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NZBGet Tutorial

Utilizing your NewsDemon Usenet Access Account

NZBGet It is designed to be a lightweight and efficient alternative to more complex Usenet clients, like SABnzbd. NZBGet supports a variety of platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD, and others. It also has a web-based user interface, making it accessible from any device connected to the same network. Features of NZBGet include automatic error correction, download resuming, download speed limitation, and more.


Once you’ve downloaded NZBGet to your computer, follow the instructions below to set-up the
newsreader on your device


Installing NZBGet to your computer.
nzbget 21.1 bin windows setup AQSDltn1YF NewsDemon Usenet 2024 Access

Once you’ve downloaded the software, open it and follow the instructions to install. On the first screen, click on “Next”

nzbget 21.1 bin windows NewsDemon Usenet 2024 Access

In the following step, choose the installation destination. The default location is recommended. Select “Next” to continue to the next step.

nzbget 21.1 bin windows setup 9TClLYLS31 NewsDemon Usenet 2024 Access

On the final installation screen, be sure to check “”Associate With NZB Files” and “Run NZBGet”
It is also recommended to select “Create Desktop Shortcut” in order to easily access the newsreader in the future.

What are NZBs?

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Now that you have it installed, it should automatically open a window in your primary internet browser, like so. On this screen, click on “Settings” on the top right hand portion of the screen to connect your Usenet account and your preferences.

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The Settings options will display a list of options on the left that all can be configured. Here, you’ll want to first choose “NEWS-SERVERS” to set up your NewsDemon Usenet account.

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