More Bits and Pieces from the Star Trek Sequel on USENET

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Who doesn’t love a good movie rumor? It’s a sort of hold-over that keeps us sane as we eagerly anticipate some of Hollywood’s biggest pictures. Users on Usenet and across the Internet scour for rumors of some of their favorite films and series, and the Star Trek sequel has been no exception. Now, the latest rumors have been making the rounds in Usenet newsgroups and on other forums.

No Nimoy Cameo

Leonard Nimoy, who had a good-size role in the first film, will not be returning for the sequel, which is yet to be named. Posteed on Star Trek related USENET newsgroups, Nimoy told in an interview that he will not appear in the new film despite rumors that propagated when he visited the set of the movie. “I visited the set one day and that started some speculation about whether I was doing the film,” Nimoy said. “It’s all speculation.” Nimoy expressed optimism regarding the new movie, and has praised Zachary Quinto’s portrayal of the character he made famous.

Nolan North in Undisclosed Role

Nolan North, whose credits include voice work for the popular video games Uncharted (Nathan Drake) and Assassins’ Creed (Desmond Miles), will make an appearance in the new movie, although his specific role is not known. It was his work as Nathan Drake in Uncharted that caught director J.J. Abrams’ attention, as both he and his son are fans of the game.

Another rumor making the rounds in the newsgroups and other forums is the shoot location for some of the scenes. While the cast of the sequel is not expected appear in them, the crew traveled to Iceland to shoot some of the scenes for the new film.

The sequel, expected to be released in mid-May 2013, is now in post-production.

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