]> [email protected] Debbie Hollis <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.) [email protected] (Edward Bertsch) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) Eric Celeste / MIT Libraries / [email protected] Eric P. Hunt <[email protected]> [email protected] (Erin Foster) Gabe M Wiener <[email protected]> [email protected] (Cynthia Leigh Haynes) [email protected] (HELEN P. MACK) [email protected] (JENNIFER A. HEISE) Jeffrey Youngstrom   [email protected] or ...!{decwrl,sun}!teda!jeffy Joan Eslinger <[email protected]> JOE GOLDSTON <[email protected]> Julie A. Fore" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Belinda Juran) [email protected] (Rick Harrison) Jyrki Kuoppala <[email protected]> [email protected] (Brian Kenney) Kent Mulliner <[email protected]> Laurie Cardon [email protected]> leibold%[email protected] (David Leibold) [email protected] (M. AXFORD) lolita (eve kleinman) [email protected]  1 lscu343 (Wang Xiaodong) ) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  Marc Moorcroft <[email protected]> Margaret Martin Gardiner <[email protected]> Martin W. Helgesen" <[email protected]> matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood) [email protected] (mehta) [email protected] (Margaret F Riley) Michael A. DiCarlo" [email protected]> Michael Reagan (MREAGAN) <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mark Ellingham) [email protected] (Gary Moore) [email protected] (Mark Brader) [email protected] (Nancy Bennett) Nigel Allen <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Mike Palmer) [email protected] Peter Scott/Manager,Small Systems/U Sask Lib/5920" <[email protected]> Po Shan Cheah <[email protected]> R. Spiridavnov" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tony Ralli) richard william lindstrom <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (Rob Guttmann) [email protected] Carl Sappenfield  [email protected] (Dave V. Schaller) SCHUYJUANNAH <[email protected]> Sean Philip Engelson <[email protected]> Sharon Domier <[email protected]> Sheryl Rose <[email protected]> [email protected] Mon Mar  9 00:34:18 1992 [email protected] (Suzanne S Bell) Steve Cisler <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Terry Dawson) [email protected] (Real life?  Ha!) [email protected] (Javed Mostafa) Valeria Frontini <[email protected]> Vickie L. Banks" <[email protected]> [email protected] (homo obsolescensis) [email protected] Mon Mar  9 18:19:39 1992 [email protected] ((Glee Willis) [email protected] (Ying Liang)    Please mail all votes to [email protected]  Include, either in the Subject line or the message body, the words "Yes -" or "No -" or similar unambiguous wording.    From [email protected] Sun Apr 19 21:37:26 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2198 news.groups:48303 rec.arts.books:39734 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.books Path: uunet!uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Larry Gainor) Subject: RESULT: passes 156: 26 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: The University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1992 15:53:32 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 204  The voting for ended at midnight, April 5, 1992. There was one case of a duplicate vote which was found and eliminated. There were no cases of people voting in both categories.  The list of voters and the way they voted is appended.  The final count was 156 "yes" votes, and 26 "no" votes.  This meets the criteria for newsgroup creation.  The 5-day waiting period for examination of the vote now begins.  If the  vote is judged credible, the newsgroup will begin shortly afterwards.  Thanks to all who voted.  Larry Gainor   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "NO" VOTES  [email protected] (LT J.D. Baldwin) [email protected] (James C. Barrett) [email protected] (Peter L. Thomas, AE) [email protected] (Paul J. Constantine)  [email protected] (Cliff Tuel) Dale Mead <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) Greg Franklin <[email protected]> John G Dobnick <[email protected]> [email protected] (Brian Kenney) LB15ILF [email protected]> LB16ILF [email protected]> Maggie Zeller [email protected]> Marc Moorcroft <[email protected]> [email protected] (mehta) [email protected] (Mark Brader) [email protected] (Mike Palmer) Ran Atkinson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (John Greene) [email protected] (Dave V. Schaller) [email protected] [email protected] (Real life?  Ha!) [email protected] (homo obsolescensis) [email protected] (Glee Willis) ----------------------------------------------------------------------   "YES" VOTES  "Andy Breeding,[....] 25-Mar-1992 1110" <[email protected]> "Carol Hutchins" <[email protected]> "Evan A.C. Hunt" <[email protected]> "Kimberly Laird  " <[email protected]> "M. SCHWEIGER" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Bill Konrad) [email protected] (Melba Valdez) Achim Kruse <[email protected]> ALLENS%[email protected] [email protected] (Amy McNulty) [email protected] (Andrena Johnson) [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva) [email protected] (Beatriz Valadares Cendon Calixto) Ben Gross <[email protected]> Beth Mitcham <[email protected]> [email protected] (Bharathi Jagadeesh) [email protected] (Brian J. Kennedy) [email protected] (Patricia Brauer)   Brendan Kehoe <[email protected]> Brian Court [email protected]  [email protected] (Bob Skinner) [email protected] (richard) [email protected] Tue Mar 10 00:49:21 1992 Carl M. Kadie" <[email protected]> Carol Hutchins" <[email protected]> [email protected] (F. Jacot Guillarmod) [email protected] Mon Mar  9 10:20:17 1992 [email protected] (Chris Galas) Chris Syed <[email protected]> [email protected] (Margaret C. Worley) [email protected] (Mary Anne Walters)  [email protected] [email protected] (David Adams) Dave Brunell <[email protected]> Dave Davis (508-392-2990) <[email protected]> David Link - Lenoir-Rhyne College <[email protected]> >" [email protected] (Diana Boyd)  Debbie Hollis <[email protected]> [email protected] (Dan Jones) [email protected] (Edward Bertsch) [email protected] (Edward C Lomax) [email protected] (Katia Van de Vyver)  Eric Celeste / MIT Libraries / [email protected] Eric P. Hunt <[email protected]> Erik Naggum <[email protected]> [email protected] (Erin Foster) Gabe M Wiener <[email protected]> Gayane Karen Merguerian <[email protected]> GILL WESTERA <[email protected]> [email protected] (Gonzalo Diethelm) [email protected] (M. Karin Richeson)  [email protected] (grete pasch) [email protected] (Cynthia Leigh Haynes) [email protected]du [email protected] (HELEN P. MACK) [email protected] (hee sook kim)   [email protected] (Sci/Tech Library) [email protected] (JENNIFER A. HEISE) Jeffrey Youngstrom   [email protected] or ...!{decwrl,sun}!teda!jeffy [email protected] (Jennifer Merrill) [email protected] (jon luckstead) Joan Eslinger <[email protected]> JOE GOLDSTON <[email protected]> John Gibbs <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jordan Hayes) [email protected] (Jeff Suttor) Julie A. Fore" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Belinda Juran) [email protected] (Rick Harrison) Jyrki Kuoppala <[email protected]> Kay Tuma <[email protected]> Kent Mulliner <[email protected]> [email protected] (Karen Jette) [email protected]  [email protected] (Luis Astudillo Vivar) Laura Barnes <[email protected]> Laurie Cardon [email protected]> leibold%[email protected] (David Leibold) [email protected] (M. AXFORD) [email protected] (eve kleinman) Loren Meissner <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steve Townsend)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Noelle Boc) [email protected] (Marge Fauver) [email protected]   [email protected]  [email protected] (martha j. munies) [email protected] (Kathy Armstrong) [email protected] (Wang Xiaodong) [email protected]  [email protected] (Louise Thomas) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Jeanette Carper) Margaret Martin Gardiner <[email protected]> Marian Frear <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jill B. Adams) Martin W. Helgesen" <[email protected]> matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood) [email protected]  (Martin Simons)  [email protected] (Mei-Ying Yang) Melody Winkle <[email protected]> [email protected] (Rose Adams)  [email protected] (Margaret F Riley) Michael A. DiCarlo" [email protected]> Michael Reagan (MREAGAN) <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mark Ellingham) [email protected] (Gary Moore) [email protected] (Nancy Bennett) Nigel Allen <[email protected]> [email protected] Pamela Mofjeld <[email protected]> Patrick Scheible <[email protected]> [email protected] (Phil Doty)  Peter Scott/Manager,Small Systems/U Sask Lib/5920" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Chris Dassoff) [email protected] (Phil Shirley) Po Shan Cheah <[email protected]> R. Spiridavnov" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tony Ralli) [email protected] (rama) Randy Finder ([email protected])  [email protected] (Red Wassenich) richard william lindstrom <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard Commander) [email protected] (Rob Pawsner) [email protected] (Rob Guttmann) [email protected] Carl Sappenfield  SCHUYJUANNAH <[email protected]> (Tia Chapelle)  Sean Philip Engelson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Maria Sensale) Sharon Domier <[email protected]> Sheryl Rose <[email protected]> [email protected] (Liisa Marie Sjoblom) [email protected] (Stephan  Miller) [email protected] Mon Mar  9 00:34:18 1992 [email protected] (Jason Sykora)   [email protected] (Suzanne S Bell) Steve Cisler <[email protected]>  [email protected] Taea Lera <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Terry Dawson) [email protected] (The Great and Powerful) [email protected] (Julie Todaro) [email protected] (John Starta) [email protected] (John M. Troyer) [email protected]  (Mike Ugorowski)  [email protected] (Javed Mostafa) Valeria Frontini <[email protected]> Vickie L. Banks" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Vincent J Guinto) [email protected] Mon Mar  9 18:19:39 1992 [email protected] (Ying Liang)  [email protected] (John Davis)  From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:44:15 1995 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1808 news.groups:38919 rec.arts.books:32928 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.books Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Larry Gainor) Subject: RFD: Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: The University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1992 14:10:00 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 31 Status: RO X-Status:   This is REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION concerning the creation of an UNMODERATED newsgroup  NAME:    STATUS:           unmoderated  CHARTER:           To facilitate and encourage communication among people interested in libraries and librarianship.  The scope of the discussion would include issues relevant to all types of libraries and library services.    RATIONALE           This group would serve as a forum for the discussion of issues which do not easily fit into the more tightly focused discussions on the various mailing lists.  It would also provide an opportunity for those who are not librarians (and thus less likely to subscribe to library-related mailing lists) to participate in discussion of library-related issues.    Larry Gainor --  Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Texas at Austin Internet: [email protected] Bitnet:   [email protected]  From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:46:47 1995 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1896 news.groups:40479 rec.arts.books:33963 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.books Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Larry Gainor) Subject: CFV: Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: The University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1992 05:51:35 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 56 Status: RO X-Status:   CALL FOR VOTES TO CREATE NEWSGROUP ----------------------------------  NAME:    STATUS:           unmoderated  CHARTER:           To facilitate and encourage communication among people interested in libraries and librarianship.  The scope of the discussion would include issues relevant to all types of libraries and library services.    RATIONALE           This group would serve as a forum for the discussion of issues which do not easily fit into the more tightly focused discussions on the various mailing lists.  It would also provide an opportunity for those who are not librarians (and thus less likely to subscribe to library-related mailing lists) to participate in discussion of library-related issues.   VOTES:  ONLY VOTES RECEIVED BY APRIL 5, 23:59 CDT WILL BE COUNTED  TO VOTE YES: send mail to [email protected] (or reply to this posting) with the words "YES" and "" in the subject line (preferred) or message body (acceptable)  TO VOTE NO: send mail to [email protected] (or reply to this posting) with the words "NO" and "" in the subject line (preferred) or message body (acceptable)  Only votes mailed to the above address will be counted.  Ambiguous votes or votes with qualifications ("I would vote yes for provided that...") will not be counted.  In the case of multiple votes from a given  person, only the last will be counted.  This Call For Votes, along with acknowledgements of votes received will  be posted several times throughout the voting period.    This notice is cross-posted to: news.groups news.announce.newgroups rec.arts.books  In addition, a notice of this call for votes will be sent to the mailing lists: LIBREF-L, PACS-L, and LIBADMIN  Larry Gainor --  Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Texas at Austin Internet: [email protected] Bitnet:   [email protected]  
A person who reads/browses newsgroups but does not actively post.
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