From [email protected] Wed Mar  8 19:01:40 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Scott Hetherington 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.mail.misc,comp.mail.mime,comp.mail.mush,,comp.os.msdos.mail-news,comp.mail.uucp,
Subject: RFD: comp.mail.zmail
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 8 Mar 1995 17:56:20 -0500
Organization: Network Computing Devices
Lines: 59
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6378 news.groups:138201 comp.mail.misc:22256 comp.mail.mime:5647 comp.mail.mush:2271 comp.os.msdos.mail-news:3492 comp.mail.uucp:15011

                     Request For Discussion (RFD)

Proposed Group:		comp.mail.zmail
Status:			unmoderated
Distribution:		World-Wide
Summary:		Discussions relating to NCD, Z-Code Division's Z-Mail
Proponent:		Scott Hetherington ([email protected])

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the
unmoderated newsgroup comp.mail.zmail.

This RFD has been posted in accordance with the guidelines for Newsgroup
Creation and is being posted to the following relevant newsgroups:

  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups
  comp.mail.misc, comp.mail.mime, comp.mail.mush,
  comp.os.msdos.mail-news, comp.mail.uucp,

Discussion will only take place in news.groups


comp.mail.zmail is intended to be a unmoderated newsgroup that allows Z-Mail
users from around the world to discuss the technical aspects and other
practical matters relating to the use of Z-Mail produced by NCD, Z-Code
Division. This newsgroup is not to be used for the posting of marketing
materials, it is to be used for technical discussions only.

Specific subjects will include, but are not limited to:

   Custom configurations of Z-Mail's interface
   Linking other application's into Z-Mail
   Securing mail with Z-Mail
   Remote Configuration
   Administration Issues


Z-Mail is a very configurable e-mail product containing a complete scripting
language.  This newsgroup will provide a forum for users and engineers to
discuss and share with other users the many customizations they have made to
Z-Mail. Such a newsgroup has frequently been requested by Z-Mail users.


After a discussion period (in the news.groups newsgroup) of 21-30 days, there
will be a call for votes (CFV) posted to the same groups as this RFD if there
are no overwhelming objections.  The voting period will be at least 21 days,
but no longer than 30 and will be moderated by a neutral third-party.

Thank you for your time.

Scott Hetherington		[email protected]

From [email protected] Thu Apr 20 21:58:51 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.mail.misc,comp.mail.mime,comp.mail.mush,,comp.os.msdos.mail-news,comp.mail.uucp,
Subject: CFV: comp.mail.zmail
Followup-To: poster
Date: 19 Apr 1995 12:32:27 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 59
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Expires: 11 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6665 news.groups:145363 comp.mail.misc:23064 comp.mail.mime:5911 comp.mail.mush:2292 comp.os.msdos.mail-news:3732 comp.mail.uucp:15312

                      FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                   unmoderated group comp.mail.zmail

Newsgroups line:
comp.mail.zmail	the various Z-Mail products and their configurability.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 10 May 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Scott Hetherington .


comp.mail.zmail is intended to be a unmoderated newsgroup that
allows Z-Mail users from around the world to discuss the technical
aspects and other practical matters relating to the use of Z-Mail
produced by NCD, Z-Code Division. This newsgroup is not to be used
for the posting of marketing materials, it is to be used for technical
discussions only.

Specific subjects will include, but are not limited to:

   Custom configurations of Z-Mail's interface
   Linking other application's into Z-Mail
   Securing mail with Z-Mail
   Remote Configuration
   Administration Issues


Z-Mail is a very configurable e-mail product containing a complete scripting
language.  This newsgroup will provide a forum for users and engineers to
discuss and share with other users the many customizations they have made to
Z-Mail. Such a newsgroup has frequently been requested by Z-Mail users.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

It would be apprciated by the votetaker if you did NOT forward the entire
CFV back; this mail is archived and I really don't need several hundred
copies of the CFV on my system.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on comp.mail.zmail
      I vote NO on comp.mail.zmail

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] Wed Apr 26 19:38:49 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.mail.misc,comp.mail.mime,comp.mail.mush,,comp.os.msdos.mail-news,comp.mail.uucp,
Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.mail.zmail
Followup-To: poster
Date: 26 Apr 1995 15:22:29 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 61
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 11 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]> 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6706 news.groups:146416 comp.mail.misc:23205 comp.mail.mime:5968 comp.mail.mush:2299 comp.os.msdos.mail-news:3774 comp.mail.uucp:15363

                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                   unmoderated group comp.mail.zmail

Newsgroups line:
comp.mail.zmail		The various Z-Mail products and their configurability.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 10 May 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Scott Hetherington .


comp.mail.zmail is intended to be a unmoderated newsgroup that
allows Z-Mail users from around the world to discuss the technical
aspects and other practical matters relating to the use of Z-Mail
produced by NCD, Z-Code Division. This newsgroup is not to be used
for the posting of marketing materials, it is to be used for technical
discussions only.

Specific subjects will include, but are not limited to:

   Custom configurations of Z-Mail's interface
   Linking other application's into Z-Mail
   Securing mail with Z-Mail
   Remote Configuration
   Administration Issues


Z-Mail is a very configurable e-mail product containing a complete scripting
language.  This newsgroup will provide a forum for users and engineers to
discuss and share with other users the many customizations they have made to
Z-Mail. Such a newsgroup has frequently been requested by Z-Mail users.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

It would be apprciated by the votetaker if you did NOT forward the entire
CFV back; this mail is archived and I really don't need several hundred
copies of the CFV on my system.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on comp.mail.zmail
      I vote NO on comp.mail.zmail

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

Bounce ack:  No acknowledgements have bounced as of April 24.

From [email protected] Sat May 13 00:05:51 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.mail.misc,comp.mail.mime,comp.mail.mush,,comp.os.msdos.mail-news,comp.mail.uucp,
Subject: RESULT: comp.mail.zmail passes 355:31
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 12 May 1995 16:32:04 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 445
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]> 
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6825 news.groups:149104 comp.mail.misc:23507 comp.mail.mime:6081 comp.mail.mush:2316 comp.os.msdos.mail-news:3839 comp.mail.uucp:15463

               unmoderated group comp.mail.zmail passes 355:31

There were 355 YES votes and 31 NO votes, for a total of 386 valid votes.
There were 4 abstains and 1 invalid ballot.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line:
comp.mail.zmail         The various Z-Mail products and their configurability.

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 10 May 1995.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Scott Hetherington .


comp.mail.zmail is intended to be a unmoderated newsgroup that
allows Z-Mail users from around the world to discuss the technical
aspects and other practical matters relating to the use of Z-Mail
produced by NCD, Z-Code Division. This newsgroup is not to be used
for the posting of marketing materials, it is to be used for technical
discussions only.

Specific subjects will include, but are not limited to:

   Custom configurations of Z-Mail's interface
   Linking other application's into Z-Mail
   Securing mail with Z-Mail
   Remote Configuration
   Administration Issues

comp.mail.zmail Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                 S.B. International Inc.
[email protected]                                               Aaron Minner
[email protected]                                           Adrian Sieber
[email protected]                                            Alan Thew
[email protected]                                            Alastair Young
[email protected]                                              Brian Witt
[email protected]                                              Allen Brown
[email protected]                                                       Pat Allen
[email protected]                                       Andrew Rouch
[email protected]
[email protected]                                            Patrick Moore
[email protected]                                                 Dan Heller
[email protected]                                             Arman Dolikian
[email protected]                                                    Arthur Young
[email protected]                                         Ran Atkinson
[email protected]                                                    Jim Ault
[email protected]                                           Austin Kyser
[email protected]                                          Paul Holden
[email protected]                                              Barbara Hall
[email protected]                                       Beth Ardoin
[email protected]                         Pat Masterson[B12-111]346-6316
[email protected]                                      Bryan D. Boyle
[email protected]                                                Paul H. Becker
[email protected]                                                 Doug Begle
[email protected]                                                      Bela Lubkin
[email protected]
[email protected]                                  Allen L McPherson
[email protected]                                                Bill Smith
[email protected]                                           William T. Argyros
[email protected]                                           Bill Randle
[email protected]                                             Biren S. Patel
[email protected]                                                       Keith Rose
[email protected]                                       Brent Lowell
[email protected]                                                 Bob Glickstein
[email protected]                                            Tom Bodoh
[email protected]
[email protected]                                      Bob Paauwe - FES
[email protected]                                             Ben Parker
[email protected]                                                   Brad Davis
[email protected]                                             Brendan Martin
[email protected]                                                   Brett Worth
[email protected]                                                   Brian Smithson
[email protected]                                         Barry Suskind
[email protected]                                              Bryan Dongray
[email protected]
[email protected]                                           Becky Burwell
[email protected]                                                  Charlie Cornell
[email protected]                                      Michel Canaux
[email protected]                                         Dave Cantrell
[email protected]                                 Castellanos_Terry
[email protected]                                        Ced Bennett
[email protected]                                                 Carol Chaffee
[email protected]                                   Craig O. Hansen
[email protected]                                                Chris Mackerell
[email protected]                                              Javier Rivera
[email protected]                                           Drew Clark
[email protected]                                                  Clayton M. Ryder
[email protected]                                                  Cheryl Huntington
[email protected]                                     Chris Lundin
[email protected]                                            christine martinez
[email protected]                                          Chris Moore
[email protected]                                                   Alan Commike
[email protected]                                           Douglas B. Cook
[email protected]                                              Pete Priel
[email protected]                                            David Covar
[email protected]                                                  Chuck Schwartz
[email protected]                                                       Craig Lunt
[email protected]                                             Craig Beckett
[email protected]                                                         C. Roe
[email protected]                                          Ian Dickinson
[email protected]                                                      Bob Cusano
[email protected]                                       C. Vissenberg
[email protected]                                           JT Simmelink
[email protected]                                            Rick Dagenais
[email protected]                                                  Dana A Chee
[email protected]                                            D'Andre Ladson
[email protected]                                       Daniel Glazman
[email protected]                                                     Dan Williams
[email protected]                                                    Chris Taylor
[email protected]                                             Dave Green
[email protected]                                                      David Knupp
[email protected]                                          David A Nicholson
[email protected]                             CRAIG DAVIS 415-225-5772
[email protected]                               Dave Brillhart
[email protected]                                       Dennis Kavanaugh
[email protected]                                                 Glen Arceneaux
[email protected]                                                 Dean Tallman
[email protected]                                                       Debra Erwin
[email protected]                                                    Gary Deen
[email protected]                                             Dan F Hurley
[email protected]                                             Douglas Gatchell
[email protected]                                                  Paul Dietz
[email protected]                                               David Mischel
[email protected]                                          Dave Marks
[email protected]                                             Don McKillican
[email protected]                                                    David Giessler
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                Mike DeVaney
[email protected]                                                    Donny Closson
[email protected]                                               Dave Edick
[email protected]                                   Doug Strauss (Exchange)
[email protected]                                                     david r coelho
[email protected]                                                Duane Murray
[email protected]                                   Dave Valentine
[email protected]                                                 David A. Wagner
[email protected]                                                David E. Wexelblat
[email protected]                                                  Alex Wang
[email protected]                                                 Carmen Paz
[email protected]                                              Joseph Dvorak
[email protected]                                              Phil Earnshaw
[email protected]                                         Urs Eppenberger
[email protected]                                              Eric Ross
[email protected]                                                   Emil Rivas
[email protected]                                     Eric Sterbenz  x7959
[email protected]                                   Eric S. Johansson
[email protected]                                             Steve Zaccardi
[email protected]                                                J. Scott Farrow
[email protected]                                                   Aaron Fein
[email protected]                                         Andrew Fitzhugh
[email protected]                                        Frank J. Frabotta
[email protected]                                        Markus Fromherz
[email protected]                                          Denis McKeon
[email protected]                                                    Gary Thompson
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                    Gail Katagiri
[email protected]                                                Gary A Delong
[email protected]
[email protected]                                               Gibson
[email protected]                                                   Bob Gibson
[email protected]                                                 Don Glascock
[email protected]                                             Glenn Barry
[email protected]                                Glenn Augustus
[email protected]
[email protected]                                       Gordon Barrington
[email protected]                                     Bart Goss aka Gman
[email protected]                                                        Greg Aranda
[email protected]                                             Andreas Gygi
[email protected]                                    Jim Haga (EROS-AFO)
[email protected]
[email protected]                                   Hillel A. Meyers
[email protected]                                                  Jay Hill
[email protected]                                                    Andreas Hope
[email protected]                                                  Wayne Huang
[email protected]                                               Borden Huey
[email protected]                                                  Pat Whitnel
[email protected]                                         Israel Freiman
[email protected]                                              John Yeates
[email protected]                                              Jagane D Sundar
[email protected]                                               Jagane Sundar
[email protected]                                           Jeff Stevenson
[email protected]                                Jason Haar
[email protected]                                                       John Cole
[email protected]                                   Jean-Claude Giese
[email protected]                                                 Jerry Hudgins
[email protected]                                        Kouhei Matsuda
[email protected]                                       Joe Backo - Zmail Evangelist
[email protected]                                            Jim Prescott
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                    John Gianni
[email protected]                                                 Jim Fitzgerald
[email protected]                                                       jllaroc
[email protected]                                              Jim Stearns
[email protected]                                           John Newcomer
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                     John Owens
[email protected]                                              John Buttitto
[email protected]                                                John McCash
[email protected]                                                           Jonboy
[email protected]                                                 Joop Verbaken
[email protected]                                        Sudish Joseph
[email protected]                                      Jerry Persons
[email protected]                                                John van Gulik
[email protected]                                            John Wiedner
[email protected]                                       John P Reber
[email protected]                                                 Kathryn Woods
[email protected]                                   Katrin Beckert
[email protected]                                       Stacey Kawakami
[email protected]                                      Thomas J. Kelly
[email protected]                                    Kevin M. Samuels
[email protected]                                                    Kevin Stroud
[email protected]                                Shashishekhar Kurki-Gowdara (KG)
[email protected]                                       Patrick Killourhy
[email protected]                                Evan Kirshenbaum
[email protected]                                                 Kevin Jones
[email protected]                                                     Troll
[email protected]                                              Jack Kozik
[email protected]                            Jeremy Kraybill
[email protected]                                                     Kris Olander
[email protected]                                 Ken and/or Helena Robinson
[email protected]                                               Ken Robinson
[email protected]                                  Chun-Chan Kung 225-1668
[email protected]                                    Caroline Lambert
[email protected]                                        Lantz Rowland
[email protected]                                                  Larry Scherr
[email protected]                                              Larsen Consulting
[email protected]                                                 Mark Bi
[email protected]                                                Carol Lennox
[email protected]                                                        Len Rose
[email protected]                                 Jim Leonard 225-1670
[email protected]                                            Leslie LaFontaine
[email protected]                           I'm too Sexy For Your Glenn
[email protected]                                         Lawrence D Goldman
[email protected]                                                     Ben Liblit
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                Linda Branagan
[email protected]                                  Martin Schr"oder
[email protected]                                                  Louis Vaughn
[email protected]                                             Luis A. Rodriguez
[email protected]                                     Richard C. Dempsey
[email protected]                                               Tony Lupton
[email protected]                                          Arthur Lee Wilson
[email protected]                                        Maarten van Wijk
[email protected]                                         Dale MacDonald
[email protected]                                   Audrey Myers (Mac Mistress)
[email protected]                                           Bret Madhvani
[email protected]                                                 Mark Sirota
[email protected]
[email protected]                                   Markus Schuh
[email protected]                                               Marshal Linfoot
[email protected]                                    Henrique Martins
[email protected]                                                     Mary Peterson
[email protected]                                   Matthew Potter
[email protected]                                                Michael Breuer
[email protected]                                                        Mike Carl
[email protected]                                     Scott McCollum
[email protected]                        Michael J. Chinni, (AMSTA-AR-IMN)
[email protected]                                                       Mokoyombi
[email protected]                                    Bob Mende Pie
[email protected]                     Moshe E. Rappoport ([email protected])
[email protected]                                    Andrew D Meredith
[email protected]                                            Mike Gaytan
[email protected]                                        Michael Keyles
[email protected]                                            Michael Smith
[email protected]                                                    Mikal Saboor
[email protected]                                          Mike Forbes
[email protected]                                                    Mike Melton
[email protected]                                                    Mike Harrigan
[email protected]                                                   Mike Hay
[email protected]                                               Mike Reetz
[email protected]                                                  Miles Alderman
[email protected]                                      Michael M. Maes
[email protected]                                               Polly Moore
[email protected]                                                    Michael Scacchi
[email protected]                                                 Mike Renfro
[email protected]                                                   Neil Calton
[email protected]                                    Thomas Nichols
[email protected]                                              Michael Niksch
[email protected]                                               Nino Margetic
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                         Odin Anderson
[email protected]                                            Olle Jarnefors
[email protected]                                                   Steve Oki
[email protected]                                           Oliver Boehmer
[email protected]                                                    Pel Thuland
[email protected]                                               Pankaj Parmar
[email protected]                                               Paul Rhodes
[email protected]                                               Dave Pascoe
[email protected]                                           patrick blackburn
[email protected]                                            Paul M. Hubel
[email protected]                                                       Paul Jasper
[email protected]                                                   Paul Zaninovich
[email protected]                                              Paul Kincaid-Smith
[email protected]                                                      Pete Cruz
[email protected]                                            Philip Decker
[email protected]                                                         Peter Coe
[email protected]                                        Peter Kaldis
[email protected]                                          Peter Robinson
[email protected]                                                 Petri Savolainen
[email protected]                                           Peter Winter
[email protected]                                             Peter Foldiak
[email protected]                                               Paul Hoffman
[email protected]                                                       Paul Ip
[email protected]                                                       Paul Falstad
[email protected]                               Qingsong Zhang
[email protected]                                             Randall Wright
[email protected]                                                Shakeel Rao
[email protected]                                                        Roy Turpin
[email protected]                                          Roger Bacalzo
[email protected]                                           Richard Gregory
[email protected]                                             News from RCS
[email protected]                                           R. Craig Woods
[email protected]                                            Roger E. Murray
[email protected]                               robert e o'brien 404-810-6890
[email protected]
[email protected]                                         Ronald C. Hood
[email protected]                                                     Rick Stallcop
[email protected]
[email protected]                                               Bob Halloran
[email protected]                                                    Rami Levy
[email protected]                                               Robert Serbent
[email protected]                                             Ollivier Robert
[email protected]                                             Ricaurte Chock
[email protected]                                                Randy Rasmussen
[email protected]                                                         Roy Takai
[email protected]                                                Randy Turner
[email protected]                                               Rob Winters
[email protected]                                   Wutijat Aramdilokrat
[email protected]                                                 Samuel Tardieu
[email protected]                                         Barton E. Schaefer
[email protected]                              Sean Barker
[email protected]                                      Keith Sheffield
[email protected]                                                 Ron Sidell
[email protected]                                                  Scott J. Kramer
[email protected]                                      Jennifer Skidmore
[email protected]                                                  Mike Slater
[email protected]                                          Justin Slootsky
[email protected]                                                    Steven Mikes
[email protected]                                        Charles Smothers
[email protected]                                                  Steve Rosen
[email protected]                                               Janne Snabb
[email protected]                                                    Simeon Nevel
[email protected]                                                        Sue Park
[email protected]                                                    Spencer Sun
[email protected]                                                Walter Kwaan
[email protected]                                                    Shrirang P. Nene
[email protected]                                                      Stephen Potter
[email protected]                                                Spencer Campea
[email protected]                                         Stacey Kacek
[email protected]                                             Ze'ev Shtadler
[email protected]                                             Steve Jones
[email protected]                                               Steve Passino
[email protected]                                               Steve R Webster
[email protected]                                             Steighton Haley
[email protected]                                                Steve Peters
[email protected]                                        N. Sean Timm
[email protected]                                                  Stuart Naveran
[email protected]                                    Kartik Subbarao
[email protected]                                             Dan Sulzbach
[email protected]                              Sverker Nilsson
[email protected]                                                   Richard Fisker
[email protected]                                                    Tanya Herlick
[email protected]                                                  Tanya Stansell
[email protected]                                                    TonyBasoglu
[email protected]                                 Thomas Mechtersheimer
[email protected]                                      Michael A Tiberio
[email protected]                                                    Timothy Wilder
[email protected]                                      Jeff Hanson
[email protected]                                     Tom Grady - 10026530
[email protected]                                        Kyle Tucker
[email protected]                               Jyotindra Patel
[email protected]                                             Max Rible
[email protected]                                              David Powell
[email protected]                                              Valerie Soe
[email protected]                             Veera Veeraraghavan
[email protected]                                                Jim Cooper
[email protected]                                          Waldi Ravens
[email protected]                                     Wilfredo Castillo
[email protected]                                          William M. (Bill) Barber
[email protected]                                   Christopher M. Conway
[email protected]                                            Lee Yim San
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                     Martha Zimet
[email protected]                                           Andrew Gelme

Voted No
[email protected]                                                Adrian Miranda
[email protected]                                             Vincent Archer
[email protected]                                                 Michael Chang
[email protected]                                        Chip Rosenthal
[email protected]                                               Christopher Ward
[email protected]                                    David Brazendale
[email protected]                                           Eduard Vopicka
[email protected]                                                  Henrik Enk
[email protected]                                             Eric Edwards
[email protected]                                               Tim Mitchell
[email protected]                                                   Emery Lapinski
[email protected]                                                Ian Jackson
[email protected]                                 Jeff Murphy
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                                Larry W. Virden
[email protected]                                           Zeke M. Towson
[email protected]                                                   Michael Grubb
[email protected]                                                  Mike Hatz
[email protected]                                Marc K. Newman
[email protected]                                            Jeffrey Morrison
[email protected]                                                         W.Pierce
[email protected]                                                Pete Bastien
[email protected]                                              Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]                                                    Ryan Waldron
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                         telnet accountschristina craft
[email protected]                                            Thomas G. McWilliams
[email protected]
[email protected]                                         Risto Widenius
[email protected]                                       Bill Winn

[email protected]                              Kenneth P Crouch
[email protected]                                                 Bud Pinder
[email protected]                                                  M. Otto
[email protected]                                        Stephen Joseph Smith

Votes in error
[email protected]                                         The Posting Baron
   ! Invalid address

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