From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 02:42:44 1992
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1730 news.groups:37198 comp.databases:13135
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected]
Subject: RFD:  comp.databases.theory 
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: University of South Australia
Date: 13 Jan 92 16:11:38 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 21

Maybe the time has come to set up another database newsgroup.  The
trouble with COMP.DATABASES is twofold.  Firstly the volume of stuff
posted makes it impossible to read it all, expecially when time is
limited, and secondly, from my point of view (and I suspect others)
most of the postings are too much problem solving ("I've got this
problem with Oracle") and not enough discussion.

How about the following:
	COMP.DATABASE		-	as now
	COMP.DATABASE.THEORY	-	discussion of db theory and paradigms
	COMP.DATABASE.AI        \      
		or               -      discussion of expert databases etc.
	COMP.AI.DATABASE	/	  (if sufficient demand)

John Roddick 
   School of Mathematics and Computer Studies  |  International +61 8 302 3463
   University of South Australia               |  Australian    (08) 302 3463 
   Levels Campus     Pooraka                   |  Internal      ext. 3463 
   South Australia   		5095           |  Fax           (08) 302 3381
   Net: [email protected]       | 

From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:26:07 1992
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1913 news.groups:40839 comp.theory:4056 comp.databases:14362
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.theory,comp.databases,
Path: rpi!usc!!uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected]
Subject: CFV:  comp.databases.theory
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: University of South Australia
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1992 16:41:33 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 48

CALL FOR VOTES: comp.database.theory

STATUS:         Unmoderated

CHARTER:        Discussion of topics relating to advances in database
                technology including debate on theoretical, prototypical
                and performance aspects of Database Systems, Data Modelling
                and Logical and Physical Database Design.

NOTE:           Specifically excluded are discussions relating to
                implemented DBMS whether commercial or not.

RATIONALE:      The RFD showed two failings of the COMP.DATABASE newsgroup
                which this group will attempt to remedy.

                a.  The number of postings prohibits reading of all the
                    information posted.
                b.  The relevance of many of the postings is limited.

                Note that this is NOT designed to compete with or replace
                the dbworld mailing list.  Clearly calls for papers etc.
                will probably be posted to both. 

MECHANICS:      This vote will run from the time of posting through to 
                23:59 GMT Sunday, 12 April 1992.  Only votes received by
                email as specified below will be counted.  If the vote 
                for the group passes by the usual criteria of 100 more 
                YES than NO and twice as many YES as NO votes, then the
                group will be created.

                Votes and result will be acknowledged en masse in a 
                posting on Wednesday, 22 April 1992.
CASTING VOTES:  Send email to:
                [email protected]
                        Stating either:
                I vote FOR the proposal to set up COMP.DATABASE.THEORY     
                I vote AGAINST the proposal to set up COMP.DATABASE.THEORY
John Roddick                               | Ph:  (08) 302 3463
School of Computer and Information Science | Itn: +61 8 302 3463
University of South Australia              | Fax: (08) 302 3381
THE LEVELS      SA 5095                    | Net: [email protected]

From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:31:32 1992
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases
From: [email protected] (John Roddick)
Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.databases.theory
Followup-To: poster
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: University of South Australia
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1992 17:36:52 GMT

2ND CALL FOR VOTES: comp.databases.theory

STATUS:         Unmoderated

CHARTER:        Discussion of topics relating to advances in database
                technology including debate on theoretical, prototypical
                and performance aspects of Database Systems, Data Modelling
                and Logical and Physical Database Design.

NOTE:           Specifically excluded are discussions relating to
                implemented DBMS whether commercial or not.

RATIONALE:      The RFD showed two failings of the COMP.DATABASES newsgroup
                which this group will attempt to remedy.

                a.  The number of postings prohibits reading of all the
                    information posted.
                b.  The relevance of many of the postings is limited.

                Note that this is NOT designed to compete with or replace
                the dbworld mailing list.  Clearly calls for papers etc.
                will probably be posted to both. 

MECHANICS:      This vote will run from the time of posting through to 
                23:59 GMT Sunday, 12 April 1992.  Only votes received by
                email as specified below will be counted.  If the vote 
                for the group passes by the usual criteria of 100 more 
                YES than NO and twice as many YES as NO votes, then the
                group will be created.

                Votes and result will be acknowledged en masse in a 
                posting on Wednesday, 22 April 1992.
CASTING VOTES:  Send email to:
                [email protected]
                        Stating either:
                I vote FOR the proposal to set up COMP.DATABASES.THEORY     
                I vote AGAINST the proposal to set up COMP.DATABASES.THEORY
John Roddick                               | Ph:  (08) 302 3463
School of Computer and Information Science | Itn: +61 8 302 3463
University of South Australia              | Fax: (08) 302 3381
THE LEVELS      SA 5095                    | Net: [email protected]

From [email protected] Sun Apr 19 21:58:57 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2215 news.groups:48783 comp.databases:16743
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Database Systems Research Group  
Subject: RESULT:  comp.databases.theory passes 208: 14
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: University of South Australia
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1992 18:13:03 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 263


VOTING:		FOR:	      208
		AGAINST:       14

STATUS:         Unmoderated

CHARTER:        Discussion of topics relating to advances in database
                technology including debate on theoretical, prototypical
                and performance aspects of Database Systems, Data Modelling
                and Logical and Physical Database Design. Specifically 
		excluded are discussions relating to implemented DBMS 
		whether commercial or not.

The Newsgroup will be set up after the five day period has elapsed.

Thanks to everyone who voted.  



                                  VOTES FOR
    	Voter					Date of Receipt of Vote
					       (Australian Central Time)

[email protected]  			3-APR-1992 11:40:32.76
[email protected] 			24-MAR-1992 05:23:58.88
[email protected] 		20-MAR-1992 05:16:22.43
[email protected]  Arno Siebes 		16-MAR-1992 22:11:44.99
[email protected]  B.J.King 		26-MAR-1992 10:10:21.71
BR.SJE%[email protected]  Steve Eastman	14-MAR-1992 05:45:52.25
[email protected] 		18-MAR-1992 03:11:55.41
[email protected] 		21-MAR-1992 04:22:39.36
[email protected]  		1-APR-1992 03:30:48.10
[email protected] 				28-MAR-1992 07:40:41.43
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 04:57:02.09
[email protected]  Eric Dujardin		15-MAR-1992 13:51:33.02
[email protected] 		20-MAR-1992 05:15:59.21
[email protected]      			28-MAR-1992 12:18:51.66
[email protected] 				25-MAR-1992 17:58:16.54
[email protected]		14-MAR-1992 05:22:52.51
[email protected] 				29-MAR-1992 09:52:40.01
[email protected] 				17-MAR-1992 08:16:53.68
[email protected] 	16-MAR-1992 21:52:39.98
[email protected]  Albert Burger	 	27-MAR-1992 20:06:59.76
[email protected]  john ackley 		24-MAR-1992 21:35:26.09
[email protected]  Alan D. Cabrera 		18-MAR-1992 01:11:43.97
[email protected]  a.e.mossberg 	28-MAR-1992 04:44:51.53
[email protected]  Alexandre Lefebvre 	16-MAR-1992 10:28:10.57
[email protected]  Aki Fleshler 			24-MAR-1992 08:20:16.50
[email protected] 			15-MAR-1992 00:21:18.38
[email protected]  Allan Cobb 			23-MAR-1992 06:16:13.25
[email protected]  Alvaro Fernandes 	31-MAR-1992 22:07:02.62
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 04:36:29.71
[email protected] 			31-MAR-1992 04:49:22.50
[email protected] 				16-MAR-1992 20:26:54.07
[email protected] 			30-MAR-1992 11:57:51.87
[email protected] 				15-MAR-1992 16:26:19.69
[email protected]  B.	20-MAR-1992 05:14:58.07
[email protected] 		31-MAR-1992 01:05:14.50
[email protected]  Nagabhushan Beeram 	16-MAR-1992 15:26:18.18
[email protected]  Bengt Larsson 		18-MAR-1992 04:22:30.02
[email protected]  Beverly Seavey 	24-MAR-1992 09:44:12.43
[email protected] 			15-MAR-1992 03:42:03.09
[email protected] 					17-MAR-1992 00:37:53.99
[email protected] 			18-MAR-1992 07:48:48.94
blm%[email protected] 			22-MAR-1992 11:37:21.50
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 10:03:19.58
[email protected] 			24-MAR-1992 07:21:02.42
[email protected] 				18-MAR-1992 05:40:33.94
[email protected]  				3-APR-1992 03:28:50.84
[email protected]  				24-MAR-1992 13:16:47.64
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 04:50:20.56
[email protected] 				18-MAR-1992 03:56:34.23
[email protected] 					24-MAR-1992 05:01:32.66
[email protected] 		     		27-MAR-1992 17:17:04.11
[email protected] 				17-MAR-1992 05:05:38.87
[email protected]  Enrique Cortes-Rello 17-MAR-1992 09:14:10.16
[email protected]  F. Terenas    		28-MAR-1992 12:19:20.58
[email protected]  Kristian Damm Jensen 		15-MAR-1992 01:59:06.02
[email protected]  Kim Chung Chan 	16-MAR-1992 21:52:34.02
[email protected] 				21-MAR-1992 03:11:03.68
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 04:22:00.13
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 03:25:41.96
[email protected]  David Hansen 		14-MAR-1992 03:20:28.85
[email protected]  Dharanidharan.R 	16-MAR-1992 12:41:45.52
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 01:37:52.30
[email protected] 			14-MAR-1992 12:07:07.76
[email protected]  Dominik Lukes 	16-MAR-1992 10:59:15.55
[email protected]  David Kinny 			16-MAR-1992 12:36:51.43
[email protected] 	    		26-MAR-1992 11:54:12.75
[email protected] 				28-MAR-1992 04:41:20.86
[email protected]			19-MAR-1992 10:47:20.90
[email protected] 				16-MAR-1992 13:30:45.77
[email protected]		6-APR-1992 10:16:36.95
[email protected]		20-MAR-1992 03:55:29.60
[email protected] 				31-MAR-1992 04:52:24.62
[email protected] 				30-MAR-1992 09:04:10.66
[email protected] 			14-MAR-1992 06:41:15.36
[email protected]  Andreas Geppert 		26-MAR-1992 21:11:54.00
[email protected]  Gill Dobbie 		24-MAR-1992 14:10:26.10
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 10:00:45.77
[email protected]  Glenn Paulley 	14-MAR-1992 04:34:32.03
[email protected] 		      		25-MAR-1992 08:47:41.49
[email protected] 				18-MAR-1992 08:58:59.03
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 08:17:01.19
[email protected] 			18-MAR-1992 00:18:19.40
[email protected]  		29-MAR-1992 10:46:28.68
[email protected] 	       		27-MAR-1992 05:45:32.44
[email protected]  jim gustafson 		15-MAR-1992 16:09:21.56
[email protected]  Philip Hall		19-MAR-1992 09:31:02.24
[email protected] 		   		25-MAR-1992 19:13:35.49
[email protected]  Ramzi Ahmad Haraty 	16-MAR-1992 02:27:09.26
[email protected]  Toru Hasegawa 	17-MAR-1992 12:27:31.08
[email protected] 		18-MAR-1992 02:14:33.77
[email protected] 			23-MAR-1992 21:05:49.36
hugh%[email protected] 		18-MAR-1992 03:34:41.07
[email protected] 		20-MAR-1992 05:26:52.83
[email protected] 			20-MAR-1992 03:33:25.47
[email protected]  Jack Campin 		16-MAR-1992 10:59:00.64
[email protected]  JAMES THOM 		16-MAR-1992 11:05:14.14
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 09:16:02.03
[email protected]  Jeff Graves 		18-MAR-1992 14:15:54.21
[email protected]  			26-MAR-1992 23:33:58.29
[email protected]  James K. Mullin 	14-MAR-1992 07:34:52.56
[email protected] 					15-MAR-1992 05:10:24.49
[email protected]  John Roddick	16-MAR-1992 11:57:55.99
[email protected] 				17-MAR-1992 11:33:22.96
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 06:52:45.14
[email protected] 				23-MAR-1992 11:02:18.03
[email protected]  John Connett 		17-MAR-1992 03:15:08.60
[email protected]  James Rogers 		14-MAR-1992 04:50:15.78
[email protected] 			   		25-MAR-1992 10:48:56.52
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 06:52:58.04
[email protected] 			23-MAR-1992 21:46:05.19
[email protected]  Kaliappan Shekar 	16-MAR-1992 02:12:17.15
[email protected]  David Karger 	14-MAR-1992 09:32:29.69
[email protected] 		     		24-MAR-1992 18:00:26.43
[email protected]  Alex Kean 			17-MAR-1992 04:24:15.61
[email protected] 			15-MAR-1992 05:22:27.53
[email protected]  Paul Kent 			14-MAR-1992 04:51:06.68
[email protected]  Sidney W. Kitchel 	24-MAR-1992 05:04:15.44
[email protected]  					3-APR-1992 04:32:30.06
[email protected] 			16-MAR-1992 06:12:08.97
[email protected]  Paparao Kodali 	16-MAR-1992 03:09:59.38
[email protected]  G. Koestler	18-MAR-1992 02:19:05.17
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 09:24:52.49
[email protected] 				15-MAR-1992 04:21:39.69
[email protected]  Kirk Scott 		16-MAR-1992 03:55:30.40
[email protected] 				16-MAR-1992 19:34:08.32
[email protected]			25-MAR-1992 08:27:50.40
[email protected] 					25-MAR-1992 08:26:08.54
[email protected] 				16-MAR-1992 11:41:24.54
[email protected] 			26-MAR-1992 20:23:11.28
[email protected] 				17-MAR-1992 08:51:56.39
[email protected]  Alon Y. Levy 		14-MAR-1992 08:28:03.89
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 05:11:59.35
[email protected] 	   		26-MAR-1992 03:58:16.67
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 04:50:25.50
[email protected] 			29-MAR-1992 10:06:59.90
[email protected] 			21-MAR-1992 06:14:44.72
matwood%[email protected] 			14-MAR-1992 07:17:07.92
[email protected] 	     		25-MAR-1992 09:11:07.01
[email protected]  Lester I. McCann 	16-MAR-1992 01:28:40.18
[email protected] 			16-MAR-1992 13:27:53.84
[email protected] 					24-MAR-1992 09:33:02.50
[email protected] 			14-MAR-1992 05:33:12.95
[email protected] 			15-MAR-1992 04:31:46.31
[email protected] 				16-MAR-1992 18:24:15.74
[email protected]  Martin Boening 		26-MAR-1992 04:57:10.31
[email protected] 			25-MAR-1992 12:24:50.40
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 05:45:59.23
[email protected] 	       		25-MAR-1992 09:47:47.06
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 10:06:09.88
[email protected] 					16-MAR-1992 23:05:35.52       
[email protected]  Otis Kenny 		14-MAR-1992 07:39:15.17
[email protected]  Nuno Paixao 		14-MAR-1992 06:09:38.27
[email protected]  Paul Kupersmith 	14-MAR-1992 04:22:00.18
[email protected]  Brajendra Panda		27-MAR-1992 03:04:42.06
[email protected]  Paul Singleton 		20-MAR-1992 05:15:14.24
[email protected] 				25-MAR-1992 17:58:42.92
[email protected]  Po Shan Cheah 	14-MAR-1992 08:14:11.11
[email protected]  Fred Heutte   		25-MAR-1992 08:26:15.80
[email protected] 				18-MAR-1992 03:02:09.26
[email protected]  Paul Turner	 	26-MAR-1992 08:28:47.57
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 03:55:17.10
[email protected]  Michael Ranft 		17-MAR-1992 00:48:53.16
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 03:21:39.35
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 02:16:48.23
[email protected] 			20-MAR-1992 15:14:43.76
[email protected]  Robert J Carter 	17-MAR-1992 05:01:34.73
[email protected]		25-MAR-1992 23:46:29.23
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 07:57:43.60
[email protected]  				1-APR-1992 18:51:04.43
[email protected]	19-MAR-1992 05:42:35.67
[email protected] 		    		29-MAR-1992 11:36:28.81
[email protected] 					17-MAR-1992 05:10:25.81
[email protected]  Russell Palmer 		16-MAR-1992 21:39:26.29
[email protected] 				25-MAR-1992 19:16:34.34
[email protected]  Hartmut Schreiber 		14-MAR-1992 05:30:57.84
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 16:23:55.97
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 03:35:20.29
[email protected]  Shaibal Roy 			28-MAR-1992 14:23:34.20
shaneb@[email protected] 		25-MAR-1992 15:52:49.94
[email protected] 				10-APR-1992 00:43:16.07
[email protected]  Dag Sjoberg 		16-MAR-1992 10:59:06.42
[email protected] 		17-MAR-1992 05:43:20.91
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 16:34:10.97
[email protected] 				18-MAR-1992 10:51:05.06
[email protected] 			26-MAR-1992 13:24:44.75
[email protected]  Seppo T|rm{ 		17-MAR-1992 00:33:15.55
[email protected]  Thodoros Topaloglou 	17-MAR-1992 01:01:17.15
[email protected] 			14-MAR-1992 06:30:17.61
[email protected]  Dan Thureen 		16-MAR-1992 16:26:27.10
[email protected] 	       		25-MAR-1992 09:32:13.45
[email protected] 		25-MAR-1992 08:26:01.41
[email protected]  			24-MAR-1992 08:33:05.86
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 04:36:28.65
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 03:05:37.45
[email protected] 				14-MAR-1992 03:52:03.03
[email protected]  Andrei Voronkov 		25-MAR-1992 07:46:14.43
[email protected]  Wilfried Fox 		27-MAR-1992 16:53:45.75
[email protected]	 			21-MAR-1992 05:04:39.61
[email protected] 			25-MAR-1992 08:25:41.67
[email protected]  Hans-Dirk Walter		25-MAR-1992 22:54:05.66
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 07:18:12.63
[email protected] 				24-MAR-1992 06:53:30.29
[email protected] 	       		23-MAR-1992 20:22:06.03
[email protected] 			31-MAR-1992 04:22:17.03
[email protected]  R.J.Mersel		18-MAR-1992 06:22:00.00
[email protected] 				16-MAR-1992 12:50:20.15
[email protected]  				1-APR-1992 06:22:15.75
[email protected]  Michael Zapp 	14-MAR-1992 04:58:00.81

                                VOTES AGAINST

	Voter					Date of Receipt of Vote
					       (Australian Central Time)

[email protected]  John Heim 		14-MAR-1992 05:32:33.52
[email protected]  			1-APR-1992 09:26:45.11
[email protected]  					7-APR-1992 09:08:30.10
[email protected] 			16-MAR-1992 07:16:30.30
[email protected]  John E. Babbitt Jr. 	17-MAR-1992 06:32:43.74
[email protected] 			17-MAR-1992 06:35:59.96
[email protected]  John G Dobnick  		6-APR-1992 08:42:44.19
[email protected]		 		18-MAR-1992 04:32:31.78
[email protected] 				16-MAR-1992 11:36:27.03
[email protected] 			15-MAR-1992 08:08:36.40
[email protected] 			14-MAR-1992 09:21:21.18
[email protected]	28-MAR-1992 12:18:36.19
[email protected] 				10-APR-1992 23:42:15.37	Walter Scheipe		25-MAR-1992 00:30:10.99
John Roddick                               | Ph:  (08) 302 3463
School of Computer and Information Science | Itn: +61 8 302 3463
University of South Australia              | Fax: (08) 302 3381
THE LEVELS      SA 5095                    | Net: [email protected]

From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:42:42 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1730 news.groups:37198 comp.databases:13135
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected]
Subject: RFD:  comp.databases.theory 
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: University of South Australia
Date: 13 Jan 92 16:11:38 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 21
Status: O

Maybe the time has come to set up another database newsgroup.  The
trouble with COMP.DATABASES is twofold.  Firstly the volume of stuff
posted makes it impossible to read it all, expecially when time is
limited, and secondly, from my point of view (and I suspect others)
most of the postings are too much problem solving ("I've got this
problem with Oracle") and not enough discussion.

How about the following:
	COMP.DATABASE		-	as now
	COMP.DATABASE.THEORY	-	discussion of db theory and paradigms
	COMP.DATABASE.AI        \      
		or               -      discussion of expert databases etc.
	COMP.AI.DATABASE	/	  (if sufficient demand)

John Roddick 
   School of Mathematics and Computer Studies  |  International +61 8 302 3463
   University of South Australia               |  Australian    (08) 302 3463 
   Levels Campus     Pooraka                   |  Internal      ext. 3463 
   South Australia   		5095           |  Fax           (08) 302 3381
   Net: [email protected]       | 

From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:47:15 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1913 news.groups:40839 comp.theory:4056 comp.databases:14362
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.theory,comp.databases,
Path: rpi!usc!!uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected]
Subject: CFV:  comp.databases.theory
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: University of South Australia
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1992 16:41:33 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 48
Status: RO

CALL FOR VOTES: comp.database.theory

STATUS:         Unmoderated

CHARTER:        Discussion of topics relating to advances in database
                technology including debate on theoretical, prototypical
                and performance aspects of Database Systems, Data Modelling
                and Logical and Physical Database Design.

NOTE:           Specifically excluded are discussions relating to
                implemented DBMS whether commercial or not.

RATIONALE:      The RFD showed two failings of the COMP.DATABASE newsgroup
                which this group will attempt to remedy.

                a.  The number of postings prohibits reading of all the
                    information posted.
                b.  The relevance of many of the postings is limited.

                Note that this is NOT designed to compete with or replace
                the dbworld mailing list.  Clearly calls for papers etc.
                will probably be posted to both. 

MECHANICS:      This vote will run from the time of posting through to 
                23:59 GMT Sunday, 12 April 1992.  Only votes received by
                email as specified below will be counted.  If the vote 
                for the group passes by the usual criteria of 100 more 
                YES than NO and twice as many YES as NO votes, then the
                group will be created.

                Votes and result will be acknowledged en masse in a 
                posting on Wednesday, 22 April 1992.
CASTING VOTES:  Send email to:
                [email protected]
                        Stating either:
                I vote FOR the proposal to set up COMP.DATABASE.THEORY     
                I vote AGAINST the proposal to set up COMP.DATABASE.THEORY
John Roddick                               | Ph:  (08) 302 3463
School of Computer and Information Science | Itn: +61 8 302 3463
University of South Australia              | Fax: (08) 302 3381
THE LEVELS      SA 5095                    | Net: [email protected]

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