From [email protected] Wed Mar  8 18:40:37 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Greg Wheatley)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.dcom.isdn,alt.dcom.telecom,uk.telecom
Subject: RFD: comp.dcom.videoconf
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 8 Mar 1995 17:55:59 -0500
Organization: Exec-PC Summary: Request for discussion for
Lines: 64
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6376 news.groups:138198 comp.dcom.isdn:13914 alt.dcom.telecom:14322

                     Request for Discussion (RFD)

Proposed Newsgroup: comp.dcom.videoconf
Status:             unmoderated
Distribution:       worldwide
Summary:            Discussion relating to all types of Video
Proponents:         Greg Wheatley 

This is a formal Request for Discussion on the creation of an
unmoderated newsgroup for discussion of issues related to Video
Conferencing.  The purposes of this group include to alleviate
the volume of traffic on the VideoPhone mailing list, to provide
a  central source of information for Video Conference Information
and to minimize questions about Video Conferencing on other groups
such as comp.dcom.comp.dcom.isdn and

This is a Request for Discussion and is not a Call for Votes.
The discussion will last 3-4 weeks from this date (Wednesday 1
Mar., 1995). Any comments such as "I vote yes for comp.dcom.videoconf"
will be treated only as a positive reaction to the proposed charter
and not as a yes vote on the creation of the group.  If sufficient
interest isdemonstrated during the discussion period, a formal CFV
will be issued along with instruction on how to cast your vote.

This RFD has been posted in accordance with the Guidelines for
Newsgroup Creation. Its language is based on previously submitted
RFDs. The RFD is being cross-posted to the following relevant
news groups:

        news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,, comp.dcom.isdn, alt.dcom.telecom

Followups to this RFD are to be posted only to news.groups, where
the actual discussion is to take place.


The comp.dcom.videoconf newsgroup will be open to discussion on
Video Conference Technology and it's applications.  Specific topics
may include, but are not necessarily limited to:

        Vendor Experiences
        Desktop Video
        Dialup VS Dedicated Circuit
        Room Design


Please post any response to this message to NEWS.GROUPS.  Ifyou use
the followup feature on your newsreader this should happen automatically.
It is important to understand that all discussions about the merits of
this proposal should occur on news.groups.


After a discussion period of 21-30 days, unless the discussion indicates
a need to resubmit a new RFD, there will be a Call For Votes (CFV) posted
to the same groups as this RFD. The voting period will be at least 21 days.
If the group passes by receiving 100 more YES votesthan NO votes and
(at least) twice as many YES votes as NO votes, it will be created.

From [email protected] Tue Apr 25 13:16:29 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.dcom.telecom,comp.dcom.isdn,,uk.telecom
Subject: CFV: comp.dcom.videoconf
Followup-To: poster
Date: 24 Apr 1995 19:00:21 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 55
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 16 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6684 news.groups:146167 alt.dcom.telecom:15832 comp.dcom.isdn:15852

                      FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                   unmoderated group comp.dcom.videoconf

Newsgroups line:
comp.dcom.videoconf	Video conference technology and applications.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 15 May 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Greg Wheatley .

The CFV will also be posted to mailing list


comp.dcom.videoconf will be a forum dedicated to the discussion of
Video Conference technology and it's applications.  The forum will allow
those with information to share it, and those lloking for information to
request it.  Discussion of related technologies such as teleconferencing
and distance learning is acceptable.  Specific topics may include but
not be limited to:

Vendor experiences
Desktop Video
Dialup vs dedicated circuit
Room design


This group is being proposed because there has been an increasing number
of posts to related newsgroups asking for information regarding Video
Conferencing and newsgroups for it's discussion.  Video Conference
equipment prices have continued to drop and as they do more people will
utilize the technology.  The increased utilization will result in more
interest in the subject.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on comp.dcom.videoconf
      I vote NO on comp.dcom.videoconf

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] Mon May  1 18:20:44 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.dcom.telecom,comp.dcom.isdn,,uk.telecom
Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.dcom.videoconf
Followup-To: poster
Date: 1 May 1995 16:19:31 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 59
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 16 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]> 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6728 news.groups:147058 alt.dcom.telecom:16044 comp.dcom.isdn:16267

                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                   unmoderated group comp.dcom.videoconf

Newsgroups line:
comp.dcom.videoconf     Video conference technology and applications.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 15 May 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Greg Wheatley .

The CFV will also be posted to mailing list


comp.dcom.videoconf will be a forum dedicated to the discussion of
Video Conference technology and it's applications.  The forum will allow
those with information to share it, and those lloking for information to
request it.  Discussion of related technologies such as teleconferencing
and distance learning is acceptable.  Specific topics may include but
not be limited to:

Vendor experiences
Desktop Video
Dialup vs dedicated circuit
Room design


This group is being proposed because there has been an increasing number
of posts to related newsgroups asking for information regarding Video
Conferencing and newsgroups for it's discussion.  Video Conference
equipment prices have continued to drop and as they do more people will
utilize the technology.  The increased utilization will result in more
interest in the subject.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on comp.dcom.videoconf
      I vote NO on comp.dcom.videoconf

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

comp.dcom.videoconf Bounce List -
[email protected]                          Adi Regev

From [email protected] Tue May 16 19:38:04 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.dcom.telecom,comp.dcom.isdn,,uk.telecom
Subject: RESULT: comp.dcom.videoconf passes 267:19
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 16 May 1995 15:14:35 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 361
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]> 
Archive-Name: comp.dcom.videoconf
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6856 news.groups:149786 alt.dcom.telecom:16584 comp.dcom.isdn:17039

         unmoderated group comp.dcom.videoconf passes 267:19

There were 267 YES votes and 19 NO votes, for a total of 286 valid votes.
There were 5 abstains and 10 invalid ballots.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line:
comp.dcom.videoconf     Video conference technology and applications.

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 15 May 1995.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Greg Wheatley .


comp.dcom.videoconf will be a forum dedicated to the discussion of
Video Conference technology and it's applications.  The forum will allow
those with information to share it, and those lloking for information to
request it.  Discussion of related technologies such as teleconferencing
and distance learning is acceptable.  Specific topics may include but
not be limited to:

Vendor experiences
Desktop Video
Dialup vs dedicated circuit
Room design

comp.dcom.videoconf Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                            Casey Dodson
[email protected]                                             Stuart Duff
[email protected]                                      Fernando Botelho             Kevin Davis/PicTel               Rich Baker/PicTel
[email protected]                                           Abbas Bagasrawala
[email protected]                               Andrey A. Chernov, Black Mage
[email protected]                                            Aine Coulter
[email protected]                                             Andrew Beasley
[email protected]                                              Adi Regev
[email protected]
[email protected]                                          Alessandro Agostinelli
[email protected]                                             Adrian Heilbut
[email protected]
[email protected]                                             Ananda M. Kar
[email protected]                                               Ando Eiichi
[email protected]                                         Stuart Ashby
[email protected]                                                         aviola
[email protected]                               Gabi Ayalon (2783)
[email protected]                                               Dave Barton
[email protected]
[email protected]                                        Reginald Barron
[email protected]                                                 Barry Nathan
[email protected]                                                   Bent Boehlers
[email protected]                                      Brian Eckhardt
[email protected]                                         Benoit Menendez (GTFS)
[email protected]                                          Stefan Behrens
[email protected]                                             Fred Besancon
[email protected]                                                  Bill Bredbenner
[email protected]
[email protected]                                               Bill McCauley
[email protected]                                                   Bob Baal
[email protected]                                             John Boteler
[email protected]                                             Ben Parker
[email protected]                                            Bob Raasch
[email protected]                                      Brent Browning
[email protected]                                          Brian Frohlich
[email protected]                                       Bruce Roberts
[email protected]                                                 Bryan Cardoza
[email protected]                                                  Byron Wagner
[email protected]                                  Carsten Bormann
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                        Carlos Picoto
[email protected]                                            Mark W. Schumann
[email protected]                                          Peter A. Cattaneo
[email protected]                                                     David Vu
[email protected]                                                  CDestef414
[email protected]                                             Aaron Chavet
[email protected]                                                   Albert Chen
[email protected]
[email protected]                                     Chris J Schnurr
[email protected]                             Chen, Kuo-Yu (800902)
[email protected]                                         Chris Stamper
[email protected]                                          Chris McCauley
[email protected]                                                    C Malte Lewan
[email protected]                                     Christopher J. O'Brien
[email protected]                                   Maurizio Codogno
[email protected]
[email protected]                                         Colin McCutcheon
[email protected]                                                cty
[email protected]                                               Christopher Ward
[email protected]                                              Chuck Handley
[email protected]                                      Heath Chandler Y.
[email protected]                                                 Dave Agans
[email protected]                                               Dave Amidon
[email protected]                                                 Dave Knight
[email protected]                                            Dave Serisky
[email protected]                                          John Davison
[email protected]                                                       Doug Clapp
[email protected]                                               Doug Domeny
[email protected]                                               Dirk Emmel
[email protected]                                         David Delabassee
[email protected]                                                       David Martin
[email protected]                                                   David E. Martin
[email protected]                                                  David Glazer
[email protected]                                                   DAVID HORN
[email protected]                                           David Houston
[email protected]                               David Matthewson
[email protected]                                              Jame$ Dollar
[email protected]                                                Donald McRoberts
[email protected]                               Dwayne Canfield
[email protected]                                          Ragnar Larsson
[email protected]                                           Ken Eddings
[email protected]                       Edgar Hellfritsch
[email protected]                                                          Geneone
[email protected]                                                 Paul Eggert
[email protected]                                                    Eliot Moore
[email protected]                                               Earl Perkins
[email protected]                                              Ernest Peter
[email protected]                                                 Ed Ritenour
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                 Fred Goodwin
[email protected]                                         Filip Lingier
[email protected]                                            Tracy Spackman
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                    Mark Ganzer
[email protected]                                             Garfield
[email protected]                                               Gary Lee Jensen
[email protected]                                             Gerwyn Davies
[email protected]                                                   Glenn Russell
[email protected]                                  Mepham, Gordon
[email protected]                                                    Greg chartrand
[email protected]                                                  Greg Nunan
[email protected]
[email protected]                                              Fritz Grammer
[email protected]                                               Geoff Smyth
[email protected]                                              Greg Youngs
[email protected]                                        Ian Hanrahan
[email protected]                                   Harold A. Driscoll
[email protected]                                         Harry Truman
[email protected]                             Frank Hartung
[email protected]                                  #Helmuth Langenheim
[email protected]                                          Henrik B|hle
[email protected]                                                     Henry Lau
[email protected]                                    Chip      Sharp      6424
[email protected]                                                     Hiro Daryanani
[email protected]                                            Harold Jarvie
[email protected]                                              Matt Holdrege
[email protected]                                    Honko Harri
[email protected]                                             Sharon Hoshida
[email protected]                                        Helen Trillian Rose
[email protected]                                      GOOVAERTS CINDY
[email protected]                                                  Andy Humberston
[email protected]                                            Iain.Moffat
[email protected]                                    Iain Beckingham
[email protected]                           Images in Focus Productions Ltd.
[email protected]                                            Irving Lustigman
[email protected]                                             Jon P. Knight
[email protected]                                               Paul Jackman
[email protected]                           Jalil Latiff @ Universal Telecom
[email protected]
[email protected]                                  Julie Bielski - jbielski
[email protected]
[email protected]                                         Jerry Castro
[email protected]                                       Jessop, Paul
[email protected]                                        Kouhei Matsuda
[email protected]                                                 jeffrey (j.) frey
[email protected]                                        Jeffrey N. Fritz
[email protected]                                              Joseph Kwiatkowski
[email protected]                                                      Jon Levy
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                  Joe Cossette
[email protected]                John Slater - Sun UK - City of London SE
[email protected]                                           John D. Baker
[email protected]                                                       John Leslie
[email protected]                                                           Jonboy
[email protected]                                                  Jp Taylor
[email protected]                                                Jerry Skene
[email protected]                                                  Jon Steer
[email protected]                                    Justin Fielder
[email protected]                                                 J W Cutrell
[email protected]                                      Kendall D. Carpenter
[email protected]                                              K Pine
[email protected]                                    Starkey, Neil
[email protected]                               Kimmo Ketolainen +358 40 500 2957
[email protected]                                            Paris, Ken
[email protected]                                       Kenney Russell
[email protected]                                                       Karl Pommer
[email protected]                                                  Rico Lelina
[email protected]                                                   Lento Yip
[email protected]                           I'm too Sexy For Your Glenn
[email protected]                                  Martin Schroeder
[email protected]                                       Charles Lubrecht
[email protected]                                 Lutz Donnerhacke
[email protected]                                      Mascha van Dort
[email protected]                                    Marian Benton
[email protected]                                              Marko Suoknuuti
[email protected]                                            Mark D Polomski
[email protected]                                                   Markus Baur
[email protected]                                            Mike Cherry
[email protected]                                          Robert Svderberg
[email protected]                             Mark E Anderson +1 708 979 4716
[email protected]
[email protected]                               Menahem Melzer (2193)
[email protected]                                             Patrick t. ***
[email protected]                                           Mike McFee
[email protected]                                            mikes21
[email protected]                                 David Maurice
[email protected]                                    Michael W. Patrick
[email protected]                                               Mark Sumner
[email protected]                                                      Nassim
[email protected]                                            Nigel Cliffe
[email protected]                                                     Nigel Allen
[email protected]                                                   Neil Costigan
[email protected]                                          Nick Ingegneri
[email protected]                        Wing Nigel (AUS Melbourne)
[email protected]                                             Neil MacLean
[email protected]                                         Norman E Andrews
[email protected]                                                      Dean Heinen
[email protected]                                                 Oscar G. Farah
[email protected]                                                  Oliver Jones
[email protected]                                    Bruce Orchard
[email protected]                                        Phil ~Phlash~ Ashby
[email protected]                                               Dave Pascoe
[email protected]                                    patricia napier
[email protected]                                                 Pierre Brisson
[email protected]                                            Philip Decker
[email protected]                                  Thurman Pedigo
[email protected]                                                 Pekka Luukas
[email protected]                                     Peter Finnigan
[email protected]                                                Peter Anderholm
[email protected]                                             Koskelainen Petri
[email protected]                                            Philip Carvelas
[email protected]                                       Michael Schoolnik
[email protected]    Ronald Mies, tel. +31 703325603, KPN Research, T
[email protected]                                              Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]                                                             Ram
[email protected]                                                   Ray Hand
[email protected]                                       Reiner Brabender
[email protected]                                          Rosemary Frazer
[email protected]
[email protected]                                             Richard Lyman
[email protected]                            ROBERTS, GREGORY S. X7500
[email protected]                                              Richard S Neale
[email protected]                                                  Dan Thies
[email protected]                                                     Rutie Adar
[email protected]                                           Bob Wilkins n6fri
[email protected]                                Karl-Heinz Gasper
[email protected]                                             Sakari Haapanen
[email protected]                                                    Sami Pohto                               Satyanarayan Namdhari
[email protected]                                                   Charlie Sauer
[email protected]                                     Stuart Cunningham
[email protected]                 John D. Scheidemantel 312.557.2762
[email protected]                                                      Semaan
[email protected]                                                Jerry Shapiro
[email protected]
[email protected]                                          Kailas Shetty
[email protected]                                                      Kun Shin
[email protected]                                         Takashi Iwasaki
[email protected]                                     Sid Van den Heede
[email protected]                                                     Simon Moy
[email protected]                                           Sue SPAHN
[email protected]                                          Teresa F. Spector                                    Srikanth Reddy
[email protected]
[email protected]                                               Steve Haehnichen
[email protected]                                                Steve C. Appling
[email protected]                                                 Glenn Stewart
[email protected]                                           Steven Garman
[email protected]                                      Brian K. Swail
[email protected]                               Thomas H. Bleakney
[email protected]
[email protected]                                            Esa Vitikainen
[email protected]                                              Theodore F. Vaida
[email protected]                                                t.g.lyons
[email protected]                                       Thomas W. Moss
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                 Tony Ezzat
[email protected]                                             gregory brown
[email protected]                                             Van Mittal-Henkle
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                            Vince Rhee
[email protected]                                       Vladislav Vajdic
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                  Edwin Wiedmer
[email protected]                                            Markus Witthaut
[email protected]                                     Xiaohong Wang
[email protected]                                        bill laycock
[email protected]                                         Yvonne Mitchell
[email protected]                                               Michael L. Zong
[email protected]                                          Janusz Lukasiak

Voted No
------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                      G|ran Thyni
[email protected]                                          Jack Decker
[email protected]                                                Adam Schoolsky
[email protected]                                           Jim Berry
[email protected]                                                   Emery Lapinski
[email protected]                                 Jeff Murphy
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                           Zeke M. Towson
[email protected]                                    Mitch Collinsworth
[email protected]                                                  Phil Pucci
[email protected]                                           Peter Parry
[email protected]                                             Philip Cavanagh
[email protected]                                          Gary Rekstad
[email protected]                                               Ryan Waldron
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                         Smarasderagd
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                                Jim Warner
[email protected]                                         Risto Widenius

[email protected]                              Kenneth P Crouch
[email protected]                                Brennan Tennesen Price
[email protected]                                          M Mike Taksar KC6ZPS
[email protected]                                         M. `Hi Mom' Otto
[email protected]                                        Stephen Joseph Smith

Votes in error
[email protected]                                     Ari Ollikainen
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                                  Brian Walker
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                                  NAIDatacom
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                         Paul Saunders
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                                  Pat Martin
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                      claudia poloni
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                     Rainer Keller
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                   root
   ! Invalid address
[email protected]                                           TIM SCOTT
   ! No vote statement in message

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