From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:33:16 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.baltics,soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.czecho-slovak,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.misc,soc.culture.polish
Subject: RFD: soc.culture.ukrainian
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 26 Mar 1993 10:50:29 -0500
Organization: Ordinatio
Lines: 93
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3362 news.groups:68519 soc.culture.soviet:17903 soc.culture.baltics:424 soc.culture.bulgaria:2477 soc.culture.czecho-slovak:942 soc.culture.europe:18070 soc.culture.magyar:2538 soc.culture.misc:3393 soc.culture.polish:6916

This is an official Request For Discussion (RFD) for the formation of the
new newsgroup, soc.culture.ukrainian.

		Charter for soc.culture.ukrainian

Name:		soc.culture.ukrainian

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.ukrainian is to discuss issues 
		relating to Ukraine, such as:
			- arts & entertainment
			- history
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics

Rationale:	soc.culture.ukrainian will provide a suitable forum
		for the discussion of Europe's second largest country
		and provide much wider access than currently available
		to the world.  Ukraine is one of the last remaining
		countries in Europe that does not have its own
		newsgroup. Currently news on Ukraine in general has
		often had to be crossposted to other groups.  Other
		than the above, it would also serve as an exchange for
		those who know nothing about Ukraine. It gives
		everyone the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of
		Ukraine overall and allow the creation and maintenance
		of contacts between the Ukrainian Diaspora and Ukraine
		herself.  With the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian,
		it will put Ukraine in the right hierarchies structure
		with other cultural newsgroups.

Rules:		Because soc.culture.ukrainian will be unmoderated
		format, anyone will be able to post to this newsgroup.
		Please refrain from "FLAMES" or INSULTS or unnecessary
		criticism of a person.  Any criticism should be
		constructive, and polite.  Any insults, or flames
		should be carried personally by e-mail, instead of
		posting to the newsgroup.  Please post your article in
		a mature and responsible way.

Language:	The official language of soc.culture.ukrainian will be English
		and Ukrainian, although other languages are welcome but may not
		be understood by the group as a whole!  

discussion:	Any followup discussion will be carried out on news.groups.
		You may wish to crosspost to the UKRAINE listserver

Period:		Request For Discussion will last for 30 days.
		This RFD will be posted again should there be any changes made.
		If there is a desire to create soc.culture.ukrainian
		after the discussion period, a Call For Votes will be issued.
		You will be notified where to send your vote when the Call For
		Votes issued.

You are encourage to participate in this discussions.  Please voice your

This article will also be forwarded to :

		[email protected]

		To subscribe to this group send mail to   
		[email protected]

		In the body of the message type the following:

		SUBSCRIBE UKRAINE firstname lastname

		To then send mail to the UKRAINE listserver,
		use the address:
		[email protected]

If you know any other Ukrainian mailing lists or related interests, 
please forward this e-mail as well.

Thank you. 
Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj                     
Compuserve:  [email protected]
All promulgations are my own.  No corporate entity has authorization
to represent me. 

From [email protected] Wed Apr  7 11:44:44 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.baltics,soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.czecho-slovak,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.misc,soc.culture.polish
Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.ukrainian
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 6 Apr 1993 12:31:47 -0400
Organization: Ordinatio
Lines: 92
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3432 news.groups:69262 soc.culture.soviet:18294 soc.culture.baltics:507 soc.culture.bulgaria:2584 soc.culture.czecho-slovak:979 soc.culture.europe:18406 soc.culture.magyar:2582 soc.culture.misc:3401 soc.culture.polish:7019

This is an official Request For Discussion (RFD) for the formation of the
new newsgroup, soc.culture.ukrainian.

		Charter for soc.culture.ukrainian

Name:		soc.culture.ukrainian

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.ukrainian is to discuss issues 
		relating to Ukraine, such as:
			- arts & entertainment
			- history
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics

Rationale:	soc.culture.ukrainian will provide a suitable forum for the 
		discussion of Europe's second largest country and provide 
		much wider access than currently available to the world. 
		Ukraine is one of the last remaining countries in Europe that
		does not have its own newsgroup. Currently news on Ukraine in
		general has often had to be crossposted to other groups.
		Other than the above, it would also serve as an exchange for those
		who know nothing about Ukraine. It gives everyone the
		opportunity to enhance their knowledge of Ukraine overall and
		allow the creation and maintenance of contacts between the
		Ukrainian Diaspora and Ukraine herself.
		With the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian, it will put Ukraine 
		in the right hierarchies structure with other cultural newsgroups.  

Rules:		Because soc.culture.ukrainian will be unmoderated format, anyone
		will be able to post to this newsgroup.  Please refrain from 
		"FLAMES" or INSULTS or unnecessary criticism of a person.  Any
		criticism should be constructive, and polite.  Any insults, or
		flames should be carried personally by e-mail, instead of
		posting to the newsgroup.  Please post your article in a mature
		and responsible way.

Language:	The official language of soc.culture.ukrainian will be English
		and Ukrainian, although other languages are welcome but may not
		be understood by the group as a whole!  

discussion:	Any followup discussion will be carried out on news.groups.
		You may wish to crosspost to the UKRAINE listserver

Period:		Tuesday, March 16, 1993 - Thursday, April 15, 1993.
		Request For Discussion will last for 30 days.
		This RFD will be posted again should there be any changes made.
		If there is a desire to create soc.culture.ukrainian
		after the discussion period, a Call For Votes will be issued.
		You will be notified where to send your vote when the Call For
		Votes issued.

You are encourage to participate in this discussions.  Please voice your

This article will also be forwarded to :

		UKRAINE%[email protected]

		To subscribe to this group send mail to   
		[email protected]

		In the body of the message type the following:

		SUBSCRIBE UKRAINE firstname lastname

		To then send mail to the UKRAINE listserver,
		use the address:
		UKRAINE%[email protected]

If you know any other Ukrainian mailing lists or related interests, 
please forward this e-mail as well.

Thank you. 
Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj                     
Compuserve:  [email protected]
All promulgations are my own.  No corporate entity has authorization
to represent me. 

From [email protected] Wed Apr 28 18:54:58 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.baltics,soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.czecho-slovak,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.misc,soc.culture.polish
Subject: CFV: soc.culture.ukrainian
Followup-To: poster
Date: 27 Apr 1993 16:23:04 -0400
Organization: Ordinatio
Lines: 68
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3515 news.groups:70950 soc.culture.soviet:19038 soc.culture.baltics:686 soc.culture.bulgaria:2883 soc.culture.czecho-slovak:1195 soc.culture.europe:18830 soc.culture.magyar:2654 soc.culture.misc:3417 soc.culture.polish:7195

This is an OFFICIAL CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the 
newsgroup "soc.culture.ukrainian". 

The group is to be unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join
may freely do so.

* * * * * * * * * * CHARTER * * * * * * * * * * 

		Charter for soc.culture.ukrainian

Name:		soc.culture.ukrainian

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.ukrainian is to discuss issues 
		relating to Ukraine, such as (but not limited to):
			- arts & entertainment
			- history
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics

* * * * * * * * * * VOTING INSTRUCTIONS * * * * * * * * * *

Duration: 	30 days, April 27 through May 27, UTC
Vote taker: 	[email protected]
Format:		please see below.

Your vote must be sent by EMAIL to the address below. You must CLEARLY
state whether you are voting for or against the creation of 
soc.culture.ukrainian according to the current charter and proposal

Voting will last for 30 days. Votes must be received on or before May 27th
in order to be counted. I will periodically post a confirmation and
acknowledgment of all votes received. Vote results will NOT be available
until AFTER the voting period is over.


If you wish to vote YES, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:

   email to: [email protected]

   "I vote YES for the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian"

If you wish to vote NO, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:

   email to: [email protected]

   "I vote NO against the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian"

You do not have to say exactly what the examples say as long as it is
clear whether you are voting YES or NO for the creation of 
Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj, Consultant                     
Compuserve:  [email protected]
All promulgations are my own.  No corporate entity has authorization
to represent me.

From [email protected] Tue May 11 08:42:54 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.baltics,soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.czecho-slovak,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.misc,soc.culture.polish
Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.ukrainian
Followup-To: poster
Date: 10 May 1993 12:02:54 -0400
Organization: Ordinatio
Lines: 68
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3568 news.groups:71741 soc.culture.soviet:19435 soc.culture.baltics:830 soc.culture.bulgaria:3059 soc.culture.czecho-slovak:1322 soc.culture.europe:19102 soc.culture.magyar:2769 soc.culture.misc:3437 soc.culture.polish:7331

This is the SECOND OFFICIAL CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the 
newsgroup "soc.culture.ukrainian". 

The group is to be unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join
may freely do so.

* * * * * * * * * * CHARTER * * * * * * * * * * 

		Charter for soc.culture.ukrainian

Name:		soc.culture.ukrainian

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.ukrainian is to discuss issues 
		relating to Ukraine, such as (but not limited to):
			- arts & entertainment
			- history
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics

* * * * * * * * * * VOTING INSTRUCTIONS * * * * * * * * * *

Duration: 	30 days, April 27 - May 27, UTC
Vote taker: 	[email protected]
Format:		please see below.

Your vote must be sent by EMAIL to the address below. You must CLEARLY
state whether you are voting for or against the creation of 
soc.culture.ukrainian according to the current charter and proposal

Voting will last for 30 days. Votes must be received on or before May 27th
in order to be counted. I will periodically post a confirmation and
acknowledgment of all votes received. Vote results will NOT be available
until AFTER the voting period is over.


If you wish to vote YES, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:

   email to: [email protected]

   "I vote YES for the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian"

If you wish to vote NO, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:

   email to: [email protected]

   "I vote NO against the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian"

You do not have to say exactly what the examples say as long as it is
clear whether you are voting YES or NO for the creation of 
Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj, Consultant                     
Compuserve:  [email protected]
All promulgations are my own.  No corporate entity has authorization
to represent me.

From [email protected] Tue May 18 15:54:27 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.baltics,soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.czecho-slovak,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.misc,soc.culture.polish
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: soc.culture.ukrainian
Followup-To: poster
Date: 13 May 1993 18:14:49 -0400
Organization: Ordinatio
Lines: 363
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3596 news.groups:71996 soc.culture.soviet:19552 soc.culture.baltics:916 soc.culture.bulgaria:3157 soc.culture.czecho-slovak:1367 soc.culture.europe:19163 soc.culture.magyar:2788 soc.culture.misc:3441 soc.culture.polish:7370

This is the THIRD OFFICIAL CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the 
newsgroup "soc.culture.ukrainian". 

The group is to be unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join
may freely do so.

* * * * * * * * * * CHARTER * * * * * * * * * * 

		Charter for soc.culture.ukrainian

Name:		soc.culture.ukrainian

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.ukrainian is to discuss issues 
		relating to Ukraine, such as (but not limited to):
			- arts & entertainment
			- history
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics

* * * * * * * * * * VOTING INSTRUCTIONS * * * * * * * * * *

Duration: 	30 days, April 27 - May 27, 23:59 UTC
Vote taker: 	[email protected]
Format:		please see below.

Your vote must be sent by EMAIL to the address below. You must CLEARLY
state whether you are voting for or against the creation of 
soc.culture.ukrainian according to the current charter and proposal

Voting will last for 30 days. Votes must be received on or before May 27th
in order to be counted. I will periodically post an acknowledgment
of all votes received in cconjunction with the CFV. Vote results will NOT be 
available until AFTER the voting period is over.


If you wish to vote YES, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:

   email to: [email protected]

   "I vote YES for the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian"

If you wish to vote NO, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:

   email to: [email protected]

   "I vote NO against the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian"

You do not have to say exactly what the examples say as long as it is
clear whether you are voting YES or NO for the creation of 
soc.culture.ukrainian.  It may be part of the subject or body section
of your mail.


Here are all the votes, in alphabetical order (culled from the
"From:" section of the mail) listed.  Please note the following:

*) Duplicate votes:  I take the last duplicate vote as your final say.
   So, if you change your mind (or vote) and email it to me, and
   reverse your decision (or just send me the same vote again), I take
   that as the final word.
*) Invalid votes:  I have responded to invalid votes personally.
*) If you don't see yourself in the list, send your vote again.
*) If you see something in the list which you have a question about
   (for example a duplicate listing), please let me know asap so I
   can check my software for anomalies.

I will NOT confirm your vote by telling you how you have voted before.
If you are NOT sure what your last vote was, send me a new one and
that will be taken as the latest and final "word" on the matter.
Again, I will not respond to requests on "How is the vote going?".
Wait till after May 27th for the official vote tally, please!

Adrian Boyko 
Adriana Pilecky 
Agris Taurins 
Alan R Williams 
[email protected] (Alan James)
[email protected] (Andrew Lewis)
Alex Allister Shvartsman, EMF, LKG2-2/T2  04-May-1993 1042" 
Alex Ranous 
Alex Rudnicky 
Anatoly V.Malitsky 
Andrei Popovici 
Andrey Mizik 
[email protected] (DX504 Andrij Neczwid)
Andriy M. Bihun ((914) 385-3106)" 
Andy <[email protected]>
Anna Ferenc 
Anna T. R. Legedza" 
Anne Meixner 
Anthony Ciprick" <[email protected]>
[email protected] (Alex Jakubowycz)
ay%[email protected] (A.Yeremenko)
[email protected] (Ed Bailey)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Barabash Alexander)
[email protected] (Norman Bartek)
Benjamin Okner 
[email protected]
[email protected] (benjamin j elkins)
[email protected] (Bob MacDowell)
Bogdan Bucicovschi 
Boghdan Kmit 
[email protected] (Bohdan L Bodnar +1 708 979 1185)
[email protected]
Boris A. Veytsman" 
[email protected] (Borys Senyk)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Brian Burtt 
[email protected] (Michael Burianyk)
Chad Lundgren 
[email protected] (John William Chambless)
[email protected]
Chrystyna Kosarchyn" 
[email protected] (Chris Marble)
[email protected] (Connie Jaremczuk, ext. 2618)
[email protected] (Csaba Gyulai)
[email protected] (Tom Culliton x2278)
Daria Kowcz 
David Lane and Tonya Carmien 
DECKERFP%[email protected]
Dianna (hunt goddess)" 
Dima Ulberg 
[email protected] (Dmitri Leschiner)
Dmitriy Sanayev 
Dmitry Manzhulovsky 
[email protected]
Dolikian-CAD002 Arman" 
Don Goodnature 
Donald Costin, Mgr STS. F-03. 3172" 
[email protected] (D. Struk)
dyy%[email protected] (Danylyszyn, Alejandro Andr'es)
Ed Hew 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
Eric James Ewanco 
[email protected] (Eugene Santos Jr.)
Eugene E Rosen 
Evan Kirshenbaum 
[email protected]
Francine Polidori 
[email protected] (Gregory C Franklin )
[email protected] (Frank Weil)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Gabor Ziegler)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dave Gosselin)
[email protected] (Justin Graver)
[email protected] (Adam_W_Hapij-)
Hardcore Alaskan 
Heikki J Korpinen 
Helen F. Schmierer" 
Henk Steenman" 
Henry Abramson 
[email protected] (B.J.)
[email protected] (Myron Hlynka)
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
Igor Mameshin 
Igor Sviridov 
[email protected] (Ilya Mafter (KCS))
Indrek Kalamees 
[email protected] (ALEXEI I. YANSON)
Irene Dmyterko 
Irene Hrab 
[email protected] (Dmitri Orlov)
[email protected] (Jaak Vilo)
James Dranchuk (604)356-2542" 
Jan Ferre'" 
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
Janice Penner 
Jason D. Ellis" 
[email protected] (John Campbell)
[email protected] (Dave Bunte)
[email protected]
Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a 
[email protected] (jewel)
[email protected] (John Gaustad)
[email protected] (Jim Reiss)
[email protected]
John Dilley 
John Flood 
John Leshchuk 
John Oleynick 
[email protected]
Jonathan Lin 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Julian Macassey)
Jurij Darewych 
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Kaminsky)
[email protected] (George S Kardaras)
Ken-ichi Itsumi 
Kirill Kopotun 
[email protected] (Melvin Klassen)
KLIMYUK"%[email protected]
[email protected] (Alexander Kostyukevich)
Kris Cena 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
lena%[email protected] (Lena Savchenko)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lorne Gushulak)
[email protected] (Lu Rong)
[email protected] (Peter C. Macko)
[email protected] (mafjf)
[email protected] (Frank Mangione)
[email protected] (Massimo Marchi)
Marek T. Michalewicz" 
Mario Wolczko 
Mark Jakubowycz 
Markian Denis Hlynka 
Marko Slyz 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS)
[email protected] (Guy Marquis)
Marta Kosarchyn 
Martin Lee Group 
Maryann Brendel 
[email protected] (Pete Matula)
[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
[email protected] (Michael Chance)
merk!uvmark!todd (Todd Cooper)
[email protected]
Mike Andrec 
MILLERAA%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (MKK Enterprises Int'l )
[email protected] (Momchil Velkovsky)
Mr B L Yordanov (KD) 
[email protected] (Sakai Makiko)
[email protected] (Michael S. Romaniw)
[email protected] (Marta Tarnawsky)
Murray Nesbitt 
Nanxun Dai 
[email protected] (Naren Bala)
Nestor Voronka 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nora Luersen)
[email protected] (Nobby N. Coburn)
Nykolai Bilaniuk 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Oleg Kozhukhov)
Oleh Tretiak" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
oleh%[email protected] (Oleh Grinchuk)
Orest Kiszczuk"  
[email protected] (Steve Otruba)
[email protected] (Verevka Oleg)
[email protected]
Pat Scott <[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Plamen I. Krastev" 
Posted-The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA
prool%[email protected] (Serge Pustovoitoff)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Larisa Pyskir)
Randy Finder 
[email protected] (Robert Garzotto)
Richard Webber 
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Rikard Bladh)
[email protected]
R.L.Chomiak" <[email protected]>
[email protected] (Rob Bruinink)
Robert Ulanowicz 
[email protected]
Roman Kramarchuk 
root%[email protected] (Dmytro Dziubaniuk)
Ross B Penner 
ruban%[email protected] (Timur Y. Ruban)
[email protected] (Rafal Maszkowski)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Serge G. Rachinsky 
Sergei Gorlatch 
Sergei Viznyuk 
[email protected]
Sjaak de Mul 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erland Sommarskog)
[email protected] (John Larrabee)
Spiros Triantafyllopoulos 
stas%[email protected] (Stanislav V. Voronyi)
Steve Bosman 
Steve Vargo 
[email protected] (Steve McCallister)
[email protected] (Valentin Strasser)
[email protected] (Maria Sverstiuk)
[email protected]
Tai Jin 
Taras Ivanenko 
[email protected] (Maxim Tarnawsky)
[email protected]
Teodor Roosevelt 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter Theodosius Tkacz)
[email protected]
Tom Dubinski 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alexander Tsemahman)
[email protected] (Taras Zommers)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrew Ukrainec)
Ukranian Students Club 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vadim Gorokhovsky 

[email protected]
[email protected] (Frank Verboven)
[email protected] (Victor Boyartchuk)
Vitali Ometsinski 
Vladimir Karpov 
[email protected] (Vadim Nepomnyashy)
Wally Melnitchouk 
Walter Rohalsk 
Walter Smyrniw 
Walter (W.) Usyk" 
[email protected]
Wayne Holly 
[email protected] (Bill Innanen)
[email protected]
Yaakov Kayman 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Yvonne M. Alo)
Yuri Taranenko 
[email protected] (Ted Schuerzinger)
[email protected]
Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj, Consultant                     
Compuserve:  [email protected]
All promulgations are my own.  No corporate entity has authorization
to represent me.

From [email protected] Wed May 26 17:08:46 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.baltics,soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.czecho-slovak,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.misc,soc.culture.polish
Subject: 4th CFV and VOTE ACK: soc.culture.ukrainian
Followup-To: poster
Date: 20 May 1993 11:42:57 -0400
Organization: Ordinatio
Lines: 418
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3618 news.groups:72341 soc.culture.soviet:19720 soc.culture.baltics:995 soc.culture.bulgaria:3265 soc.culture.czecho-slovak:1424 soc.culture.europe:19240 soc.culture.magyar:2816 soc.culture.misc:3444 soc.culture.polish:7474

This is the FINAL OFFICIAL CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the 
newsgroup "soc.culture.ukrainian". 

The group is to be unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join
may freely do so.

* * * * * * * * * * CHARTER * * * * * * * * * * 

		Charter for soc.culture.ukrainian

Name:		soc.culture.ukrainian

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.ukrainian is to discuss issues 
		relating to Ukraine, such as (but not limited to):
			- arts & entertainment
			- history
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics

* * * * * * * * * * VOTING INSTRUCTIONS * * * * * * * * * *

Duration: 	30 days, April 27 - May 27, 23:59 UTC
Vote taker: 	[email protected]
Format:		please see below.

Your vote must be sent by EMAIL to the address below. You must CLEARLY
state whether you are voting for or against the creation of 
soc.culture.ukrainian according to the current charter and proposal

Voting will last for 30 days. Votes must be received on or before May 27th
in order to be counted. I will periodically post an acknowledgment
of all votes received in cconjunction with the CFV. Vote results will NOT be 
available until AFTER the voting period is over.


If you wish to vote YES, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:

   email to: [email protected]

   "I vote YES for the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian"

If you wish to vote NO, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:

   email to: [email protected]

   "I vote NO against the creation of soc.culture.ukrainian"

You do not have to say exactly what the examples say as long as it is
clear whether you are voting YES or NO for the creation of 
soc.culture.ukrainian.  It may be part of the subject or body section
of your mail.


Here are all the votes, in alphabetical order (culled from the
"From:" section of the mail) listed.  Please note the following:

*) Duplicate votes:  I take the last duplicate vote as your final say.
   So, if you change your mind (or vote) and email it to me, and
   reverse your decision (or just send me the same vote again), I take
   that as the final word.
*) Invalid votes:  I have responded to invalid votes personally.
*) If you don't see yourself in the list, send your vote again.
*) If you see something in the list which you have a question about
   (for example a duplicate listing), please let me know asap so I
   can check my software for anomalies.

I will NOT confirm your vote by telling you how you have voted before.
If you are NOT sure what your last vote was, send me a new one and
that will be taken as the latest and final "word" on the matter.
Again, I will not respond to requests on "How is the vote going?".
Wait till after May 27th for the official vote tally, please!

The votes here are current as of 15:39, May 19th, New York City time.

[email protected] (Andreas Peukert)
Adrian Boyko 
Adriana Pilecky 
Agris Taurins 
Alan R Williams 
[email protected] (Alan James)
[email protected] (Andrew Lewis)
Alex Allister Shvartsman, EMF, LKG2-2/T2  04-May-1993 1042" 
Alex Ranous 
Alex Rudnicky 
A.M. Haeussler" 
Amy Hull <[email protected]>
Anatoly V.Malitsky 
Andras Kornai 
Andrei Popovici 
Andrew Hrycaj 
Andrey Mizik 
[email protected] (DX504 Andrij Neczwid)
Andriy M. Bihun ((914) 385-3106)" 
Andy <[email protected]>
Anna Ferenc 
Anna T. R. Legedza" 
Anne Meixner 
Anthony Ciprick" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alex Jakubowycz)
ay%[email protected] (A.Yeremenko)
[email protected] (Ed Bailey)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Barabash Alexander)
[email protected] (Norman Bartek)
Benjamin Okner 
[email protected]
[email protected] (benjamin j elkins)
[email protected] (Bob MacDowell)
Bogdan Bucicovschi 
Boghdan Kmit 
[email protected] (Bohdan L Bodnar +1 708 979 1185)
[email protected]
Boris A. Veytsman" 
[email protected] (Borys Senyk)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Brian Burtt 
Bruce Tindall 
[email protected] (Michael Burianyk)
[email protected]
Chad Lundgren 
[email protected] (John William Chambless)
[email protected]
Chrystyna Kosarchyn" 
[email protected] (Chris Marble)
[email protected] (Connie Jaremczuk, ext. 2618)
[email protected] (Csaba Gyulai)
[email protected] (Tom Culliton x2278)
[email protected] (Voss Christopher)
Daria Kowcz 
David Lane and Tonya Carmien 
DECKERFP%[email protected]
Dianna (hunt goddess)" 
Dima Ulberg 
[email protected] (Dmitri Leschiner)
Dmitriy Sanayev 
[email protected] (Dmitriy N. Vasilev)
Dmitry Manzhulovsky 
[email protected]
Dolikian-CAD002 Arman" 
Don Goodnature 
Donald Costin, Mgr STS. F-03. 3172" 
[email protected] (D. Struk)
dyy%[email protected] (Danylyszyn, Alejandro Andr'es)
[email protected] (C. E. Taggart)
Ed Hew 
[email protected]
Elena Kopotun 
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
Eric J. Olson" 
Eric James Ewanco 
[email protected] (Eugene Santos Jr.)
Eugene E Rosen 
Evan Kirshenbaum 
[email protected]
Francine Polidori 
[email protected] (Gregory C Franklin )
[email protected] (Frank Weil)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Gabor Ziegler)
Geoffrey Spear 
[email protected] (Focalp )
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dave Gosselin)
[email protected] (Justin Graver)
Hank Streeter 
[email protected] (Adam_W_Hapij-)
Hardcore Alaskan 
Heikki J Korpinen 
Helen F. Schmierer" 
Henk Steenman" 
Henry Abramson 
[email protected] (B.J.)
[email protected] (Myron Hlynka)
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
[email protected]
Igor Bodnar" 
Igor Mameshin 
Igor Sviridov 
Ihor C. Jason" 
[email protected] (Ilya Mafter (KCS))
Indrek Kalamees 
[email protected] (ALEXEI I. YANSON)
Irene Dmyterko 
Irene Hrab 
[email protected] (Dmitri Orlov)
[email protected] (Jaak Vilo)
James Dranchuk (604)356-2542" 
James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia.  18-May-1993 2147" 
Jan Ferre'" 
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
Janice Penner 
Jason D. Ellis" 
[email protected] (John Campbell)
[email protected] (Dave Bunte)
[email protected]
Jennifer Labach 
Jerzy Krzystek 
Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a 
[email protected] (jewel)
[email protected] (John Gaustad)
[email protected] (Jim Reiss)
[email protected]
John Dilley 
John Eidson <[email protected]>
John Flood 
John Leshchuk 
John Oleynick 
[email protected]
Jonathan Lin 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Julian Macassey)
[email protected] (Julita Marczuk)
Jurij Darewych 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Kaminsky)
[email protected] (George S Kardaras)
Ken-ichi Itsumi 
Kirill Kopotun 
[email protected] (Melvin Klassen)
KLIMYUK"%[email protected]
[email protected] (Alexander Kostyukevich)
Kris Cena 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
lena%[email protected] (Lena Savchenko)
[email protected] (Larissa Fedoriw)
[email protected]

[email protected] (Lorne Gushulak)
[email protected] (Struk Luka)
[email protected] (Lu Rong)
M. F. P." 
[email protected] (Peter C. Macko)
[email protected] (mafjf)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Frank Mangione)
[email protected] (Massimo Marchi)
Marek T. Michalewicz" 
Mario Wolczko 
Mark Jakubowycz 
Mark Kotliar (FSAC-FCD) 
Markian Denis Hlynka 
Marko Slyz 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS)
[email protected] (Guy Marquis)
Marta Kosarchyn 
Martin Lee Group 
Maryann Brendel 
[email protected] (Pete Matula)
[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
[email protected] (Michael Chance)
merk!uvmark!todd (Todd Cooper)
[email protected]
Mike Andrec 
MILLERAA%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (MKK Enterprises Int'l )
[email protected] (Momchil Velkovsky)
Mr B L Yordanov (KD) 
[email protected] (Sakai Makiko)
[email protected] (Michael S. Romaniw)
[email protected] (Marta Tarnawsky)
Murray Nesbitt 
Nanxun Dai 
[email protected] (Naren Bala)
Nestor Voronka 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nora Luersen)
[email protected] (Nobby N. Coburn)
Nykolai Bilaniuk 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Oleg Kozhukhov)
Oleh Tretiak" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
oleh%[email protected] (Oleh Grinchuk)
Orest Kiszczuk"  
Orysia Calka 
[email protected] (Steve Otruba)
[email protected] (Verevka Oleg)
[email protected]
Pat Scott <[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Philip VanBaren 
Plamen I. Krastev" 
prool%[email protected] (Serge Pustovoitoff)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Larisa Pyskir)
R Souljik 
Randy Finder 
[email protected] (Fedoriw Roman)
[email protected] (Robert Garzotto)
Richard Webber 
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Rikard Bladh)
[email protected]
R.L.Chomiak" <[email protected]>
Rob Knauerhase 
[email protected] (Rob Bruinink)
Robert Ulanowicz 
[email protected]
Rodney Shojinaga 
Roman Brewka 
Roman Kramarchuk 
[email protected] (Romana A. Prybyla-Hryciw")
root%[email protected] (Dmytro Dziubaniuk)
Ross B Penner 
Rostyk B. Storozuk" <[email protected]>
ruban%[email protected] (Timur Y. Ruban)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Robert Vestrum)
[email protected] (Rafal Maszkowski)
[email protected] (Jeffrey Bob Berthiaume)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Serge G. Rachinsky 
Sergei Gorlatch 
Sergei Viznyuk 
[email protected]
Sjaak de Mul 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erland Sommarskog)
[email protected] (John Larrabee)
Spiros Triantafyllopoulos 

stas%[email protected] (Stanislav V. Voronyi)
Stephan Kosonocky (FSAC-FCD) 
Steve Bosman 
Steve Vargo 
[email protected] (Steve McCallister)
[email protected] (Valentin Strasser)
[email protected] (Maria Sverstiuk)
[email protected]
Tai Jin 
Tamara Dabrowski                 Reference Assistant
Taras Ivanenko 
[email protected] (Maxim Tarnawsky)
[email protected] (Tony Basoglu)
[email protected]

Teodor Roosevelt 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter Theodosius Tkacz)
[email protected]
Tom Dubinski 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alexander Tsemahman)
[email protected] (Taras Zommers)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrew Ukrainec)
Ukranian Students Club 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vadim Gorokhovsky 

[email protected]
[email protected] (Frank Verboven)
[email protected] (Victor Boyartchuk)
Vitali Ometsinski 
Vladimir Karpov 
[email protected] (Vadim Nepomnyashy)
Wally Melnitchouk 
Walter Rohalsk 
Walter Smyrniw 
Walter (W.) Usyk" 
[email protected]
Wayne Holly 
[email protected] (Bill Innanen)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Yaakov Kayman 
[email protected] (Yarema A. Hryciw)
[email protected]
Yaroslav SHUBA 
[email protected] (Yvonne M. Alo)
Yuri Taranenko 
Zbigniew Jan Pasek 
[email protected] (Ted Schuerzinger)
[email protected]
Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj, Consultant                     
Compuserve:  [email protected]
All promulgations are my own.  No corporate entity has authorization
to represent me.

From [email protected] Fri May 28 18:29:55 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.baltics,soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.czecho-slovak,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.misc,soc.culture.polish
Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.ukrainian passes 345:29
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 28 May 1993 16:13:14 -0400
Organization: Ordinatio
Lines: 394
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3642 news.groups:73005 soc.culture.soviet:19896 soc.culture.baltics:1074 soc.culture.bulgaria:3388 soc.culture.czecho-slovak:1556 soc.culture.europe:19332 soc.culture.magyar:2864 soc.culture.misc:3462 soc.culture.polish:7615

soc.culture.ukrainian passes 345 to 29

     Total votes cast:	374
     Yes votes: 	345 (92.25%)
     No votes:	  	 29 ( 7.75%)

The requirements for group creation are met and the new newsgroup can be
created after a waiting period of 5 days. During this waiting period the
net has a chance to correct any errors in the voter list appended below.

Thanks to all who participated in the vote!

YES votes (sorted by name/address as extracted from the "From: " section of the mail):

[email protected] (Andreas Peukert)
[email protected] (Nadia Diakun-Thibault)
Adrian Boyko 
Adriana Pilecky 
[email protected] (Louis J. Elteto)
Agris Taurins 
Alan R Williams 
[email protected] (Alan James)
[email protected] (Andrew Lewis)
Alex Allister Shvartsman, EMF, LKG2-2/T2  04-May-1993 1042" 
Alex Ranous 
Alex Rudnicky 
A.M. Haeussler" 
Amy Hull <[email protected]>
Anatoly V.Malitsky 
Andras Kornai 
Andrei Popovici 
Andrew Hrycaj 
Andrey Mizik 
[email protected] (DX504 Andrij Neczwid)
Andriy M. Bihun ((914) 385-3106)" 
Andy <[email protected]>
Anna Ferenc 
Anna T. R. Legedza" 
Anne Meixner 
Anthony Ciprick" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrei Artemev)
[email protected] (Alex Jakubowycz)
Ayari Iskander 
ay%[email protected] (A.Yeremenko)
[email protected] (Ed Bailey)
[email protected] (Barabash Alexander)
[email protected] (Norman Bartek)
Benjamin Okner 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (benjamin j elkins)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bob MacDowell)
Bogdan Bucicovschi 
Boghdan Kmit 
[email protected] (Bohdan L Bodnar +1 708 979 1185)
[email protected]
Boris A. Veytsman" 
[email protected] (Boris)
Borys Bodnaruk 
[email protected] (Borys Senyk)
[email protected]
Boublik Kennung auf portland 
[email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)
Brian Burtt 
[email protected] (Leszek Brozyna)
Bruce Tindall 
[email protected] (Michael Burianyk)
[email protected]
Chad Lundgren 
[email protected] (John William Chambless)
[email protected]
Chrystyna Kosarchyn" 
[email protected] (Connie Jaremczuk, ext. 2618)
[email protected] (Ivan Covdy)
[email protected] (Csaba Gyulai)
[email protected] (Voss Christopher)
Daria Kowcz 
David Lane and Tonya Carmien 
DECKERFP%[email protected]
Dianna (hunt goddess)" 
Dima Ulberg 
[email protected] (Dmitri Leschiner)
Dmitriy Sanayev 
[email protected] (Dmitriy N. Vasilev)
Dmitry Manzhulovsky 
[email protected]
Dolikian-CAD002 Arman" 
Don Goodnature 
Donald Costin, Mgr STS. F-03. 3172" 
[email protected] (D. Struk)
dyy%[email protected] (Danylyszyn, Alejandro Andr'es)
[email protected] (C. E. Taggart)
Ed Hew 
[email protected]
Elena Kopotun 
Eric James Ewanco 
[email protected] (Eugene Santos Jr.)
Eugene E Rosen 
Evan Kirshenbaum 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Carwil James)
[email protected] (Jeff H Fishburn +1 508 960 3860)
Francine Polidori 
[email protected] (Gregory C Franklin )
[email protected] (Frank Weil)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Gabor Ziegler)
Geoffrey Spear 
[email protected] (Focalp )
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dave Gosselin)
[email protected] (Justin Graver)
Hank Streeter 
[email protected] (Adam_W_Hapij-)
Heikki J Korpinen 
Helen F. Schmierer" 
Henk Steenman" 
Henry Abramson 
[email protected] (B.J.)
[email protected] (Myron Hlynka)
[email protected]
Igor Bodnar" 
Igor Mameshin 
Igor Sviridov 
Ihor C. Jason" 
[email protected] (Ilya Mafter (KCS))
Indrek Kalamees 
infopol!swietor  (Actual address is [email protected] (ed. BPR))
[email protected] (ALEXEI I. YANSON)
Irene Dmyterko 
Irene Hrab 
[email protected] (Dmitri Orlov)
[email protected] (Jaak Vilo)
James Dranchuk (604)356-2542" 
Jan Ferre'" 
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
Janice Penner 
Jason D. Ellis" 
[email protected] (John Campbell)
[email protected] (Dave Bunte)
[email protected]
Jennifer Labach 
Jerzy Krzystek 
[email protected] (John Gaustad)
[email protected] (Jim Reiss)
[email protected]
John Dilley 
John Eidson <[email protected]>
John Flood 
John Leshchuk 
John Oleynick 
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Nestoriak)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Julita Marczuk)
Jurij Darewych 
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Kaminsky)
[email protected] (George S Kardaras)
Kateryna Ostrowsky 
Ken-ichi Itsumi 
Kirill Kopotun 
[email protected] (Melvin Klassen)
KLIMYUK"%[email protected]
Klymchuk Robert A 
[email protected] (Gerry Kokodyniak)
[email protected] (Alexander Kostyukevich)
Kris Cena 
[email protected] (Zoran Kurtovic)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tom D Leitch +1 708 979 0841)
lena%[email protected] (Lena Savchenko)
[email protected] (Larissa Fedoriw)
[email protected]

[email protected] (Lorne Gushulak)
[email protected] (Struk Luka)
[email protected] (Lu Rong)
M. F. P." 
[email protected] (Peter C. Macko)
[email protected] (mafjf)
[email protected] (Virginia Kind Piccininni +1 708 979 1841)
[email protected] (Frank Mangione)
Marek T. Michalewicz" 
Marin Guenov 
Mario Wolczko 
Mark Jakubowycz 
Mark Kotliar (FSAC-FCD) 
Markian Denis Hlynka 
[email protected]
Marko Slyz 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS)
[email protected] (Guy Marquis)
Marta Kosarchyn 
Martin Lee Group 
Maryann Brendel 
[email protected] (Pete Matula)
[email protected] (Michael Chance)
[email protected] (Danchuk Matthew)
merk!uvmark!todd (Todd Cooper)
[email protected]
Mike Andrec 
MILLERAA%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (MKK Enterprises Int'l )
[email protected] (Momchil Velkovsky)
[email protected] (Michael P. Bilaniuk)
Mr B L Yordanov (KD) 
[email protected] (Michael S. Romaniw)
[email protected] (Marta Tarnawsky)
Mykola Sereda 
Nanxun Dai 
[email protected] (Naren Bala)
Nestor Voronka 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nora Luersen)
[email protected] (Nobby N. Coburn)
[email protected]
Nykolai Bilaniuk 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Oleg Kozhukhov)
Oleh Tretiak" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
oleh%[email protected] (Oleh Grinchuk)
Orest Kiszczuk"  
Orysia Calka 
[email protected] (Steve Otruba)
[email protected] (Verevka Oleg)
[email protected] (Yakymchuk Orysia)
[email protected]
Pat Scott <[email protected]>
Patti Richey 
[email protected] (Paul Vedin)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Philip VanBaren 
Plamen I. Krastev" 
prool%[email protected] (Serge Pustovoitoff)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Larisa Pyskir)
R Souljik 
Rainer Brendel 
[email protected] (Rama K. Pidaparti)
Randy Finder 
[email protected] (Fedoriw Roman)
[email protected] (Robert Garzotto)
Richard Webber 
[email protected] (Rikard Bladh)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Klymchuk Robert)
R.L.Chomiak" <[email protected]>
[email protected] (Rob Bruinink)
Robert Ulanowicz 
[email protected]
Rodney Shojinaga 
Roman Brewka 
Roman Kramarchuk 
[email protected] (Romana A. Prybyla-Hryciw")
root%[email protected] (Dmytro Dziubaniuk)
Ross B Penner 
Rostyk B. Storozuk" <[email protected]>
ruban%[email protected] (Timur Y. Ruban)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Robert Vestrum)
[email protected] (Rafal Maszkowski)
[email protected] (Jeffrey Bob Berthiaume)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Serge G. Rachinsky 
Sergei Gorlatch 
Sergei Viznyuk 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Matthew Fitzgerald)
Sjaak de Mul 
Skup-CTS003 Terry" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erland Sommarskog)
[email protected] (John Larrabee)
Spiros Triantafyllopoulos 

stas%[email protected] (Stanislav V. Voronyi)
Stephan Kosonocky (FSAC-FCD) 
Stephen (S.P.) Pichocki" 
Steve Bosman 
Steve Vargo 
[email protected] (Steve McCallister)
[email protected] (Valentin Strasser)
[email protected] (Maria Sverstiuk)
[email protected]
Tai Jin 
Taras Ivanenko 
[email protected] (Maxim Tarnawsky)
[email protected]

Teodor Roosevelt 
[email protected] (Terry Labach)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter Theodosius Tkacz)
[email protected]
Tom Dubinski 
Tomasz Bulik" 
[email protected] (Gyorgy Trefan)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alexander Tsemahman)
[email protected] (Taras Zommers)
uid#[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrew Ukrainec)
Ukranian Students Club 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vadim Gorokhovsky 

[email protected] (Boychuk Volodymyr)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Frank Verboven)
[email protected] (Victor Boyartchuk)
Vitali Ometsinski 
Vitaliy S Kovalenko 
[email protected] (Vadim Nepomnyashy)
Wally Melnitchouk 
Walter Rohalsk 
Walter Smyrniw 
Walter (W.) Usyk" 
[email protected]
Wayne Holly 
[email protected] (Walter Derzko)
[email protected] (Bill Innanen)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Yarema A. Hryciw)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Yaroslav SHUBA 
[email protected] (Yvonne M. Alo)
Yuri Taranenko 
Zbigniew Jan Pasek 
[email protected] (Ted Schuerzinger)
Zennon Slowski - Network Operations Ctr." 
[email protected]

NO votes  (sorted by name/address as extracted from the "From: " section of the mail):

[email protected]
[email protected] (Chris Marble)
[email protected] (Tom Culliton x2278)
David Barr 
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
Eric J. Olson" 
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
Hardcore Alaskan 
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia.  18-May-1993 2147" 
Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a 
[email protected] (jewel)
[email protected] (Joel Furr)
Jonathan Lin  
[email protected] (Julian Macassey)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Massimo Marchi)
Massimo Marchi" 
[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sakai Makiko)
Murray Nesbitt 
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
Rob Knauerhase 
Shane Hartman 
[email protected] (Tony Basoglu)
Vladimir Karpov 
[email protected] (Vladimir Zhivov)
Yaakov Kayman 

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