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Malaysia ( soc.culture.malaysia )
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From [email protected] Mon Sep 27 10:34:48 1993 Flags: 000000000201 Path: lear Date: Sun,  3 Feb 91 21:40:55 PST From: [email protected] (ramanathan narayanan) Subject: CALL FOR DISCUSSION: soc.culture.malaysian Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups Followup-to: news.groups Keywords: posted  a new newsgroup known as soc.culture.malaysian - since there are so many malaysian students studying all over the world  especially in the United states and England and Australia To benefit all those away from home we intend to start a  this above group.kindly let us know what to do. Thanking you in advance.  From [email protected] Wed Jan 13 17:47:11 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Christopher Barrera) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.australian,soc.culture.indian Subject: RFD: soc.culture.malaysia Followup-To: news.groups Date: 11 Jan 1993 16:37:22 -0500 Organization: Michigan Technological University Lines: 44 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3139 news.groups:64247 soc.culture.asean:16056 soc.culture.thai:4992 soc.culture.vietnamese:24305 soc.culture.hongkong:32322 soc.culture.china:98041 soc.culture.filipino:7625 soc.culture.australian:9479 soc.culture.indian:111956  I would like to call together a discussion for the creation of a new newgroup, tentatively called "soc.culture.malaysia"  The proposed group is unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join may freely do so.  Proposed CHARTER for the proposed group "soc.culture.malaysia" -     The proposed group, soc.culture.malaysia, is intended for    the discussion of all topics pertaining to Malaysia, including    but not limited to: culture, national politics, foreign diplomacy,    economy, peoples, and land.   Why I feel this newsgroup should be created -  1) The current newsgroup in which most discussion of Malaysia    occurs is "soc.culture.asean". It seems that most of the    discussion in this group as a whole pertains to either    Malaysia or Singapore (which perhaps should have a group)     rather than pertaining to ASEAN. This strongly hints that    a separate group should be created for discussion of Malaysia.  2) Most of the larger countries in Southeast Asia are already represented    by newsgroups, including:     soc.culture.filipino    soc.culture.thai    soc.culture.vietnamese    alt.culture.indonesia     as well as others nearby -     soc.culture.australia    soc.culture.bangladesh    soc.culture.china    soc.culture.hongkong   3) soc.culture.asean, as mentioned in #1 above, no longer has much    talk about ASEAN as a whole, suggesting the group is no longer    fulfilling its intended purpose. Perhaps it should be dissolved    or renamed with a new charter. Anyhow, it now seems an apropriate    time for soc.culture.malaysia to be created.  From [email protected] Wed Jan 20 23:00:10 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Christopher Barrera) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.australian,soc.culture.indian Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.malaysia Followup-To: news.groups Date: 20 Jan 1993 19:21:17 -0500 Organization: Michigan Technological University Lines: 104 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3161 news.groups:64756 soc.culture.asean:16277 soc.culture.thai:5076 soc.culture.vietnamese:24986 soc.culture.hongkong:32637 soc.culture.china:98598 soc.culture.filipino:7748 soc.culture.australian:9595 soc.culture.indian:113111  This is the beginning of the second week of RFD - Request for Discussion for the creation of ** soc.culture.malaysia **. THIS IS NOT A VOTE. I included an explanation at the end of this message of the process for creating a new newsgoup. We have 3 weeks left before we can begin voting. What we need to do now is to keep talking about it so that most people agree on the name of the group, its charter, and whether or not it will be moderated (Censored ;-)  Also, please note that discussion for this group is redirected to the newsgroup "news.groups" so when anyone replies to this message their reply will go to that group. This is necessary as part of the rules for creating new newsgroups. So please check out the discussions there.  I would like to thank all so far who have supported this idea. If all remains like this, we will almost certainly have a new newsgroup!   ----------------------------------------------------------------------  This is an official RFD - Request for Discussion for the creating of a new newsgroup.  The proposed group is to be called "soc.culture.malaysia"  The proposed group is unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join may freely do so.  Proposed CHARTER for the proposed group "soc.culture.malaysia" -     The proposed group, soc.culture.malaysia, is intended for    the discussion of all topics pertaining to Malaysia, including    but not limited to: culture, national politics, foreign diplomacy,    economy, peoples, and land.   Why I feel this newsgroup should be created -  1) The current newsgroup in which most discussion of Malaysia    occurs is "soc.culture.asean". It seems that most of the    discussion in this group as a whole pertains to either    Malaysia or Singapore (which perhaps should have a group)     rather than pertaining to ASEAN. This strongly hints that    a separate group should be created for discussion of Malaysia.  2) Most of the larger countries in Southeast Asia are already represented    by newsgroups, including:     soc.culture.filipino    soc.culture.thai    soc.culture.vietnamese    alt.culture.indonesia     as well as others nearby -     soc.culture.australia    soc.culture.bangladesh    soc.culture.china    soc.culture.hongkong   3) soc.culture.asean, as mentioned in #1 above, no longer has much    talk about ASEAN as a whole, suggesting the group is no longer    fulfilling its intended purpose. Perhaps it should be dissolved    or renamed with a new charter. Anyhow, it now seems an apropriate    time for soc.culture.malaysia to be created.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rules for creating new newsgroups :  Many people have asked how to create this group, I apologize for not explaining it right away.             I have already volunteered to manage this process, which was started when I made my first post.  The first step is to make an official "RFD soc.culture.malaysia" posting to news.announce.newgroups and also cross-posted to any other relevant newsgroups. Then what must happen is that for 30 days people on USENET must discuss, talk, argue, about if they  think it is a good idea to have this group. They also must generally agree on the purpose of the group and whether it should be moderated or free for everyone.  This first step I already started with my original post. I will send that post again after 1 week and every week (with changes that people agree on) until the discussion period ends after 30 days.  Then the next step is the formal call for vote "CFV soc.culture.malaysia" in which everyone who reads usenet may mail a vote "yes" or "no" if they like the current proposal. The voting lasts for 3-4 weeks. If at least 2/3 of the votes are "yes" and 100 more "yes" votes than "no" votes exist, then the soc.culture.malaysia will be officially created (if there are no problems with the voting process). Otherwise we must wait another 6 months if there are not enough votes before we can try again.  With good luck and everything goes well, we can have a soc.culture.malaysia in 2 months. It will not come sooner.  Wish us luck!!  :) --  -chris barrera        [email protected]    Secrtary -  Malaysian Students Association Michigan Technological University  From [email protected] Sat Feb 13 12:45:30 1993 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.australian,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.tamil Path: uunet!!!!rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Christopher Barrera) Subject: CFV: soc.culture.malaysia Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Organization: Michigan Technological University Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1993 19:27:52 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 46 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3203 news.groups:65621 soc.culture.asean:16460 soc.culture.thai:5252 soc.culture.vietnamese:25727 soc.culture.hongkong:33052 soc.culture.china:99181 soc.culture.filipino:7885 soc.culture.australian:9702 soc.culture.indian:114441 soc.culture.tamil:5696  This is an official CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the  newsgroup "soc.culture.malaysia".   The group is to be unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join may freely do so.  The CHARTER for the group "soc.culture.malaysia" -     The proposed group, soc.culture.malaysia, is intended for    the discussion of all topics pertaining to Malaysia, including    but not limited to: culture, national politics, foreign diplomacy,    economy, peoples, and land.  * * *   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS  * * *   Your vote must be sent by EMAIL to the address below. You must CLEARLY state whether you are voting for or against the creation of  soc.culture.malaysia according to the current charter and proposal above.  Voting will last for 21 days. Votes must be received before February 23 in order to be counted. I will periodically post a confirmation and acknowledgment of all votes received. Vote results will not be available until after the voting period is over.  DO NOT SEND YOUR VOTE TO THE NEWSGROUP. That cannot be considered.  If you wish to vote YES, send your vote to the address below with the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:     email to: [email protected]     "I vote YES for the creation of soc.culture.malaysia"  If you wish to vote NO, send your vote to the address below with the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:     email to: [email protected]     "I vote NO against the creation of soc.culture.malaysia"  You do not have to say exactly what the examples say as long as it is clear whether you are voting YES or NO for the creation of  soc.culture.malaysia. --  -chris barrera        [email protected]  From [email protected] Thu Feb 18 23:13:43 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Christopher Barrera) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.australian,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.tamil Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: soc.culture.malaysia Followup-To: poster Date: 15 Feb 1993 20:31:25 -0500 Organization: Michigan Technological University Lines: 275 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3257 news.groups:66748 soc.culture.asean:16776 soc.culture.thai:5538 soc.culture.vietnamese:26906 soc.culture.hongkong:33899 soc.culture.china:100290 soc.culture.filipino:8112 soc.culture.australian:9881 soc.culture.indian:116436 soc.culture.tamil:6177  NOTE : At the end of this CFV is a list of all people whos votes        were received on or before Sunday Feb 6. If you sent a         vote and your name is not listed please resend. So far        218 votes have been received. Vote results will be         available when the voting period is over.  This is an official CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the  newsgroup "soc.culture.malaysia".   The group is to be unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join may freely do so.  The CHARTER for the group "soc.culture.malaysia" -     The proposed group, soc.culture.malaysia, is intended for    the discussion of all topics pertaining to Malaysia, including    but not limited to: culture, national politics, foreign diplomacy,    economy, peoples, and land.   * * *   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS  * * *   Your vote must be sent by EMAIL to the address below. You must CLEARLY state whether you are voting for or against the creation of  soc.culture.malaysia according to the current charter and proposal above.  Voting will last for 21 days. Votes must be received before February 22 in order to be counted. I will periodically post a confirmation and acknowledgment of all votes received. Vote results will not be available until after the voting period is over.  DO NOT SEND YOUR VOTE TO THE NEWSGROUP. That cannot be considered.  If you wish to vote YES, send your vote to the address below with the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:     email to: [email protected]     "I vote YES for the creation of soc.culture.malaysia"  If you wish to vote NO, send your vote to the address below with the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:     email to: [email protected]     "I vote NO against the creation of soc.culture.malaysia"  You do not have to say exactly what the examples say as long as it is clear whether you are voting YES or NO for the creation of  soc.culture.malaysia.  ------------------------------------------------------------------- Vote Acknowledgements :          Jessica Tan (Penang) " - Bidorian - " <[email protected]> "A.KASSIM" <[email protected]> "BANGI MOHD R" <[email protected]> "C.   CHAI" <[email protected]> "C.S.Tham (507) 457-3085 Winona MN" <[email protected]> "Carl A. Trocki" <[email protected]> "Eric J. Olson" <[email protected]> "H.Y. Chan" <[email protected]> "HUI Chiu-Yeung (John)" <[email protected]> "Huei-Hwang" <[email protected]> "Kim A. Tan" <[email protected]> "Laily Mahayuddin"  <[email protected]> "M. Otto" <[email protected]> "MOHD ISMAIL A" <[email protected]> "Mazri Maiseh" <[email protected]> "Mohd Z. Tuah" <[email protected]> "Nedu Duraiswami" <[email protected]> "Ong Suet Yen (Ms)" <[email protected]> "Rudi C. Wong" <[email protected]> "T.B.Lee" <[email protected]> "TAI FAN L" <[email protected]> "TSU-TSHATSA"  <[email protected]> "The Slasher...writes..........YO."  <[email protected]> "V701::NGUYENV" [email protected]> [email protected] (JESSICA TAN) [email protected] (YEW YAP) <[email protected]> ADNAN HUSSEIN/COMMUNICATION <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] ARINDAM GHOSH <[email protected]> Alvin Liau <[email protected]> Andreas Pavlik - IRK Vienna <[email protected]> Andy Pon <[email protected]> Ar_Dini <[email protected]> Aw Yang Uei <[email protected]> B Belaton <[email protected]> B.J.  02-Feb-1993 1301 <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Hi-keeba!) BKHOO%[email protected] CLHS-88 <[email protected]> Captain Picard <[email protected]> Chee-Heng Khoo <[email protected]> Chien-Fen Tseng  <[email protected]> Chua <[email protected]> Chua de'Leamac or de'great! <[email protected]> Chuah Yeow Chiang <[email protected]> [email protected] EK ONG <[email protected]> ENJOY FEBRUARY <[email protected]> Endless Justice <[email protected]> [email protected] Fara Muhamad <[email protected]> Fitri Abdullah <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Garfield and Odie <[email protected]> HL CHEONG <[email protected]> [email protected] HawK <[email protected]> Hiok-Tiaq Ng <[email protected]> Ho Ling Cherd <[email protected]> Hon-Voon Phong <[email protected]> Hyon Kyu Yoo <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (JDude Hancock) Japanese Girl <[email protected]> Jeff Stander <[email protected]> [email protected] John E Hinton <[email protected]> Jojo <[email protected]> Jonas Skeppstedt <[email protected]> K. Mat-Salleh <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Kenny Kon) Kar Aik Teoh <[email protected]> Kim Tang <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Reika Kii) Lee Shyue Choong <[email protected]> Lim Chieng Fai <[email protected]> [email protected] MOHD KHALID AWANG <[email protected]> Megat Megattajuddin <[email protected]> Mohamed Rozani Mohamedosman <[email protected]> Muhammad Razi Abdul <[email protected]> [email protected] Nor-Azlan Nordin <[email protected]> [email protected] Patrick Tufts <[email protected]> Paul Gallagher +61-3-560-7066 <[email protected]> Peng Hooi Lim <[email protected]> Peng K Tay <[email protected]> [email protected] ROLAND U <[email protected]> Rosette Khriguian <[email protected]> Rozaimi Ghani <[email protected]> SCHEAH%[email protected] [email protected] (Ken Sinclair) Samart Srijumnong <[email protected]> Sathish Chandran <[email protected]> Shannon Peterson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Shing C. Ma) Simon Ting <[email protected]> Stephen C. Trier <[email protected]> Syed Rose Al-Jefrey <[email protected]> TAN HOOI SIN <[email protected]> TEIK THE BASSMASTER <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Terry Lung <[email protected]> Vincent Choo <[email protected]> Wei Loong Chau <[email protected]> William Galloway <[email protected]> William Logan Lee <[email protected]> Xue <[email protected]> [email protected] Ying Wei <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Francoys Crepeau) [email protected] (Saiful Azuan Abdul Aziz) [email protected] (Angappa Gunasekaran) [email protected] [email protected] (Jose Albert) amhab-malaysia <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (ANDREW ONG) [email protected] (B.C.E. Khoo) [email protected] (Billy Barron - VAX/UNIX Systems Manager) [email protected] (christopher williams) chandra mohan saravanamuthu <[email protected]> [email protected] (Lim Chee Yong) [email protected] (Cheun Kheong Chiew) [email protected] (Joshua Cheong) [email protected] (Chek Teck Poh) [email protected] (Chung-ning Tang) [email protected] (Chee-Kiong Vincent Hee) [email protected] (Doug Raybeck) [email protected] (Edward Bertsch) [email protected] (Kwok-Onn Looi) [email protected] (Dr Wong Lawrence) [email protected] (CHERN KOK WAI) [email protected] (RAMASWAMI VISHWANATH) [email protected] (Othman Ahmad) [email protected] [email protected] (Francis Goh) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Marvin J. Hsie) [email protected] (Joey Cruz) [email protected] (John Duncan) [email protected] [email protected] (Tan Jit Keong) [email protected] (JOSEPH LING) [email protected] (John Ho) [email protected] (J.W. Rambeau) [email protected] (David Chan) [email protected] (TsuWei Kao) [email protected] (Kee-Huat Lim) [email protected] (K.H. Chong) [email protected] (Laszlo Breznovits TT/TSE(konsult)) [email protected] (LEAN MIN-TZE) [email protected] (TAN KEN HWEE) [email protected] [email protected] (Lippang Wang) [email protected] (ben madison) [email protected] (Mon Yee Mak) [email protected] (Mathias Koerber) [email protected] [email protected] (Mike Moores) mohd hanafiah abdullah <[email protected]> [email protected] (Giovanna Ostacchini) [email protected] (Mike  Sit) [email protected] [email protected] (Nasir Ahmed Piracha) [email protected] (seng ng) [email protected] (Niny Khor) [email protected] (Kayliang Ong) [email protected] (Paul Maclauchlan) [email protected] (Leonard J. Peirce) [email protected] [email protected] (Joel Plutchak) [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt) [email protected] (unknown) [email protected] (Rama K. Pidaparti) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (Ramanathan Narayanan) [email protected] (Rajan T Thampi) [email protected] (Satish Ramaswamy) [email protected] (ren tien zhong) [email protected] [email protected] (Siva Kumar) [email protected] [email protected] (Thorin) [email protected] (Mikael Parknert) [email protected] (Ian Chai) [email protected] (Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy) [email protected] (Siow Pei Wong) [email protected] [email protected] (C.K. Tan) [email protected] (Timothy Chen) [email protected] (Teerawat Pawittranon) [email protected] (Tom Markovitz) [email protected] (TEE TONG YAN) [email protected] (Shang...) [email protected] [email protected] (Rick Chu Wai Kee) [email protected] (TAN WEI WEN) [email protected] [email protected] (WONG YEK CHING) [email protected] [email protected] (Yih Toong Hoo) [email protected] (Zulfakar Aspar) --  -chris barrera        [email protected]  From [email protected] Tue Feb 23 23:42:09 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Christopher Barrera) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.australian,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.tamil Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.malaysia passes 286:15 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 23 Feb 1993 15:22:26 -0500 Organization: Michigan Technological University Lines: 326 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3282 news.groups:67306 soc.culture.asean:16983 soc.culture.thai:5657 soc.culture.vietnamese:27495 soc.culture.hongkong:34371 soc.culture.china:100808 soc.culture.filipino:8284 soc.culture.australian:10001 soc.culture.indian:117440 soc.culture.tamil:6448  The voting period for Soc.Culture.Malaysia has ended on the 22nd of February. Votes received since then could not be  counted. However, the final result is:       301 total votes        286 yes votes      15 no votes        271 more YES votes than NO votes      94 percent of votes are YES      SOC.CULTURE.MALAYSIA HAS PASSED !!!!!!!!!!!   Many thanks to those who took the time to vote!!!    Final acknowledgment of YES votes : ----------------------------------------------------------------- 	 Jessica Tan (Penang)  " - Bidorian - " <[email protected]>  "A.KASSIM" <[email protected]>  "BANGI MOHD R" <[email protected]>  "C.   CHAI" <[email protected]>  "C.S.Tham (507) 457-3085 Winona MN" <[email protected]>  "Carl A. Trocki" <[email protected]>  "Gregory A. Haverkamp" <[email protected]>  "H.Y. Chan" <[email protected]>  "HUI Chiu-Yeung (John)" <[email protected]>  "Huei-Hwang" <[email protected]>  "Kim A. Tan" <[email protected]>  "Laily Mahayuddin"  <[email protected]>  "M. Otto" <[email protected]>  "MOHD ISMAIL A" <[email protected]>  "Mazri Maiseh" <[email protected]>  "Mohd Z. Tuah" <[email protected]>  "Nedu Duraiswami" <[email protected]>  "Ong Suet Yen (Ms)" <[email protected]>  "Rudi C. Wong" <[email protected]>  "T.B.Lee" <[email protected]>  "TAI FAN L" <[email protected]>  "TSU-TSHATSA"  <[email protected]>  "The Slasher...writes..........YO."  <[email protected]>  "V701::NGUYENV" [email protected]>  [email protected] (JESSICA TAN)  [email protected] (YEW YAP)  <[email protected]>  <[email protected]>  ADNAN HUSSEIN/COMMUNICATION <[email protected]>  [email protected]  AL RASHID  SHAHIR <[email protected]>  [email protected]  ARINDAM GHOSH <[email protected]>  [email protected] (Alan Marr)  Alvin Liau <[email protected]>  Andreas Pavlik - IRK Vienna <[email protected]>  Andy Pon <[email protected]>  Ar_Dini <[email protected]>  Aw Yang Uei <[email protected]>  Azleena Salleh <[email protected]>  B Belaton <[email protected]>  B.J.  02-Feb-1993 1301 <[email protected]>  [email protected]  BKHOO%[email protected]  CLHS-88 <[email protected]>  Captain Picard <[email protected]>  Chee-Heng Khoo <[email protected]>  Chien-Fen Tseng  <[email protected]>  Chris Chew <[email protected]>  Chua <[email protected]>  Chua de'Leamac or de'great! <[email protected]>  Chuah Yeow Chiang <[email protected]>  Congle Pham <[email protected]>  [email protected]  David Lee <[email protected]>  EK ONG <[email protected]>  ENJOY FEBRUARY <[email protected]>  Earnest Lee <[email protected]>  [email protected] (Eino Loukko)  Endless Justice <[email protected]>  [email protected]  Fara Muhamad <[email protected]>  Fitri Abdullah <[email protected]>  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  Garfield and Odie <[email protected]>  Gordon Chiam <[email protected]>  HL CHEONG <[email protected]>  [email protected]  Hatim Ismail <[email protected]>  HawK <[email protected]>  Hiok-Tiaq Ng <[email protected]>  Ho Ling Cherd <[email protected]>  Hon-Voon Phong <[email protected]>  Hooi Bin Lim <[email protected]>  Hyon Kyu Yoo <[email protected]>  [email protected]  JASON RUDY MUELLER-NEUHAUS <[email protected]>  [email protected] (JDude Hancock)  Japanese Girl <[email protected]>  Jeff Stander <[email protected]>  [email protected]  Joel Sax <[email protected]>  Joey Lai (JcL) <[email protected]>  John E Hinton <[email protected]>  Jojo <[email protected]>  Jonas Skeppstedt <[email protected]>  K. Mat-Salleh <[email protected]>  [email protected]  [email protected] (Kenny Kon)  [email protected]  Kalai Pillay <[email protected]>  Kar Aik Teoh <[email protected]>  Kian Fui Tay <[email protected]>  Kim Tang <[email protected]>  [email protected] (The Wandering Hermit)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Reika Kii)  Lee Shyue Choong <[email protected]>  Leon ter Beek <[email protected]>  Lim Chieng Fai <[email protected]>  Lip Seng <[email protected]>  Low Kin Onn <[email protected]>  [email protected]  [email protected]  MOHD KHALID AWANG <[email protected]>  Mahadzer Bin Mahmud <[email protected]>  Megat Megattajuddin <[email protected]>  Michael Quinn <[email protected]>  [email protected] (Michael van Langenberg)  Mohamed Rozani Mohamedosman <[email protected]>  Muhammad Razi Abdul <[email protected]>  Muntuck Yap <[email protected]>  [email protected]  Nor-Azlan Nordin <[email protected]>  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  Paul Gallagher +61-3-560-7066 <[email protected]>  Peng Hooi Lim <[email protected]>  Peng K Tay <[email protected]>  [email protected]  ROLAND U <[email protected]>  ROYAL-1 <[email protected]>  Raven Winter <[email protected]>  Reza Hussein <[email protected]>  Rosette Khriguian <[email protected]>  Rozaimi Ghani <[email protected]>  SCHEAH%[email protected]  [email protected] (Ken Sinclair)  Samart Srijumnong <[email protected]>  Sathish Chandran <[email protected]>  Senthilvasan Supramaniam <[email protected]>  Shannon Peterson <[email protected]>  [email protected] (Shing C. 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