The Newsgroups USENET Tester is designed to test and verify account settings for a USENET access account.

The tool is designed to work with any news server you would like to test. This tool is especially useful for newsgroups that may or may not be carried by a particular newsgroup provider as not all providers carry the same amount of groups.

This program is designed and tested to work on Windows XP, Vista and 7RC.


Click Here to Download The Newsgroups USENET TESTER (v5.56b)
1. Once you have downloaded the program, double click the program to     launch.

2. Type in the server address, username and password provided to you by     your USENET access provider.

3. Enter a specific newsgroup to test

4. On the right side, click Start Test

NewsDemon USENET Tester

You’re done! Any errors or success will be listed in the status message box below. Additionally, a general Results bar will provide further details of the overall progress the test was able to make.

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