Help and Support
Q:My connection is slower than normal / Which port should I use?
A: We offer a variety of ports for your downloading purposes. If you are experiencing slowness, you should first try changing the port you are downloading through and see if the problem is resolved. Often, changing the port will change the routing through the internet and increase your connection speed..
Suggested server (GeoDNS load balanced to closest server to you):
The following ports allow you to force packets through specific ports:
- Hostname:
- Ports (non-SSL): 119, 23, 443, 3128, 7000, 8000, 8080, 9000
- Ports (SSL): 563, 80, 81, 9119
Force NORTH AMERICAN server location:
The following ports allow you to force packets through specific ports:
- Hostname:
- Ports (non-SSL): 119, 23, 443, 3128, 7000, 8000, 8080, 9000
- Ports (SSL): 563, 80, 81, 9119
Force EUROPEAN server location:
The following ports allow you to force packets through specific ports:
- Hostname:
- Ports (non-SSL): 119, 23, 443, 3128, 7000, 8000, 8080, 9000
- Ports (SSL): 563, 80, 81, 9119
If this does not solve your problem, please click “NO” below and let us know about your issue. Please be sure to Include your valid member Id and password in your support ticket.